Humane Yongchang

Chapter 201 Meaningless

Chapter 201 Meaningless
"You're right!"

Li Xin looked down at the [-] red-clothed soldiers below, and the stern tiger's eyes seemed to be slightly moved, but in the end it didn't make much waves: "But it's meaningless!"

"I am a warrior!"

"Not the Prime Minister!"

"In my eyes, they are pawns, not people!"

"It's a pawn, you should respect the military order, and those who violate it will be killed!"

"And the military order that I will receive is to bring [-] soldiers from Chen Jun to Dangshan together!"

To tell the truth, perhaps it was all his sympathy for the [-] Red Shirts.

"Is there any negotiation?"

Chen Sheng was not surprised by this truth.

In fact, when he knew that this wave-fighting army "passed" Chen County, he had already guessed their purpose.

Yanzhou is not to be missed.

Whether it is for the overall layout of Taiping Road's attack on Da Zhou.

It is still out of the overall layout of the imperial court's three-way army to encircle and suppress Taiping Road.

Yanzhou is not to be missed!

Dangshan Camp was the front line of Yanzhou to defend against Xuzhou Ren Xiao's attack.

Its importance cannot be overstated!

But Li Xin's 30 Bolang Army, together with Meng Tian's [-] to [-] Yanzhou County soldiers, was actually enough to resist Ren Xiao's [-] Xuzhou Yellow Turban Army.

Although Ren Xiao took advantage of the Battle of Dangshan last year to sharpen his front, the combat effectiveness of the Xuzhou Yellow Turbans this year must have risen to a higher level.

But Meng Tian is no longer the Meng Tian of last year. The [-]-man army under Li Xin's command is not the rabble of [-] people who made up last year's Dangshan battle!
Of course, he can be more calm with the [-] Red Shirts.

Without his [-] red-clothed troops, the Dangshan battle could be fought.

His [-] Red Shirts were actually not that important to the Dangshan battle situation!

In the eyes of the imperial court, perhaps his Chen Sheng's attitude is important!

If you don't kneel, you are the enemy!
Li Xin pondered for a few breaths and said, "The military order that I will receive is only to take you, [-] soldiers to Dangshan!"

The implication: As for whether you participate in the war or do your best after you arrive at Dangshan, it is none of my business.

This may be a compromise.

But after Chen Sheng thought for a few seconds, he slowly shook his head and said regretfully: "This is unnecessary, the military order you received today was to lead me and my Chen Jun soldiers to Dangshan, and the military order I received tomorrow may be to lead my Chen Jun soldiers. Hit Xuzhou..."

Li Xin looked at him, frowned deeply, and said in a low voice, "Is there any discussion?"

Chen Sheng looked at the western sky and said indifferently: "You have your military orders, I have my responsibilities, your military orders cannot be violated, and my responsibilities cannot be violated!"

Li Xin sighed lowly, and clasped his fists and said, "In this case, this general will retire!"

Chen Sheng chuckled and turned his head to look at him strangely: "What kind of experience made you so naive that you think that since you and I will have a battle, I will let you go back to attack with the army?"

Li Xinhu stared, holding the sword at his waist, and said solemnly: "The two armies are fighting, don't cut the messenger!"

Chen Sheng: "But you are not an envoy, you are an enemy general!"

When his voice fell, the surrounding personal guards stepped forward and surrounded Li Xin.

Li Xin swept a glance, and shouted with a fierce look: "Have you ever heard that Duwei Chen was angry and splattered three feet of blood?"

Chen Sheng looked at him with pity, and rudely reprimanded: "If you say that you are naive, you really don't think about it? Do you think they are the ones who took you? No, I am!"

He raised his hand, stretched out a finger and tapped lightly on the bricks of the city wall in front of him.

The city wall bricks cracked silently, and the cracks covered the whole brick, but they did not hurt the other city wall bricks!
Seeing this, Li Xin's eyes shrank suddenly!
As soon as the expert makes a move, you will know if there is any!

Shattering wall tiles is not difficult.

