Great Tang princess

Chapter 170 Returning to the Eastern Capital

Chapter 170 Returning to the Eastern Capital
Li Xian's marriage finally came, and it came quickly.

Since he agreed to help his brother keep it a secret, Li Yuechen naturally did not tell his parents about the conversation between the siblings that day.

As for whether the second brother's favorite woman is a commoner or a brothel girl, Li Yuechen didn't get an answer either.

On the third day of December, Fang Furong, the daughter of the governor of Songzhou, was officially conferred the title of crown princess.

This time Li Yuechen was still the same, he attended Li Xian's wedding as his in-law's family, and also made a fuss with him.

But because I don't know the temper and character of this sister-in-law, in order to avoid future unhappiness, I didn't make too much noise.

But let alone, even if Li Yuechen couldn't accept the makeup of this era at all, but the moment he saw her face, he still felt that this sister-in-law was very beautiful.

how to say?

Just like her name, like a hibiscus coming out of water, although the makeup is thick, it is not that kind of gorgeous beauty.

If Pei Qingwan reveals a delicate and elegant beauty, then this sister-in-law is another kind of beauty that takes care of everything.

Li Yuechen suddenly thought of a line of poetry: Light makeup and heavy makeup are always suitable.

This second sister-in-law is like this, she should be the kind of person who can hold no matter whether she wears heavy makeup or light makeup.


The winter solstice will be right after Li Xian's wedding, and preparations for the Chinese New Year will begin right after.

There is a busy atmosphere everywhere in the palace. Li Yuechen has nothing to do recently. Apart from practicing and attending classes, he is basically thinking about the plans for the next few years in Chengxiang Hall every day.

But those students seem to be very happy. After being out for so long, to be honest, they miss their parents a little bit.

Now that they will be able to return to the Eastern Capital after the Chinese New Year, they are still very happy in their hearts.

Li Yuechen is also looking for people to arrange things here recently, and the bookstore and wine shop naturally need someone to watch them.

But this is not a job that slaves can do, at least people who can read and write can do it.

After thinking about it, Li Yuechen went directly to the Hall of Renshou to ask his father for someone.

Hearing about his daughter's intentions, Li Zhi did not respond to her requests as usual, but instead said in an educational tone: "Chen'er, if I need my help with such trivial matters, how can I rest assured that I will entrust you with the heavy responsibility? Solve it yourself! "

Li Yuechen was stunned when he heard this answer, what's the matter?What important task do you want to entrust to me in the future?
Li Yuechen wanted to tell him, don't arrange any important tasks for me, I don't want to take any heavy tasks.

But considering that Dad's headaches are still capricious now, if this is said, it might really make him sick.

In desperation, Li Yuechen had no choice but to think of a way by himself.

After much deliberation, let the mentally handicapped son of Laifao do it first, at least he can read, right?
Although I feel that the guy has some brain problems, but in this situation, let him bear it first.

But speaking of it, I really should train some people to use it, otherwise I would be ashamed to talk to my father about anything.

Fortunately, my group of students are growing rapidly, and they should all be of great use in the future.


In the end, the second year of Shangyuan passed quietly.

Compared with previous years, so many things happened this year, the biggest regret is the death of elder brother Li Hong.

At the New Year's Eve dinner, Li Xian also brought his wife Fang Furong to attend.

Under Li Xian's suggestion, she didn't dress too brightly, and kept a simple look.

Li Yuechen and Pei Qingwan were still dressed in the same shabby clothes, which seemed a little out of tune with the atmosphere of the New Year.

For Li Hong's absence, the couple also felt a little uncomfortable. For a while, the atmosphere at the dinner table was a little heavy.

In the end, it was Li Yuechen who broke the silence first, and said with a slight smile, "Mother and Dad, let's say a few words, brother certainly doesn't want to see me waiting like this."

Li Zhi nodded, smiled slightly and said, "Well, that's right!"

Then he held up the wine glass with Wu Zetian: "I still have to live this year well..."

After saying a few words of congratulations, the children also expressed their blessings.

Although the second sister-in-law Fang Furong was a little uncomfortable with the feeling of the family sitting at the same table, she still maintained a very humble appearance, which left a good impression in the eyes of Li Zhi and his wife.

