Chapter 409 Precise Score Training Class (ten more)

Tian Hao seems to have returned to the old days when he was leveling with a trumpet in his previous life. The boys under his command were divided into two groups and went online to fight monsters in turn. There was an open space in the center of the formation for cooking and rest. The small life was quite chic.

Even Tian Hao still has the energy to continue to deduce the Seven Kills Formation and Seven Kills Battle Formation, making fine-tuning for thousands of horse boys, making the Seven Kills Battle Form even more perfect.

Everyone's physical fitness is also improving bit by bit. Although the speed of improvement is not fast, the cumulative effect is considerable.

However, as the Seven Kills battle body became more and more perfect, Tian Hao found that his direction seemed to be wrong, to be precise, it was a bit off.

"Currently increasing the physical strength does not greatly improve the adaptation to the blood evil spirit. The core problem lies in the spiritual will."

While heating a cauldron with Zhiyang Jinxia Qi, Tian Hao was thinking about how to continue to improve it.

The harm of blood evil spirit to the human body mainly lies in the erosion of the spiritual level. Although there is also erosion in the physical level, it is only secondary, and it is not meaningful to continue to improve.

He needs to find a way to improve the spiritual will of the boys under his command. It is best to cultivate a martial arts will besides the killing sword.

"The best choice is to separate the killing intent from the killing sword intent and sublimate it into martial arts will. I'm familiar with this, but their talents are limited, so I'm afraid it's not easy to do."

Rubbing his chin, Tian Hao thought about how to make these people upgrade their killing intent into martial arts will.

This is the real world, not something that can be achieved by swiping a mouse and clicking a mouse like in a game.

The key difficulty in the cultivation of the second martial intent is how to isolate the influence of the first martial intent, otherwise under the suppression of the first martial intent, it will be extremely difficult to cultivate the second martial intent.

Even at the beginning, he only comprehended the Zilong palm after the golden ape fist was almost hacked to death by the second brother Guan, and then comprehended other martial arts will one after another in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Wait, maybe you can try fine points."

Suddenly I had a bold idea, the will of martial arts is the sublimation of spiritual ideas, which exists in the human mind. Theoretically speaking, one thought can only give birth to one will of martial arts.

Unless there is an open existence like him.

But it didn't say that a person can only have one thinking!
My own junior sister Lin has comprehended two kinds of sword intent because of her split personality, you can refer to it below.

"One knife!"

Taking a look at the boiling soup in the pot, Tian Hao shouted to Gui Hai who was fighting with a strong foreign race outside.

"Moji Tuqing!"

Hearing Tian Hao's call, Gui Hai didn't delay any longer, and performed the third move of the magic knife that he had just practiced - Moji Tuqing.

The ruthless sword intent further suppresses the seven emotions and six desires, making the devil in the sword more ferocious, cutting horizontally with the sword, and the jet-black true energy condenses into the sword energy and cuts out.

Before the saber qi arrived, the demonic saber intent cut into the mind of the strong man of the alien race first, causing illusions to pop up in his mind, making him almost crazy.

Before he could rely on his will to suppress the infection of the demonic saber intent, the saber aura that followed immediately passed across his neck, and his head flew up.

Then, the evil spirit of blood like a thick fog in the Seven Killing Formation swarmed up, swallowing the vitality of the strong man of the foreign race, and even swallowing all the remnants.

"Slice this horse leg, the thinner the better."

Passing over a horse leg, Tian Hao wanted to eat hot pot.

They didn't stick to one place all the time. After the people and horses they had killed piled up into a mountain, they would move. This movement inevitably yielded some gains. This black pot was today's harvest, and there were still a lot of seasonings.


Looking at Tian Hao, then at the boiling black pot, and finally at the horse's leg in front of him, Gui Hai wanted to kill someone with his knife.

During the war, it’s okay for you to cook hot pot, but now you still ask me to cut meat for you?
My Xiongbatianxia is for killing people, not cutting meat.

"hurry up!"

Seeing that Gui Hai still didn't move with the knife, Tian Hao urged him.

