Chapter 308
Li Yuechen was just sitting next to the large army, 600 meters away from Yizhou [-], which was actually within the range of the bed crossbow.

The reason why she dared to sit here was because she had already figured out most of the situation in Yizhou City, so she was confident.

The cost of the bolts of the bed crossbow is high, so the reserves are not very large, and at most it can only be fired in one salvo. What's more, at this distance, without a telescope, I guess they are about the size of an ant in their eyes.

Geng Yunqiang and his team's hot air balloon is already preparing to take off, while Li Yuechen is holding human-shaped chess pieces in his hands, which are constantly placed on the sand table.

Lun Qinling next to her looked terrified. The position where she placed the chess pieces was clearly the deployment of Tubo's troops in Yizhou City. Although some places were not marked, they were almost inseparable.

Yesterday, Geng Yunqiang and others sneaked into Yizhou City at night and ran all the way in the city. When they saw places where troops were deployed, they would record them. After completing the mission today, they reported these locations to Li Yuechen.

Now she can hold chess pieces and place them on it. If three chess pieces are placed, it means there are more than 100 people.

At the same time, the city wall is full of chess pieces, which can be seen in Qinling without asking. This is the current deployment of troops in Yizhou City that she infers based on the information she has.

Finally, he couldn't help but asked, "How can I know the deployment of my troops, Your Highness?"

"When I went to arrest you last night, I spied it out by the way." Li Yuechen smiled, then raised his head and asked, "How long do you think... how long will it take me to defeat your Tubo army?"

Lun Qinling frowned, Li Yuechen undoubtedly meant to insult him by asking this question.

But now, as a captive, he seems to have no conditions to resist.

Besides, with Li Yuechen as a gangster, if you really want to shame her, maybe she will really dare to torture herself.

So at this time, you must be able to bend and stretch.

After a few seconds of silent struggle, Lun Qinling replied, "Although I don't think His Highness will lose this battle, His Highness shouldn't underestimate my Tubo soldiers. Besides, His Highness only has fifty thousand troops. I, Tubo, have a hundred thousand people..."

These words sound reasonable, but his tone is obviously a little lacking in confidence.

As an opponent, Lun Qinling also studied Li Yuechen himself.

Although he doesn't know how the princess's commanding ability is, he knows one thing - if the princess personally leads the attack, the morale of Tubo will be broken soon!

"In future wars, numbers will no longer be an absolute advantage!" Li Yuechen shook his head with a smile.

After that, he didn't pay any attention to him, but turned his head to Hei Chi Chang Zhi and said: "Pass down, if the soldiers enter the city without harming and looting the common people, I will reward each of them with two pieces of silk afterwards!"

There is a reason for Li Yuechen to say that. Tang Jun's military discipline is actually very bad.

Soldiers in this era, in particular, do not seem to have the concept of "compatriots". When they go out to fight, as long as they are not fighting in the city where they were born and raised, it is normal to plunder the people after winning the battle.

The only thing that is stronger than the enemy is that they still have a little conscience, as long as they pay the money obediently, they will not kill or rape women casually.

From some perspectives, it is not incomprehensible.

Mansion soldiers are conscripts with no salary and no education at the same time. When they come out to serve as soldiers and fight, they go to the battlefield to work their lives for the sake of gaining fame and career, and secondly, to plunder money after the war.

When the first emperor led troops to fight, he had to accept the surrender of the enemy, and afterwards he had to take out treasures to reward the soldiers who didn't go in and rob. This is written in the history of the country!

So today Li Yuechen took the same approach as the late emperor, as long as the soldiers promised not to plunder the people after entering, he would pay them rewards himself!
Although this is a large expense, it can still be paid for by gritting your teeth.

Now that spinning machines and looms have been used in the palace, the cost of silk has dropped a lot, but it is affordable.

Hei Chi Chang Zhi couldn't help reminding: "Your Highness, if this is the case, it will cost one hundred thousand horses, and the cost..."

"This is not something you should care about, just pass on the order!" Li Yuechen waved his hand.

"Yes!" Hei Chi Chang Zhi agreed.


Half an hour later, a messenger ran over and saluted: "Your Highness, the hot air balloon is ready and ready to take off at any time!"

