Chapter 746
In fact, as an ordinary person, Li Yuechen used to have many confusions about the law.

For example, the former crime of fighting and fighting is actually a difficult thing to define, including the original law, which is not so easy to clarify.

Therefore, Li Yuechen made some changes to the laws of this era, that is, it is unreasonable to act first.

In the event of a conflict between the two parties, the party that strikes first shall be fully responsible.

That is to say, regardless of any reason, for example, A insults B's mother with words, but B hits A first, then B breaks the law.

The advantage of this is that the legal clauses are clear enough, no matter what the reason, the party who takes action first is fully responsible.

It is true that there may be some special problems, such as relying on their own understanding of the law, and deliberately provoking others to act first.

So when the time comes, the work of popularizing the law across the country must also be in place.

As for the side that fights back, as long as it does not exceed the defense limit, it is considered a legitimate defense.

The defensive boundaries are actually very clear. For example, A slaps B, and B stabs A to death with a backhand knife. This is obviously excessive defense.

In fact, it is not too difficult to set up laws in this aspect. The difficulty lies in the detailed handling of various laws.

In short, in the next time, as long as Li Yuechen has free time, he will take Tang Lushu and study it carefully.

At the same time, I will also look at the various laws of the Qin, Han and Southern and Northern Dynasties, hoping to give myself some inspiration.

Of course, it is not enough to learn from history alone, but also to look to the future.

Although the future law is extremely complicated and difficult to understand, some provisions are still worth learning from.

In a blink of an eye, June was coming to an end, and on the night of the last day, Li Yuechen went outside the Xuanwu Gate to bid farewell to Li Chongrun who was about to leave.

"Auntie, my nephew is gone, remember to tell me the result of the competition." Li Chongrun said with a smile.

"It seems that I'm quite sure about my next task, right?" Li Yuechen asked with a light smile seeing his relaxed face.

Li Chongrun thought for a while: "When I was in the military academy, my aunt watched my aunt build a military region from scratch, but it was much more difficult than this time. My nephew also learned from my aunt's experience, and I am still confident about it!"

"Okay, self-confidence is a good thing! My aunt is waiting for your results!" Li Yuechen patted him on the shoulder lightly, "Okay, go and say goodbye to your auntie."

Li Yuechen didn't want to take up too much of his time, so he waved his hand and stepped aside after speaking.

After nodding his head to express his understanding, Li Chongrun turned his head and went to his parents who had been waiting beside him.

Wei Lian'er had a look of reluctance: "It's only been a month since I came back, and I have to leave again. The army is too unreasonable."

"Aniang, don't say that. The military is busy, and the child is not here." Li Chongrun comforted his mother, "During the time when the child is away, Aniang must take good care of Grandpa, don't let him eat too much, we can't continue Fat again."

"Good boy, do you dare to teach me how to be a father now?" Li Xian raised his eyebrows.

Wei Lian'er directly raised her hand and pushed him: "Run'er, this is all for your own good!"

Li Xian looked helpless: "I didn't say anything..."

Perhaps it was because of the seldom seeing each other that Wei Lian'er doted on the children very much.

Even if I am a father, I can't say a few harsh words.

However, Li Xian didn't bother to worry about this matter. Anyway, the army was in charge of children's education, so he didn't need to worry about it.

He still has sufficient confidence in his sister's ability.

After bidding farewell to his parents, Li Chongrun embarked on an airship flying to the northern border and started the next stage of his life.


Watching the airship slowly take off and leave, Li Yuechen looked at the sky and shook his head, the next plan was about to start.

Now that Tubo has been completely defeated, since it has become one of its own, the imperial court also shoulders the responsibility of boosting Tubo's economy.

So next, the court will be short of money again, so the tax system should usher in the final reform.

The next day, Li Yuechen entered the palace to discuss matters with his mother.

Wu Zetian, who was lying on the rocking chair, held tea and asked with a frown, "What about the corvee?"

"Except for the servant system, all other corvees are abolished." Li Yuechen explained, "The state invites bids for work, and let prisoners or outside engineering teams do it."

Li Yuechen thinks that the servant system is a tradition worth preserving in this era, so this is the only one left in the corvee.

