Great Tang princess

Chapter 397 A Miracle in the History of War

Chapter 397 A Miracle in the History of War

The black sledgehammer went straight to the soldiers in the front row with an obvious and even harsh sound of piercing through the air.

Maybe they regretted it the moment they heard the voice, but it was too late.

After hearing a few muffled "bang bang", several rebel soldiers in the front row flew out directly.

While spitting out a mouthful of blood in mid-air, he died before landing on the ground!
The corpse that fell on the ground was limp, and the obvious depression in the chest could be seen. At this point, it was impossible to be alive.

Li Yuechen knocked down four people in one face-to-face, but the black rebels behind seemed to be still reduced.

At the same time she swung the sledgehammer, several soldiers nearby also swung their horizontal knives and slashed at her body.

However, the few knives cut on her body and head didn't have any substantial impact on her at all, except for a crisp sound, and didn't even make her take half a step back.

Li Yuechen continued to rush forward, and with a seemingly effortless movement of his hands, two of them had their heads smashed again.

When a large pile of red and white viscous liquid spread out in mid-air, the surrounding group of rebel soldiers were taken aback.

I have seen too many killing scenes, but I have never seen such a brutal killing in my own camp when there is only one person on the other side.

At this moment, many soldiers felt a huge pressure in their hearts.

The legend of this princess is indeed not groundless. She does have a powerful fighting power that ordinary people can't understand.

In the eyes of these rebels, Li Yuechen's already tall figure seemed to have become even taller at this moment.

It seems to be like a mountain and river in front of you, which makes people look up involuntarily.


At the same time, above the city gate.

One of Qianniuwei's soldiers fired a crossbow bolt, killing the last of the rebels.

So far, the top of the city gate has been completely controlled.

Because the city gate of Yuzhou City is decentralized, they don't need to go down, and they can control the main switch of the city gate here.

Dozens of soldiers guarded both sides of the city wall, firing crossbow arrows whenever rebels came over, and the rest were observing the troops that had gathered outside the city.

When the explosion sounded on the city wall just now, they had already received the news and assembled as quickly as possible.

However, the soldiers of this era have not received systematic training, and they are still messy when assembled.

After finishing the formation with great difficulty, the second explosion sounded again, scaring many people to froze in place and wasted a lot of time.

Because Di Renjie was rescued last night, the city gate was not opened this morning.

So until now, the army outside the city didn't know what happened inside.

When they managed to gather their formation, the city walls were replaced by Qianniuwei in auspicious uniforms.

The commander of the army froze in place for a moment, not knowing what to do next.

Looking at the black army assembled not far behind the moat, the Qianniuwei soldiers on the city wall were also discussing with each other what to do.

"Look at the darkness. Let's say less than 10,000 taels, more than a thousand people, if you rush..."

"It's okay, the opponent doesn't have large weapons such as flying towers and trebuchets, so the damage from a forced charge is too great."

"His Royal Highness's order is to try not to fight and reduce casualties as much as possible. However, if the opponent charges forcefully, these bed crossbows and rolling logs and rocks should be able to resist for a while."

"In my opinion, if the enemy charges forcefully, it is better to throw tear gas bombs at them to force them back. The current wind direction is also suitable, and it can delay to the greatest extent..."

"Hey... If you use too much tear gas, I don't know what kind of expression the Second Highness will have when you go back..."

"Hahaha...Okay! Take this opportunity to throw enough, if the Second Highness is angry, just say it was His Highness's order, hahaha..."

Unlike the dilemma of the enemy army outside the city, the Qianniuwei on the city wall chatted in a relaxed atmosphere, as if they didn't regard this place as a battlefield at all.


On the street outside King Yue's Mansion, a large number of soldiers gathered in darkness, but the atmosphere at the moment was extremely quiet.

The soldiers holding the horizontal knives looked terrified. Although they hadn't surrendered yet, they seemed to have lost the courage to continue to charge forward.

And Li Yuechen on the opposite side still walked this way unhurriedly.

Compared to a quarter of an hour ago, her body was almost soaked in blood at this moment, and there were still a lot of uncoagulated blood dripping down the hem of the armor to the ground.

There was a lot of red and white viscous liquid on her body and the two hammers, and it fell down little by little as she walked.