It is not difficult to destroy the arrow stacks made of four layers of bricks mixed with glutinous rice juice!
But it's hard to lift lightly!

Smashing a brick on one wall without hurting other wall bricks is even harder!
The former is the limit!

The latter is the trick!
The Bolang Army is as famous as the Youzhou Army.

But as everyone knows, the Bolang Army is actually far inferior to the Youzhou Army.

It's not that it's far inferior in one aspect...but it's far inferior in all aspects!
Just by looking at their opponents, you can see how far apart they are.

The opponents of the Youzhou Army are the half-human and demon hybrids, as well as the demon masters behind them.

The opponents of the Bolang Army are the barbaric and backward Baiyue natives, as well as the native evil gods behind them.

Bolangjun can have today's fame!
The first is that the combat effectiveness of the Langbo Army itself is indeed very strong. Although it is far inferior to the Youzhou Army, it is a pinch to hang other soldiers and horses in Dazhou.

The second is because Da Zhou needs a top-level army that can be as famous as the Youzhou Army...

The same reason.

Li Xin, a lieutenant general of the Bolang Army.

Of course, his strength is far from that of Chen Ao, who is a lieutenant general of the Youzhou Army!

Chen Ao is innate.

Li Xin is only the day after tomorrow.

The difference is like a cloud of mud!

Moreover, the warriors on the battlefield are best at the art of battle formation!
Li Xin is now alone.

Even so, Li Xin still didn't intend to be captured.

Realm and skills can not represent all strengths...

However, just as his sword-holding hand was about to exert force, a rushing sword intent rushing to the sky, Huang Huang was like a giant with a hundred battles, looking down at him condescendingly.

Li Xin looked stiffly at Chen Sheng who was smiling in front of him, as if he was looking at some monster!

Realm, skills can not represent all the strength.

With this sword intent, it can represent...

"Chen Duwei, there is no turning back when the bow is drawn, please think twice before proceeding!"

Li Xin let go of the hilt of his sword and said in a deep voice.

Chen Sheng withdrew his gaze from Li Xin and waved his hand gently.

When the guards saw this, they immediately swarmed up like wolves and tigers. They took off Li Xin's armor and saber with all his hands and feet, and then took the thick alloy chains produced by Plum Blossom Villa, and firmly held Li Xin. The letter bundled a big human-shaped zongzi!

"When are you going to keep this book?"

Li Xin did not resist, and let these guards do what they did. He didn't ask until Chen Sheng waved his hands and ordered the guards to escort him down.

Chen Sheng thought about it and said, "Then it depends on how far the imperial court has forced me!"

Li Xin lowered his eyelids and said in a low voice, "Li Xin is just mere, it is not enough to control the overall situation..."

Chen Sheng said regretfully: "Then you may only have two options, either surrender or die!"

Li Xin raised his eyelids, "I have no enmity with you!"

Chen Sheng was unmoved: "So you are still alive now!"

Li Xin sighed and left the southern border secretly, feeling a little swollen...

He overestimated his own strength.

It also underestimated Chen Sheng's toughness.

Also, who would have thought that a mere county governor would have the courage to rebel against the imperial court?

A group of personal guards held Li Xin down with arrogance. Chen Sheng looked down at the general and colonel who were rounded up by the red-clothed army outside the city to come with Li Xin, and let out a long sigh.

He is very clear.

I have pierced the sky...

Next, they will face the frenzied suppression of the imperial court.

But what can he do?

Watching the imperial court send the Red Army to the front as cannon fodder?
Watching helplessly as the imperial court stabbed him and the Chen family?

Now greet him with a smile on his face and submit the Red Army to Li Xin's hands?

Then turn around and wag his tail and run to Luoyi to kowtow to the princes of the clan, the three princes and the nine emperors one by one, asking for a chance to be a dog for them?
If he could live that way, he would rather die!
"Why do you have to force me?"

With raging flames burning in the depths of Chen Sheng's eyes, he muttered to himself in a low voice, "Hello everyone, how are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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