The so-called serving is a system in which the country regularly sends people to serve the elderly.

And if young people have old people in their families, taking care of their own old people is considered corvee service.

Therefore, Li Yuechen wanted to keep this system, and this was the only kind of corvee that young people would have to serve in the future.

Moreover, priority is given to taking care of the elderly at home, while those with no elderly at home, or those with many children, are assigned to take care of those elderly living alone.

Such a system is also in line with the core purpose of ruling the world with benevolence and filial piety in the feudal era.

Respecting the old and loving the young has always been the tradition of the Chinese nation. No matter what the purpose is, the process itself is worthy of praise.

In the past, many people on the Internet said that the villains in many TV dramas are right, and they feel that what they say is in line with reality.

But it would be wrong to think so.

Just like sardines and catfish, sardines are not active and are prone to death due to lack of oxygen, so put a few catfish in to make them active.

The villain made that catfish, and catfish has its principles and practices. These principles sound like they hit the nail on the head and are in line with reality, but why can’t they be promoted?
This is also a question that many people don't understand. Why does this society need some principles and three views that seem to be fake?

Because people are lazy, if you want to accomplish a [-]% thing, it is best to set the goal to [-]%.

The same principle applies to society. Only by setting those seemingly fake truths as [-]% first, can they be [-]% when they are put into practice.

Catfish's reasoning sounds right, because what he said is the [-]-point reasoning, which just fits this society.

If most people overturn the one-hundred-point fake truth, think that those false pretentiousness is unreasonable, and follow the fifty-point catfish truth, then this society will only become 25 percent or even lower.

This is also the reason why Li Yuechen wants to keep the servant system. Maybe in the future, when people's wisdom is opened, many people will say that this is a decision made by the royal family to buy people's hearts, but in any case, as long as this matter is done, it is better than not doing it. Be strong.

Hearing her daughter's answer, Wu Zetian thought for a while: "Then once this is implemented, won't it arouse the resistance of the gentry?"

In the current era, the reason why the clan system is strong is because of the existence of corvee and taxation that can guarantee the right to speak within the clan.

Because the poll tax means that as long as you are alive, you must pay taxes.In order to be able to pay enough taxes, even if they are oppressed, they must rent the clan's land to plant, because only in this way can they survive.

Dividing into acres means reforming the tax system, changing from poll tax to land tax and other taxes.

The most significant change is that if you have no land or property, you don't have to pay taxes.

In other words, if the cost of renting land is too high, you can choose not to rent it. Anyway, you don’t need to pay taxes if you don’t have land.

For the lowest farmers, such a tax system means they have a little choice.

For those gentry, they originally relied on renting out land to make money.

Anyway, if you don't rent it, someone will.

But now this has also changed, and it means that the imperial court doesn't care how much land you have left unplanted.

As long as the land is in your name, no matter whether you have planted or cultivated it, the tax you should pay will not be less.

Therefore, Wu Zetian was worried that such a policy was likely to arouse the resistance of the gentry.

"Aniang, don't worry about that." Li Yuechen picked up the teacup, "I reformed bad people and the Jinwu Guard many years ago, just to prepare for this day!"

Li Xian on the side also smiled and said, "My boy thinks that even if the gentry resist, they may not be able to withstand too much trouble."

"Oh? Then tell me, what is the reason?" Wu Zetian asked back.

Li Xian said: "Over the years, we have been constantly studying grain production. The current production is much higher than when we were young. Coupled with the fact that the weather has been favorable year after year, it does not constitute the conditions for peasants to rebel. If we only talk about the gentry..."

Speaking of this, Li Xian shook his head. Even someone like him who doesn't understand military affairs knows it, but relying on them, they are like paper in front of the new army, and they don't have any ability to resist at all.

Hearing his answer, Li Yuechen couldn't help but smile.

What the elder brother said is correct, but she is not going to let the army participate in maintaining internal stability. It is better for the Jinwu Guard to do this kind of thing.

They take care of both the work of the armed police and the special police, which may be divided in the future, but it is unnecessary in this era.

