Chapter 199
Chen Sheng has carefully understood the origin of the Fuxi Temple in Chen County.

It is rumored that in ancient times, Emperor Fuxi led the Dongyi tribe to move eastward along the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. He saw a thousand-year-old tortoise in Shangcai, created the innate gossip, and later established the capital Wanqiu.
Chen County, here comes!

Fuxi Temple is not only the temple of Emperor Fuxi, but also the tomb of Emperor Fuxi!
In other words.

Chen County was not only the capital of Emperor Fuxi, but also the location of Emperor Fuxi's mausoleum!
It has only been passed down to the present for thousands of years.

The Fuxi Temple is still there, but the location of the Fuxi Mausoleum has not been verified...

Chen Sheng could not judge.

That day, the innate gossip that protected him on the Shaopo altar came from the position of the governor of Chenjun, or from his own blood...

Both judgments have their origins.

Kyushu is the place where the human race originated and prospered. Except for the hundred schools of humanity, all of them are outsiders, and they are rejected by the luck of Kyushu!

When Lu Zheng was attacked by Xu Fu in the west of Tuoxian County, he inspired Yuzhou Ding to protect each other for thousands of miles!

And as the governor of Chen County, hundreds of thousands of people in Chen County are widely expected, and he was attacked by outsiders in Kyushu, and naturally he should be protected by Chen County's luck.

Chen Jun originated from Emperor Fuxi, and the fate of qi is transformed into shape, perhaps it is the innate gossip...

As for the speculation on the origin of the bloodline, it is even simpler.

Although his old Chen family ancestral home in Yangcheng, Sizhou, the genealogy is no longer available.

But the surname Chen in the world is from "Chen", maybe his old Chen family's bloodline can be traced back to a hundred and eighty generations, and he is a descendant of the emperor Fuxi...

After all, he is only poor for three generations, and whose ancestors have not passed down the bloodline that can be passed down?

He was charged with [-] Qi Luck and was attacked by outsiders. Qi Luck was condensed through blood vessels to protect him.

It's not impossible...

Apart from these two points, he really couldn't think of any other source that could be linked with Emperor Fuxi.

Anyway, no matter what the reason is, there must be some reason why he motivated the innate gossip protection!

Why not Kyushu Ding?

Why not Xuanyuanjian?


"Your Honor!"

Just when Chen Sheng was thinking about it, an accompanying visitor hurriedly entered and bowed to his back to the end: "The county government is urgently reporting that a wave of Bolang Army has been ordered to go to Dangshan, and pass through my Chen County, requesting the county to allocate grain! "

"Brawling Army?"

As soon as Chen Sheng frowned, the map of Yanzhou immediately appeared in his mind, and asked in confusion, "Where did it come from? How did it pass through me, Chen Jun?"

Previously, the Bolang Army was stationed in Jiangxia County, Jingzhou. From Jiangxia County, it took Dangshan Mountain in Liang County and went straight through Qiao County. How could it appear in Chen County?
The visitor reported back: "Master Hui, this wave-fighting army came from Yingchuan County."


After Chen Sheng heard this, his brows became even deeper.

Yingchuan County is west of Chen County, at the junction of the two counties. From Yingchuan to Dangshan, it is indeed necessary to pass through Chen County.

But the problem is, it is obviously a detour from Jiangxia to enter Liang County from Yingchuan!

Would you rather take a detour and come to Chen County?
"How many soldiers and horses are there in this wave-fighting army?"

Chen Sheng asked in a deep voice.

The visitor replied: "The county government emergency report records that there are about [-]!"

Chen Sheng's heart sank slightly, but a slight smile appeared on his face.

It's very clear!
Comparing with my troops and horses in Chen County!

You want to say that you are not here to intimidate me, Chen Sheng!
I don't believe it!

"Immediately order the county government, and don't allow the wave army to approach my Chen County fifty kilometers!"

"Pass my order, the Red Army will immediately pull out the camp and move ten miles to the west gate of Zhai County!"

