Chapter 40 Madam
"My son is not only the best in the world in terms of force, but also a rare talent in vision and planning. Why don't you build an unprecedented dynasty with Xiao Wang?" Wu Sangui still did not give up, and eagerly wanted to continue to recruit Wang Shisan.

Wang Shisan said with a look of disdain, "Wu Sangui must have self-knowledge, why don't you think about what you have as a bargaining chip to recruit me before you recruit?"

"This..." Wu Sangui faltered and couldn't speak for a moment, that's right, he didn't have anything in his hand that could impress others to help.

money?Gold, silver and treasures were placed in front of him just now, but he was not interested at all.

Power?Kangxi also issued an edict to the national teacher, ranking above the first-rank officials, and the Qing Dynasty is now orthodox, he is a rebel, even if he is a prince, he is not worth it, Wang Shisan can't be the master, he can be a slave, Wu Sangui himself could not accept it.

reputation?Then there is no need, how can there be any force or person with a little strength in the whole world who doesn't know the existence of Prince Wang?
"In the future, my son and I will share the world equally." Wu Sangui lost all confidence after being told.

"Do you believe this? It's fine, I'm too lazy to say more. For the sake of entertaining me with all your heart, I have already reminded you of what should be reminded. Don't push yourself too far. As for the future results It's up to you." Wang Shisan is already very face-saving, if he didn't have a natural dislike for Daqing, otherwise how could he give Wu Sangui advice.

Wu Sangui also knew that the recruitment was hopeless, so he could only nod in disappointment, but he still got what he wanted.

"Young master is tired from traveling, please rest well today, and tomorrow, Ying Xiong will take you to visit Kunming." Wu Yingxiong said with a smile.

"What's interesting in Kunming? I'm not interested." Wang Shisan waved his hands and said, he might as well teach Shuang'er and Zeng Rou to practice in the room.

Wu Yingxiong stepped forward and said quietly, "I heard that the young master intends to rescue those strange women who were pushed into the fire pit, and Ying Xiong also has this intention. We also have many such strange women in Kunming who hope to be rescued by the young master. How about tomorrow. . . ”

"Hmph, who do you think I am, how can you not know what you mean?" Wang Shisan was furious.

Seeing Wang Shisan's displeasure, Wu Yingxiong panicked and hurriedly prepared to apologize, only to hear,
"Ahem, when will you leave tomorrow?"

After Wang Shisan returned to the residence Wu Sangui arranged for him, he saw Zeng Rou sulking with an unhappy face, so he asked Shuang'er curiously,

"What's wrong with Rou'er?"

"It's not because the young master accepted Wu Sangui's kindness." Shuang'er gave him a blank look, and explained with some displeasure, "Senior Situ Bolei was originally Wu Sangui's former department, because he couldn't understand his behavior of surrendering to the Qing Dynasty. So I have always hated Wu Sangui very much, and naturally Rou'er also hated Wu Sangui to the bone."

"So it's because of this." Wang Shisan came to Zeng Rou's side and sat down.

Zeng Rou was still very unhappy, and said with a cold face, "Wu Sangui is a big traitor, how can you help him, or you will be cast aside by the world."

Wang Shisan smiled slightly, patted Zeng Rou's head, and said in a calm tone, "I will not join any of them, nor will I participate in the battle between them, what about glory and wealth, high officials and rich salary, For me, it’s all like floating clouds, do you know why I always act according to my own preferences?”

The two women shook their heads.

"Would you waste time dealing with a group of ants?" Wang Shisan paused and continued, "Whether it's the Qing Dynasty, Wu Sangui, or the Ming Dynasty, their fate has already been sealed."

"Without me, Wu Sangui was destined to be a great traitor. After surrendering to the Qing Dynasty, he rebelled against the Qing Dynasty, and finally became a sinner in history. The Ming Dynasty was destined to disappear in history, and the Qing Dynasty was destined to rule this land for more than 200 years."

"Could it be that so many anti-Qing righteous fighters of our Han people can't succeed?" Zeng Rou asked in disbelief.

Wang Shisan shook his head, "This is beyond human control. This is the so-called will of God."

Shuang'er is fine, unlike Zeng Rou who was instilled by Situ Bolei with the idea of ​​anti-Qing and restoring the Ming since she was a child, the impact was not that great, but Zeng Rou was not so good, and she couldn't accept it for a while.

"Even you, if I hadn't appeared, would have gone on step by step according to the arrangement of fate."

What Wang Shisan said today was not just casually. Whether it was Shuang'er or Zeng Rou, he wanted to take the two girls out of this world and follow him to the heavens and worlds to pursue the unreachable longevity.

There are also Fang Ting and Fang Ying.

"I don't know about national affairs, let alone fate. As long as I can stay with you and take care of you, Shuang'er will be content." Shuang'er is worthy of being Shuang'er.

"As expected of my good Shuang'er, I didn't hurt you for nothing." Wang Shisan hugged Shuang'er in his arms with a smile, then turned his head and said to Zeng Rou, "Rou'er, you don't have to let go of these things. In my heart, I will take you to experience the beauty outside this world in the future."

At this moment, Zeng Rou looked at the handsome and tender man in front of her, blushed slightly, and couldn't help but stepped forward to hug him.

Wang Shisan was overjoyed when he saw this, and was so excited that he almost shed tears. From now on, he was finally no longer that disgusting single dog.

It's a matter of course!

Early the next morning, a refreshed Wang Shisan walked out of the room humming a little tune, "From today on, I have finally become a real man!"

With the attribute bonus of Princess Jianning, everyone knows Wang Shisan's combat effectiveness, and he stayed up all night.

Shuang'er and Zeng Rou are exhausted, and they haven't woken up yet.

"Old Hong, go and order the kitchen to make some soup like chicken soup, and tell Wu Yingxiong that I'm not going anywhere today, just stay here." Wang Shisan called Hong Antong and ordered.

Hong Antong is someone who has been here, looking at Wang Shisan's appearance, how can he not guess what happened yesterday, so he went to work with a smile.

When the sun was high, the two women woke up. Looking at Wang Shisan who was waiting by the bed with chicken soup, they felt moved.

"The two ladies are awake, drink the freshly boiled chicken soup to replenish your body." Wang Shisan hurriedly brought the chicken soup in front of the two.

"Shuang'er is just a maid, and cannot be the wife of a son." Shuang'er said nervously, and Zeng Rou was also a little embarrassed.

Wang Shisan stared at the words, "What kind of maid is not a maid? From now on, Shuang'er will be Shuang Furen, and Rou'er will be Mrs. Rou!"

(End of this chapter)

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