Great Tang princess

Chapter 389 New Department

Chapter 389 New Department

Seeing the princess pointing and cursing at them, the soldiers hurriedly adjusted their clothes.

No one expected the princess to get so angry today, and at the same time, it made many soldiers tremble in their hearts.

The two who were still fighting just now quickly buttoned up and tidied up their clothes.

While they were tidying up, Geng Yunqiang also ran over with the soldiers just now, and stopped in front of Li Yuechen to salute: "Your Highness!"

At the same time, the deputy division commander and the three brigade commanders below followed him, saluting and saying hello.

Seeing that Geng Yunqiang's face was still a little red, Li Yuechen came to him, sniffed his nose twice, and suddenly laughed: " much did you drink?"

Although she was smiling, the anger in her eyes was almost condensed into substance.

Seeing her eyes, Geng Yunqiang shuddered all over, and immediately lowered his head: "Your Highness, forgive me!"

"Okay!" Li Yuechen nodded, "I drank it all night and slept until the sun was up! The soldiers under my command are going to hack my comrades to death with axes! My mother has worked so hard to train you to be like this! You are really worthy of me!"

Having said that, Li Yuechen raised his hand and gave them a thumbs up.

Hearing what she said, Geng Yunqiang bowed his head with shame on his face and saluted: "It's an official who neglected his duty, please punish him, Your Highness!"

"Punishment?" Li Yuechen asked back, "I ask you, if they really hacked one to death today, what's the use of punishing you? Can it be redeemed?"

Geng Yunqiang remained silent.

Li Yuechen raised his hand and punched him on the chest, with a muffled "bang", he couldn't stand upright, took several steps back, and coughed violently.

"I'm asking you! Can it be saved?" Li Yuechen growled.

"No!" Geng Yunqiang replied in a low voice after standing firm, "Your Highness, please punish me!"

Li Yuechen took a deep breath, turned his head to look at the soldiers next to him, and pointed his fingers: "You guys! Finish five hundred push-ups for me before sunset!"

Then he waved his hands to Geng Yunqiang and the brigade commanders: "Come with me!"

As he spoke, he walked directly to his office, and Geng Yunqiang and several brigade commanders hurriedly followed.

Seeing the princess and the others leave, the soldiers on the training ground also looked guilty.

Thinking about it carefully, the princess has always emphasized to them on weekdays that comrades-in-arms are brothers who share life and death, but now they raised their arms against their comrades, which simply failed His Highness's expectations.

It was His Highness who let them come to Qianniuwei. They lived a good life. They ate well and dressed well every day, and their monthly salary was never in arrears... There has never been such a high-ranking person throughout the ages.

Originally, they were supposed to be soldiers she was proud of, but now they let her down!

The soldiers took a deep breath, then climbed down and started doing push-ups.


On the other side, with a "kuang", Li Yuechen kicked open the door of the office, walked in and picked up the teapot on the table.

After opening the lid and taking a look, I didn't look for a cup, so I put my mouth on the spout and took a few sips.

After putting down the teapot, he looked at Geng Yunqiang and the others in front of him and nodded: "You guys! You really just ignored my old lady's words, didn't you? You think you are number one in the world now, so it doesn't matter if you slack off, right?"

Before they could answer, she waved her hand: "Forget it, I didn't want to do this at first, but you forced me to do it!"

She pulled out her chair, sat down, and patted the table: "During this time, I will find another hundred people to come out and form a gendarmerie directly responsible to me! Or call it a picket force!"

"You can be understood as being responsible for supervising your troops and strictly enforcing military laws..." Li Yuechen looked at them and said.

Geng Yunqiang didn't speak, but Niu Ermao behind him looked a bit embarrassed: "Your Highness, this..."

"Don't explain it to me, I don't want to hear it!" Li Yuechen raised his hand and interrupted him, "I can't blame you all for this matter, I ignored it! Humans are inherently lazy! Today's Qianniuwei has an excellent record, let you They are all starting to slack off! So someone must be in charge of supervising you!"

"Your Highness..."

"Shut up!" Li Yuechen stood up and waved his hands, "Go out and run thirty laps for me! Get rid of the alcohol and come back!"

Several people looked at each other, Qiqi agreed, and hurried out to run around.

Although thirty laps can make people spit out, it also made them breathe a sigh of relief.

