Chapter 41 Seal
"Contact Wu Sangui, a character in the world's plot, and get the skill 'Distinguish between friend and foe'. Using this skill on the designated host will allow the designated person to have a chance to fall into a state of confusion."

"Contact Wu Yingxiong, a character in the world's plot, and get the item, 'green hat'. Wearing this item can 100% make the other half cheat."

Well, two skills that are not so good and not so bad, it seems that this Pingxi Palace dungeon is not too successful in terms of rewards. Fortunately, it can be regarded as a solution to his lifelong event, which can be rated as a perfect clearance.

Basically, the main story dungeon of The Deer and Cauldron World has been declared over, and the rest are some small side plots. Wang Shisan didn't bother to take the initiative to find it. He planned to take Shuang'er and Zeng Rou to travel all over the country and enjoy the romance of falling in love. Feel.

As for whether Shuang'er and Zeng Rou can leave the world of Deer and Ding Ji together, Wang Shisan has asked the system before, and it is definitely not possible at this stage, but after his plot is over, he can choose to make this world the same as the devouring starry sky world. , temporarily seal it up, and wait until the strength becomes stronger in the future, then unseal the seal and bring the two women out of it.

Wang Shisan called the three of Lao Hong over and announced the decision.
"Old Hong, the three of you have worked hard during this period, and then you can return to Shenlong Island, and you are free."

The three of Hong Antong panicked, and quickly asked, "Did the subordinate do something wrong?"

"No, I'm planning to go out with the two ladies for a while, so it's not good for you to follow me, isn't it?" Wang Shisan laughed.

"Congratulations, son, congratulations, ma'am." Hong Antong and the others were relieved when they heard the words, and quickly offered a flattery.

Shuang'er and Zeng Rou were still a little unaccustomed to the title of madam, and their faces blushed unconsciously.

At this time, Wang Shisan took out three small bottles from the system space, "You guys have been running around with me during this time, you have worked hard, these are rewards for you."

"It's our honor to be able to do things for you, how can we ask for things?" Xu Xueting said first.

"He's so good at singing high-profile." Hong Antong and Lu Gaoxuan looked at each other, and they both saw the disdain in each other's eyes.

Wang Shisan nodded, "That's good, that's good, you're very enlightened, so let them share the rewards that will be given to you equally."

"Thank you, young master." Hong Antong and Lu Gaoxuan were overjoyed, and quickly expressed their gratitude.

Xu Xueting: "."

"Old Hong, after you drink this bottle of potion, it can make your body function at least 20 years younger, and it will also greatly help your physical strength." Wang Shisan handed over a bottle of red gene potion Hong Antong.

After Hong Antong heard the effect, his face flushed as if he had been slapped with chicken blood, and he was so excited that he couldn't speak. You must know that the purpose of his refinement of Leopard Taiyi Jinwan was to rejuvenate, but the result was a failure. , Now that Wang Shisan gave him the potion that can make him 20 years younger, isn't this equivalent to extending his life by 20 years?
"Lu Gaoxuan worked hard all the way, this bottle of potion is given to you, he can double your strength and become a top expert in the Jianghu." He handed a bottle of diluted genetic potion to Lu Gaoxuan.

"Thank you, son." Lu Gaoxuan knelt down and kowtowed excitedly. As the existence with the worst martial arts among the three servants, he could only act as a coachman along the way, but he never expected to get this magic medicine.

At this moment Xu Xueting stared anxiously at the remaining bottle of reward in Wang Shisan's hand and swallowed, but he didn't dare to say anything, and anxiously scratched his head.

"Xu Xueting performed very well in the first battle of Shaolin Temple. He maintained the title of the thirteenth king of my son. He coughs and majestic. After drinking it, he can strengthen his body and have a powerful body that is invulnerable." I am still very satisfied with Xu Xueting's thirteenth king. He is a standard dog leg, bullying and dominating the market, extremely arrogant.

"Thank you for your reward, Young Master. Xu Xueting will definitely work harder for you in the future, and will do whatever it takes." Xu Xueting, who knelt down on the ground, thanked him and did not forget to express his loyalty.

Wang Shisan waved his hand and said, "We'll be leaving in a while. When the time comes, you should go back to Shenlong Island and go back to Shenlong Island. You can do whatever you want, but there is one thing, malicious oppression of ordinary people is never allowed."

"Young master, please rest assured that the Dragon Sect will always regard you as the master, and it will never change." Hong Antong said solemnly.

In the next few years, Wang Shisan took Shuang'er and Zeng Rou to play everywhere, traveling all over the country, like a couple of gods and immortals, which made people very envious.

During this period, I also ran into plot characters that I hadn't met before, but I didn't acquire any skills worth paying attention to.

It was Wei Xiaobao who started to make his mark, claiming that he was Wang Shisan's younger brother. With this tiger skin, he has been wandering among various forces. Just like the original plot, he joined the Tiandihui by chance and became a member of the Tiandihui. Chen Jinnan's disciple was also favored by Kangxi and became his confidant.

It can be seen that the world is returning to its original track little by little.

But Wang Shisan didn't bother to care so much now, he had already got what he deserved. The only regret was that no matter how hard he tried, the stomachs of the two women never responded.

For the next time, he just wants to spend time with Shuang'er and Zeng Rou, after all, they don't have much time together.

Three years later.

Wang Shisan, who was playing in Suzhou, waited for the familiar voice again.

"The plot is over and we are about to return to the main world, please be prepared."

Reluctantly holding the two girls in his arms, he whispered in their ears, "Wait for me to come back!"

Before the two women could react, Wang Shisan disappeared in place under a burst of white light.

The first thing Wang Shisan did after returning to the main world was to seal the world of Lu Ding Ji. He didn't know how long it would take before he was able to break the seal again and bring the two women out.

Usually, he was used to Shuang'er and Zeng Rou taking care of his basic necessities, but when he came back, Wang Shisan felt very uncomfortable by himself.

In desperation, Wang Shisan had no choice but to devote himself to cultivation. Since Hong Antong developed an intermediate martial arts talent, the speed of practicing the World-Exterminating Spear Technique has more than doubled than before. During Rouyou's playing time, he successfully cultivated the second layer while fishing for three days and drying the net for two days, which also allowed his attack to increase to three times his own punching power. At the same time, he continuously absorbed Cosmic energy and boxing strength have all improved a lot.

"Name: Wang Shisan

Fist strength: 9300kg (the power of an elephant)
Status: Normal (In the state of luxury, the pain is reduced by 80%)

Lifespan: 100 years (long life)

Intelligence: 61"

(End of this chapter)

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