Although this second sister-in-law looks a bit aggressive from the outside, she is actually very gentle and soft-spoken, not the style of aristocratic female men in this era.

It can be seen that my mother actually prefers this kind of daughter-in-law with a more gentle personality.

Whether it's Pei Qingwan or Fang Furong, they basically have such a temperament.

Generally speaking, the atmosphere of the New Year's Eve dinner was not bad. The family chatted happily, even if they would talk about Li Hong from time to time, but it didn't make the atmosphere sad.

Fang Furong also felt that perhaps she should have a better understanding of what the real royal family looks like.


On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the Lantern Festival, this year Li Zhi still decided to change into casual clothes and micro clothes for private visits, and go to the folks to have fun with the people.

Although this was not the first time, it was extremely unbelievable for both Pei Qingwan and Fang Furong.

How bold is the emperor's family's private visit in microservices?Are you really not afraid of meeting assassins?
Although he was puzzled in his heart, he went with him anyway.

The family walked in Chang'an City, where there is no curfew once a year, and seeing the smiling faces around them, their mood improved a lot unconsciously.

Li Zhi even sighed in a low voice: "Every time I see such a scene, I feel that the hard work of these years has not been in vain."

"Since your Majesty ascended the throne, you have worked hard to govern the country, and now this is the report and result of your hard work." Wu Zetian laughed.

These words are not flattery, perhaps it is because Li Zhi always thinks of surpassing his father, so he has put in a lot of effort in governing the country over the years.

Moreover, the greatest interest of the first emperor was actually still in expanding territories and fighting wars, while governing the country came second.

As for Li Zhi, although he has fought many battles in the past few years since he became the throne, he still basically has multiple lines in parallel.

Although there may be suspicions of seeking cheapness in terms of time, it has to be said that today's Datang is indeed much better than that of the Zhenguan period.

Especially now that Li Yuechen has researched a way to increase grain production. Due to backward communication technology, there is no way to spread it to the whole country immediately, so there is no need to worry about the problem of grain not being sold.

Although it is true that food prices have dropped a bit, they have not yet reached the point where low grain prices hurt farmers.

Not to mention that Li Yuechen has already made preparations. The court can buy grain at the lowest price at any time. It is impossible for that kind of thing to happen.


After the Shangyuan Festival, the convoy set off for Dongdu.

There is very little snow this year, but there is no need to worry about problems on the road.

Compared to before, one thing that makes Li Yuechen happier is that she doesn't have to stay in the carriage every day, but can come out and ride around on a horse every day.

Seeing his daughter happily riding around on horseback made Li Zhi feel a little itchy, and he would always choose the same time every day to come out and ride a horse to accompany his daughter for a run.

Both father and daughter came out, and Wu Zetian couldn't stay in the carriage every day, so the father and daughter became a family of three.

On the fifth day, the third brother Li Xian and the fourth brother Li Lun also started to ride horses every day.

Such a scene made many accompanying people feel unbelievable.

Although they were not qualified to know the court secrets, they never thought that the emperor's family would have such fun.

In the past, it was just rumors that the most ruthless emperor's family was the most ruthless, but now the living example is in front of so many people, completely subverting the previous cognition.

It turns out that the royal family also has such a tender side... The entourage couldn't help but think so in their hearts.

Of course, the only regret may be the second brother Li Xian, who spends every day in the carriage annotating "Book of the Later Han Dynasty", and asking him to come out to play also looks like he has to study hard, like a student preparing for the college entrance examination.

In fact, Li Xian can't help it. He has been fond of playing since he was a child, and seeing his parents playing with his younger siblings, of course he also wants to participate.

But at the same time, a sense of crisis enveloped him.

He is a prince and will be the emperor in the future, but last time he found that his status in the hearts of his parents might not be comparable to that of the youngest sister.

So this sense of shock made him suppress his desire to go out and play, and he only wanted to do his job well as a prince.

Li Xian has been very smart since he was a child. As for being playful, it is just because he feels that there is no challenge.

He believes that nothing can trouble him at this time, the difference is only whether he wants to do it or not.

The biggest reason for being playful in the past was that I was the second child, and it was impossible to become a prince, so there was no need to work hard.

