Chapter 410 Obai! (one more)
"Didn't you say that only 500,000 elite soldiers from each of you will be sent here?"

On No. 13 days after the order was issued, when the tribal armies that had been forced before were exhausted, King Ruyang was about to overwhelm the 150,000 army of the headquarters and continue to besiege Tian Hao and the Seven Killing Army here. The Qing army and the local four The army of the Great Horde is coming.

It is mighty, at least three times the original size of their side, that is, 3 million troops. Excluding those women and young soldiers who are filling up, there are as many as one million soldiers ready to fight.

What the hell?

He can understand this speed. After all, the border of Nanming Kingdom is only two to three hundred miles away from here. Even if the Qing army is only [-] miles away from the planned attack position, and it is a flat grassland, it is almost impossible to go all out at the speed of cavalry. It will be there in a day.

But what is the situation on this scale? Could it be that you all gave up attacking Nanming Kingdom?

"There are strange things in Nanming, I don't plan to lead my troops to attack."

Aobai, whose strength had reached the Realm Realm, spoke simply, expressing that he did not want to fight the Nanming Kingdom anymore.

I thought I could make a lot of money by coming here, but who would have thought that it turned out to be a steel bone with a broken tooth, and even he was almost killed by the bomb.

"There are still strong people in the True Yuan Realm in Nanming Kingdom?"

Looking at Oboi's left eye, which was wrapped with a bloody bandage, the statue's heart sank.

Oboi's strength is not weak. When he led the Qing army to destroy the Dongming Kingdom, he was already at the peak of the Gang Qi Realm, and now he has become a strong man in the True Yuan Realm.

Even more talented, fellow practitioner Shaolin Golden Bell Cover and the [-]th Taibao of the Ming Dynasty have practiced the two most powerful kung fu, and their combat power is no worse than himself.

This kind of strong man was beaten blind in one eye, and the opponent was definitely a strong man in the real yuan state.

King Ruyang's complexion changed. If there is still a strong person in the Real Yuan Realm in Nanming Kingdom, he may return without success this time.

"No, the strongest one on their side right now is at the peak of the Stellar Qi Realm. It should be the Tianchi strange man in the information. Although he is very strong, he is much worse than the old man.

But they have a very strong gunpowder, which is countless times more powerful than our gunpowder. The old man’s eye was blown out, and they also mixed a lot of strange poisons in the gunpowder. My people were killed in one day. Poison poured 200,000. "

Saying that, Oboi still had lingering fear on his face.

That was the closest he was to death in his life, and he had never been so embarrassed when he fought against the half-step True Yuan Realm powerhouse from Dongming Kingdom.

The gunpowder of Nanming Kingdom is too strong. If he hadn't been alerted and jumped up in advance, he would definitely be blasted to pieces. The whole city was blown into a big pit.

Even so, he was seriously injured, and coupled with the threat of the Tianchi strange man holding a sharp gun, he decisively led his army to come after receiving the letter from the flying eagle from King Ruyang.

Fortunately, the strategy for invading Nanming this time was a surprise attack, and all the cavalry were used, with one man and two cavalry, and their mobility was unparalleled. Otherwise, it would not be easy to get rid of the pursuit of those Nanming troops.

In fact, what Aobai didn't know was that the highly poisonous substances mixed in the zygote were all by-products of refining tungsten powder and other substances by chemical means in the past, and were collected and sealed by Tian Hao in various ways.

The weight accumulated in the past few years is quite considerable. It was originally intended to deceive a wave of Yuan troops. Who would have thought that there would be a Qing army, especially a strong man in the real Yuan realm leading the army, and then let him enjoy it on his behalf.

The toxicity of chemical substances is far beyond the comparison of those poisons in this martial arts world. Once inhaled into the body, it is almost impossible to understand.

"what about you?"

Frowning even tighter, King Ruyang looked at the leaders of the four tribes.

This time those people also brought all of them, so it is possible that the Nanming Kingdom blocked the attack with powerful gunpowder.

"We didn't encounter gunpowder, but there are too many armors in the Nanming Kingdom. Almost everyone has a set of armors. The armors of the official army are stronger and sharper. That's it, there are too many!"

A tribal leader handed the spear in his hand to King Ruyang, and the leaders of the other three tribes also looked depressed.

It was too difficult to fight against Nanming Kingdom. They made great sacrifices to break through the defense line. They thought they could flatten the river, but who would have thought that all the people there were soldiers, even the women had armor, and those armor were so strong and sharp that they were insane.

The arrows they made of animal teeth and bones couldn't pierce at all, even arrows made of refined iron couldn't do it.

The greatest advantage of the grassland nation is cavalry and archery, and now half of it has been directly abolished, and the remaining cavalry advantages are difficult to play in the complex terrain of the Central Plains.

Facing a war where their own advantages are completely overcome, how should they fight?
Moreover, there are too many people in the Nanming Kingdom. The population alone is more than ten or twenty times larger than that of the four major tribes combined.

After breaking through the line of defense, they encountered more militia soldiers than they did, and reinforcements continued to gather from all directions.

The most important thing is that those Nanming people are crazy. They set fire to mountains and roads at every turn, cut down trees and piled them on the road, and even burned crops as firewood.

What they saw in the past was a sea of ​​flames, and it was almost impossible to move forward. They were surrounded by the sea of ​​flames several times, and the horses under their command were lost by a large number of frightened horses.