Since they were punished, their life was probably saved.At least the princess should not kill them.


After they went out, Li Yuechen sat down and took a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down.

After all, he had never really been a soldier, and this issue was still ignored by himself.

The more powerful the combat force, the more strict management system is needed.

In the past, during the military training, the instructors always complained about pickets, and thought it was a useless department.

Now it seems that there is indeed a need for existence!

And if something like this happened today, it can only be said that ideological education is not enough.

So I immediately took out a pen and paper, and began to write the responsibilities of the Gendarmerie and what kind of rules and regulations it was.

Two hours passed in a blink of an eye, and Li Yuechen almost stopped writing when he heard the report sounded outside the door.

"Come in!"

Geng Yunqiang and others pushed open the door and walked in slowly.

Their hair and clothes were completely soaked, and the sweat dripped slowly from their beards.

It seems that the alcohol in the body has been turned into sweat and excreted from the body, and the eyes are obviously more energetic.

Li Yuechen looked up and said, "What do you have to say about today's events?"

"Returning to Your Highness, if you are not strict with your subordinates, it is a dereliction of duty. Please punish your Highness!" Geng Yunqiang lowered his head.

"Hmph, dereliction of duty?" Li Yuechen stood up and walked towards him, "If someone dies today, it's not dereliction of duty, it's dereliction of duty!"

"I have always emphasized discipline and put more trust in you. That's what you do!"

Hearing her lesson, Geng Yunqiang and others dared not speak.

Usually Li Yuechen rarely used the self-proclaimed Ben Gong when talking to them.

Since she used it, it meant that she was really angry at the moment.

"I am ashamed of trusting Your Highness!" Geng Yunqiang replied with his head bowed.

The brigade commanders in the back also said in unison: "I am ashamed of trusting Your Highness!"

Li Yuechen waved his hand: "This is the first time and the last time! Remember it for me. If there is another time, I will go to the logistics team and work with those prisoners!"

"Yes! Please remember!"

Their attitude of admitting their mistakes was very clear, and Li Yuechen didn't continue to lose his temper: "You should always be prepared for this 'temporary' moment when raising troops for a thousand days... In short, the formation of the Gendarmerie has been decided, so go back and let me know !"

After speaking, he didn't bother to continue talking to them, and waved his hand to let them leave.

After walking out of the office, several people looked at each other and sighed.

Niu Ermao, the brigade commander of the first brigade, couldn't help asking: "Master, what should we do?"

"You ask me?" Geng Yunqiang sighed, "Now that His Highness is determined to form a new department, what can I do?"

Niu Ermao couldn't help scratching his head: "But in this way, won't we have to take a detour when we meet the military police? How can our Qianniuwei be so aggrieved?"

The other two brigade commanders also nodded one after another. Thinking about it makes you uncomfortable.

"Aggrieved?" Geng Yun turned around and asked, then raised his arm and pointed at Li Yuechen's office, "Go and tell His Highness, just say you are aggrieved!"

"This..." Niu Ermao took half a step back and whispered, "How dare I..."

"Then do you think I dare?" Geng Yunqiang raised his eyebrows and asked, "I feel that being able to come out alive today is the greatest luck."

A few people thought about it, and it was the first time they saw the princess lose such a big temper with them.

To make the princess so angry, it's not bad if they haven't been chopped off!

But thinking of the future life, I still can't help but sigh!

On the other side, in the office, Li Yuechen suddenly raised his hand, and patted himself on the forehead with a "slap".

Originally, I came here today to discuss other matters, and I wanted to strengthen the ideological education in the army.

But if something like this happened, it must be more serious, so let's take this side into account first.

Anyway, after this incident, the next period of time will definitely be very busy, and there will be no time to contact people outside.

On the contrary, it is the candidate for the gendarmerie, which is not easy to find.

Because if it is transferred from Qianniuwei at this time, it may not be effective.

They have all trained together for a long time, and they have also been on the battlefield together. Basically, it is a relationship of life and death. Many violations of military discipline will help cover up...

Therefore, it is best to find candidates for the military police from other places.

While worrying, Li Yuechen suddenly thought of a question.

The soldier talisman of the Forbidden Army is still with me. Although outsiders don't know it, I am now the real general of the world's soldiers and horses.