And behind her, there were also corpses in disorder, like scattered leaves, lying on the ground irregularly.

Some had a big pit in their chests; some had irregular heads; some even had their helmets smashed flat, exuding a large amount of unknown liquid...

As for Li Yuechen, there were already many white scratches on the armor, and even the mask on the helmet was slightly deformed.

But she still walked towards this side with unhurried steps.

The soldiers on the other side kept retreating.

Perhaps this scene will become a miracle in the history of human warfare. Hundreds of people were beaten by one person in the street and retreated steadily.

As Li Yuechen walked forward, her slightly hoarse Yujie voice sounded again under the mask: "I will say it again, if you put down your weapon and surrender, you can be pardoned for this crime."

The soldiers on the opposite side felt incredible when they heard that her tone was still relaxed, and she didn't feel tired after a big battle at all.

Some of the soldiers in the front row even started to tremble.

The horizontal knife in his hand began to shake violently. This is one of the most real reactions when people face fear.

Perhaps one of the soldiers couldn't stand the oppressive feeling coming from her body, so he raised his horizontal knife and rushed towards her with a loud roar.

The two soldiers next to him also subconsciously cooperated with him to launch an attack.

Facing the three people who attacked him, Li Yuechen raised his hand first.

With a sound of "clang", the horizontal knife in the man's hand was directly blown away.

But at the same time, the soldiers on both sides had already cut over.

Li Yuechen opened his arms and raised his hammers to meet him.

But under the pressure of fear, the man whose weapon was blown away in the middle didn't retreat, but clenched his fist and hit her in the chest.

Not here!
Seeing where his fist landed, Li Yuechen immediately raised his leg.

Even if he was wearing armor, Li Yuechen didn't want anyone to touch his chest.

I don't know if it's because of practicing yoga since she was a child. Although she has great strength, her body is also extremely soft.

Stand on the ground and lift your legs so that your knees stick to your chest!


There was a crisp sound of metal fronts, and the double hammers caught the two horizontal knives that were slashing over.

At the same time, the fist of the man in the middle also hit Li Yuechen's raised knee.

There was a crisp sound of "Gaba", and the person opposite was already lying on the ground with his right hand clutched and rolling.

Li Yuechen waved his arms again, and after two muffled bangs, the people on both sides had already fallen to the ground and began to vomit blood profusely.

Glancing at the people on the ground, she continued to walk forward.

Seeing this scene, Li Zhen, who was protected by soldiers on the opposite side, yelled a little crazy: "Hurry up! If someone can take it down, I will reward you with a hundred taels of gold!"

It stands to reason that there must be brave men under heavy rewards.

However, at this moment, no one dared to respond.

They saw with their own eyes that the companions who had just rushed forward were easily dealt with by her with a hammer. The key is that until now, she doesn't seem to be tired.

It's not that Li Yuechen really has an extraordinary combat power to fight hundreds of people, but that this street is only about ten meters wide.

In order to ensure the performance of the soldiers, no more than ten people can rush over at a time.

For Li Yuechen, it was still within his ability to face a dozen people at once, which was why he could achieve such a terrifying record.

Seeing her still walking unhurriedly, a soldier finally couldn't bear the oppressive feeling on his face, and let go of the weapon in his hand.

A horizontal knife fell to the ground, and after flicking twice, it lay quietly on the ground.

Then there was the continuous sound of weapons falling, almost playing a short piece of music.

If there is the first, there will be the second, as the so-called defeat is like a mountain, nothing more than that.


The guard next to Li Zhen cursed loudly: "How dare you..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a "swoosh", and a crossbow arrow had penetrated his neck, cutting off what he hadn't finished speaking.

However, this was not over yet. The next moment, subtle sounds of piercing through the air sounded one after another, and the guards around Li Zhen were shot by arrows from nowhere and fell to the ground powerlessly.

With a feeling in his heart, Li Zhen and the surrounding soldiers who had put down their weapons looked up.

I don't know when, dozens of people have appeared scattered on the surrounding roofs.

They wore camouflage uniforms and a black burlap vest over their bodies.

A few bamboo tubes could be seen stuffed into the pockets of the vest, and at the same time, he was holding a bow and crossbow that had already been stringed.

There were not many of them, only about thirty, but they had completely surrounded Li Zhen.