Li Yuechen nodded: "Attack!"


After giving the order, Lun Qinling waited for a long time but did not hear the sound of the drum beating, and the large troops next to him did not move at all.

He looked around suspiciously: "Why is your Highness's army not moving?"

Li Yuechen smiled at him, then raised his finger to the sky.

He looked up with some doubts, but he froze in place after seeing it!
I don't know when, dozens of hot air balloons have appeared behind the main force, and now they have left the ground and are slowly flying towards the sky.

His eyes were wide open, staring intently at the hot air balloon that was slowly rising into the sky.

From the hanging basket below, you can see people moving around, you don't need to look very clearly, and you really think that there must be people up there!
His mouth grew wide, his breathing was a little short, and even a layer of cold sweat oozes from his body.

For the ancients, this scene was very unbelievable, just like seeing a god, it was extremely unreal.

Not to mention Lun Qinling, even the soldiers of our own people looked in horror at the hot air balloon that began to move slowly in the air.

If he hadn't understood that this was his own side's property, he might have thought of getting off his horse and kneeling at this moment.

Although Liu Rengui, Hei Chi Changzhi and others had already seen it, they still raised their heads when they saw this scene, with surprised expressions.

The only people in the audience who were calm were Li Yuechen and the guards around him. They didn't look up at all, and still focused on their own affairs.

Above the sky, Geng Yunqiang stood in the basket of a hot air balloon, picked up the binoculars and looked in the direction of Yizhou City.

All the Tubo soldiers on the city wall looked up in a daze, and some of them even threw the weapons in their hands aside.

Some waved their arms and shouted something, while others knelt on the ground and worshiped...

All in all, the Tubo soldiers on the city wall were already in chaos, and a man who looked like a commander was shouting something.

A few soldiers immediately went to adjust the bed crossbow, as if they wanted to raise it up, and then shot the hot air balloon down.

The current hot air balloon is not very high from the ground, only about 200 meters.

But it is such a height, but it is dark and oppressive. Coupled with the fear of the unknown, the sense of oppression in my heart increases sharply.

Some with good eyes have already seen the soldiers on board. Although they don't know what it is, at least they are clear and must not let them get off.

Geng Yunqiang knew that even in this situation, there must be some sober people, so it is better to make a quick decision.

He waved to the orderly next to him: "Signage! Throw tear gas!"

The soldier next to him agreed, and immediately raised the flag in his hand and waved it.

Ten seconds later, dozens of ignited tear gas bombs had drawn graceful arcs in the air and flew towards the city wall.

Due to the altitude, before many tear gas bombs landed on the city wall, a thick gray-white smoke erupted in the air, gradually filling the entire city wall.


Li Yuechen, who was sitting next to the large army, put his left leg on his right leg, looked at the smoke shrouded in the city wall in the distance, played with a few chess pieces in his hand, and stared at the sand table without moving.

Lun Qinling opened his mouth wide, stared at the smoke in the distance, and muttered to himself incessantly: "What is this... What is this..."

"You don't understand even after talking about it, just watch quietly!" Li Yuechen smiled, leaning on the back of the chair and changing into a comfortable position.

However, Lun Qinling didn't seem to hear the words, and kept muttering to himself: "Where did these immortal weapons come from... who are you..."

Li Yuechen didn't bother to talk to him, and turned his head to look at the city wall from time to time.

The wind direction and speed are good now, and everything is going according to plan.


Dozens of tear gas bombs fell on the northeast direction of the city wall, and the city wall and watchtower were almost enveloped in gray-white smoke.

It is said that the Tubo soldiers guarding the city wall coughed violently in the smoke, kept crying, and couldn't stop at all, and some even fainted directly...

Visibility was so low in the gray-white smog that it was almost impossible to see your fingers. Some soldiers walked forward while coughing and touching their tears.

Several soldiers fell to the ground weakly because of coughing too much, and were trampled to death by the messy Tubo soldiers behind them...

While coughing violently, the commander shouted loudly to the soldiers to get down the city wall with a fiery voice.

At the same time, he groped and walked down the stairs of the city wall, but when he stepped on the air, his body flew out in mid-air, and then fell directly on the steps, rolling down uncontrollably...

