Great Tang princess

Chapter 745 Personnel Changes

Chapter 745 Personnel Changes
Although the competition has not yet started, such an opening ceremony alone has already raised the high standard of this competition to a height that does not belong to this era.

When the music sounded, the shock in everyone's heart was immeasurable.

This kind of shock is not only about the music itself, but also comes from a new understanding of the national power of the Great Zhou Empire.

The fingers of the musicians walking around the stadium fluttered up and down, constantly plucking the trembling strings with their fingertips, and accompanied by the crisp drumbeats, one after another teased the nerves of the audience.

Many people couldn't help shaking their legs, not to mention them, even Li Yuechen, who was sitting beside the emperor, shook his head without looking like a princess.

Music is a communication that can break through language limitations, so that both locals and foreigners at the scene can be in the same excited mood.

The exciting music combined with the exploding fireworks in the sky made the whole visual effect extremely explosive.

And those football teams from all over the world in the middle of the stadium couldn't help looking up at the whole scene.

Perhaps at this moment, they really understood what kind of profession an athlete is.

In this excited atmosphere, the music gradually stopped, and then the start of the first game was announced.

As the host, the Great Zhou Empire is naturally the first to play, and the team representing the Great Zhou Empire this time is a temporary combination of people selected from the last champion and runner-up.

The first opponent is the Dashi Empire, which has already started cooperation.

After the exciting music just now, the referee blew his whistle, and the match between the two sides directly entered into an exciting offensive and defensive battle.

The audience's attention was focused on the game, while Li Yuechen looked at the players from both sides with a smile on his face.

For a while, I felt a lot of emotion in my heart.

Inventing gunpowder, artillery and even firearms to improve national strength such as economy and military is only her responsibility as a princess of a country.

The development of competitive sports is Li Yuechen's gift to the world as an athlete.

She only hopes that these competitions will be better and better in the future, gradually affecting the whole world.

Don't underestimate such a game, if done well, it can really affect the structure of the whole world.


The game quickly entered a heated stage. Fifteen minutes after the opening, the Great Zhou Empire scored the first goal, which aroused the cheers of the audience.

And the striker who scored the goal excitedly raised his hands and beat his chest continuously as a celebration.

You know, this is a world-class game, and the emperor is still watching.

In this kind of game, the meaning of the first goal is very different, and it is worth remembering for a lifetime.

Li Yuechen also put two fingers into his mouth and whistled loudly.

Wu Zetian turned his head with some dissatisfaction and taught: "Chen'er, how can you do such an indecent act on such an occasion as a dignified princess?"

"Oh, how can the competition be indecent?" Li Yuechen said with a smile, "This is the first competition, maybe some people will take off their clothes and wave it around in the future."

This is really not a joke. In fact, if you have actually watched the World Cup live, you will find that there are really everyone.

Undressing on the spot can be regarded as pediatrics, and it is not unheard of for spectators to run into the stadium naked.

This kind of large-scale competition has always had all kinds of ghosts and snakes. In comparison, her whistling is nothing at all, and no one will pay attention to her.

Amidst the cheers of the audience, the first match was won by Dazhou Empire [-]-[-].

Because today is the opening ceremony, there is only one game like this, and there will be two games a day in the future.

And the Food Empire is not eliminated after losing the first game, the game is based on points.

As long as the follow-up games can be won, the possibility of promotion still exists.

After the game, amidst the respectful salutes of the audience and players, the emperor got up and left the venue.

After the emperor left, it was the moment when the audience went crazy.

For today's competition, many people bought lottery tickets, and those who guessed the result were naturally full of excitement.

And those who didn't guess right just shook their heads helplessly, secretly said that they were unlucky, and some even cried on the spot.

Fortunately, there are restrictions on buying lottery tickets in this era, and it is generally not possible to go bankrupt because of this.


Back at Jixian Hall, Shangguan Wan'er poured a cup of tea for everyone.

Li Yuechen asked: "Aniang, how do you feel about this competition?"

"It's quite interesting, and the music..."

"If Auntie likes to listen to it, my boy will ask them to record it, and Auntie can play it anytime."

With the existence of record players, recording music is relatively simple.

The only pity is that this thing is still a bit expensive, and currently only the top nobles can afford it.

