Great Tang princess

Chapter 396 Why Are You Here?

Chapter 396 Why Are You Here?
After Li Yuechen gave the order, several soldiers immediately ran into the house to take out her armor and weapons, and helped her put them on.

When he saw the thick armor, Di Renjie was secretly dumbfounded. He had heard that the princess's armor was very wearable, but it was just heard, and the feeling was completely different from seeing it with his own eyes.

Especially the hammer, which was not much smaller than a human head, the soldier who brought it had to grit his teeth to pick it up, but she was able to use it as a weapon, which was really unbelievable.

Not to mention the strange big black bow held by another soldier next to him, Di Renjie couldn't help but think, is this kind of bow enough to be used as a melee weapon?
However, Li Yuechen shook his head regretfully: "It's a pity that the painted halberd of Fangtian in my palace is too long, so there is no way to send it in secretly, otherwise it would be more suitable for fighting in the city."

At that time, Li Yuechen and the others came in disguised as a caravan. Her armor and weapons were smuggled in by hanging under the carriage. As long as they gave the soldiers guarding the city a bunch of Kaiyuan Tongbao, they would not check it too carefully.

But Fang Tian's painted halberd was one foot long, and it couldn't be hidden no matter what, so I put it outside for the time being.

The soldier dressed as a beggar secretly ran under the city wall with a grenade launcher transformed from a bow and crossbow. He looked around, but there was no one around, so he pulled the crossbow away, ignited the smoke bomb, and fired it out of the city wall. go.

The ignited bamboo tube drew an arc in the air, crossed the city wall, and before it landed, a puff of red smoke spewed out, spreading outside the city wall.


At this time, more than a hundred people were hiding in the woods outside the city.

They are dressed in auspicious clothes, with different colors painted on their faces, hidden among the weeds and bushes, even if someone walks past them, they may not be able to find them.

A soldier was holding a telescope to observe the movement on the city wall, and suddenly turned his head and said, "Your Highness, signal!"

The surrounding soldiers immediately turned their heads to look, and when they saw the red smoke gradually spreading outside the city, they immediately got up and moved, and slowly moved towards the target location.

Such obvious red smoke naturally attracted the attention of the soldiers guarding the city wall. Immediately when someone ran to report, many soldiers from other places also ran over to observe the red smoke below.

Li Yuechen and the others took advantage of this time to leave the temporary stronghold, and went to the Yue Palace from different directions.

Di Renjie looked at the soldiers who dispersed in an instant, and then at the twenty people who stayed by his side to protect him, thinking about how he should explain this incident in the future.

After all, King Yue was defeated and arrested. Many ministers must have asked him what happened at that time. What should he say so as not to offend the God Emperor and other ministers in the court?

The most important thing is that today's incident gave him a terrible idea. The emperor forced the kings to rebel, and then used this fishing to catch them all. Is it really just for the sake of changing the dynasty?Could there be a more terrifying purpose behind this?

He didn't dare to continue to think about this question. In the courtroom, sometimes it's better not to be too smart. If you have to pretend to be stupid, you have to learn to pretend to be stupid.

The soldiers who followed out did not follow Li Yuechen, but all dispersed and outflanked the Yue Palace from different directions.

When I came to the gate of Yuewang Mansion, I could already see a large number of soldiers gathering here, at least more than 500 people.

Of course, Li Yuechen is very clear that there is an army of at least 10,000 people outside the city, and if something happens inside, they will support at any time.

There are too few people here, only about 200 people, so the key to winning this battle is how to keep the opponent's army out of the city gate.

The army of this era actually has a poor sense of autonomy. Under the premise of ensuring that they do not rebel as much as possible, the most demanding training for them is not the issue of fighting, but not to move around!


The soldiers outside walked around the side of the city wall, and while the smoke bombs that hit the outside of the city attracted the attention of the soldiers on the city wall, they had already sneaked up at the fastest speed.

The soldiers who were standing guard nearby all gathered together, looking at the bamboo tube with red smoke below, discussing with each other who it was and what it was.

But no one noticed that on both sides behind them, more than a hundred soldiers in auspicious uniforms had already touched them quietly.

Their footsteps were very light, and they did not arouse the vigilance of these soldiers, so they came slowly behind them with their waists bent.

