Great Tang princess

Chapter 307 Siege

Chapter 307 Siege
Inside the camp, Fulai put a cup of brewed tea in front of Qian, whose face was still wet with tears, and then took two steps back, standing quietly behind Li Yuechen.

Li Yuechen who was opposite had just found someone to confirm his identity, and also learned about Zhou Yunjie's murder from her.

Moreover, Zhou Yunjie guarded the city wall with the soldiers until the last moment, and in the end he would rather die than surrender, and was killed after breaking the city.

"Captain Zhou is a loyal minister of my Great Tang!" Li Yuechen nodded, "You stay here for now, I guarantee that if your sons and daughters are still alive, they will be rescued!"

"Thank you, Your Highness, Princess!" Qian saluted, wiping away tears.

After asking her some things, Li Yuechen asked Fulai to arrange for her to rest first, then stood up and walked outside.

She had already asked Geng Yunqiang and others about the mission details, and to be honest, she was a little surprised.

Originally, they thought it would be great to get Lun Qinling's head back, but they unexpectedly brought back a living one!This value is different, these players should remember the first credit!
Of course, she also knew that the success of this mission was also because the other party was totally unexpected.

This way of action has gone beyond this era too much, and it has also exceeded the limit of the enemy's thinking. They have no defense in this regard at all.

In addition, Geng Yunqiang and others are professional soldiers specially trained, both in terms of physical fitness and military quality, they are far beyond the half-agricultural and half-military model of this era.


Hearing that Lun Qinling was captured alive, Hei Chi Chang Zhi and others were all surprised when they came over.

This has not yet used a single soldier, how come the enemy's main general has been captured alive?Not kidding.

After arriving at Qianniuwei's camp, he was still in disbelief when he had a round with Liu Rengui.

"Liu Shuai, did His Highness really capture Lun Qinling alive with those thirty people last night?" Hei Chi Chang Zhi asked.

"Hahaha..." Liu Rengui also held a pair of health balls in his hands, with a proud smile on his face as a master, "You have not been in the capital for a few years, so it is normal that many things are not clear, Your Highness's army is very different. "

In any case, the princess is his apprentice, and now that he has achieved such great military exploits, his face feels radiant.

He raised his hand and lightly patted Hei Chi Changzhi's shoulder: "Speaking of which, you still don't know about Qianniuwei now, do you? Let's go in and have a look together."

Although they have been working together with Qianniuwei during this time, the frontline headquarters was established behind the [-] Heyuan Army, so they have never been to Qianniuwei's camp.

Today when Lun Qinling was arrested, Li Yuechen asked them to come and have a look, and this was the first time they came to Qianniuwei's camp.

When I just came here, the first thing I saw was the area of ​​the barracks made out of temporarily assembled Jumas. The entire camp was square and clean, and there was not even a bit of rubbish on the ground!
In front of and on both sides of the camp, there were two-foot-high platforms that were temporarily built. On each platform, a soldier stood with his feet apart, his hands on his back, and his head held high.

They also wear binoculars on their chests, so they can observe the situation at any time.

The outside is similar to the barracks of this era. The only difference is that these soldiers are all standing upright, looking very energetic.

What really opened the eyes of Changzhi Heizhi and his two officers was after entering.

This camp is simply too standardized, it seems that the interval between each tent is exactly the same.

The tents they used were relatively large, and it could be seen through the lifted curtains that there were fifteen bunk beds in each tent, which could sleep thirty people without being crowded.

The most important thing is that there are mattresses and animal skin quilts on the bed. Even in this November weather, you can take off your clothes and sleep without feeling cold.

What they didn't know was that Li Yuechen originally wanted to use cotton quilts, but now the cotton production is not high, so he replaced them with animal skin quilts.

These animal skin quilts were all the same size, and they were all folded into a square shape at this time, and they were neatly placed on the bed, as if no one lived here at all.

Walking in such a barracks, one can feel that there seems to be a special spirit in it.

Occasionally passing by some soldiers who were resting, seeing them gathered together, I thought they were gambling like ordinary troops.

But passing by, I realized that these soldiers gathered together to recite the art of war!
"This..." Hei Chi Chang Zhi didn't understand, "Could it be possible that every soldier in this army can read and write?"