It shouldn't be a big problem to go to the Jinwu Guard to pick some people, right?
As soon as this idea came up, Li Yuechen shook his head and vetoed it.

I remember hearing from instructors that military police are only a part of the military discipline, and sometimes they also serve as guards of honor or maintaining public order, so they also have certain requirements for their external image.

As for the Forbidden Army... they are all from poor families in essence, all of them are sallow and thin, it is not easy to eat enough, and the nutrition is not complete.

Not to mention that while the military police represent the image of the country, they must also keep up ideologically, so this requires them to be literate and able to read books.

Thinking of this, I can't help but worry a little, where can I find someone who looks good and can read these days...

and many more!

Li Yuechen suddenly felt that he had discovered a blind spot.

The biggest difference between this year and the future is that there is no family planning. As long as you can afford it, you can basically have as many children as you can.

Aristocratic families are generally full of children and grandchildren.

But there is a problem here. Only one son can inherit the title of nobility. For the rest, he must either receive a monthly payment at home and wait for death, or find an official position in the court. If he can make achievements, It can be regarded as the lintel of glory.

It's just that most of the yamen young masters in the aristocratic families are eating at home and waiting to die.

Because the imperial court did not have so many official positions for them.

Today, Pei Bishu, the dean of the Academy of Engineering, also stayed at home until he was in his thirties before he got the position of a young mansion supervisor.

If it is possible to form these yamen who live at home into a gendarmerie...

The more Li Yuechen thought about it, the more he felt it was possible.

First of all, most of the yamen were spoiled and spoiled since they were young, and their nutrition can keep up, and they are generally taller.

Moreover, the women of the big family are beautiful, and these yamen have good genes, and their appearance is generally higher than that of ordinary people!

Coupled with his noble background, he has natural antagonism with soldiers from poor families...

The more Li Yuechen thought about it, the more he felt that this method was feasible, and he planned to contact some nobles after returning home, so that if they were interested, they would send the concubine of the family over.

This is a blatant opportunity to plant spies in the princess army, presumably they will not refuse!

Of course, in this way, many inside stories of the Qianniuwei Army will definitely be leaked out, but Li Yuechen doesn't care.

Training methods and the like can't be hidden, and the strength of Qianniuwei is not the training method itself!

The key is ideological education and strong logistical support, etc...

It doesn't matter even if the training methods or the content of ideological education are leaked out.

If you want to copy such an army, you must first have money, which can guarantee their food, drink and other living things.

Qianniuwei didn't talk about anything else, just talking about the food, four dishes, one soup, big fish and big meat every day. Ordinary nobles couldn't afford this level of consumption. It was already very difficult to feed a hundred of these dead men. It's amazing, as for more, at least it is impossible in the two capitals.

Training such an army requires building a large training ground, own dormitory building, etc...

But you can build a training ground and a dormitory building at the foot of the Son of Heaven without being noticed... that's a dream!
Just do what you say, Li Yuechen looked at the sky, at least went back to the palace directly, and told you his thoughts with his mother.

"Well, not bad!" Wu Zetian nodded after hearing this, with a look of relief, "It seems that my son still understands the art of emperors and the concept of checks and balances."

"The child has been with his parents since he was a child, so he has naturally learned something!" Li Yuechen smiled boastfully.

Wu Zetian smiled: "But Chen'er has to think about it, it's somewhat troublesome to let these gentry dandies enter Qianniuwei!"

"Don't worry, Aunt!" Li Yuechen smiled confidently. "Firstly, they can't get in touch with the core; secondly, I ordered the soldiers, and I will choose them! Unless they can instigate everyone, otherwise, just hooking up with a few officers... is meaningless."

"At the same time, maybe the baby can get a lot of valuable things from their tricks!" Li Yuechen chuckled.

Although I don't know what the routine is, but listening to my daughter's foreword and afterwords, I can probably guess what she means.

Wu Zetian nodded: "It makes sense, there are pros and cons, so Chen'er should be able to do it well!"

"Well, that kid will start looking for candidates tomorrow!" Li Yuechen nodded, and then began to massage his mother.

After chatting for a short time, Li Yuechen got up and left with some reluctance.

Back at the Princess Mansion, I saw Princess Yiyang sitting in the pavilion.

Seeing Li Yuechen, she stood up and waved her hand: "Chen'er really knows everything like a god!"

(End of this chapter)

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