Then they looked at each other, nodded, pulled out the ax they carried with them, and slowly leaned over.

The soldiers who usually stand guard on the city wall are usually a few people standing on a horse face, and there are about 50 people on a city wall. The soldiers on mobile patrols are generally a team of about ten people.

But at this moment, the patrolling soldiers were also looking down curiously, discussing with others how the red smoke appeared.

At this moment, the soldiers in auspicious uniforms behind them suddenly jumped up, and the axes in their hands slashed at the unsuspecting soldiers defending the city.

There were not many people in the first place, and coupled with being unprepared, dozens of people were cut down almost instantly.

The rest of the people panicked and took up their weapons in a hurry to deal with it, but it was too late, and the rest of the soldiers also rushed over one after another, chopping off the axes that were shining with cold light in their hands...

In less than thirty seconds, all the rebel soldiers who were attracted by the smoke bombs fell into a pool of blood, while only two of Qianniuwei were injured.

Then they didn't stop to rest, but moved quickly on the city wall, running towards the front gate.

The rebel soldiers on the opposite side apparently also spotted them, and they all raised their weapons and ran over here.

The distance between the two sides gradually narrowed. After visually measuring the distance, several soldiers of Qianniuwei stopped, took out a grenade and lit it, and threw it directly.


"Boom boom boom..."

Suddenly there were explosions one after another on the city wall, causing many people in the city to scream and run around in fright.

The soldiers at the gate of Yue Wang's Mansion were also taken aback, and they all turned their heads to look in the direction of the city gate. The originally relatively neat team also became a little chaotic.

Li Yuechen, who was hiding on the roof not far away, also looked up, and the upper part should have already started to move.

According to the plan, they are responsible for controlling the city gate, and leave the rest to the people inside. The purpose of this is to divide the hundreds of soldiers in the city and the more than [-] soldiers outside the city. army.

In order to maintain the stability of the army, the superiors in this era will try their best to prevent the army from developing a sense of autonomy.

The usual training for them is not all kinds of strategic thinking at most, but to let them learn not to move around!
So what Li Yuechen had to do was to separate them. As long as he could control the city gate, the outside troops would not dare to come in casually when the internal and external information was not equal.

As long as King Yue can be caught within this time, the matter will naturally be resolved.

After receiving the news, Li Zhen rushed out immediately. Li Yuechen poked his head out slightly to take a look, and found that he was also wearing bright armor.

His brows were already whitish, and he looked in the direction of the city gate, where there was still some smoke that hadn't dissipated after the explosion.

He frowned tightly, the sudden explosion reminded him of the legendary Princess Taiping's army.

But why is Princess Taiping's army here?I haven't heard from King Ji at all!

If Princess Taiping sent troops, King Ji should have notified her in advance!
Just when he was deep in thought, Li Yuechen on the roof had slowly picked up his mechanical compound bow, opened the bow and set an arrow, and aimed at him.

Of course she wouldn't shoot him to death directly, after all, she was a member of the royal family, and she had to try to capture him alive if she could.

Li Yuechen was still very confident in his aim. After aiming for a while, he let go of his fingers, and the specially made arrow pierced the air with a sound of "咻——" and shot out.

With a "click", the jade hair crown on Li Zhen's head, who was looking at the direction of the city gate, shattered, and her half-white hair fell down with crystal fragments.

"Protect Your Highness!"

The guards around him were shocked, roared quickly, and protected Li Zhen behind him, then looked at the arrow that fell on the ground with a look of surprise.

What happened just now was so sudden that he didn't see clearly where the arrow came from, and he was watching vigilantly from side to side.

Li Yuechen on the roof retreated quietly, then jumped down from the other side nimbly, handed the compound bow in his hand to the soldiers below, then picked up his own pair of hammers and walked out.

Seeing a tall general in black armor and red robe coming out, the soldiers who gathered at the gate of the Yue Palace turned their heads in surprise.

Li Zhen, with disheveled hair, opened her eyes even wider, and looked over with an expression of disbelief.

Although she couldn't see the face under the mask, it was not difficult to judge from her figure that it should be a woman.Coupled with the sledgehammer in his hand, which is not much smaller than a human head, his identity is ready to be revealed!

