Great Tang princess

Chapter 388 Li Shen's Exploration

Chapter 388 Li Shen's Exploration

The carriage stopped slowly at the gate of the Princess Mansion, Li Yuechen gently pushed the door and jumped down, couldn't help but look back.

Not to mention, this kind of carriage is really interesting, sitting in it is not afraid of wind and rain, if you can install a steam engine and redo the steering system, it can already become the simplest car.

It's just that this is just thinking about it. The transition from a carriage to a car is not so easy.

Walking through the grand and spacious gate and entering the courtyard, I saw Princess Xuancheng sitting in the pavilion, fishing with a bamboo pole.

"Sister, why are you interested in fishing today?" Li Yuechen came over and asked.

Princess Xuancheng turned her head: "It's just a little boring, why don't we come together?"

"That's just right, I have something to discuss with the two elder sisters!" Li Yuechen sat down beside her, turned his head and waved, "Fulai, go make tea!"

"Here!" Fulai agreed, and turned to get the tea.

Princess Yiyang also sat down next to her, and asked curiously, "What else do you need our help for?"

"In the near future, someone may contact the two sisters," Li Yuechen said with one hand propped on his chin. "At that time, the two sisters will accompany me to act!"

Princess Xuancheng raised her head with a puzzled expression, and asked her what happened.

Needing to act with her is definitely not a trivial matter, I don't know why.

Princess Yiyang is now the editor-in-chief of the newspaper, and she knows many things about the court clearly, and can make a general guess.

She asked curiously: "Is it related to King Ji?"

Li Yuechen nodded: "Sister is in charge of recording the government affairs, so you can probably see that the kings have treasonous intentions. Now that King Ji is entering the capital, he is likely to throw smoke bombs..."

Listening to her explanation, Princess Yiyang nodded slightly to express her understanding.

"So they must find a way to restrain me, at least to ensure that Qianniuwei can't move around! The two sisters can be regarded as a breakthrough..."

These words were already obvious, and Princess Xuancheng nodded to show that she understood what she meant.

The kings conspired against each other, hoping that Princess Taiping could give them some help, but also didn't want her to contribute too much, so it was troublesome to contact her directly.

"If I were Li Shen, I would definitely find a way to contact the two elder sisters while stabilizing myself!" Li Yuechen explained, then lowered his head slightly, "After all..."

"After all, we have enmity with His Majesty the Emperor, right?" Princess Yiyang smiled slightly.

Li Yuechen nodded, affirming her answer.

Fulai made tea and poured it respectfully for them.

Princess Yiyang was a little puzzled: "But Chen'er, is this appropriate? After all, the two of us..."

"I believe in the two elder sisters!" Li Yuechen said without any hesitation in his tone, "At the same time, I also said that even if everyone is enemies, I will definitely stand by Auntie's side!"

Princess Xuancheng smiled: "So, what does Chen'er mean by asking us to pretend to cooperate with Li Shen?"

"Yes!" Li Yuechen nodded.


Things did not go beyond Li Yuechen's expectation. After only three days, Li Yuechen received a letter.

The letter was indeed sent by King Ji, saying that a lot of treasures had been collected this time. Apart from those dedicated to the God Emperor, some of them were intended to be dedicated to the princess.

This is actually a temptation at most, if Li Yuechen refuses immediately, at most it is suspected of bribery, it is not a big deal.

Looking at this letter, Li Yuechen couldn't help but smile. Everyone knew that she had a big business. Maybe in the eyes of some people, she was actually a greedy person?
Li Yuechen thought about it, and agreed, wanting to see what King Ji planned to say.

The next day, King Ji came to the Princess Mansion in a carriage with gifts in a dignified manner, as if he had no intention of hiding anything.

After entering the gate, I saw Li Yuechen, who was wearing a big red round collar robe, sitting in the pavilion drinking tea.

King Ji immediately came over to salute: "I have seen Your Highness!"

"Uncle, give up the gift quickly!" Li Yuechen also bowed back, after all, this is an elder in the immediate family, and he can't nod casually like other people.

After calling him to sit down, Li Yuechen raised his hand and poured him tea: "Speaking of which, this is the first time I've seen my uncle since I was a child."

"Yes!" Li Shen nodded, and subconsciously raised his hand to stroke his beard, "I have heard about the princess' many deeds many years ago, and I never thought that we would meet each other until today..."

