Chapter 200
The sound of drums shook the setting sun.

Chen Sheng stood on the top of the gate tower of the West City Gate in Chen County with his sword, his black robe was as red as blood under the setting sun's rays!

Directly in front of him, fifty thousand red-clothed officers and soldiers were neatly distributed on the plain.
Looking out from Chen Sheng's position, he could only see the Red Army under his command.

But he knew that in the further west, there were fifty thousand soldiers of the Bolang Army led by Li Xin, the deputy general of the Bolang Army!
Li Xin...

Another famous Daqin general who destroyed the city and destroyed the country and left his name in the history!

But he is no longer surprised by these familiar characters!

Just get excited!

It's exciting to be able to play against these famous characters!

Excited under the sword to be able to kill these famous figures in history!
"The martial arts begin!"

He drank heavily.

Hundreds of huge and round-waisted messengers heard the words and shouted in unison: "The martial arts begin!"

"Dong dong dong..."

The drum beat suddenly became rapid, and the surging sound from the high-quality cowhide drums of more than ten people resounded for dozens of miles!
[-] red-clothed officers and soldiers obeyed the order, raised their spears in unison, thrust forward with all their might, and shouted in unison, "Kill!"



The vast voice seemed to dislodge the fine clouds in the sky!
Chen Sheng listened to the screams that belonged to Chen Jun and belonged to him. He stared at the western sky and slowly raised the corners of his thin lips.

Li Xin?

Fighting waves?
What a big name!

West of Chen County, on a mountain [-] miles away.

A group of burly generals and commanders with bright armor and flying expressions, twisting the reins of their war horses, stood facing east!

The leader of the general, over forty years old, with short beards, a sturdy face, a strong and valiant face, thick eyebrows and tiger eyes are extremely arresting, a red tassel on his pocket, and his body is armored with light that can be seen. Root hair!
He quietly looked at the sea of ​​crimson flames in the east, where the sound of killing was terrifying, and the tiger's eyes were neither happy nor angry.

"Playing this thing in front of our Wave Fighting Army? It really doesn't know whether to live or die!"

"General, the last commander, please order, lead the troops and horses of the headquarters to raid these gangsters!"

"General, the last general is also willing to go, and within a quarter of an hour, this group of frogs at the bottom of the well will be washed away..."

There was no joy or anger between the brows of the white horse general, but the many generals standing around him couldn't hold it in any longer and asked for their orders.

"A quarter of an hour?"

The white horse general nodded gently and gently: "I made a military order. In addition to your troops and horses, I will give you another song. Within a quarter of an hour, you will defeat the army of this county, and you will be killed if you are overdue!"

As soon as the voice fell, the generals who had been talking a moment ago all of a sudden died down.

The whole army of the Bolang Army knows that Li Xin, the deputy general, fights wildly.

When he was General Qu, he dared to take four thousand soldiers and horses to go deep into Baiyue to slaughter thousands of miles. After being promoted to lieutenant general, he took the lead in every battle, and every battle would be a bloody battle, either a great victory or a tragic victory!
In the entire army, only Lian Po, the commander of the army, could subdue him!

However, only the generals under his command know that his orders have not changed, and under military orders, even if the battle reaches him alone, he will never take a step back!
So, when he mentions the military order, no matter how crazy the military order is, don't take it as a joke!

The white horse general didn't even turn his head back, as if he had long known the urination of the group of generals under his command.

He actually knew very well that the generals under his command were all trying to learn from him.

But they all only learned the furthest.

Without learning his essence...

Stupid madness, not scary!
Rational madness is terrifying!
The white horse general stared at the crimson sea of ​​flames for a long time, watched them perform martial arts, watched them change formations, and watched their 5 people look like one.

After a long time, he exhaled a long breath and praised softly: "There is no vacuous person under the reputation!"

"Chen Jun, Chen Sheng, you really have some real skills!"

He knew that Chen Sheng was showing force to him.

Or, it is inviting him to fight!
But he... really can't fight it!

Not dare.

It is impossible!

If the other party is really a soft persimmon that disappears in a flash, that's all!

He didn't mind taking the risk of being reprimanded and taking his troops and horses for a walk.

But the other party is not...

If the joke turns into a decisive battle.

The danger of Dangshan, who will solve it?

After a long while, General White Horse shook the reins of the war horse and shouted, "Follow this general and enter the city!"


A group of generals and schools fought their horses in unison, keeping up with the pace of General White Horse.


"Clang clang clang..."

When the drums finished, the sound of Ming Jin sounded.

The [-] Red Shirts gathered quickly and turned into two columns and ten formations!

Under Chen Sheng's attention, a white horse led dozens of cavalry, unafraid, walking between the two divisions of the Red Army, heading straight for the city.


After dozens of horses galloped all the way to the bottom of the city, the horses were assembled, and the movements of the dozens of horses were neat and uniform, without any confusion, showing extremely high riding skills.

After that, the leading white horse generals came out more and more, ignoring the hundreds of people on the city tower, looking straight at Chen Sheng, and shouted: "This general beat the wave army lieutenant Li Xin, please see Chen County Cavalry Commander Chen Sheng! "

Chen Sheng looked at him blankly for a long time before raising his hand and shouting: "Please!"

The voice fell, and the many county soldiers guarding the city gate below all lifted their crossed spears to reveal the city gate hole.

General White Horse beat his horse without fear and entered the city alone.

After a while, he was led by a brown-clothed visitor, climbed the city wall, and stood beside Chen Sheng.

"According to General Li, how is my Red Army?"

Chen Sheng pointed to the city and was the first to speak.

Li Xin overlooked the two neat square formations below, and praised sincerely, "Very good!"

This army, of course, still has a big gap compared to the elites of the hundred battles under his command.

But he knew that this army was only one year old, and most of them were soldiers who were recruited from the battle of Qiao County last year!
In such a short period of time, he was able to bring out such a forbidden army!

He might as well!

"Then do you know how I, the Red Army, pulled it together?"

Chen Sheng asked without looking back.

Li Xin immediately guessed what he was going to say, and said firstly: "A man lives in the middle of the world, he should be strong and tough, protect his family and defend his country..."

Chen Sheng ignored what he said and said to himself: "Last year, there was a severe drought and famine in Yanzhou, and a large number of people left their homes to beg, and the state government turned a blind eye to it. I begged my grandfather to tell my grandmother everywhere, to find something to eat for them, and to feed them with a mouthful of rice soup. Later, the Yellow Turban rebels invaded my county. Fight against the Yellow Turban rebels and defend Sangzi..."

"Last year in the battle of Suidang Mountain, I had nothing to say to Chen Jun, who asked me to send troops to help!"

"Yangzhou Tu Sui led his troops northward, but the court and the prefecture did not speak. I also took the initiative to lead the troops to attack it..."

"But so far, the imperial court and the state government have not allocated a grain of grain to Chen County!"

"Not a single grain!"

"At this time, you want me to follow you into Dangshan to fight against the Yellow Turban rebels?"

"Even if I agree, will they agree?"

His voice got louder and louder, and finally he raised his voice and roared loudly at the bottom: "Are you willing to agree?"

"No promise!"

Many generals in front of the two divisions heard his call and shouted in unison.

The soldiers in the rear did not hear his roar, but they heard their generals shouting disapproval, and they shouted together without hesitation: "No disapproval!"

Chen Sheng clapped his hands and looked at Li Xin with a smile: "Look, they don't agree!"

(End of this chapter)

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