Gui Hai remained silent as soon as he drew the knife, and the horse's leg was sliced ​​into thin slices and thrown into the pot.

I have to say that Guihai Yidao is worthy of being a swordsman, and the swordsmanship is nothing to say, two words, perfect.

"Unfortunately, no chili peppers were found!"

After eating and drinking for a while, Tian Hao felt regretful.

Hot pot without chili always feels soulless and not refreshing enough.

But there is no way, the conditions are limited, and we can't ask for too much.

"Let me think about it, how can these people become smart?"

Putting down the bone chopsticks made from horse bones, Tian Hao thought about how to turn his horse boys into psychopaths, and it is best to upgrade them into split personalities in one step.

Such a personality carries pure sword intent, and a personality carries pure killing intent. The two do not interfere, but they can also merge with each other.

Once the two martial arts wills are fused, the spiritual will will inevitably be condensed to a large extent, and then it will be able to resist the erosion of blood evil spirit.

Not to mention that Tian Hao was thinking about how to set up a training class on the battlefield, and effectively turned his trumpet into a mental patient. The Ruyang King outside was horrified.

"Three days, three full days!"

Seeing the tribal army being chased and hacked by a fog of blood on the battlefield of the original camp ahead, King Ruyang really couldn't figure out what kind of monsters were inside.

In the beginning, he forced the tribal leaders to lead the army to besiege and kill them for three days and three nights, taking turns to attack.

But after fighting, things changed. From the beginning they were the main attack, they became the main attack of others, and now they are being chased and hacked by 1000 people.

The most frightening thing is that so far, they haven't killed even one person on the other side. Facing the heavy armor with only eyes exposed, their people don't know where to strike.

How could he accept such an incomprehensible opponent?
That is to say, he sealed off the escape route in advance, not only sealed off the other side of the river, but even the mountains and forests on the east side were ignited and turned into a sea of ​​flames, turning this place into a jeopardy, otherwise the tribal army would have already run out.

Even so, the morale collapsed countless times, and even attacked the defense line established on their own side in reverse.

The current situation is not that they are besieging, but being chased and beaten by the giant army, and everyone is almost insane.

"No matter how strong they are, they are still human beings. It is impossible for them to continue fighting without sleep. When they get tired, they will die!"

The God Statue Dharma King stared at the blood mist in the center of the battlefield, and concluded that the opponent must have been exhausted to the extreme, and he could kill him with a little more force.

Even in the past few days, he has been recharging his energy and recharging his energy, preparing to use that desperate secret method to kill that Huashan reckless sword here!

"It's really not possible, we can only push the people in the headquarters up."

His eyes also fell on the blood mist in the center of the battlefield, and then he looked at the dozens of huge ravines dug here, and King Ruyang made a decision.

The loss this time is indeed huge, but the greater the loss, the more it proves that the opponent is terrible.

Those terrifying enemies must be killed as soon as possible, and they must not be allowed to grow up.

This time, the other party only got a thousand of that kind of giant soldiers, and they have such power. If they get [-], [-], or even millions of that kind of giant soldiers in the future, how can they survive in the Yuan Kingdom?
Even if all the people under him are wiped out, they must be surrounded and killed here.

"Pass down the order to let the four tribes gather 500,000 cavalry for the king.

Then tell Oboi in the Qing Dynasty to send 500,000 troops and bring their red barbarian cannons. The king doesn't want all the wealth of the Nanming Kingdom, but give it to him. "

Decisively ordered, King Ruyang is going all out this time, and there is more greed in his heart, the greed for the method of shaping the giants, and the armor on those giants.

Compared with the little wealth of Nanming Kingdom, this is the real priceless treasure.

If their Yuan Kingdom can obtain this giant secret technique and those armors, and shape all the soldiers under their command into such an invincible existence, which country in the world can block their soldiers?

(The tenth update is over today, and the tenth update will continue tomorrow, begging for monthly ticket support, your support is my biggest motivation!)
(End of this chapter)

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