"That's right." Liu Rengui next to him had an unconcealable pride on his face, and raised his hand to gently stroke his beard, "All soldiers are people who can write and count!"

Hei Chi Chang Zhi was a little puzzled: "But... doesn't Your Highness often say that soldiers should obey orders? Why do you have to..."

"To tell you the truth, I thought so too." Liu Rengui smiled, "However, according to what His Highness said, there is no conflict between obeying orders and being able to command. In this way, even if we divide into small teams to fight, we can still ensure that each Every team has someone who can command..."

Such a theory made Hei Chi Changzhi fall into deep thought.

A group of patrolling soldiers passed by. They lined up and walked past in neat steps.

A team of more than a dozen people walked in unison, as if they were alone!
While chatting and feeling this army out of step with the times, a group of people came to the place where Lunqinling was imprisoned.

In an open space in the middle of the barracks, Lunqin Mausoleum was lifted out of a temporary wooden cage.

Because the effect of the medicine hadn't passed, he still hadn't woken up, and he was still in a coma after being placed on the ground.

Seeing the majestic appearance of the Tibetan military god, both Liu Rengui and Hei Chi Changzhi couldn't help laughing.

Li Yuechen waved his hand, asked someone to bring some chairs, and asked Master and several officers to sit down first, and then asked the joint logistics battalion to send a medical soldier over.

These medical soldiers are dressed in camouflage uniforms like other soldiers. The only difference is that their linen vests do not contain any weapons, and a red cross armband is hung on their left arms.

Now their medical technology is still very poor, but they can already do some emergency battlefield rescue such as bandaging and hemostasis.

Several medical soldiers inspected the Lunqin Mausoleum on the ground, and then said: "Your Highness, the effect of the medicine is almost gone."

"How long will it take to wake up?" Li Yuechen asked.

"If you want to wake him up, you just need to be shocked with cold water!"

Li Yuechen nodded and waved his hand slightly.

Geng Yunqiang next to him nodded to express his understanding, and immediately brought a basin of water over, and then sprinkled it on Lun Qinling's face.


Lun Qinling on the ground was shocked by the water, trembling all over, and then slightly opened his eyes.

Li Yuechen leaned on the back of the chair, raised his left leg and put it on his right leg, waiting for him to wake up.

Lun Qinling who just opened his eyes still revealed confusion. Seeing Li Yuechen sitting in front of him and the soldiers in camouflage uniforms around him, he seemed to think he was dreaming, turned over and closed his eyes again.

However, two seconds later, he sat up suddenly, opened his eyes and looked at the scene around him, dazed in a daze.

Li Yuechen didn't speak either, just sat on the chair, wrapped his fingers around a strand of his hair, and waited for him to wake up.

Seeing a group of soldiers wearing camouflage uniforms and the little girl with ponytails in front of him, Lun Qinling already had a rough answer to his situation.

But he couldn't believe it in his heart, he was still resting in the Governor's Mansion last night, why did he wake up here today?

Obviously this is not a city, there are tents everywhere, obviously in a military camp.

How on earth did they bring themselves here?
Although he had never met Li Yuechen in person, he could guess her identity just by looking at the outfit in front of him.

He took a deep breath, raised his head and asked, "How did you do it?"

"Oh? You are much calmer than Bengong imagined." Li Yuechen tilted his head slightly with a smile on his lips, "Now you have become a prisoner. When the war here is over, go back with Bengong to meet the saint. "

"It is rumored that Princess Taiping of the Tang Dynasty is a fairy among the gods, and that she brought me here without anyone knowing, is it really a Taoist technique?" Lun Qinling murmured to himself.

Li Yuechen smiled suddenly: "Just take it for granted, maybe one day you will understand!"

Then he waved his hand: "Okay, take it away, so I can take care of it! The saint will definitely be happy to see him, and will definitely give him a feast."

"Yes!" The soldier next to him agreed, raised his arms and stuffed him into the wooden cage.

The cage is quite big, enough for him to stand, sit, lie down and do any movement in it.

It was not until entering the cage that Lun Qinling came to his senses, turned his head and asked, "Your Highness, I am the prime minister of Tubo after all, is it too much to treat me like this?"


Li Yuechen raised his head and asked, "Don't you think it's too much for you to harass the border of our Tang Dynasty and hunt down the people of our Tang Dynasty? This palace has given you face by not letting them torture you!"