"Black armor and red robe..."

Looking at Princess Taiping walking step by step in the middle of the street more than ten meters wide, the beard on Li Zhen's chin was trembling slightly, and he murmured subconsciously: "Why...why are you here..."

He really couldn't figure out why Princess Taiping was here without receiving any notification from King Ji!
And since the princess is here...

He couldn't help turning his head to look around, did the legendary invincible Qianniuwei also come over?Speaking of which, how did they get into the city?
"Enemy attack! Protect His Royal Highness the King of Yue!" The personal guard suddenly shouted loudly.

The soldiers who reacted drew out their horizontal knives one after another, protecting Li Zhen behind them.

There are rules for the troops stationed in the city. Weapons such as spears and shields must be kept in the arsenal at ordinary times, and will only be issued during wartime.

The soldiers usually only have horizontal knives, bows and arrows, and even the bowstrings are unloaded.

The soldiers in the front row raised their horizontal knives and pointed at Princess Taiping who was slowly approaching, while some soldiers in the back quickly pulled out their bows and began to string them.

Perhaps because of nervousness, many people's hands trembled a little, and they didn't install the bowstring immediately.

Even these hundreds of soldiers kept stepping back slightly as the princess walked forward gradually.

The legend of Princess Taiping has been widely spread in the army, and it takes a lot of courage and faith to fight against such a person.And this is exactly what the army of this era lacks.

Li Yuechen walked to a place about 20 meters in front of them and stopped, put the two sledgehammers in his hand on his shoulders, and said loudly: "You can know, what crime should be involved in conspiracy?!"

Although it was blocked by a mask, Li Yuechen's voice still had a very high penetrating power, reaching everyone's ears like sound waves.

"If you put down your weapons and surrender at this time, I can forget the past! But if you persist in your obsession, don't blame me for being merciless!"

"Don't listen to what she says!"

Li Zhen who was behind suddenly yelled and interrupted her.

She can't be allowed to continue talking, otherwise the hundreds of soldiers here will definitely lose their morale!Now that things have reached this point, they must not stop.

Although I don't know how she came to the city, but thinking about it carefully, since I haven't received any news, maybe she only brought a small amount of troops here, and I still have the strength to fight.

No matter how powerful she is, she is still human after all, not a fairy.

As long as the army that can be dragged outside the city comes in to rescue...

"Boom boom boom..."

At this moment, several explosions sounded from the direction of the city gate, attracting everyone's attention again.

Li Yuechen smiled slightly, it seems that their operation to control the gate of the city went smoothly, now they just need to control Li Zhen before the troops from outside rush in!

"Say it one last time! You are all soldiers of the Tang Dynasty. I don't want to kill you! But if you still persist in your obsession, I will never show mercy!" Li Yuechen loudly issued an ultimatum.

Many soldiers on the opposite side showed hesitation, and they already had an idea in their hearts, but if they put down their weapons at this time, they might be hacked to death by Li Zhen's personal guards first.

Therefore, none of the soldiers on the opposite side put down their weapons. Perhaps they also felt that since he was alone, he should still be capable of fighting.

Li Yuechen shook his head slightly, and muttered to himself in a low voice: "Don't blame me!"

After speaking, he took the double hammer and rushed directly to the opposite crowd.

Li Zhen also yelled at the same time: "There is only one person for her! Take her down!"

Hundreds of soldiers also rushed towards her like a tide. The distance between the two sides was already less than 20 meters, and it was almost cut in half in the blink of an eye.

On the opposite side, several soldiers who had already loaded their strings immediately opened their bows and set up arrows, and shot the arrows in their hands at her.

However, Li Yuechen didn't dodge or dodge, he just raised a hammer to block his face a bit, and then continued to rush over.

"Ding ding ding..."

Dozens of arrows hit her armor without causing any damage, leaving only a few shallow white spots, which didn't even slow her down.

In the next second, Li Yuechen had already arrived in front of the soldiers at the front. Facing the horizontal knives they cut over, he didn't seem to see them. The soldiers on the other side went.

 The boss is crazy, and he was suddenly assigned a business trip without any warning... If it doesn't work out tomorrow, I will have to make a change. I would like to apologize to everyone in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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