Great Tang princess

Chapter 698 Remuneration

Chapter 698 Remuneration
The matter of Tubo was settled in this way, and in the next few days, Wu Zetian received all foreign envoys.

Tell them that the domestic finances are tight recently, and it is not easy to send troops to help, and let them unite to deal with it.

At the same time, I did not forget to write a letter to Tubo, expressing strong condemnation of its aggression against the countries in the Western Regions.

Of course, everyone knows that condemnation is just condemnation, and no one will take it too seriously.

After the spring plowing ceremony, the Royal Farm officially began planting potatoes, dividing different fields and fertilizers, controlling experimental variables, and striving to find the most suitable planting method.

Liu Zihe also wrote a letter to Li Yuechen, expressing that he can continue to leave at any time, and see when he will go again.

Of course, this positive attitude should be affirmed, and Li Yuechen also wanted to wait for an opportunity to continue sending the fleet to go again.

Try to bring more seeds back to plant, so that the products here will become more abundant.

But now is not the time, she plans to wait until a few more ships are built before considering this issue.

Next time, there must be at least three ships to form a fleet.

Only in this way can enough people be carried, and then they can search for seeds of other crops more deeply on the South American continent.

At the same time, it also laid a firm enough foundation for exploring the ocean.

As the saying goes, the stronger the civilization, the farther it will go. Li Yuechen wondered if he could take advantage of this era and take the lead in spreading the footsteps of Da Zhou all over the world.

Only with a sufficient understanding of the world can we maintain awe of nature.

Of course, there is only one shipyard in the country now. At the current speed, it takes about two years to build a ship.

Therefore, the next transoceanic travel plan may not start until several years later.

Of course, there is good news that the fourth airship is about to be completed.

Today, there are three airships in the country, one of which is responsible for food transportation on the northern border.

The other one mainly flies to Qingdao and Dongdu, and the other one is resident in Dongdu so that the emperor can travel at any time.

As for the completion of the fourth airship, Li Yuechen's first thought was to open a route between Hainan and Dongdu.

After all, the exchanges between Zhenzhou and the capital will become more and more frequent in the future, including the delivery of various materials and experimental products.

Taking a boat is still a bit too slow in this era, so it would be great to have an airship as a means of transportation.

After the decision was made, they immediately wrote to Qingdao, asking them to send a ship and send a group of craftsmen to Hainan to build a special landing site for airships.

As for the fifth ship in the future, it will naturally be placed in the Yizhou Military Region.

With the increase in the number of airships in the future, the formation of the Air Force is already a certainty.

Today's pilots who are responsible for delivering messages and flying around in the sky all day long will also be the backbone of the Air Force in the future.

Including the existing air combat units, there are already quite a few paratroopers.

But they are just air support and assault units, not real air force.

However, the foundation laid by them is indispensable for the future air force, so it is possible to consider expanding the number of airship pilots in the future.


After deciding on his idea, Li Yuechen asked Xiaodong to send his handwritten letter to the Ministry of War and let them handle it.

Now that the reform of the Ministry of War and the army has basically been completed, there is no need for Li Yuechen to do everything by himself.

Now she only needs to write a handwritten letter and stamp it with the official seal of the Minister of War, and the matter will naturally be handled by the people below.

Although things are a lot more convenient, there are still many things to consider.

Maybe not as busy as before, but my mind still feels tired.

After dealing with the matter here, Li Yuechen came to the engineering institute while thinking wildly, and listened to the feasibility report on the mass production of phonographs.

After entering the laboratory, Pei Bishu served a cup of tea, stood aside and said, "Your Highness, according to my calculations, if we can build a factory, this phonograph can produce fifteen sets per month..."

Fifteen stations per month... In this era, it's not too bad.

After all, it has not yet fully entered the economic society, and social production is still dominated by farming.

Therefore, high-end gadgets such as gramophones are destined not to be affordable by ordinary people.

At present, this is still a light luxury product that can only be owned by the middle class and above.

Therefore, this output is not bad, most of which are first used for domestic sales.

Keeping a part to sell to those foreign businessmen, this process is enough to earn back the cost of building factories and the like.

So Li Yuechen nodded slightly: "Well, since this is the case, I will send someone to build a factory outside the city, and you will be responsible for the technical training."