Both uncle and nephew were polite and the atmosphere was peaceful.

However, the atmosphere was not calm for too long. After chatting casually for a few words, Li Yuechen immediately went straight to the topic: "Uncle came here today not just to give gifts, right?"

Hearing her change the subject so bluntly, Li Shen froze for a moment, but then continued to laugh: "Princess Zhen Guo, she is indeed extremely intelligent. I heard that Your Highness values ​​affection, but I don't know if she has any affection with us and other elders." Word?"

Do you have no points yourself?Li Yuechen complained in his heart.

However, there is still a smile on his face: "I am a member of the army, and I don't like to go round and round. If uncle has something to say, you may as well speak up."

"I came to the Eastern Capital and explained to His Majesty the Emperor that the King of Yue might be rebellious..."

Li Yuechen pretended to be surprised: "The King of Yue wants to rebel? But Auntie didn't give me an order..."

"I'm not sure yet." Li Shen shook his head, "But if this is true, His Highness must lead the troops to suppress the rebellion, but I don't know if His Highness can do anything to his relatives?"

At the same time as he asked this sentence, his eyes were fixed on Li Yuechen, as if he wanted to get the most real thoughts from her eyes.

Li Yuechen shook his head lightly: "The sage and I are brothers and sisters, so naturally we can't..."

"Your Highness, please don't get me wrong. From what I know about the King of Yue, this move is all for the saint!" Li Shen replied.

Having said that, it is already very clear that Li Zhen's rebellion is also anti-military, and it is to help Li Xian seize power.

Of course, it was impossible for Li Yuechen to believe it. If he was a person with a foreign surname, the rebellion might be just to be a powerful minister.But there happened to be a man surnamed Li, and he was also the son of Emperor Taizong. The rebellion was just to help his nephew seize power...

Not to mention the Li Tang royal family's tradition of loving fathers, sons, filial brothers, friends and brothers, no one would believe what he said, and even less would anyone who listened to it.

Li Shen continued: "I have long heard that His Highness has a very good relationship with the saint since he was a child. Presumably he is willing to help the saint?"

This kind of thing is almost known to everyone. Li Zhi was a daughter slave when he was still alive, so what if he showed off his daughter to the ministers every now and then.

So even if they haven't seen it, with the continuous circulation of rumors, these feudal lords almost know a lot about Li Yuechen's childhood.

Li Yuechen lowered his head and was silent for two seconds: "Brother and I have been playing together since we were young, so our relationship is naturally very good. But this matter..."

"Your Highness already has a close relationship with the saint, if you add the merit of supporting him..." Li Shen did not continue.

That's all for now, in this era, no one can refuse the contribution of support, which is almost equal to rescue!Even surpassed to some extent.

However, she did not reply right away, but nodded lightly: "Let me think about this matter."

"Of course!" Li Shen nodded, "But..."

"Uncle, don't worry, today is just drinking tea and chatting with nephew and uncle, there is no other problem!" Li Yuechen said with a slight smile.

Hearing this sentence, Li Shen was relieved, it seemed that he had made the right bet.

He dared to tell the princess so bluntly that there was a basis for it.

The princess and His Majesty the Emperor are both people who have the late emperor's life in their bodies, and neither of them can do anything to the other.

So even if the princess still loves this mother in her heart, there must be conflicts when fighting for power and profit.

This is the same as when Emperor Taizong still built the Daming Palace for his father after he ascended the throne. Although he was busy for a long time, Li Zhi was the first to live in it.

But this matter can also explain one thing, seizing power doesn't mean I don't love you anymore, it's better to say that the relationship between mother and daughter may be better after seizing power.

Li Shen believes that Princess Taiping can see through this level of things, and in the past Li Zhi often boasted about the good relationship between his children, so he dared to speak so bluntly today.

Taking a step back, it doesn't matter if the princess reports it today or directly attacks him. Anyway, there is no third person present, and there is no evidence.

For members of the royal family, they cannot be executed directly without evidence, so they can continue to argue for time.

It can be regarded as a hob meat-like strategy.


After sending Li Shen away, Li Yuechen shook his head with a slight smile. Sure enough, everything was going according to his mother's speculation, and they had nothing to play.

Even if they didn't have themselves, it would be impossible for a person whose underpants were seen through to play with Mom.

It is estimated that they will try to contact the two sisters in a short time. At the same time, Li Yuechen feels that Geng Yunqiang and the others should also be reminded.