But now it is different, the eldest brother has passed away, so he is naturally the most qualified to inherit the crown prince.

Of course, he is indeed the prince now, but he accidentally found that his status in the hearts of his parents was not as good as this sister, which made him feel a little uncomfortable in his determination.

So now Li Xian wants to prove that he is not inferior to his younger sister by doing a good job as the prince, and that he is still the smartest one!
Li Yuechen and the others didn't realize his real thoughts, and didn't say much.

And Li Zhi was only more pleased and praised a few words, and then took his wife and children to continue playing together.


In the blink of an eye, more than ten days have passed, and the journey has been halfway.

On this day, taking advantage of the good weather and clear air, Li Zhi took his wife and several children for a ride on horseback not far from the large army.

The family was chatting when suddenly they saw an army galloping towards them on horseback in the distance.

Li Yuechen also looked up, feeling like a certain minister.

When the emperor went to Dongdu, the speed was slow because of the large number of people. The ministers did not go together, but went first.

Now a minister suddenly came over, obviously not because he missed the emperor because he couldn't see him, but because something happened.

As the distance shortened, Li Yuechen squinted his eyes and saw that it was Cen Changqian, Minister of War.

For this, Li Yuechen still feels more pleasing to the eye, although he is also against the mother's faction, overall, he has a bit of the upright image in TV dramas.

Of course, this is only what Li Yuechen sees on the surface.

Li Zhi was also a little curious. He didn't know what he was doing here at this time, but he still raised his hand and signaled Qian Niuwei beside him to get out of the way and let him come.

Cen Changqian dismounted in front of Li Zhi, ignoring the presence of the princess, and immediately saluted and reported: "I have just received the news that Nazhou has rebelled, how should I deal with it?"

Liao has many meanings in this era.Most of the time it is a curse word, a bit similar to the word "animal", but sometimes it is also used to refer to uncivilized ethnic minorities.

Of course, it is not to scold them, but firstly, people in this era look down on foreigners; secondly, many words have different meanings.

For example, "slave" most of the time refers to slaves, or scolding farm slaves and the like... But many times, children can also call themselves "slaves" in front of their parents and elders as a form of self-humility.

Hearing the news, although Li Zhi looked a little surprised, his expression remained calm: "How is the scale?"

"Returning to the emperor, it's not big. But because of the complicated terrain of Nazhou, it's a bit troublesome to deal with..." Cen Changqian replied.

Li Zhi nodded, pressed his tongue against his cheek, turned his head and asked, "What does Mei Niang think?"

Wu Zetian thought for a while: "Since the scale is not large, it is enough to send troops to quell the rebellion. According to my concubine's opinion, I can order the governor of Qianzhou to send troops to fight against it."

After listening to her suggestion, Li Zhi thought about it carefully, and then asked Cen Changqian: "What do you think of Ai Qing?"

This matter is not big in nature, so Li Zhi also felt that there was no need to call a bunch of ministers to discuss it, so he simply asked Cen Changqian directly.

"I think it's feasible! The journey is not far away, and the local soldiers understand the environment..."

"That's good! Let's do it like this!" Li Zhi waved his hand.

Cen Changqian saluted respectfully: "Chen, take orders!"

He came here and said a few words, then got on his horse and led the large army back.

Someone rebelled, it does sound serious.

But in fact, neither Li Zhi nor Cen Changqian is a big deal. After all, the situation over there...even if it is reversed, there will be no waves.

But Li Yuechen was thinking, it seems that outside of the two capitals, where he couldn't see, the world was far from being as peaceful as he saw in front of him.

After all, a feudal society is a feudal society, especially in those places where the mountains are high and the emperor is far away, it is almost impossible to cover everything.

Thinking of this, Li Yuechen felt that the current system was indeed problematic, and in the future he really had to change the existing system according to the environment.

It is never a good thing to follow the ancestral system all the time. After all, society is developing. Even a feudal society will develop little by little. In the process, there will always be many unreasonable places.

Some systems may have been reasonable at one time, but with the development of the times, they will eventually become unreasonable.

So not only to change the system, but also to find a way to change their thinking, let them understand the importance of changing with the development of society and at any time!
(End of this chapter)

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