Chapter 169
In October, the weather was getting colder day by day, but Li Yuechen was in good health and angry, so he didn't feel how cold it was.

The thing worth mentioning during this period is that someone came to the newspaper to contribute.

Most of the articles written this time are things that satirize women's power too much, both openly and secretly.

Of course, even if this is a feudal society, it is true that women have a lower status, but they still dare not say such words as "women are reproductive machines".

Even if you think so in your heart, if you really say it, you will be condemned by women all over the world.

Of course, this is second, the most critical issue is that at this time, although the status of women is relatively low, the status of mothers is high.

The mother happens to be a woman too, so their point of irony is nothing more than the fact that women are not suitable for power, and they didn't say much else.

At the same time, I did not forget to make up a bunch of stories to praise some so-called "good women", and at the same time criticize some women.

In addition to representatives like Empress Lu, there is another one named Chen Shuozhen.

This is the leader of a peasant uprising army who organized a rebellion during the Yonghui period, and she was also the first woman to proclaim herself the "Emperor".

Of course, the final result was a failure, and Chen Shuozhen was also killed, but at this time, he did not forget to be criticized by them.

In fact, Li Yuechen felt a little pity for this person.

When you talk about peasant uprisings, you have to say that the forced people can't afford to eat, and there is no other way. Maybe the imperial court will allocate funds to appease them for the sake of looking good.

But if you proclaim yourself emperor, the nature of this is different. This is treason!For the royal family, you are here to snatch the world!That is definitely an endless situation.

After reading these articles, Wu Zetian waved his hand and announced the publication.

After hearing the news, Li Yuechen could not help laughing out, her mother's demeanor was not bad, and it seemed that the more she liked Shangguan Wan'er, the more she liked her.

Seeing that the second round of struggle has begun, the next issue of the newspaper Romance of the Three Kingdoms will be over, so the issue of the newspaper on the first day of November can be officially linked to my novel of the wild.

She didn't even bother to think about the title of the book, so she just called it "The Great Desolation", which is easy to understand.

Although for people in the future, this is a suture monster of many online novels, but in this era, it is definitely an existence that can be called a dimensionality reduction blow.


On the tenth day of October, Li Yuechen was called to the Hall of Yanying by his parents.

"Chen'er, get ready. After the new year, I will go to Dongdu again." Li Zhi announced.

Regarding this decision, Li Yuechen has no objection. Datang is governed by two capitals, so the emperor can run back and forth if he likes, since the distance is not too far anyway.

But I still have some curiosity in my heart: "Why do you want to go again?"

"Fengxian Temple will be completed next year, and we need to prepare for the consecration ceremony." Wu Zetian explained with a smile.

Fengxian Temple is the Great Buddha of Lushena, which was dug a few years ago to commemorate the succession of the late emperors.

"Okay, my son understands, and I will tell them to prepare after I go back."

Li Yuechen agreed, and then added tea to his parents: "However, if parents often have to run on both sides in the future, it's better to build roads."

"Building roads?" Li Zhi raised his head and smiled while holding the health ball, "If Chen'er feels that there is nowhere to spend the money recently, why don't you show some filial piety to me?"

"Oh, why do you care about these little money?" Li Yuechen said with a smile, "It takes more than a month to travel between the two capitals now, but if a good road can be built, it can be reached in ten days. And the communication between the post stations , if it is fast enough, it can be arrived in a day!"

This is really not a joke. On the official road of the Tang Dynasty, there is a post station every twenty miles.

If there is a good road under the condition that the horses are not resting, it can really be done in one day!

Hearing her thoughts, Li Zhi nodded in agreement: "I believe in this matter, but Chen'er has never thought about it, where does such a huge expense come from?"

"Most of the cost is on the materials. Give the child some time to research and see if he can develop a cheap and convenient material." Li Yuechen laughed.

Originally, I just mentioned it today, and I didn't expect my father to agree immediately.

Even if he agreed immediately today, he still has nothing to do. Of course, he knows that if the road between the two capitals is smooth, it will bring many benefits, but he is still powerless.

What Li Yuechen wants to study is cement. If this thing can be made, it will be much easier to build a road.

And now the blast furnace experiment in Dongdu is doing well, maybe it will be possible to make rails in the future.

If railway tracks can be laid between the two capitals, even with that kind of manpower rail car, it can be reached within a day.