Since ancient times, in any coup d'etat or rebellion, the imperial army has been a force that cannot be ignored. In this case, it is not ruled out that they may bypass themselves and directly contact the officers in Qianniuwei!
Although it is said that the soldiers in Qianniuwei have received cultural education, they are certainly not as easy to fool as ordinary people, but still the same sentence, in this era, no one can refuse to support them!

Of course, then again, Qian Niuwei's instigation of rebellion is actually very troublesome, and it is not something that can be done by instigating a few senior officers.

The biggest reason lies in the difference in the military system. The soldiers at the bottom are very clear that it is the princess Li Yuechen who spends money to support them, not their upper-level officers.

Even though it is said that soldiers must obey orders, they are not stupid. If they follow the officers and betray the princess, then everything they have now will be gone!
So in Qianniuwei, it is useless to instigate rebellious officers!
But the reminder should be reminded, otherwise there will really be an officer who is instigated to rebel and send information to the outside, and even the princess Li Yuechen will be ashamed!

So Li Yuechen rode directly to the barracks the next morning after finishing his exercises, intending to remind Geng Yunqiang.

When I came to the camp, I entered through the main entrance, and before I reached the training ground, I heard bursts of yelling from inside, mixed with very messy shouts.

Li Yuechen frowned, trotted two steps and walked directly through the forest next to him for training.

When I came to the training ground, I saw a group of soldiers sitting together in disheveled clothes, looking at the two people in the encirclement.

Both of them had bruised noses and swollen faces, and one of them had a small cut on the brow bone, with blood flowing down the cheek.

Obviously, both of them had already fired a real fire. After punching each other to separate them, they actually pulled out the ax from the thigh strap at the same time!

A shout suddenly sounded, and the soldiers present turned their heads and saw Li Yuechen walking quickly.

The angry expression on her face was undisguised, with her black ponytail swaying behind her, she walked quickly to the front of the soldiers.

"Your Highness!" The soldiers saluted and greeted one after another.

Li Yuechen didn't pay any attention, but went straight to the two people who were fighting in the field.

Before the two soldiers had time to salute, Li Yuechen snatched the ax in her hand. She stared at a pair of big black eyes, and put the ax in her hand in front of the two: "What is this?"

Judging from her expression, she was very angry. The two soldiers didn't dare to answer, but just bowed their heads in silence.

"Can't you hear my question?!" Li Yuechen roared, "Tell me! What is this?"

The two quickly replied: "Axe!"


With a muffled sound, Li Yuechen raised his leg and kicked the soldier in front of him on the shoulder, causing him to fall straight to the ground.

Then he kicked another person in the chest, kicking him out as well.

The two fell to the ground with a muffled sound, thanks to her mercy, otherwise the two must have died on the spot with their bones broken.

"Axe?" Li Yuechen stared at the two of them, roaring and cursing, "This is a weapon! It's a sharp weapon! It's a deadly weapon!"

The two who were kicked down slowly stood up, and Li Yuechen kicked one of them directly, causing them to fall to the ground again.

"My mother said a long time ago that you are comrades-in-arms and brothers! Now you use this thing to aim at your comrades?! What my mother taught you is fed to dogs?!" Li Yuechen roared loudly, and the surrounding soldiers couldn't help but fight. I shivered.

"Where's Geng Yunqiang?" Li Yuechen turned his head and asked.

A company commander next to him immediately replied: "Return to Your Highness, today is Saturday, I haven't seen you since last night..."

"Go to the dormitory to see if he is there! If not, go to his house and call him for me!"


Li Yuechen threw the ax on the ground with a flick of his hand, and took two deep breaths with his waist stuck.

While still angry, I also felt a little fear in my heart.

It's just begging, it's okay to fight, but you still use weapons!
Li Yuechen really didn't consider this before, but today he found out that once a soldier fires a real fire, the consequences will be very serious, and if he fails to do so, he will die!
The two had already stood up again, standing where they were, not daring to speak, waiting for the princess to leave.

Li Yuechen turned his head to look at the soldiers around him, licked his lips, nodded and said, "Okay! You have all grown up! It's normal for comrades to fight with weapons, right?"

"Look at the disheveled appearance of all of you!" Li Yuechen stretched out his hand and pointed at each of them, "You have forgotten the military appearance and discipline you have emphasized so many times, right?"

 Thank you [Don't like to eat children] for the reward of 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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