Chapter 39 Wu Sangui asks advice

Wu Sangui is one of the only three kings of the opposite sex since the founding of the Qing Dynasty, and he is also the strongest among them. His palace is the most luxurious and largest in Kunming, and even in the whole of Yunnan. It is even better than the imperial palace. It's not just talking.

Just such a powerful prince, at this moment, is like a servant leading the way, leading a man and two women into the palace, which shocked the surrounding people. You must know that this Prince Pingxi is a local emperor in Yunnan.

Wang Shisan and others immediately received the highest standard of courtesy after entering the Pingxi Palace, and the entire palace lined up and down in two rows to welcome them.

"My lord, please forgive me for leaving it so simple." Wu Sangui said with a smile.

Wang Shisan glanced at Wu Sangui who was showing off, and said, "I went to the palace some time ago, and the place where Kangxi lives is really far worse than where you are."

Didn't Shuang'er and Zeng Rou both stare dumbfounded?Xu Xueting and Lu Gaoxuan even drooled.

When Wu Sangui heard Wang Shisan addressing Kangxi, his eyes lit up, and his heart felt like a big stone fell to the ground, so he quickly called his son over.

"Ying Xiong, you haven't come over to meet Prince Wang."

Immediately, a man trotted up to Wang Shisan, and immediately knelt down with a bang, "Wu Yingxiong pays respects to Mr. Wang and the two wives."

"Who... Who is his wife? Don't talk nonsense." Although Zeng Rou had already identified Wang Shisan in her heart, she was still a little shy.

Shuang'er also blushed slightly.

"Ah, this... Please forgive me, my lord." Wu Yingxiong was at a loss, his face was extremely embarrassed, and he felt extremely remorseful.

"Innocent, innocent, get up, I am optimistic about you." Wang Shisan naturally has a natural affection for this kind of person who can capture the essence of flattering.

Seeing that Wang Shisan was not angry, Wu Yingxiong was even a little happy, and immediately understood what was going on.

"The dog is stupid, please don't mind, my lord, the banquet is ready, please come inside." Wu Sangui was a smart person, so he naturally understood what was going on just now, and quickly smoothed things over with a smile.

The banquet is very grand, with all kinds of delicacies from mountains and seas, and there are countless old wines.In order to show respect for Wang Shisan, Wu Sangui summoned all the respectable people in Kunming to accompany him.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Wu Sangui stood up holding the wine glass.

"Young Master Wang is here today, and the entire Pingxi Palace and the whole of Yunnan will be full of glory. Let's raise our glasses together and toast you!"

"Sir, please!"

Shu Shu Wang Shisan, who was being served, naturally did not take Wu Sangui's face off, picked up the wine glass, and drank the wine in one gulp.

Wu Sangui has been in the officialdom for so many years, and the affairs on the scene are naturally easy to grasp. After a banquet, it can also be said that the host and guest enjoy themselves.

After the banquet, Wang Shisan was invited to the study by Wu Sangui and his son, and it seemed that he had entered the process of soliciting.

"When the prince comes to Yunnan, he treats this as his own home. I have already ordered it to go on. As long as he is in Yunnan, what the prince says is the same as what I say." Wu Sangui expressed great sincerity, and turned to Wu Yingxiong made a look.

Wu Yingxiong understood, and quickly ordered Scary to bring some big boxes.

Wu Sangui personally stepped forward to open the box, and it was full of gold, silver and jewelry.

"Although Kunming is not as prosperous as the capital city, there are still many local specialties. The small gift is Xiao Wang's kindness."

Wang Shisanna curled his lips, the gold, silver and jewels piled up in the system space have become hills, do you really think he is a beggar?Just trying to recruit him with this little thing?He is so worthless.

Wu Sangui was taken aback, and said in embarrassment, "Xiao Wang knows that the young master is aloof from things and despises these vulgar things. These small change are for the young master to reward servants in the future."

"If you have a heart, the prince will not let go of what you have to say." Wang Shisan said lazily.

After the two fathers and sons looked at each other, Wu Sangui said, "Since the young master asked first, then Xiao Wang will not hide it anymore. Since the Manchus entered the customs, the Han people in the world are like slaves, living in dire straits. Xiao Wang Although he is not a saint, he still has the world in his heart, so please help my father and son to overthrow the Qing Dynasty and restore the world to a bright future!"

Hearing Wu Sangui's words, Wang Shisan was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother, why are you, Wu Sangui, bullying me for being illiterate or thinking I'm a fool?

"Wu Sangui, everyone in the world knows that you played a vital role in the entry of the Manchus. Now you tell me that you want to fight against the Qing for the sake of the people of the world? Do you think I lost my mind halfway?"

"My son... I didn't mean that. Xiao Wang saw that the Ming Dynasty was over, and knew that my ability at that time was not enough to resist the entry of the Qing soldiers, so he pretended to surrender to ensure the strength of our Han people. Now the time is ripe. Another astonishing genius like the son is born, which is a great time for us Han people to take back the world." Wu Sangui said that he is showing his true feelings, if his IQ is not online, it is really easy to be fooled by him, just like the one in the original plot. Three big fools of Huashan.

Wang Shisan was speechless. Who else in this world knows what you, Wu Sangui, are better than him?
"Are you planning to start accumulating strength now, start a war when the soldiers and food are sufficient, and then overthrow the Manchu Qing in one fell swoop and become the emperor yourself?"

Wu Sangui smiled awkwardly.

"Let me help you fight the world, you don't have to think about it." How could Wang Shisan do such a thankless thing. "But I can give you some advice."

Originally, Wu Sangui and his son were disappointed when they heard that Wang Shisan was unwilling to help, but when they heard that they could give them advice, they immediately regained their spirits.

"Looking at your current situation, if you want to accumulate strength and launch a war, it will take at least five to ten years. I won't say much about the variables that can happen during this period. The third thing is that Oboi, who was able to lead troops to fight, was also hammered to death by me. In addition, the Manchus have been used to enjoying the glory and wealth in the past few years, so they will have no combat power and no morale. stage of weakness."

Wu Sangui immediately lifted his spirits when he heard the words, and the light in his eyes disappeared in a flash.

"And you, Wu Sangui, don't you know what reputation you have among the Han people? The rats crossing the street all praise you. You wait a few years for Kangxi to spread your scandal among the Han people. Wait until then to turn against the Qing, scoff , without Kangxi taking action, maybe you will die in the hands of the Han people."

"Xiao Wang understands. Hearing the young master's words, he suddenly understood. If Xiao Wang can succeed in the future, he will share the world with the young master."

(End of this chapter)

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