"I heard that Princess Taiping is very knowledgeable, so don't you know that you can't be punished by a doctor?" Lun Qinling asked rhetorically.

"Since you can speak Chinese, you must be a person who is familiar with the culture of the Tang Dynasty. Don't you know that a scholar meets a soldier, so why can't you justify it?" Li Yuechen asked with a smile, "My mother is not only a princess, but also a soldier! Beat you, what can you do?"

Hearing the rascal's words, Lun Qinling froze in place for a moment, as if he didn't expect that this majestic princess of a country would have such a rascal side.

Li Yuechen didn't bother to continue talking nonsense, stood up and looked at the sky: "After noon, the city will be attacked, and I will let you see with your own eyes what the end will be if you invade my Great Tang!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left, and at the same time issued an order: "Let the whole army seize the time to eat, attack the city in the afternoon, and take it as soon as possible!"

"Yes!" Geng Yunqiang, Heizhi Changzhi and others behind agreed.


Back in his camp, the hot meal was ready, Li Yuechen called Master and officers to sit down and eat.

Liu Rengui asked while eating: "Your Highness, have you figured out how to fight?"

"According to Hongfeng's report, they captured Lun Qinling and killed two of his guards yesterday. His body should have been discovered by now. If my guess is correct, the city of Yizhou should already be in chaos!"

In this era, the disappearance of the backbone is a very serious matter. Perhaps the lieutenant general can temporarily take over the command, but because of various problems such as insufficient prestige, it is difficult to control the army like a man.

Not to mention that most of the soldiers under him were illiterate and unable to command individually, so even if Lun Qinling's lieutenant took over the command temporarily, there was no way to mobilize them efficiently.

Besides, whether the lieutenant general has the prestige to hold down the army is another matter.

Hearing his apprentice's answer, Liu Rengui nodded his head: "I've been on the battlefield for many years, and I've never seen such an easy battle..."

The black-toothed Changzhi next to him also nodded with deep emotion: "You can catch the enemy's chief general without a single soldier. The last general really dare not even think about it."

Li Yuechen smiled slightly: "Dimensionality reduction strike is a terrible thing, and such a result is inevitable..."

"May I ask Your Highness, what is a 'dimension reduction strike'?" Black Tooth Changzhi asked.

"The general idea is that their level is too far from this palace." Li Yuechen said with a smile.

Several people ate and chatted. After eating, Li Yuechen immediately ordered the army to set off and head straight for Yizhou City!


Now it is about fifty miles away from Yizhou City, and we set off at noon. Although we are riding a horse, it is almost at You hour after we pass.

Originally, it was unrealistic for the 50,000 people of the Heyuan Army to be equipped with horses. However, because the Turks were defeated in the previous few years and a large number of horses were donated to the Tang Dynasty, only one horse per capita was available for these 50,000 people.

When you come outside Yizhou City, you can see that the city gate is closed from a distance, and there are a large number of soldiers walking back and forth on the city wall, as if they are carrying something.

Geng Yunqiang put down the binoculars and returned to the rear of the main force to report the situation: "Your Highness, the enemy army found us coming, so they should be still on defense."

Li Yuechen looked up at the fluttering battle flag, rode directly to the side of the large army, and raised his binoculars to look.

Then he dismounted directly, sat on the chair brought by Fulai, and waved: "Sand table!"

The guard next to him immediately brought the Yizhou city sand table over and placed it on the small table set up in front of him.

At this time, the distance between the army and Yizhou City was only 600 meters, which was already visible to both sides. Since the enemy army was deploying defenses, it meant that the command system had not completely collapsed. Presumably, the lieutenant general had taken over the command.

Lun Qinling was also brought over and sat next to Li Yuechen.They didn't tie him up, anyway, as long as he made any moves, Li Yuechen could punch him with his hand.

Looking at the fluttering battle flag, Li Yuechen turned his head and said, "It's still northeasterly wind, and the wind speed is just right. Go ahead as planned and start attacking!"

"Yes!" Geng Yunqiang agreed, and immediately turned around to prepare.

The black-toothed Chang Yi next to him looked confused: "Plan? Your Highness, I haven't heard of it..."

"Don't worry, just wait when you have time to perform!" Li Yuechen waved his hand, with a confident smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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