Chapter 113 Premiere
At the end of October, The Banquet was released, with a total box office of 3000 million. Before it was released, it briefly became the annual box office champion in 06 for only a few months.

Mixed reviews
Of course, this has nothing to do with Xu Che. What Xu Che has to do is to do a good job in the road show before the release of "33 Days of Broken Relationship".

Although it has been building momentum on the Internet and various new media for nearly half a year, the offline roadshow is also a very important part.

After running several cities in a row, this stop was Pengcheng, so Xu Che took a rare break.

Others are post-screening roadshows.

Xu Che is not like that.

Not only did he do roadshows after the release, but he also did roadshows before the release.

The road show was still a little awkward, those words kept repeating at different times and were familiar
Singing when there is nothing to talk about, I am still a half-hearted singer anyway.

"What are you thinking?" Gao Yuanyuan asked suspiciously.

"...I may be narrow-minded and only bought a house in the capital, and I will also buy some here when the time comes."


Gao Yuanyuan was stunned, "How much money do you have?"

"I bought a few more stocks recently."

Time flies, on November 11th, the premiere in Beijing.

Around nine o'clock.

Early in the morning, there are all dense fans here, everyone is confused, what happened?There are so many people waiting outside.

This scene was similar to the crowds of fans outside the venue before Jay Chou's concert.

A few passers-by asked curiously.

They were a little surprised by the answer they got.

"Today is the premiere of "33 Days of Broken Relationship", directed and acted by our elder brother Xu Che, and we all came to support it."

"Oh, is this movie good?"

"Aren't you asking knowingly? You said it was the premiere, and we didn't see it, but our Brother Xu Che is a person who has high requirements for acting skills and works. He directed and acted himself is the best!"

Now Xu Che can't tell whether he is an idol or an actor.

Maybe it's because I prefer to play in the fan circle.

Xu Che is guilty!

It was he who introduced the devils into the village.

The crew of "33 Days of Broken Relationship" arrived successfully, everyone walked into the theater little by little, Xu Che greeted the fans, and expressed his touch, warmly reminded: "Thank you very much for coming, but I hope everyone can pay attention to safety. I'm going to be very sad.

Everyone be well! "

This time Wang Changtian is also here. After all, it is one of the only two planned movies this year. Although the box office expectations for this movie are not as good as "Scarred City", he will definitely come.

For Xu Che's popularity,
He did hear,

But did not expect so many people?Is this the premiere or the Xu Che fan meeting?Well, it's time to re-examine Xu Che, a young man.

Bai Baihe walked into the movie theater holding Xu Che's arm. After all, they were the male and female protagonists, so they still needed to do some business. Both of them were dressed very formally, and they still attached great importance to the premiere.

"You have so many fans?"

Bai Baihe asked suspiciously.

Xu Che was a little proud, but still pretended to be modest: "It's okay, it's just so-so."


What are you pretending?

Gao Yuanyuan, Ling Xiaosu, Yang Zhigang and Liu Shishi walked behind and kept greeting the crowd.

However, because Xu Che's fans were too high in the crowd, no one cared about these people, and they were indeed not well-known, so there was nothing they could do.

To be honest, although most of them are a little worried about the performance of this movie.

But on the surface, everyone is still very high-spirited and quite confident. In Gao Yuanyuan's eyes, the box office of this movie is only about 500 million, and no matter how high it is, it can be regarded as a miracle.

For the 5000 million that Xu Che said on the perch.

She also just thinks it's just a hype to attract topics, and Xu Che is really good at playing this trick to become famous.

Seeing Wang Changtian in the theater, Xu Che stepped forward to say hello.

"Wang Dong, long time no see."

"This movie is good, I hope it will have a good result."

"I hope too." Xu Che nodded slightly in greeting.

Next is a very short interview with reporters, interviewing the main creators, the time is not long, and the total may be about 10 minutes.

After the press conference was over, it was time to play the movie. The size of the movie theater was not too big. Not every Xu Che fan who came to the scene got a ticket.

So before the interview, Xu Che made a special trip to the cinema.

When he came to the door, looking at the group of fans who were aggrieved because they didn't buy movie tickets, Xu Che said: "I will negotiate with the theater to see if we can broadcast two more shows. I hope that every Che fan who comes will You can watch this movie with me.

I don't want everyone to come here in vain. "

Xu Che's words cheered up the fans who were already a little bit downhearted, causing waves:

"Our brother Xu Che is too fond of fans!"

"Xu Che, I love you!"

"Who doesn't love such an idol!"

In the end, they said in unison: "Xu Che! We love you!"

Xu Che returned to the screening room after giving instructions.

Walking on the stage to be interviewed by the host, Wang Xiaoyu, the No. [-] entertainment reporter in the mainland, although he is relatively average in hosting and controlling the field, he is quite well-known. He is the general manager and editor-in-chief of "Complete Entertainment" under Enlight.

This time Wang Changtian asked him to host.

It can be said that Xu Che was treated with a high standard.

Now Wang Xiaoyu is still working for Guangguang, and after establishing his own company in 08, he is still very capable. Many movies, such as "The Wind" and "Du Lala's Promotion" were all done by him in marketing.

Xu Che took the microphone and said: "This is my first time making a movie, my first time directing, and my first time acting in a movie. They are all very precious experiences. It is the support of everyone along the way that has brought me to this point. So thank you very much.

I believe this movie can give everyone a good impression. "

Xu Che bowed.

Wang Xiaoyu also said: "This is the first film produced by our Enlight Media. Does Director Wang have anything to say about this film? For example, some interesting stories on the set, or some stories about the filming preparations."

Wang Changtian stepped onto the stage, took the microphone handed by the staff, and began to say:
"Actually, when Xu Che found me in the first place, I didn't want to invest in this movie, but hearing those stories reminded me of how sad I was when I was young.

And it may also be because he has too many scandals, I always feel that he is not very practical, but beyond my expectation, he is very serious and calm in everything he does.

The movie is excellent, I dare say this is the best love movie in the past two years, not one of them. "

In fact, it was a nonsense fabrication.

How did he know these things about Xu Che?
This movie is stocking.

Compared with this one, he is looking forward to the "Scarred City" which will be released at the end of the year.

(End of this chapter)

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