Dozens of the personal guards closest to him died in an instant, and even the captain of the personal guard was shot in the eye by an arrow, and was lying on the ground convulsing at this moment.

A circle suddenly opened up around him, completely exposing him.

Li Zhen looked left and right, and the soldiers around had basically put down their weapons, even his personal guards.

Not far away, Li Yuechen also pushed up his mask, revealing a beautiful face stained with a little blood.

The original heroic face became a little weird because of some irregular blood stains, like a monster about to appear.

"I count to three, if there are still people with weapons, shoot them to death!" Li Yuechen took a few steps forward so that everyone could hear her words, "One, two..."

As soon as the voice fell, the rest of the people let go of their hands and threw the weapons in their hands on the ground.

After counting to "three", everyone has thrown away their weapons and no longer has the courage to fight.

Seeing this scene, Li Zhen also knew that the situation was over, so she couldn't help but sighed.

This breath seemed to spit out all the fighting spirit in his body, and his straight back slumped in an instant, as if he had aged many years in an instant.

The originally bright eyes also drooped down, no longer as bright as before.

The somewhat crazy tone just now also calmed down: "Why is Your Highness here?"

"Don't uncle know?" Li Yuechen asked back, "Of course it's for the purpose of suppressing the rebellion."

"Sure enough, it's still exposed..." Li Zhen shook her head, "It's a pity that I missed a step. I didn't expect the God Emperor to take the initiative to attack."

"Okay, uncle, don't resist, follow me back to Dongdu and confess!" Li Yuechen waved his hand, interrupting his emotion.

The soldiers of Qianniuwei came down, tied him up, and brought him to the city wall.

"Listen, the mastermind is already under the law, you should surrender quickly..."

Hearing Qianniuwei's shout, the opposite party sent someone to take a look under the city wall.

After discovering that Li Zhen had been arrested, she hurried back and reported to the commander.

At this point, there was really no need to continue fighting, so the troops outside the city threw away their weapons and armor, and announced their surrender.

Li Yuechen let Qianniuwei take over Yuzhou temporarily, and at the same time let Di Renjie take over to stabilize the situation.

While temporarily imprisoning Li Zhen, he also wrote a letter to explain the trial here, and sent someone eight hundred miles to send him back urgently.

But Li Yuechen didn't plan to go back immediately, but planned to take the troops to Jiangzhou.

While reuniting with the big troops, I also want to see how the situation is going and see if I need help.

Naturally, Li Zhen would be with her at all times to prevent those soldiers who had surrendered from being rebelled again.

As long as King Yue is taken away and they don't have a backbone, I believe Di Renjie will be able to handle the matter well.


Until now, Di Renjie still feels a little confused.

The king of Yue conspired against him, but just after he raised his troops and walked out of the palace, the plan failed.

It took less than half a day from start to finish!It's so fast that people can't react.

The king of Yue planned this battle meticulously, but it failed as soon as he walked out of the house.

But this is not because King Yue is stupid, but no one would have thought that Princess Taiping would come here so soon.

No one would have thought that she would dare to enter the enemy's base camp with fifty people, and then attacked head-on, breaking up an army of hundreds of people by herself!

At the same time, Di Renjie, who has experienced such a treason case, has a complicated heart, with regrets and joys.

It's a pity that Li Tang's royal family is going to die again because of this incident, but the happy thing is that with this princess, at least it can keep the Tang Dynasty safe for nearly a hundred years.

In this contradictory mood, he took office hastily, and while stabilizing the situation, he sent Li Yuechen and others to Jiangzhou.


In the Eastern Capital City, with the sound of drums that spread throughout the city, a tall horse galloped across the hardened road that covered the Eastern Capital.

After crossing the wide street, they went straight to the palace, and Li Yuechen's report was placed on the desk of the Hall of Renshou.

At the same time, the ministers in the city were thinking while putting on their clothes. At this time, the eight hundred miles are in a hurry. Could it be that there is another war?
But now that the Tang Dynasty is full of martial virtues, which of the surrounding countries would dare to invade the Tang Dynasty at this time?
Ji Wang Li Shen also frowned and looked in the direction of the palace after hearing the sound of the drum. A bad premonition seemed to arise in his heart...

 I'm working outside today, and there is only one update, sorry everyone, if I can go back tomorrow, I will reply to two updates, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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