"Yes!" Pei Biaoshu saluted and agreed, and then changed the subject, "Your Highness, where should I put the newly made shotgun?"

The previous double-barreled shotguns were divided into two for each military region.

Now that there are single-pipe sprayers, Li Yuechen still has the final say on distribution.

"You usually don't seem to be able to inquire about these things... What, someone is looking for you?" Li Yuechen asked back.

Pei Bishu smiled: "Sure enough, nothing can be hidden from His Highness..."

"Tell them not to worry, just take the previous ones and use them!"

Li Yuechen didn't bother to ask who made the inquiries, anyway, there must be many people.

Weapons are more attractive to soldiers than women, so when they hear about new weapons, they definitely want to try them out immediately.

However, the current quantity is still too small, and Li Yuechen plans to wait until there is some stock in the second half of the year before distributing it uniformly.

After chatting with Pei Bishu for a while, it was almost dark, and Li Yuechen left in a carriage.


Back at the Princess Mansion, just after entering the door, I heard my sister-in-law and Shangguan Wan'er talking about something in the main hall.

Seeing Li Yuechen coming back, Princess Xuancheng raised her hand to say hello: "Chen'er, come and sit down, this matter is quite interesting."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Li Yuechen showed a look of interest, sat down beside them, picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup by the way.

Princess Yiyang next to her said: "Today someone took his own work to submit to the newspaper, but because it was too long, I don't know what to do."

"Is it a novel?" Li Yuechen asked.

In fact, there were no novels in this era. It was only after the Journey to the West written by Li Yuechen spread that the concept of novels really came into being.

Since the establishment of the newspaper, many people always like to publish their own articles in the newspaper, and there are indeed many excellent works among them.

There are also some short stories, but they are not very well written, and not many have been adopted so far.

Princess Yiyang nodded, and then picked up a scroll from her side and handed it over: "Chen'er, take a look too."

Li Yuechen reached out to take it, opened it, and found that there were sheets of paper in a whirlwind, which seemed to be a very long story.

While drinking tea, he probably read the beginning, and nodded slightly to express his affirmation.

How should I put it, maybe my own level of appreciation is not enough, and I feel that this story is really a bit ordinary.

But even a person with a low level of literature like myself can see the gorgeousness of his writing and his descriptive words are extremely powerful.

It can be seen that the author is definitely a person with a high level of writing.

As for the story itself, it is quite clichéd. It belongs to the kind of sadomasochistic love story where you can guess the end after reading the beginning.

Those who can write this kind of novel, in this era, the author is mostly a woman.

And she was the kind of lady who lived in the deep boudoir for a long time.

Perhaps it was because of the stories about Liang Zhu written by Li Yuechen, and after being deeply inspired, he wrote this love story that Li Yuechen thought was bloody.

"This novel is really too long. I think it can be published, but if it is serialized, it will be shorter..." Princess Yiyang seemed to be a little confused.

"In this case, let Taiping Bookstore be in charge of publishing." Li Yuechen said, "It will be fine to give authors a share based on sales."

In fact, this is a relatively fair method. If you write well, if more people buy it, then your manuscript fee will naturally increase.

Although this is the model of future online novels, it doesn't matter if it is copied like this.

Princess Yiyang thought for a while, then nodded and agreed: "This is a good idea, so let's do it accordingly."

Li Yuechen also nodded slightly.

Now that the country's grain production has increased greatly, other crops have gradually begun to be promoted to the private sector.

Now is the time to start thinking about taking the agrarian society a step further.

In this case, other occupations must appear.

In the past, except for officials and craftsmen, there were almost no non-productive occupations.

But Li Yuechen reformed the army and brought professional soldiers to the stage.

The advent of the phonograph would give birth to professional musicians.

Then maybe the publication of this novel can give birth to more professional writers.


The next day, Princess Yiyang sent someone to find the author.

Li Yuechen also guessed right, she was indeed a woman, and she was also a lady of every family.

The father of the family is still a doctor of the Ministry of Punishment. Although he is not the top official, at least he is not an ordinary family.

However, the newspaper office was not interested in this, because the person sent was a woman, so there was no need to worry about rumors, and she was directly invited into the woman's boudoir.

