I go to the heavens to find eternal life

Chapter 22 Soft Fragrance in Your Arms?

Chapter 22 Soft Fragrance in Your Arms?

Psychic masters are best at dealing with group attacks. Each silver needle shot by Wang Shisan with spiritual power has a force of 8000kg, and each needle is aimed at the monster's vital point. The junior warrior-level masters who used hot weapons finished off, and it didn't take too long to clear all the beast-level monsters around them.

The two sisters, Fang Ying and Fang Ting, also happily went to clean the battlefield at this time, cutting off those valuable beast soldier materials.

At the moment, Wang Shisan was laughing at the Tiger and Leopard Brothers who were not far away, and said,
"Brother Hu, Brother Bao, do you need any help?"

"No, don't think that you are the only one who can show off."

The two of them lost the threat of those beast-level monsters around them, and at this moment, they all exerted their full strength, and wave after wave of offensives beat the two beast-level monsters into a mess.


With a gunshot, the junior beast knocked down the two-headed python first, and Yang Bao, who freed up his hands, turned around to help Tong Hu and Huo Wenhu in the battle without resting.

The situation returned to the way it was at the beginning. Tong Hu was the main attacker, Yang Bao was the assistant, and Liu Tao released a cold arrow from a distance.

Accompanied by Huowenhu's unwilling roar, the battle came to an end.

"Hurry up, hurry up and collect the materials of the beast generals, and then find a safe place to distribute the money!" Tong Hu ordered, and the whole team began to harvest the spoils of this battle in an orderly manner.

Three hours later, everyone in the Tiger and Leopard team came to an abandoned building in the wilderness area.

"We have gained a lot from this battle. We killed a mid-level beast general, the fire-striped tiger, a low-level beast general, the double-headed python, and a large number of beast-level monsters. At the same time, we distribute the income according to the merits of this battle. The thirteen people get [-]%, and the five of us get [-]%, do you have any opinions." Tong Hu said.


"No comment."

"It should be, if there is no thirteen, we might die there today."

Wang Shisan shook his head, "I don't agree, I'm given too much. I don't mind if I share half of the beast soldier materials, but I didn't get involved with the two beast generals."

Tong Hu smiled and said, "Thirteen, don't refuse. Joining the team is a family. If we didn't have your help in the battle just now, we wouldn't be able to survive the battle. The whole army may be wiped out. So you get [-]% It should be."

Seeing everyone's firm expressions, Wang Shisan rolled his eyes and said, "How about this, I remember that Miss Fang Ying said that if she survived, she would give her sister to me, and I don't need any money, hehe."

"That's right, that's right, I was right there at the time, and I heard it with my own ears." Liu Tao laughed loudly, and quickly echoed.

"Well, I heard that too." Even Yang Bao, who was always ruthless, opened his mouth rarely.

"I didn't see that you were a dignified boy, and you didn't act kindly, but I have no objection. Give me the money, and Tingting will be yours." Fang Ying sold her sister directly.

The teasing among the crowd made Fang Ting, the person concerned, blushed almost to the point of bleeding.

"Okay, okay, let's stop making trouble, how should we divide it or how should we divide it? You kid wants to chase us Fang Ting away if you want to be so cheap? Go ahead and dream." Tong Hu's first few words made Fang Ting feel better, but later A few words made Fang Ting even more shy, "Unless there are ten more benefits, then there is something to talk about."

The whole night passed amidst the noise.

Early the next morning, the rested tiger and leopard team headed towards the wilderness area again. With the help of Wang Shisan, a psychiatrist, all the beast-level monsters were no longer a burden, but instead they were white flowers. Qian, even a beast general protected by a large number of beast soldier monsters, was still easily slaughtered by the team.

Half a month of hunting in the wilderness area was a policy that the team had formulated before they came. With the help of Wang Shisan, this hunting was the biggest harvest in history. They hunted and killed 17 monsters of the general level alone. , including 6 mid-level beast generals and one high-level beast general.

As for the beast-level monsters, there are too many.

In terms of income, after Tong Hu's preliminary calculations, almost [-] billion Huaxia coins can be sold this time, [-]% of which will be given to Wang Shisan, and the remaining [-]% will be divided among the five of them.

In other words, Wang Shisan earned at least 40 billion yuan in the wilderness area within half a month.

No wonder it is said that warriors are the most profitable, with an average of more than 2 million a day.

But wealth and death go hand in hand. If Wang Shisan hadn't been there this time, I'm afraid Huo Wenhu's tiger and leopard team would have been wiped out.

After getting off the train, Liu Tao breathed the air of the base city in the south of the Yangtze River, "Finally, I can breathe the smoke and fire of this world again."

"If it weren't for the old devil Jinzhen, I don't know that you are now the excrement of that monster." Fang Ying mocked.

The corners of Wang Shisan's mouth twitched non-stop when he heard the title of Old Devil Jinzhen, "I said Fang Ying, can you stop calling me Old Devil Jinzhen? Can't you give me a prestigious title? You know what I use The spiritual weapon is the golden needle, and those who don’t know it may think that I have golden needles in other places.”

Hearing Wang Shisan talking about other places, Fang Ying, who has a pungent personality, blushed rarely, and then said with a stiff neck, "How do I know if your other places are golden needles?"

"That's not easy, you and your sister are married to him and you'll know." Tong Hu poked his big head in and teased.

One sentence made Fang Ying and Fang Ting blush.

"The boss who knows me!"

"Ha ha ha ha"

Several people jokingly came to the HR Alliance Mall.

Tong Hu and Yang Bao went upstairs to sell monster materials, Liu Tao went for a stroll in the hot weapons area alone, and Wang Shisan brought the two twin sisters to the bar.

A clear and gentle voice made the three of them startled.

"Hey, Brother Thirteen, it's you."

Seeing the owner of the voice, Wang Shisan said with a smile, "So it's Xu Xin. Why, do you work here?"

"I work here when I have nothing to do on weekends. Seeing that you just came back from hunting monsters in the wilderness?" Xu Xin is Luo Feng's girlfriend, and she has met Wang Shisan several times before, and the two can be regarded as friends.

"Yeah, I didn't expect to meet you here." Wang Shisan smiled.

But immediately he couldn't laugh anymore, because he felt the sharp pain in his waist, and when he took a closer look, a pair of beautiful little hands were rotating 360 degrees around his waist.

Then a soft body leaned forward.

God, what happened?
Soft fragrance in your arms?

Is it necessary to end the single career of more than 20 years today?

"Thirteen, who is this beauty, please introduce to us." Fang Ying said softly.

But before he could speak, another soft and delicate body leaned forward.

"Yeah Thirteen Brothers, please introduce us." Even the shy Fang Ting is like this?
Has it changed?

 Recommend and recommend big guys, go for a walk, come with more recommendation tickets, we will continue to explode updates


(End of this chapter)

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