He said without looking back.


The audience bowed to the end again and bowed out.

Chen Sheng raised his head and glanced at the statue of Fuxi above, took two steps back, sorted out his clothes and bowed respectfully to the statue three times.

Then he got up, strode out of the main hall, and shouted angrily, "Go back to the city!"

A large number of personal soldiers poured out and escorted Chen Sheng to go out.


In the county governor's office.

Wang Xiong was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, pacing back and forth in the prefectural government office.

Fan Zeng and Li Si could barely sit still, but they frowned and said nothing to each other.

With their wisdom, it is of course impossible to guess the purpose of this wave-fighting army.

But even know.

They couldn't think of any solution either.

That's a wave of waves!

One of the wave-fighting troops of the Southern Expedition and Northern War Corps in Dazhou!

Suppressing Baiyue's wave-fighting army who dare not set foot in Kyushu for a hundred years!
What kind of strategy can stop such a fierce army?

"If you want me to tell you, I will persuade the adults to lead the crowd out of ten miles to welcome them, and obey the orders of the imperial court!"

Wang Xiong's effort in nourishing qi was not as good as Fan Zeng and Li Si's, and he couldn't win against them, so he had to speak first: "Although it's a bit embarrassing, it can still keep a lifetime of peace... Even if the adults want to be promoted to officials and titles, I'll wait after the event. It's not impossible to operate on behalf of adults!"

Speaking of this, he saw that the two people in the hall were still sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai Terrace, and he couldn't help but sighed: "You two, it's easy to break after just passing by!"

The two people sitting firmly in the hall looked at each other, and then shook their heads in unison.

Li Si: "Brother Wang's words are not without reason."

Fan Zeng: "But Your Majesty can't agree."

Li Si: "Your Majesty can have today's foundation."

Fan Zeng: "It's all about a breath of rage!"

Li Si: "And the DPRK treats meritorious officials so poorly."

Fan Zeng: "It's definitely not a wise rule or an image of a wise master!"

Li Si: "Your Majesty should have Qiuhe in his chest!"

Fan Zeng: "I didn't make it clear to me, it should be the time!"

The two of you speak, and I speak, like a double reed.

At the end of a pair of eyes, there is a sense of sympathy for each other!
Li Si handed over: "Fan Gong Gao sees it, Yu admires it!"

Fan Zeng held his hand: "Mr. Li is wise, and Yu Xinyue is convinced!"

The two laughed in unison: "Where, where..."

Wang Xiong was stunned.

Why do I feel like I'm a fool here?
Or do you two form an alliance in private and join forces to squeeze me out?
Just because you both call adults your Lord?

I can too!
He was depressed for a long time, heaved a long sigh, found a mat and sat down heavily: "What do you say, why don't I know?"

"The key is, how should we pass this hurdle now?"

"Then Li Xin made it clear that the visitor is not good!"

"If Your Majesty refuses to respect orders, I'm afraid that his fifty thousand soldiers and horses will not leave me Chen Jun lightly!"

Li Si nodded and affirmed his worries: "This is also what I worry about. As long as we can withstand this level, the attitude of the court will definitely change greatly!"

Fan Zeng: "But..."


Wang Xiong hurriedly waved his hand to interrupt their double reeds: "What's wrong with both of you, can you talk about it one by one?"

Fan Zeng and Li Si laughed together.

Then Li Si reached out and made a gesture of invitation to Fan Zeng.

Fan Zeng stroked the beard and said slowly: "The prince is mature and serious, and he is a professional talent. However, since we are Hakka officials, we can only analyze the pros and cons and weigh the pros and cons for the lord, and we cannot make decisions on behalf of the lord... Substitution is not the way to be a minister!"

Wang Xiong was stunned for a while, then suddenly realized, he quickly got up and bowed to Fan Zeng to the end: "Thank you Fan Gong for teaching me!"

(End of this chapter)

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