Similar scenes continued to be staged on the city wall, and the soldiers in the watchtower also ran out coughing and crying, groping to escape in the gray-white thick fog.

The city wall became a mess, and under the influence of the wind, the thick smoke was gradually spreading to the southwest.

More and more soldiers were shrouded in it. Many soldiers in the southwest direction subconsciously thought that the smoke might be poisonous, and ran down the city wall before it spread.

After a while, the gray-white smoke almost enveloped the entire sky of Yizhou City, and the city was full of chaos.

Geng Yunqiang in the sky saw through the telescope that many people were praying and worshiping the sky, and seemed to think that the thick fog was the power of the gods.

And many Tubo soldiers were running around like headless chickens, some seemed to be looking for the commander, and some seemed to be looking for horses, ready to escape.

Under such a background of the times, once the mind believes that this is the power of the gods, morale will drop to the bottom in an instant, and few mortals can give birth to the courage to fight against the gods.

It didn't take long for the smoke to cover the city wall, and it was quickly blown away by the wind.

When the gray-white fog gradually became thinner, many hot air balloons also began to descend.


Li Yuechen who saw this scene handed the telescope in his hand to Lun Qinling: "Use this to see more clearly."

Although he didn't know what it was, but just now when he saw her put it in front of his eyes, he also learned to look at it after taking it.

Not having time to marvel at the magic of the telescope, he opened his eyes wide in disbelief.

At this moment, there were hardly any people on the city wall, only a few soldiers were still holding on to the wall, but all of these soldiers were covering their eyes, and the weapons in their hands had long since disappeared.

Heizhi Changzhi and others next to him also observed with a telescope. Although they had expected it, they were still astonished when they saw this scene.

Without wasting a single soldier, the city wall has been completely cleared!
You must know that the difficulty of siege warfare lies in the city wall. Once the city wall is occupied and the city gate is opened, it can be declared over.

But now, not a single soldier was injured, and there was no one on the city wall!


Geng Yunqiang on the hot air balloon observed for a while, saw that the smoke below had completely dissipated, and waved to the orderly next to him: "Cable drop!"

At this time, most of the hot air balloons had descended to about ten feet away from the city wall. After the orderer's semaphore was played, several ropes were thrown from the hot air balloons and hung down.

The heavily armed soldiers pulled out the hanging basket, grabbed the rope and quickly slid down.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, these soldiers quickly descended from the hot air balloon. After landing on the city wall, they took off the thick sheepskin gloves in their hands, and then raised the bow and crossbow that had been wound and looked vigilantly at the left and right sides.

The two soldiers cooperated with each other and ran to the gate of the watchtower, took a look inside with the bow and crossbow in their hands, then turned their heads and shouted: "Safe!"



The soldiers who were in charge of observing the other watchtowers also responded one after another.

Then the soldiers lined up in two teams, one inside and one outside, and began to move quickly against both sides of the city wall.

More and more soldiers slid down from the hot air balloon and joined the team that was advancing rapidly on the city wall.

The soldiers walking in the front walked around the corner of a watchtower and saw a Tibetan soldier coming out while covering his eyes.

The soldier pulled the trigger in an instant, and the crossbow shot out with a "swoosh", pierced through the air, and directly pierced into the neck of the Tubo soldier.

Then the soldier yelled, "Turn on!"

While talking, he stepped back, while the two soldiers behind quickly took two steps forward and came to his position just now.


Geng Yunqiang's hot air balloon floated over Yizhou City. Through the telescope, he could see all the actions of the soldiers. At the same time, he asked the orderly next to him to play a semaphore to announce the things here.

The messenger next to Li Yuechen put down the binoculars in his hand, came to her side and bent slightly: "Your Highness, the northeast side of the city wall has been occupied and is gradually advancing!"

"En!" Li Yuechen nodded in agreement, leaned forward, and placed the black chess pieces in his hand on the city wall one by one.

Whether it was Lun Qinling sitting next to him, Liu Rengui, Heizhi Changzhi, etc., they all stared blankly at the orderly next to them and raised their binoculars from time to time.

Then Li Yuechen placed the chess pieces in his hand on the city wall little by little, and after a while, the four walls were already filled with black chess pieces!
(End of this chapter)

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