Great Tang princess

Chapter 699 Taxation

Chapter 699 Taxation
After Yao Yuxiu's novel was published, it quickly led a wave of reading.

Even if it is said that some newspapers helped to advertise, which played a role in fueling the flames.

But it is also true that the quality of her works is hard enough, and it is for this reason that she has such high praise.

Her novel is not only well-known in the literati circle, but also popular in the low-level circles of businessmen and prostitutes.

Even in Le Lou, many guests and prostitutes often chat about the content of this novel.

I have to say that the top brothels of this era are actually different from what most people think.

Many people think that going to a brothel to recite poems is a kind of sickness.

However, in fact, all the girls in the top brothels like Le Lou are trained according to the top green tea.

After all, those who can afford to come to this kind of place, if they want to vent their anger, there must be no shortage of beautiful maids.

What he wanted in the brothel was a pursuit, and someone could understand his feeling.

Perhaps it is easier to understand, but in this era, only in the brothel can you experience the taste of love.

After all, in the general environment of arranged marriages, whether the husband and wife can have a common language depends entirely on luck.

However, most people in the world are quite unlucky, which is why brothel girls are getting more and more curly.

Not only do they need to be able to read and write, but they also need to know how to play piano, chess, calligraphy, and painting, and they must be able to drink well...they are so curled up.

A truly top-notch oiran cannot be achieved by just relying on a face or a sufficiently attractive figure.


While the novel was selling well, Yao Yuxiu himself also got a very considerable income.

Her family can also be regarded as a wealthy family, but so many red and black notes were delivered, no one could not help being shocked.

Naturally, this matter cannot be concealed, and Yao Jing soon found out about it.

Originally, Yao Jing was an old-fashioned old man. After knowing this, Yao Yuxiu was already prepared to be punished.

However, Yao Jing did not punish her, on the contrary, he treated her much better than before, and would come to drink tea and chat with her from time to time.

The change in her father's attitude made Yao Yuxiu, who rarely went out, gradually understand some things.

Although his father treated him well in the past, he always had a majestic image, as if he was waiting for him to find a good family to marry.

The usual smiles are basically for younger brothers.

However, now that his remuneration is increasing, his father's attitude has also undergone a considerable change.

Yao Yuxiu suddenly realized that even if she said she didn't want to marry a stranger who had never met her face, her father would agree.

Because the person I am now is not the same as before.

After reacting, Yao Yuxiu also began to gradually put forward some requests of her own, such as wanting to go out and go shopping from time to time...

Yao Jing has fulfilled all these requirements. Rather, he now hopes that his daughter will not marry too early.

After all, her remuneration income is too horrible, almost able to support a family.


Today happened to be a holiday, and Yao Jing was drinking tea and chatting with his daughter in the main hall.

"Xiu'er, I usually ask you to write a book as a father, but how long will the remuneration for this book last?"

Yao Yuxiu thought for a while: "I heard from people at Taiping Bookstore that as long as there are still people who buy it, it will be counted forever. As long as the copyright is not sold, it will last until 50 years after the author's death. And the authorship and other permissions seem to be permanent."

"Isn't that..."

Before Yao Jing could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

A servant came in and saluted, "Ah Lang, Miss. There is a woman outside the door who claims to be Lu Yao and is an official of the household department..."

"Please!" Yao Jing agreed.

The name Lu Yao is almost well known in the upper class.

As the first female No. [-] scholar to be admitted to Jinshi based on her real talents and knowledge throughout the ages, it is not an exaggeration to describe this name as thunderous.

You know, as the saying goes, thirty old Mingjing, fifty young Scholars.

This Lu Yao was only 16 years old when she was admitted to Jinshi, and she was a recognized genius.

Although I didn't know what she was doing in my house, it was always right to invite people in first.


After a while, Lu Yao, who was wearing a blue skirt, came slowly to the main hall.

Wei Wei saluted and said, "I met Yao Langzhong."

Today's Lu Yao and Yao Jing are considered equal, but they still salute according to the younger generation.

"Impossible, Mr. Lu is equal to someone, so this ceremony is not acceptable." Yao Jing hastily stopped him.

Lu Yao smiled slightly: "Mr. Yao and I are seniors, so there is nothing we can do!"

After a few words of politeness, Yao Jing hurriedly asked her to sit down and drink tea.

Yao Yuxiu was watching from the side with burning eyes.