It's just that for the emperor Wu Zetian, being cautious has almost become an instinct.

She thought about it carefully: "From my mother's point of view, it's better to try it out around Chang'an and Shendu first..."

"Sure!" Li Yuechen nodded and said he had no objection, "It's just that it's better to let the Ministry of Households start the national census at the same time, so as to prevent more black households in the future..."

Once the policy of distributing the income per mu starts, it will represent a complete change in the tax system, so the census must be started at the same time to determine how many people there are in the country, instead of calculating according to the general unit of "household".

It's just that for now, there is definitely no way to come up with an accurate number.

Because the humble status has not been abolished yet, and slaves are not counted as human beings, even if the census is started now, there is definitely no way to get an accurate number.

But now is not a good time to abolish lowly status, after all, among other things, there are still a lot of slave status in the palace.

However, there has been a clear downward trend in recent years.

Today's young court ladies are fundamentally different from the previous ones. These young court ladies are all trained in the army and belong to the palace's defense force.

As for the eunuchs, there is a feeling of being out of touch. Nowadays, whether in the palace or outside the palace, young eunuchs are almost a rare species, and they are basically old men.

One is that there is no need for so many eunuchs in the palace now, and the other is that as long as life can go on, few ordinary people are willing to send their children to the palace as eunuchs.

In Li Yuechen's princess mansion, except for the old eunuch Fulai, all the rest are maids.

In addition, because Fulai is old now, he is lying on the bed most of the time, so it is almost impossible to see a man in the princess mansion.

This is also the reason why Li Yuechen dresses up very coolly at home, especially in summer, his upper body has nothing but the gauze on his chest, and he just walks around the house like that.

Li Yuechen's plan is to first promote the distribution of households into the mu, as for the abolition of low status, let's wait for the palace to do this first.


On the fifth day of the seventh lunar month, Wu Zetian officially announced the policy of distributing the land into the mu in the court.

As soon as this policy came out, the cabinet immediately exploded.

Originally, most of the officials in the cabinet were from noble families. Once this policy came out, wouldn't it be to dig their roots?
So after the next court, the cabinet immediately entered an emergency meeting mode.

A group of ministers were so noisy around a table that no one even ate lunch.

One of the new chief ministers of the cabinet, Zhang Jian, looked at them with a big face and quarreled as they split into two factions, feeling a little regretful about taking over this position.

After arguing for two hours, both parties felt a little thirsty and stopped temporarily.

Zhang Jianzhi looked at the sky outside the window, turned his head and asked, "It seems that Shangguan Sheren hasn't expressed his opinion all this time?"

As soon as these words came out, the other ministers also turned their heads to look at the only woman in the entire conference room.

Shangguan Wan'er, who was leaning on the back of her chair, raised her eyelids: "This policy was formulated by His Majesty for the sake of the country's development. Instead of making noise here for support or opposition, it is better to think about how to implement it."

After finishing speaking, he actually picked up his teacup and got up to leave.

Everyone stared blankly at her leaving back, and fell into silence for a while.

Although she is indeed not a big one in terms of position, Feng Ge Sheren is the emperor's senior secretary after all, even if she can not give face as the chief minister of the cabinet, no one else dares to say anything.

After all, being able to sit here and listen to their quarrel already represents the emperor. Now that he doesn't want to listen, he can leave as he pleases.

As soon as she left like this, everyone in the opposition in the cabinet sighed helplessly.

Yes, so what if they object?Since the emperor proposed it, he made it clear what to implement.

They object?Unless you rebel directly, if you don't have the guts, you can only implement it obediently.

It's just that this matter can't be implemented immediately. How many noble families are there in the world?Those in the court do not have the courage to resist, but the folks are not sure.

So a week later, the cabinet, which really couldn't think of a legitimate reason to object, could only start a pilot run in accordance with the regulations.

At the same time, the newspapers on July [-] also published the new policy for this trial run.

The large-scale adjustment of the imperial court's policy quickly suppressed the popularity of the World Cup, which had already entered the final, and entered the discussion of the whole people.

After all, strictly speaking, this policy concerns everyone, so they can't help but ignore it.

(End of this chapter)

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