Chapter 131
After getting married, Li Hong basically got tired of being with his new wife every day, and Li Zhi also very clearly extended his vacation and didn't let him do anything.

This whole summer, Li Hong has spent doing nothing.

Of course, the things that need to be handled by the East Palace on weekdays are not messed up because of this. The new princess is also educated after all, and basically organizes the affairs of the East Palace in an orderly manner.

The crown princess is the wife of the prince, but it is also a position, and there is still work to be done, the most important thing is to manage the internal affairs of the East Palace.

Throughout the summer, the Crown Princess took care of the affairs of the Eastern Palace very well, allowing Li Zhi to praise Pei Judao in the court hall.

Finally, Li Zhi gave a comment: "I have no worries about the internal affairs of the Eastern Palace!"

This is undoubtedly a very high evaluation. After the court, many officials also took advantage of the opportunity to come over to say hello to Pei Judao and make an appointment for tea or something.

You know, if there is no accident, this is the future head of the country, and it is always right to have a relationship in advance.

Pei Judao also knew what these people were thinking. Although he didn't know what was going on in his heart, he responded to each of them with a smile on his face.

But having said that, although the crown prince said that he needs to take good care of him, he is the crown prince after all, so he can't stay idle all the time.

So Li Zhi chose a horse-washing man for the prince to do the work of assisting the government.

After receiving the news, Li Yuechen sent a lot of canned food to his eldest brother, telling him to pay attention to his usual work, not to be too tired, and to move around from time to time.

Li Hong agreed with a smile, and left her to have a meal in the East Palace, chatting casually before letting her go back.

After Li Yuechen left, Pei Qingwan, who had become the prince, smiled slightly and said, "This Highness is very cute!"

"That's right, if it wasn't for her, I probably wouldn't be able to get along so well with my brothers and parents now..." Li Hong was quite touched.


Li Yuechen, who had already walked out of the East Palace, didn't know that his eldest brother compared himself to a lubricating oil, and walked forward bouncing all the way.

Fulai from the back couldn't help but want to complain a little. This Highness obviously looks very mature, but he always likes to climb high and low. Isn't it good to walk obediently?
Those who insist on crawling here and jumping there are really like monkeys.

There is no way, after all, people who have the habit of exercising are very energetic. If you don’t find something to consume your energy, you may not be able to sleep at night.

Now that I am busy with various things every day, I really don't have time to build a parkour training ground, so I can only use this method to consume my energy.

Of course, Li Yuechen is still very important, at least he won't do it when outsiders are watching.

When he came out of the East Palace and was about to cross the imperial city back to Anfu Hall, Wang Gangdan trotted over: "Your Highness, Your Highness!"

Li Yuechen turned his head and saw that he was trotting towards him with an excited expression on his face, and he was still holding a coil of wire in his hand.

"Oh, it's done?" Li Yuechen's big eyes shone with anticipation, "Hurry up and take a look!"

Wang Gangdan also handed over the iron wire coiled several times in his hand with an excited expression: "Please take a look, Your Highness."

After receiving it, Li Yuechen observed carefully.

This wire is indeed well made, at least to the naked eye, there is no obvious difference from the future wire.

Handed one of the ends to Fulai: "Pull it out and have a look!"

Fulai agreed, and pulled one of them back slowly.

After straightening the wire completely, Li Yuechen took a closer look. It was about five feet long, and any toughness was fine.

"Hey..." She grinned slightly and couldn't help nodding, "Not bad..."

"Thank you, Your Highness, for the compliment."

Li Yuechen waved his hand: "As long as I can do it, I will need a lot one day, so let's put it aside."

While talking, he motioned to Fulai to give two golden beans as a reward.

There is no material that can be used as a wing surface, so not only a hang glider but also a hot air balloon cannot be made.

But with the wire, at least the skeleton is fine, and then you just need to find a suitable wing material, and then you can try to fly into the sky.


Because there is a wet May this year, at the end of June, the wheat on the Royal Farm was finally harvested.

They had finished harvesting three days ago, and now they are almost dry.

After receiving the news, Li Yuechen planned to go and have a look, but this time it was not only her who was going to go there, but also the emperor, empress, prince, and other ministers.

The heavily armed soldiers protected the emperor's Luan and drove out of the city all the way to the royal farm.

