I go to the heavens to find eternal life

Chapter 21 I Give You My Sister

Chapter 21 I Give You My Sister

Armored rhinoceros, with a thick coat, is known as the strongest existence among junior beast soldiers, and it is an existence that even senior soldiers dare not underestimate.

"Boss, is Shisan able to deal with such a strong beast soldier when he comes to the wilderness area for the first time? I heard that he is a man that Director Zhuge is optimistic about, and he is also a brother of that super genius Luo Feng." Liu Tao said to Tong Tiger said.

"No matter how talented he is and how strong his background is, if he can't even adapt to the periphery of the wilderness area, I would rather offend his backstage than let him stay in our team. I will be responsible for our entire team. "Tong Hu said so, but still let Yang Bao be ready for rescue at any time.

Wang Shisan held the blood shadow spear in his right hand and walked towards the armored rhinoceros. Every step he took, the power exuding from him would increase by a level, and the dangerous aura became heavier and heavier, making the members of the tiger and leopard team not far away feel a little nervous. Surprised.

At this time, the armored rhino's animal instincts also found a dangerous atmosphere, but as the strongest existence among the junior beast soldiers, it is absolutely not allowed to flee without a fight.

"Roar!" While Iron Armored Rhino roared, it also rushed towards Wang Shisan at an extremely fast speed.

The Iron Armored Rhino is so powerful that even the abandoned vehicles on the road were knocked away by it.

Fast, strong defense, and powerful.

"A little cold light comes first, and then the spear shoots out like a dragon!" In an instant, countless spear shadows enveloped the armored rhinoceros.

In addition to the characteristic of increasing force, the marksmanship of "Mie Shi" itself is fast!


One shot is a hundred shots, and the guns go straight to the vitals of the armored rhinoceros.Eyes, throat, mouth, wherever there is weakness, there are dozens of shots.

"Puff puff puff!" As soon as the two sides came into contact, the Iron Armored Rhino suddenly burst into streaks of blood, rushed forward tens of meters and fell to the ground.

"Boss, what else can I teach him?" Fang Ying was shocked by Wang Shisan's battle.

Tong Hu had just recovered from the shock at this moment, and then he laughed and said, "As expected of a genius that the supervisor is optimistic about, I heard that Luo Feng was extremely amazing when he entered the wilderness area for the first time, he didn't look like a novice at all, At that time, I was envious of the Fire Hammer team picking up a treasure, but I didn’t expect that it was our turn to be lucky this time, hahaha.”

At this moment, even Yang Bao, who was always ruthless, had a smile on his face.

What team doesn't like a strong, adaptable, talented guy?
"Bosses, I'm not very good at handling corpses. Come and help me." Wang Shisan was at a loss when he saw the corpse of the armored rhino that fell on the ground, so he could only ask for help.

"There are things you don't know." Tong Hu sneered, "The most valuable thing about the armored rhino is its horn, which can be used to make weapons. There are also 5000 Huaxia coins in the mall that you sell to the alliance. If you kill it yourself, you can keep it. on."

"Since Thirteen's adaptability is so good, then we will change the battle plan and go directly to the wilderness area to hunt and kill monsters at the level of beasts." Tong Hu said to everyone.

The body materials of beast-level monsters cost very little, and the most expensive ones are hundreds of thousands, but the price of beast-level monsters is different. Even the materials for junior-level monsters cost more than ten million. It can be sold for hundreds of millions of Huaxia coins.

Now that Wang Shisan's strength has been recognized by everyone, the team continued to rush to the depths of the wilderness without stopping.

After five full days of sprinting, Wang Shisan basically let Wang Shisan deal with the beast-level monsters he encountered along the way, which can be regarded as training along the way.

When everyone came to an abandoned parking lot, the deputy captain Yang Bao immediately reminded,

"Attention everyone, a single mid-level beast general Huowenhu was found ahead."

Tong Hu frowned slightly, "It's a bit troublesome, this beast is not easy to deal with, Abao, I will take charge of the main attack, you contain the harassment, Liu Tao kills from a distance, Shisan and your sisters protect Liu Tao."

Although Tong Hu is a high-level warrior, he dare not be careless in the face of this kind of Huo Wenhu who is almost a high-level beast general.

"Go!" Tong Hu yelled, with the saber in his right hand and the shield in his left, he rushed over.

And Yang Bao held a sharp dagger in each hand and followed behind Tong Hu.

Liu Tao took out the heavy sniper rifle prepared in advance, planning to use special armor-piercing bullets for a sneak attack.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, a powerful battle broke out.

Tong Hu is worthy of being a high-level warrior. Both his strength and combat skills are far superior to the other team members present. Facing Huo Wenhu's attack, he did not lose the wind in the slightest. Huo Wenhu was a little overwhelmed by the heavy blows one after another. Yang Bao, an intermediate general, was also constantly harassing him, and from time to time, Liu Tao would shoot a bullet directly at Huowenhu's vital point.

Depending on the situation, it won't take long for the Huowenhu to be defeated.

But can things be that simple?

At this time, Huowenhu suddenly roared, and a large number of beast soldiers and monsters poured out from all around in an instant.

"No, this beast can actually mobilize the beast soldiers around." Tong Hu's expression changed instantly, "Abao, go support Liu Tao and the others, leave this to me, and break through at the right time!"

Not to mention him as a senior warrior, even if the God of War came, it might be dangerous to be surrounded by a large number of beast soldiers.

Just as Yang Bao was about to go to support him, a low-level monster among the monsters that surrounded him suddenly charged at Yang Bao.

"Two-headed python?" Seeing Yang Bao being entangled, Tong Hu's face became even uglier.

Under the command of Huowenhu, a large number of beast-level monsters have surrounded Wang Shisan and the others.

"Fang Ying, Fang Ting, you protect brother Tao well behind me, and leave these beast soldiers to me." At this moment, Wang Shisan was ready to kill.

"Be careful, if you can repel the monster and get out alive, I will give you my sister as my girlfriend!" Fang Ying shouted.

"Hiss!" Wang Shisan gasped when he heard the words, then took off the back of the tactics, and took out a small box made of alloy from it.

There are tens of centimeters of gold needles neatly placed in the box.

"For my brother's happiness, none of you will run away today!" At this moment, Wang Shisan had a bloodthirsty expression on his face.

With a thought, all the gold needles in the box instantly turned into streamers of light under the control of mental power and shot towards the beast soldiers around.

"Thirteen turned out to be a spiritual teacher!" Liu Tao exclaimed.

Fang Ying and Fang Ting were also a little stunned, and after realizing it, they also let out a long sigh of relief. With the existence of the Psychic Master, these beast soldiers are not worth mentioning, and their lives have been saved.

"I found you a good boyfriend." Fang Ying still had time to tease Fang Ting.

Fang Ting's face was red, and she was too shy to say a word.

Tong Hu and Yang Bao in the distance also noticed the situation on Wang Shisan's side. While shocked, they also let out a long breath, and then put all their energy on the beast-level monster in front of them.

Wang Shisan's golden needles are all made of alloy. Under the control of his mental power, the golden needles are aimed at the vital points of the beast soldiers. Those low-level beast soldiers and intermediate beast soldiers basically die as soon as they touch it, while those The few high-level beast soldiers were also seriously injured, and Yang Bao, who was protected behind, also began to use long-range sniper rifles to kill those seriously injured high-level beast soldiers one by one.

 Fifth update!Here are the recommended tickets, everyone.


(End of this chapter)

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