Raiders China Entertainment 2004

Chapter 114 First Day Box Office

Chapter 114 First Day Box Office
The king of Huayi still pays some attention to Xu Che's movie.

They just wanted to see what kind of movie this idol who left Huayi joined Ray could make?After all, although the volume of light is large, this is the first time for movies.

"Do you think his movie will be a hit?" Wang Zhongjun suddenly asked this question.

Wang Zhonglei sneered, although he didn't look at it, it didn't prevent him from looking down on Xu Che.

"What do you think an idol actor can produce? Brother, you think too highly of him."

After the interview session ended, the movie finally officially started playing in the theater.

The first is the dragon mark.

Then a series of subtitles flashed across.

In the end, it settled on the words director Xu Che's works.

There were whispers from the viewing seats.

"I don't know if Xu Che can capture the essence."

"It's all novels written by himself, I think it should work."

"Maybe it's the shooter you're looking for?"

"Ah this?"

This is just a small episode,
And Xu Che didn't know either.

It seems that most of the people who came to the scene were fans of Xu Che, but in fact, there were many book fans who came here because of the name, and they came to see this movie because they liked the novel version of 33 Days of Broken Relationship.

Some are interested in seeing "The Story of Broken Love" circulating on the Internet this year.

In short, there are various channels of interest.

Xu Che's non-stop publicity for the past six months from the start to the present is still very effective.

As for the audience present here,
They are very satisfied with Bai Baihe's Huang Xiaoxian.

It can even be said that it came out of a book.

But for Xu Che playing Wang Xiaojian himself, I always felt a little bit too disobedient, even though he hasn't appeared yet, but this doubt was quickly dispelled.

As soon as the camera turned, Wang Xiaojian finally made his official appearance. Is this really the same person as the idol Xu Che who spoke brilliantly on stage just now?This is not played by the half-brother, right?
The pace of the plot is fast.

Also hilarious.

"Hahaha, this is too funny, no match for chest four hahaha."

"Is there anyone who doesn't like Da Nai?"

"It's great to learn how to hate people in this dialogue! I learned it!"

"Wang Xiaojian's mouth is really cheap, he lives up to his name!"

Everyone was giggling and gradually immersed in it. As a romantic comedy, it was relatively successful. Everyone basically laughed out loud, except for those film critics who like to pretend to be serious and pretend to be old-fashioned.

While watching, they silently worry about what they don't like, and then tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, they will post their own film reviews that they think are fair but may have received money.

When the plot gradually came to the later stage.

Everyone's mood gradually changed from joy to melancholy.
In short, judging from the reaction of the audience so far.

Xu Che succeeded.

At last,
The lights in the auditorium were brightened, and the movie ended.

Although those credits and later tidbits let everyone know that the movie is over, but everyone still has more to say and is immersed in the plot
This is really an excellent love movie.

Wang Xiaoyu stepped onto the stage again and said with a smile, "This movie is our director Xu's debut. What do you think of this movie?"

As a result, they naturally got an affirmative answer. Although everyone has more to say, it is still very face-saving.

Xu Che and all the main creative staff took to the stage again for an interview.

Bai Baihe said: "This movie is also the first time for me to act as the heroine in a movie. Being able to play Huang Xiaoxian, I really learned a lot. Director Xu and I also learned from each other, and thank you for your support."

Bai Baihe said a lot.

Some are from the heart, while others are nonsense.

In short, the performance is still very good.

real actor,
No matter what you do, play must be enough.

Then it was Ling Xiaosu, Yang Zhigang, Gao Yuanyuan in turn, and finally Shishi. Xu Che really wanted Shishi to say a few more words, but now she seemed a little shy, and she still stumbled when she spoke.

simply put,
Just haven't seen the world yet,

But she is not Liu Yifei who has debuted for so many years, she has only debuted not long ago, and she has not experienced many interviews.

In the end, there was a group photo of the main creators and all the audience present. After the group photo was over, the audience dispersed and walked out of the cinema.

Fans who had been waiting for a long time asked, "Brother Xu Che, is this movie good?"

".Quite good looking."

"I feel okay."

"Worth a look,"

"What rubbish, really rubbish, disgusting."

Although there are always people who hate it, the positive reviews accounted for the majority, which also gave Xu Che's fans some confidence. Xu Che walked to the entrance of the theater again and greeted everyone to go in.

Watched three or four rounds.

Only then did all the fans leave contentedly.

Although this kind of thing can be done or not,

But as long as the reputation of pet fans is spread, it can attract more fans. You must know that fans are the best earners. The larger the fan base, the more money you can earn.

Xu Che didn't just look in front of his eyes.

In the future, don't you have to expect these fans to study hard, work hard, and earn money for their loved ones?
The premiere ceremony is over, and it will be screened simultaneously across the country. Regarding the performance of this movie, Xu Che feels that it will take 8000 million yuan to be worthy of himself.

So he has been very concerned, a little anxious to know the box office data on the first day.

Wang Changtian handed the form to Xu Che, and then patted Xu Che on the shoulder as if I saw the right person, "The box office broke through 900 million on the first day, which is definitely a good start, good luck!
The box office on the first day of the banquet was only 200 million!Ha ha ha ha. "

Wang Changtian was a little stunned at first.

900 million at the box office,
Not compared with the works of those great directors,
900 million on the first day is a few streets higher than the data of many movies in a week.


"900, not bad."

Xu Che took the form and looked at it carefully, with a happy expression on his face.

The box office was 900 million on the first day, and it is not difficult to reach 8000 million in the end. There is even a chance to reach 06 million. But now it is [-], and it is still difficult to break [-] million, so don't expect too much.

Put the expected threshold at around 8000 million.

The data on the box office statistics table are very obvious, there is nothing abnormal, the box office of the box office cities is still very stable, mainly in big cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, which contributed the most box office.

This kind of movie.

Wenqing and white-collar workers also love to watch it.

Originally, Wang Changtian's estimate was between 500 million and 500 million box office.

But the box office of 900 million on the first day can completely rush to 7000 million or even 8000 million!

"Wang Dong, we have so many programs under Guangguang, the most important thing now is to grasp the publicity, word of mouth and publicity are the most important follow-up."

"Okay, I will let those programs be announced simultaneously."


A love movie with a box office of 900 million on the first day, combined with the promotion of the TV programs of Shangguang, can give the public a sense of expectation, no. It should be 1000 million at the box office on the first day.

How can 900 million be better than 1000 million?

It feels like they are not on the same level anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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