The village head, who had already received the news, was still a little nervous, and hurriedly came to a place about ten feet away in front of Luanjia and saluted respectfully: "Little old man, I have seen the emperor and queen..."

While saluting, he couldn't help but look up.

Not for anything else, the main reason is that the carriage in front of me is so beautiful, it has four wheels wrapped in cowhide, there are all kinds of incomprehensible exquisite carvings and lifelike paintings on the carriage, and it is pulled by eight horses.

On the carriage, the emperor and empress sat in the middle, with the crown prince and Li Yuechen on both sides.

Li Yuechen didn't jump down with a backflip like usual today, but obediently waited for Qian Niuwei, who was in charge of driving, to pull out the steps and then walk down slowly.

The civil and military officials who followed behind also came to salute one after another, waiting for the emperor to get off the car.

After the emperor and empress came down, they waved their hands to the surrounding villagers and officials who were saluting, saying no.

Then he asked the village head to take him to observe the sun-dried wheat.

The ears of wheat that have been dried are golden in color, and even look a little shimmering.

Although it hasn't been weighed yet, the emperor and all the officials have smiles on their faces. It seems that the results of this experiment are still very good.

The emperor nodded, and the Si Nong Shaoqing Liu Zihe next to him immediately directed the final treatment, and then waited to be known.

After processing some fine wheat bran, the staff began to weigh the weight of the wheat grains.

"This basket is ten catties and two taels."

"This basket weighs eight catties and thirteen taels."

"This basket weighs eight pounds."


The staff began to count one by one, and Liu Zihe started to record with a small writing brush beside him.

After the last staff member reported the number, Liu Zihe next to him was about to check his calculations for the last time, when a child watching by the side blurted out: "Three hundred and sixteen catties and fourteen taels!"

Everyone, including the emperor, turned their heads in unison when they heard these words, and looked at the child.

The child's father was taken aback for a moment, and then hurriedly saluted: "The child talks nonsense, please forgive me by the emperor!"

As he spoke, he slapped his son on the back with his backhand: "You rebellious son! Who allows you to speak?"

Instead, Li Zhi smiled and waved his hands: "Okay, no problem!"

Then he turned his head to look at Sinong Shaoqing: "How? Is what this kid said accurate?"

"Return to the emperor, it is accurate! Three hundred and sixteen catties and fourteen taels!"

Hearing this result, all the ministers beside him breathed a sigh of relief. While they were surprised, they didn't seem to be so unexpected.

After all, last year's experiment had already had a big enough impact on them. Although this year's result was equally surprising, it seemed to be expected.

Li Zhi couldn't help showing a smile on his face, turned his head and looked at his wife, and then nodded: "Hahahaha... yes! God bless my Tang, God bless me!"

All the officials next to him also congratulated, making Li Zhi couldn't help but smile even more.

Although it is said that this is the result of his daughter, but after all, it was made during his dynasty.

This credit, of course, also belongs to him.

After Qianqiu long live, such a stroke will definitely be left in the history books!
Li Yuechen next to him also laughed. In the future, Datang will no longer starve to death easily!
The entire royal farm suddenly fell into a joyful atmosphere, and the ministers rushed to salute the emperor and congratulate the emperor, and at the same time couldn't help but praise the princess.

Everyone knows that he likes this daughter very much, and it doesn't matter if he praises her more.

At the same time, many people began to think about another matter, if they could make their children a consort...

Li Yuechen, who was encouraging his students with his eyes, suddenly shivered, as if he felt that he was being watched.

This is not a murderous intent, but an...unexplainable feeling.

Turning his head to look at those ministers, he found that many of them were looking at him with a fiery light.

Turning his eyes slightly, Li Yuechen had already guessed their purpose, and immediately pulled his face away.

Depend on!Do you want my wife to be your daughter-in-law?Go dreaming!Come on, I'll beat one up!
Besides, now that the father has been trained to be a slave to his daughter, he is absolutely unwilling to marry him off!

Two days later, a notice was posted on the wall outside the imperial city.

It probably means that the grain production research project hosted by Princess Taiping this year has achieved good results again...

When the onlookers heard the literate person read it to them, their eyes widened in disbelief.

Originally, Princess Taiping was a very famous person in Dongdu.