When talking about the issue of sharing, Yao Yuxiu, the author of the novel, said: "I don't really care about it, I just admire Her Royal Highness Princess Taiping, that's why..."

"Ms. Yao has nothing to do with the newspaper," the staff replied, "it's just the publishing regulations. If Ms. Yao has no objection to this, then sign it."

Yao Yuxiu is not a person who is short of money, rather, she has no place to spend money.

So since I was young, I didn't have much concept of money, so I signed the agreement like this.

After the agreement was finalized, Taiping Bookstore immediately started printing.

Today's executive CEO of Taiping Group, Pei Qingwan, thinks that he can try to print [-] copies first, and if the sales volume is good, he will continue to print.

Taiping Bookstore got the order and started working immediately.

And half a month later, the sample book of this novel was handed over to the author Yao Yuxiu.

Looking at the thread-bound book in front of her, Yao Yuxiu looked excited.

A girl from a traditional family like her has been taught scrolls since she was a child.

In recent years, I have heard that many books in Taiping Bookstore are thread-bound books, but I have never seen them with my own eyes.

I mentioned it to my father at home, saying that I want to buy two copies and come back to read.

But that old man always said that this thread-bound book is a disrespect for words...

Yao Yuxiu never thought of refuting her father, so naturally she didn't mention it again.

But now that I have seen the thread-bound book that I have been curious about for a long time, I am naturally somewhat excited.

After the newspaper staff who came to deliver the books left, Yao Yuxiu couldn't wait to open the book.

Just when I reached out and touched the pages of the book, I realized that this kind of book seems to be turned from left to right, so I changed it carefully.

The pages of the book bear the title and pseudonym.

This pseudonym was only taken at the prompt of the newspaper staff.

After all, Yao Yuxiu didn't want her family to know that she had written such a thing.

Originally, I thought about telling them that they don't need to sign it, but since it has a pen name, it would be better.

Then he turned the pages of the book and watched it gently.

Although it is a bit laborious to see this kind of left-to-right typesetting for the first time.

But after reading a few lines silently and getting used to it, I found that it seemed to be pretty good.

So I read it more carefully.


On the other side, there is also a handwritten signboard at the entrance of Taiping Bookstore.

The romance novel "XXX" is officially released, first come, first served.

As soon as they saw this signboard, many people were immediately attracted to enter it and ask for specific details.

After reading the novels written by Li Yuechen, many people are looking for other novels.

It's not that no one has tried it these years, but unfortunately the writing is very ordinary, and it is not as interesting to read as Li Yuechen's writing.

Now there is a new book, anyway, you can read it first, what if it looks good?
So with the mentality of giving it a try, many people paid for it.

In the evening, when Li Yuechen had just returned to the Princess Mansion, Pei Qingwan said, "Your Highness, the new book has sold [-] copies today. It seems that we need to hurry up and print more."

"Okay, sister-in-law, you can handle it as you see fit." Li Yuechen nodded, "It's hard to find a high-quality book. If you can, help her promote it."

"Don't worry, Your Highness, I understand!" Pei Qingwan nodded in agreement.

The next morning, Yao Jing was going to work in the imperial city, when he opened the door, he found a woman standing outside.

He has seen this woman before. He came to look for his daughter two days ago. She is from the newspaper under Princess Yiyang.

He casually asked, "What are you doing here today?"

"Go back to Yao Langzhong, I'm here to deliver a message for His Highness Yi Yang."


The princess passed on the message, and Yaojing naturally didn't dare to ask more questions, so he left directly to go to work.

After a while, Yao Yuxiu sent someone to invite the woman from the newspaper office to her room.

She took out three banknotes and handed them over with both hands: "Mr. Yao, this is yesterday's sales share."

In this era, Mr. means teacher, a title of respect, regardless of gender.

"Hey, I can't be a gentleman!" Yao Yuxiu quickly denied it, and then asked, "I've heard of this banknote once or twice, but why are there so many in one day?"

"Mr. Yao's works are very popular. He sold [-] copies yesterday, and the share is [-] yuan."

Yao Yuxiu was taken aback by this answer. She had also heard that one hundred yuan banknotes were equivalent to consistent money.

Doesn't that mean that she earned three guans in one day yesterday?

This is simply more powerful than stealing money!
(End of this chapter)

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