The woman in front of her was not a few years older than her.

He is less than 20 years old, but now he is a Tobe doctor, equal to his father.

According to common sense, the future self should be a husband and a child after marriage.

But, can I do other things like her?

At this time, Lu Yao was also wearing a high ponytail, looking heroic, in stark contrast to other women's styles.

On weekdays, my father said that many court ladies and girls in the army around the saint basically have this hairstyle.

I don't know if I changed my hairstyle like this, will I be like her.

Lu Yao didn't know the inner thoughts of the 14-year-old woman in front of her.

After raising his hand to thank him, he picked up the teacup and blew on it twice, then took a sip.

There was no expression on his face, but he had an answer in his heart. This tea is not very good, not as good as the one from the household department.

But it's normal to think about it. Nowadays, the tea in Taiping teahouse is not known to the outside world, so it is very expensive, and it is not affordable for ordinary people.

That is to say, Princess Xuancheng, Minister of the Ministry of Finance, can bring some from time to time.

In addition, she is considered more important, so I usually give her some.

"I don't know what is the purpose of Mr. Lu coming here today?"

"Actually, today I'm not here for Mr. Yao, but for Lingmei." Lu Yao replied softly.

"Find me?"

Yao Yuxiu was taken aback for a moment, then saluted and asked, "I don't know..."

Lu Yao smiled and said, "Don't be nervous. I'm here today to inform Mr. Yao that you need to pay taxes on the income from publishing novels."

That's right, Lu Yao came here today for this matter.

Although the commercial tax has started to be collected now, and the salaries of officials have to pay taxes, professional writers, as a new type of profession, naturally have to follow suit.

"Pay taxes?" Yao Yuxiu was slightly stunned.

She didn't understand this issue, and the people at Taiping Bookstore didn't tell her, and looked at her father suspiciously.

Yao Jing on the side changed his expression slightly.

Originally, I was thinking about what I came here for today, but I didn't expect that I came here to ask for money.

Otherwise, the current imperial court is really becoming more and more shameless, even if it collects commercial taxes, it even asks officials to pay taxes as well.

Although the salary has risen a bit compared to before, but since ancient times, only the empress has collected taxes from officials.

It's a pity that even though there is a lot of dissatisfaction in my heart, I definitely don't care to speak out the complaints in my heart.

Now the Emperor of God is powerful, and in the matter of concentrating the imperial power, the Emperor of God and Princess Taiping are standing together, and no one can stop it.

It's good now, my appetite is getting bigger and bigger.

My daughter finally wrote a book and made some money, and now she came here to ask for money, which is really shameless.

Although Lu Yao is young, she is a genius who was admitted to Jinshi at the age of 16.

Immediately, dissatisfaction could be seen in Yao Jing's eyes.

But she didn't say anything, just smiled lightly, took out a scroll from her sleeve and handed it over: "The detailed tax details are all here, Mr. Yao can check them at will. As for taxes, at the end of this year Just report to the Ministry of Finance."

Yao Yuxiu quickly took it with both hands, opened it and glanced at it: "Mr. Lu, please let me study it carefully..."

"It's natural!"

Lu Yao agreed, then got up and saluted: "I came here today for this matter, Yao, I'm going back now."

Yao Jing wanted her to leave quickly, and after exchanging a few polite words, he sent her out of the gate.

The moment the door closed, he snatched the scroll from his daughter's hand and read it.

After reading it from beginning to end, although some details are not clear, I probably understand it.

The tax is 5.00% of the income, paid once a year.

"What? It's as high as half of it? This is a money grab!" Yao Jing cursed, wishing he could throw the scripture scroll in his hand on the ground.

Yao Yuxiu on the side hurriedly warned: "Grandpa, don't get angry, this is just..."

"You don't understand, this is obviously the hard money you earned from writing books, why does the Ministry of Household..."

Yao Jing gritted his teeth angrily, feeling the qi and blood in his whole body surging crazily.

"Okay, Grandpa, it's just good luck, there's no need to be like this. Besides, even if you pay half of the tax, you should still have a lot of money..."

Yao Yuxiu kept advising from the side: "Okay, okay, don't get angry, grandpa, come back and drink some tea..."


The issue of taxation was naturally decided early on.

After the system of commercial tax and official salary tax payment was finalized a few years ago, Li Yuechen thought that various industries would face the problem of tax payment in the future.