Of course, for now, this is still a good idea. Whether it can be successful is something that will be discussed in the future.


Back in Chengxiang Hall, Li Yuechen sat in front of the table and began to think hard, and at the same time took out his previous notes to check.

She had recorded most of the things she could think of a few years ago, but most of them were patchwork and not very comprehensive.

"Limestone, clay, gypsum, iron powder..."

Li Yuechen looked at his previous records, and felt a bit difficult just in terms of materials.

Everything else is easy to say, the key is that iron fans are absolutely impossible to mass-produce in this era.

Secondly, I vaguely remember that the production of cement seems to be related to temperature.

However, in this era, infrared thermometers cannot be made, so it is still necessary to rely on the experience of craftsmen as an important means of reference.

Well, anyway, I'm going to Dongdu next year, so let the craftsmen in charge of the blast furnace over there try to make cement.


On October [-]th, the latest issue of the newspaper was released, and the headline on the front page was the news that Fengxian Temple was about to be completed.

In the second edition, the articles of those who came to contribute were placed, and the manuscript fees were also sent out.

Li Yuechen, who finished reading the scriptures, didn't even change his Taoist robe, so he went directly to the newspaper office, and asked about the recent sales of newspapers and bookstores.

Arriving at the entrance of the newspaper office, before entering, I heard Gao Yanfu inside telling Princess Yiyang and Shangguan Wan'er about interesting things that happened a few days ago.

"At that time, the servants paid them for their manuscripts, and one of them spoke uprightly, saying that as a scholar, he didn't write the article for the usual money. After listening to him, the servants praised him, and then put him in front of that person. The remuneration for the manuscript was distributed to the beggars nearby, and he said he gave it out of kindness. Those beggars thanked him a lot, but the man's face froze, hahaha..."

As soon as Li Yuechen came in, he saw Gao Yanfu dancing and dancing, and at the end he couldn't help laughing.

Princess Yiyang and Shangguan Wan'er also chuckled, and when they saw Li Yuechen coming in, they stood up to say hello.

Gao Yanfu also turned around and hurriedly saluted.

Li Yuechen smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "This move is quite damaging!"

Although it seemed like a lesson, Gao Yanfu also accurately heard the implication in her words: the trick is bad enough, but my wife likes it!

So he smiled more respectfully: "Yes, the servant will return to note (ji) meaning (xu)."

Seeing the slyness in his eyes, Li Yuechen immediately understood that this little eunuch would be of great use in the future and had a bright future!
After inquiring about the sales volume and finding that they were all good, Li Yuechen nodded reassuringly.

Now all businesses are quite stable, and the funds in hand are relatively sufficient. I can research and develop cement with confidence when I go to Dongdong next year.


The next day, Li Yuechen came to Yanying Hall after practicing in the morning, and greeted his parents as usual.

I thought that after yesterday's newspaper was sent out, my mother should think about how to fight back.

Instead, what she didn't expect was that she didn't seem to care about one at all, but was discussing with Li Zhi about finding a wife for Prince Li Xian.

Although she has almost completely replaced the emperor's job now, the empress's job has not been dropped.

Occasionally gathering with the female relatives of various ministers' families is also within the scope of her work.

"A few days ago, I met the daughter of Fang Xianzhong, the governor of Songzhou. She has a good appearance and a gentle temperament. She is also good in other aspects..." Wu Zetian said while drinking tea, "It should be suitable for a crown princess. "

Li Zhi nodded: "Since Meiniang has already seen it, let's give him a marriage."

Regarding this matter, Li Yuechen couldn't help but want to complain, why did you go so early?
Now the second brother has two sons, and the older one even knows how to make soy sauce, and now he wants to find a wife for him?

Of course, the complaints belong to the complaints, and she didn't say anything, but just nodded in agreement: "Niang's vision is naturally fine!"

Although she knew that her daughter was flattering, Wu Zetian still smiled very usefully.

Although the words of the matchmaker in this era have legal effect, but in order to show their openness, the couple still called Li Xian to inform him in advance.

After a while, the second elder brother Li Xian came to the Hall of Yanying, and after entering, he respectfully greeted the couple.

"Xian'er, I have arranged a marriage for you. I called you here today to let you know." Father Li Zhi put down his teacup, "What do you think?"