After all, she was the first to enter the imperial court as an official as a woman, and she became the Minister of the Household Department from the very beginning, which made many people feel that this matter was too funny.

Although he didn't dare to say anything clearly, he secretly thought that the emperor must be too stupid to let his daughter take up an official position.

However, when this announcement came out today, many people's jaws were shocked. Unexpectedly, Princess Taiping, a first-class woman, actually increased the grain production.

It can be foreseen that from next year, food prices may usher in a wave of plummeting, and many people will benefit and live a better life.

In the teahouse and wine shop, almost everyone was discussing this matter.

And since the notices have come out, it must have been unanimously approved by the courtiers.

The powerful and those with no shortage of money at home are at most surprised by this matter.

But the common people who make a living by farming are different. After hearing this, their first thought was to open their eyes and send people down to save them.

Moreover, this notice was not only sent out in the Eastern Capital, but with several fast horses galloping to all states and counties across the country, the news would spread throughout the entire Tang Dynasty in a short time.

At this point, Princess Taiping is completely famous.

However, Li Yuechen herself didn't have much feeling about this. She is a royal princess, so what if she is famous?
Is it possible that he can still go out to pick up endorsements?Just kidding, if you really do that, you will lose all face of the royal family.

Now that the experiment is over, you can breathe a sigh of relief.

For the first time in the past few days, Li Yuechen did not go out. After practicing in the morning, he would play with his two sisters and Shangguan Wan'er in the Anfu Hall in the afternoon.

Flying a kite, kicking a shuttlecock or skipping a rope, lying on the mat and pretending to be dead when tired of playing, life is very pleasant.

Five days passed in a blink of an eye, and Li Yuechen played outside with Shangguan Wan'er and two older sisters all afternoon.

Feeling a little tired, he tossed the wooden clogs casually when he came back, and then lay down and pretended to be dead.

Fulai suddenly ran in: "Your Highness, the villagers of the farm united with the people and said that they want to build a temple for His Highness, offering incense every day..."


Li Yuechen, who was lying on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes, with a bewildered expression on his face: "What's going on here? I'm not dead yet!"

"Oh, Your Highness! How can you say such an unlucky word? Hurry up and take a few mouthfuls..." Xiao He next to him looked terrified, and hurried over to warn him.

"Wait a minute!"

Li Yuechen waved his hand and looked at Fulai: "Go and tell them, don't do such a useless thing. If you want to offer incense, you can wait until after I die!"

In fact, to be honest, Li Yuechen could understand them. After all, the common people in this era were not educated, so it was normal to have such thoughts about such things.

But she herself really couldn't bear this kind of thing where people accepted incense offerings early while they were still alive, making it seem like she was gone.

"Your Highness, you can't say such unlucky words..." Xiao He next to him reminded loudly.

"Okay, okay, I got it." Li Yuechen waved his hand impatiently, "In short, let them calm down."

"Here!" Fulai agreed, and then cautiously said: "Actually, this servant feels that this matter is not..."


Li Yuechen suddenly raised his head: "I am a princess and you are a princess? I don't want you to think, I want me to think!"

Seeing that she was really angry, Fulai quickly stopped talking, bowed and saluted: "Here! This servant will do it now!"

Seeing Fulai turn around and go out, Li Yuechen closed his eyes and lay down again.

Shangguan Wan'er next to her came over and knelt beside her: "Why doesn't Your Highness want to?"

"I just feel awkward." Li Yuechen lay down on his side, propping his head with one hand, "What's the point of offering incense to a living person every day?"

Shangguan Wan'er tilted her head and puffed her cheeks: "Doesn't this just mean that they are grateful for His Highness's merits..."

"Ah, it's good to be grateful in my heart, forget about offering incense." Li Yuechen waved his hand, "If I want to go, I'll wait until I die... Cough! I'll do it after a hundred years."

The main thing is that I still feel unaccustomed to this kind of thing. Imagine going to the village in the future. Before I entered the village, I saw a Taiping Princess Temple at the entrance of the village. When I went in, there was a statue of myself, and there were people offering incense... …

Thinking of this, Li Yuechen couldn't help shivering, feeling that the scene was a little scary.

But if it's after your own death, then whatever you want, at least it's easier to leave your name in history than what is recorded in the history books.

 Thanks to [Dugu Wendao] for the reward of 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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