So these clauses have actually been in the supper for a long time, and it is not just now.

Most outsiders don't know that, in fact, artists and prostitutes in Le Lou now have to pay taxes.

At present, except for the emperor and those with titles who do not need to pay taxes, everyone else needs to pay taxes.

Of course, this is not the final state. Li Yuechen's plan is that after the matter in Tubo is settled, even those with titles must pay taxes, including first-class princes!
That's right, this also includes Li Yuechen himself.

Since she's not the one sitting on the dragon chair, it's better not to be too special.

And she also pays taxes, which can also play a leading role.

After all, the military bosses have all handed in, and if others don't want to hand in, they have to weigh it, right?
At least some people can be deterred invisibly.

As for those who are determined not to make friends, they can only take legal means.


The matter of writing novels and paying taxes has not sparked much discussion, and most people don't know about it.

This matter just caused some discussions in the upper class.

But no one came forward to publicly object.

After all, officials now pay taxes, and you, a novel writer, should pay taxes, right?

It happened that many officials were complaining about this matter, so no one stood up to speak out.

The household department didn't give any explanation, and the heat of this matter naturally went down within a few days.

At the end of March, an airship slowly appeared in the sky of Dongdu, and then slowly landed on the square outside Xuanwu Gate.

The hatch opened, and the dark-skinned Liu Zihe came out, and immediately saw Li Yuechen who was waving not far away.

He trotted two steps to come to the front, quickly saluted: "How dare you bother Your Highness to welcome..."

"Okay, excuse me."

Li Yuechen smiled: "You are one of the most important subordinates in this palace, why not come to welcome you?"

"Thanks to His Highness for being wrongly loved, this subordinate really..."

"Okay, the politeness will be avoided." Li Yuechen waved his hand, "Did you bring the goods?"

Liu Zihe hastily took out a wooden box from his arms, opened it and handed it over: "Your Highness, please have a look."

Xiaodong on the side reached out to take it first, then turned around and handed it to Li Yuechen.

After receiving Liu Zihe's letter half a month ago, Li Yuechen sent an airship to pick him up.

Finally saw the real thing today.

This time when Liu Zihe came over, he brought nothing but tobacco that had been successfully grown in Hainan.

Inside the wooden box lies a pile of processed tobacco, which smells like nicotine.

Li Yuechen sniffed it close to his nose, and felt that it was a bit similar to the dry tobacco smoked by those old men in the countryside.

However, it is still necessary to experiment.

Of course, she wouldn't try this thing herself, so she waved her hand to Xiaodong and said, "Send someone to Dali Temple and tell them to send some death-row prisoners to the medical school."

"Yes!" Xiaodong agreed.

Liu Zihe at the side said, "Your Highness said this thing is poisonous, so why do you want to plant it?"

"Knowing is better than not knowing." Li Yuechen replied, "Besides, in the future, this item is very likely to become a strategic material..."

"How can highly poisonous things become strategic materials?" Liu Zihe didn't understand.

Li Yuechen thought for a while: "Strictly speaking, this thing is somewhat similar to Wushi Powder, which is a chronic poison... Also, next time you go to South America, pay attention to a kind of herbal medicine, which is also highly poisonous, more than ten times more powerful than this thing. It's called Da, Ma..."

I didn't tell him too much about the dangers of drugs, after all, they don't have an accurate concept now.

So I just talked about it briefly, and then took him into the palace to see the emperor.

This time I came here not only to bring tobacco, but also successfully grown sweet potatoes, corn, peppers, tomatoes and pumpkins.

The people at the back of the airship slowly walked down carrying several large boxes.

After being inspected at Xuanwu Gate, he entered the palace all the way under the guidance of the inner guard, and then went straight to Huiyou Hall.

Partial halls such as Jixian Hall are generally private places where the emperor lives, and it is impossible to meet outsiders here.

So Liu Zihe and others followed Li Yuechen to Huiyou Hall, waiting for the emperor to come.

By the way, a few eunuchs came over to test the poison, and took a few mouthfuls of everything in the box first. After a while, the emperor came over, so there was no need to wait.

Several young eunuchs ate all the way, and when they saw the pepper, they picked up one and stuffed it into their mouths.

It was too late for Li Yuechen to remind, the next moment, the little eunuch suddenly yelled, covering his mouth and rolling on the ground.

 Sorry, there is still an update today...

(End of this chapter)

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