"It's all up to the parents!" Li Xian replied respectfully, expressing that he had no opinion.

Anyway, from the perspective of parents, it is impossible for me to marry a crooked melon and split date, let alone other things, at least in terms of appearance, it must be passable.

Seeing his indifferent expression, Wu Zetian thought he had another sweetheart, smiled and asked: "If there are other candidates for my son, it's okay. Your Majesty and I will also consider it carefully."

Li Xian was silent for two seconds before shaking his head: "Aniang thinks too much, I don't have a sweetheart."

"Well, since that's the case, I will ask Your Majesty to marry you." Wu Zetian nodded.

Li Yuechen, who was watching from the side, always felt that there seemed to be something wrong with the attitude of the second brother, as if he was a little hesitant.

So after chatting with his parents for a while, after resigning, he went directly to Shaoyang courtyard, intending to ask about the situation.

One is to satisfy my curiosity of gossip, to see if he really has a crush on a girl.

The second is to chat with him, and it's been a long time since we saw each other.

As soon as he entered the Shaoyang courtyard, he saw a five or six-year-old boy playing with a group of eunuchs and maids in the courtyard.

It was none other than Li Guangshun, the eldest son of the second brother.

Seeing Li Yuechen coming in, he hurriedly trotted two steps to the front, raised his head and said, "Auntie is here?"

To be honest, Li Yuechen always feels a bit awkward about calling her aunt, since she is only ten years old this year... oh, I am eleven years old.

But with "mother" in this title, I feel like I am much older.

"Hmm..." Li Yuechen agreed, reaching out to pinch his face, "I've grown up a lot recently."

To be honest, Li Yuechen hadn't met him a few times, a bastard is a bastard after all, and Li Xian's attitude towards him was also neither salty nor light, so naturally the time to meet him was much less.

So strictly speaking, Li Yuechen is not very familiar with this kid, he has only met him a few times.

Occasionally saw it again today, and suddenly found that it had indeed grown up a bit.

"Is my aunt here to see Grandpa today?" Li Guangshun asked.

"Yeah." Li Yuechen agreed, and asked as he walked in, "What about you? Why did you come out to play today?"

Li Guangshun raised his hand and patted his head: "Aniang told me to read all day long, and I listened so hard. Today I sneaked out to play."

"You can play if you want, but you still have to read the book." Li Yuechen advised, "Okay, after playing for a while, remember to go back quickly, don't make your mother anxious."


Entering the main hall, he saw his second brother Li Xian sitting on a chair reading a book.

It has to be said that the chair invented by Li Yuechen has now become the must-have furniture for the upper class nobles.

That is to say, it is too easy to imitate, so it is not worth opening a store, otherwise, Li Yuechen will never let go of this business opportunity.

"Yuechen?" Li Xian raised his head, "Why didn't you say anything when it came?"

"Speak now." Li Yuechen pretended to be serious and said, "Brother, I'm here!"

Li Xian's eyelids drooped all of a sudden, and he always felt that even if this sister grew up, this kind of clown's personality was still the same as when she was a child.

"Okay, I'm not teasing you!" Li Yuechen smiled and sat down next to him: "It's just that brother's attitude is a bit wrong today, so I'm curious, does brother really have a sweetheart?"

Hearing his sister's question, Li Xian was taken aback for a moment, but in the end he just shook his head: "No!"

Seeing this obviously problematic attitude, Li Yuechen suddenly laughed: "Brother's expression clearly means yes, why don't you tell Yuechen? If it's not sure, I can go and intercede with my parents and brother?"

"Impossible!" Li Xian seemed to be very firm about this, with a sonorous and forceful tone.

Li Yuechen, who had already been aroused by his curiosity, felt a little strange when he saw his attitude, and asked tentatively, "Could it be... a special status?"

Li Xian knew that his younger sister was smart, so he was not surprised that she could guess one or two, but nodded lightly: "You just know it yourself, don't talk nonsense in front of your parents."

"Is it... a commoner? Or a prostitute?" Li Yuechen asked.

"Yuechen, don't ask any more questions. Anyway, keep this matter a secret!" Li Xian shook his head, as if he didn't intend to continue on this topic.

Seeing that he really didn't want to say anything, Li Yuechen also curled his lips, not forcing it anymore.

 Thanks to [Fengyan Bingling] for the reward of 100 starting coins

(End of this chapter)

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