On the contrary, there are also some foreign businessmen who bought a few samples back to present to the emperor of their country or something.

It is conceivable that as the price gradually decreases, more and more people can afford this thing.

Wu Zetian smiled and said, "It's just that I really didn't expect that behind this seemingly fun, there is actually economic knowledge."

"That's natural. Aniang, don't underestimate this match. In a short period of time, it can increase the court's tax revenue a lot." Li Yuechen said with a smile.

Li Xian didn't think much about it, but said: "However, today's match is really interesting. You come and go, it's no less than two armies against each other."

"Competitive sports are wars in peacetime. Of course, these are open to the public. In the future, military games around the world will be held." Li Yuechen said.

Of course, let’s forget it for now. It’s better not to expose the training mode of the Great Zhou Empire’s army now.


During the World Cup, the whole country showed signs of prosperity.

A week passed in a blink of an eye. Since the newspaper has now changed from a half-monthly period to a seven-day period and has become a weekly magazine, the results of this week's competition were published on the newspaper on the seventh day of June.

Although no country has been eliminated in the first week, the countries in the Western Regions are basically in a precarious position.

The biggest reason is that the perennial war consumes too many resources, making it difficult to support real athletes.

This can also be seen from the mental state of these people.

The players who came to participate in the competition this time were basically supported by the royal family who spent a lot of resources.

But these people from the countries of the Western Regions, no matter who they are in terms of physical fitness or ball-handling skills, it seems that they are not very able to compete with other countries.

Obviously, the nutrition he usually eats is not very comprehensive, and the training seems to be a bit behind.

Of course, the countries in the Western Regions have not been idle recently, and the envoys have been requesting to meet the emperor every now and then, hoping that the Great Zhou can provide them with some assistance.

Years of wars have consumed a lot of resources, and today's countries in the Western Regions are living a tight life.

Moreover, there are frequent rebellions in the country. Generally speaking, life is difficult. I hope Da Zhou can help.

Wu Zetian said that there was nothing he could do to help, after all, Da Zhou had just finished a battle and was still recovering.

To put it simply, there is no surplus food in the landlord's family.

The envoy from the Western Regions said, why don't they have the money to help us if they have money to help Tubo?

Wu Zetian also replied with a smile, and now Tubo has become the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and it is his own.Even if life is a little tighter, you can't ignore it.

If the royal families of the countries in the Western Regions are also willing to abdicate and incorporate their territories into the Great Zhou, then they must not ignore it.

Hearing this sentence, the envoys did not dare to continue to say anything.

This kind of thing, how could they, a group of envoys, be in charge, they can only go back and report to the emperor obediently.

Compared with the problems of these envoys, Wu Zetian is more concerned about another matter now - Di Renjie is ill.

To be honest, after all, it is normal to be sick when you are old.

This time the illness is not very serious, but it can be seen that the energy and so on are seriously declining.

Wu Zetian was still quite concerned about him, and specially asked the medical school to see him.

Liu Shenwei concluded that the illness is not very serious, but it is best to rest in the future.

To put it bluntly, the position of chief assistant of the cabinet is strictly speaking the executive deputy emperor, who has to do a lot of work every day, which is indeed a great challenge to energy.

After hearing this, Wu Zetian specially called Li Yuechen over.

"Now Huaiying will definitely not be able to continue serving as the chief assistant of the cabinet. It's about time for the University of Political Science and Law to start, right?"

Li Yuechen nodded after hearing this: "The construction is not difficult. The teaching materials have not yet been finalized, but it doesn't matter. It is also possible to discuss with Di Gong."

The next day, Di Renjie, who had just recovered from his illness, was called to the palace by the emperor.

In Jixian Hall, Di Renjie saluted respectfully: "I have seen..."

"No, the illness is just right, let's sit down and talk!" Wu Zetian waved his hand, signaling for a seat.

After Di Renjie thanked him, he sat down.

"Taiping said that he intends to build a University of Political Science and Law to train talents for the imperial court... I intend to let you be the president of this University of Political Science and Law. What do you think?" Wu Zetian asked.

Di Renjie replied: "Old minister, I will definitely abide by His Majesty's arrangement."

In fact, he also felt that his energy had indeed dropped a lot now, so it would be great if he could relax a bit.