Even those Nanming people broke a bank of the Yellow River, almost drowning them.

Facing the ruthless water and fire, and the endless steel armor soldiers, and the fighting style that wants to die with you, they have suffered heavy losses in a few days, and they still fight a ghost!
Not to mention fighting, they didn't even dare to return to their original lair.

After receiving the letter from the Flying Eagle King Ruyang, he was amnesty and decisively led the army and his family to join him, to see if he could use the power of the Yuan Kingdom, especially those legendary artillery, to destroy the Nanming Kingdom, and then kill those Bingjia grabbed it and turned it into his own use.

Silent and speechless, King Ruyang took the long spear and tried it. The last spear was stabbed out, and the tip of the spear shook slightly, turning into dozens of spear flowers.

"Good gun!"

He couldn't help admiring, this is indeed a good gun, even with his strength, it feels comfortable to use.

"Almost everyone in the Nanming army has this thing in their hands. Not only is it strong and sharp, but it's also very flexible, and it won't break at all."

Another tribal leader added that it wasn't that they didn't work hard, but that the opponents were playing tricks.

My own arrows and scimitars can't break through other people's defenses, but other people's weapons can easily pierce my own leather armor, even iron armor, how can I fight?
Not to mention that the opponent has countless bows and crossbows, and if he is not careful, he will shoot a large area of ​​sharp arrows from the woods and grass, and the above are usually poisoned, making it difficult to eat and sleep.


Hearing this, he frowned even tighter, and King Ruyang handed the spear in his hand to the statue of the King of Dharma, letting him try it.

The statue of Fawang took the spear and bent it hard, and finally the spear was bent into a circle, but when the statue of Fawang let go, the spear bent into a circle suddenly bounced straight.

The unreasonable toughness and elasticity far surpassed all the usual spearmen, and the quality of the spears made of this material can be imagined.

You can even use this thing to make bows and arrows, and bows and arrows are the first of eighteen weapons, allowing an ordinary person to kill the strong.

"Barely noticeable flex!"

Holding the recovered long spear and looking it over carefully, the face of the God Statue Dharma King is also very ugly. With his eyesight, he can't see that the spear has deformed. The toughness and elasticity are really unreasonable.

Although this gun is nothing to him, even a shock of his true energy can shatter it, but the problem is that there is no one in Nanming who has this kind of sharp weapon.

When the quantity reaches a certain level, it will be sublimated to strategy.

It is really impossible to imagine how powerful the Nanming Kingdom will be after using this material to create millions of soldiers and armor in the future. Even the tens of millions of cavalry in the Yuan Kingdom will be crushed in the face of this kind of soldiers and armor.

What's even more frightening is that they don't know how much this material can produce. If it's only enough for Nanming's own use, it's fine. But if it can be produced in unlimited quantities, or even sold to the countries in the Central Plains, it will be a great deal for Yuan and all the grassland peoples. It is bound to be a devastating disaster.

We must know that throughout the ages, the greatest advantage of the grassland people is riding and shooting, and the greatest advantage of the people of the Central Plains is that they can build a large number of soldiers, which is their advantage.

But there was still a limit to the large amount in the past, but now this amount is very abnormal.

"All the secrets must be with them, and they must be obtained!"

Looking at the blood mist in the distance with hatred, King Ruyang was jealous of it, but also more greedy.

Although this kind of long spear is good, it is far inferior to the armor of those 1000 people, which is the strongest armor that even the strong in the stellar state cannot break through.

It is precisely because of the protection of those invincible armors that they have not killed even one person from the other side.

It doesn't break the defense at all, so how can people fight?

All the soldiers who rushed up didn't know where to cut their swords. If the artillery from before was still there, they could still try it, but now that the artillery was destroyed, they couldn't even hurt a single hair with only scimitars and bows and arrows.

Even in the middle and late stages, the morale of one's own soldiers and horses collapsed, and they didn't dare to go forward at all. Instead, they were chased and hacked by the thousand giant soldiers.

If he hadn't blocked the way out, blocked the retreat with the sea of ​​fire and rivers, and trapped everyone inside, he would have rushed out frantically.

No one wants to fight something like that!

"Don't you have an army of millions? What about people?"

Aobai looked around and asked suspiciously.

He only saw more than 200,000 people here, but according to the previous information, King Ruyang brought a million troops over this time, including [-] Yuanmeng Jingqi.

"They have other tasks!"

King Ruyang didn't explain much. In order to fear that these people would retreat, he ordered people to transfer all the corpses on the battlefield to the nearby forest and burn them.

"Then why did you ask us to come here?"

Aobai was even more puzzled, he didn't understand why King Ruyang ordered them to send an elite army to support them in a hurry, and why he paid such a high price.

Could it be that a bigger treasure has been discovered!

"There is an army of thousands of people in that blood mist, wearing an invulnerable treasure armor, which is difficult for even a strong man in the Stellar Qi Realm to break through, that is the greatest treasure of the Nanming Kingdom.

This king hereby promises that after taking down those people, I will share the secret of the invincible armor with you. "

Pointing at the stilled blood mist, King Ruyang expressed his generosity and pride, expressing that he would share the blessings.

It's just that Oboi and the others are all human beings, so they naturally understand that King Ruyang must be hiding something.


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(End of this chapter)

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