He also knew that the emperor cared about him, so naturally he would not have any objections.

Having said that, naturally there is no need to talk nonsense later, this matter is considered settled.

It's just that Di Renjie resigned, and the position of chief assistant in the cabinet was vacated.

Although Li Yuechen intends to let Shangguan Wan'er take over in the future, it is obviously not the time yet.

Besides, the current Shangguan Wan'er is not yet 35, too young, and her qualifications are not enough.

Directly transferred from the commander of the secret guard to the chief assistant of the cabinet, the people below will definitely be dissatisfied.

In the end, Wu Zetian planned to let Zhang Jianzhi, who was taught by Di Renjie, take over as the chief assistant of the cabinet.

And Shangguan Wan'er took up the post of Fengge Sheren.

Now that the princess is preparing to take over the hidden guard, Shangguan Wan'er doesn't need to watch her every day, as long as she teaches her when she doesn't understand.

So when Shangguan Wan'er was 34 years old, she finally stepped into the imperial court.

And the responsibility of Fengge Sheren is actually the same as the work he did before, it is nothing more than a matter of status.

Fengge Sheren, who used to be called Zhongshu Sheren, was equal to the emperor's senior secretary after all, possessing a very high status and great power.

The main work content is to discuss the memorials of various departments and officials from various places and put forward handling opinions, and then submit them to the emperor.At the same time, all major incidents reported are also forwarded by Zhongshu Sheren.

At the same time, it is responsible for drafting imperial edicts, regulations, pardons, seals, and orders issued by the emperor, and after approval by the emperor, it is issued to relevant departments for execution.

Moreover, errors were discovered in the process of issuing and executing these documents, and it was the responsibility to report to the emperor and rectify them...

All in all, Fengge Sheren is a position with high status and great power.

The former Fengge Sheren were almost useless, because Shangguan Wan'er was with the emperor all the year round.

But now, she has officially taken over this position, which is equivalent to giving her a title.

From this moment on, Shangguan Wan'er was completely out of slavery and became a registered official of the imperial court.

Of course, now because of the existence of the cabinet, the power must not be as great as it was during the Southern and Northern Dynasties.

But as the emperor's senior secretary, no matter how small he was, he couldn't be too small.

In fact, the formation of the cabinet itself has made Wenchangtai, the former Shangshu Province, gradually lose its role and merged into it.

In the future, both Fengge and Luantai may gradually merge in, and Li Yuechen does not want the national bureaucracy to be too bloated, so he did not stop this.

Anyway, as long as the country is not in chaos, then let nature take its course.


In the next few days, officials also received news of new personnel changes.

They were not surprised by this. Zhang Jianzhi could be regarded as Di Renjie's student, and it was normal for him to take over the position of Chief Assistant of the Cabinet.

As for Shangguan Wan'er, she was originally doing the work of Fengge Sheren, but now she just has a status and is more formal.

Not to mention that in the current environment where imperial power is unprecedentedly concentrated, no one dares to object to it.

Compared with the personnel changes in the imperial court, Li Yuechen was thinking about another issue.

The prerequisite for the establishment of a University of Political Science and Law is to first determine the law.The premise of governing the country according to law is that the law must be sound enough.

The question Li Yuechen was considering was, which style of law should be used?

For example, during the Qin Dynasty, the law was very strict, and the death penalty was always imposed.

As a result, for the people, whether they make a small mistake or a major crime, the result is the same, so this will not reduce the crime rate much.

In addition, this is the feudal era, and it is unrealistic to use human rights as the starting point.

In the end, Li Yuechen decided to use a combination of detention and corporal punishment.

Crimes such as theft are mainly based on detention and labor. In the future, prisoners will be used for road construction and so on.

As for robbery, rape, kidnapping and human trafficking, they are imprisoned and whipped. Those who steal children will be whipped to death. Of course, this is an unspoken rule and will not be written on the surface.

Intentional homicide and other crimes are naturally punished by beheading.

The basic regulations have been determined, and the rest is to continuously improve and refine them on the basis of these.

This kind of workload is very heavy, and one person is not enough, so it needs to be continuously improved in the follow-up. Li Yuechen is even going to take it to the royal family's internal classroom, so that these children can discuss it together.

 Thank you [Mercury's Masked Superman] for rewarding 500 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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