I go to the heavens to find eternal life

Chapter 55 Heavenly Master Goes Down the Mountain

Chapter 55 Heavenly Master Goes Down the Mountain
The battle lasted for a whole night, and finally, with the joint efforts of everyone, they left Longhu Mountain after dropping a large number of corpses.

After a victory, Tianshi Mansion did not celebrate as imagined, but was full of killing intent.

Because Tian Jinzhong is dead!
Wang Shisan came to Tian Jinzhong's body and bowed slightly, "Brother Tian is also tired after so many years, and now he is finally relieved."

In order to keep a secret for decades without sleeping, this persistence and loyalty are rare in the world.

Zhang Zhiwei didn't speak, just silently looked at Tian Jinzhong who had closed his eyes, but Wang Shisan could feel the majestic killing intent on Zhang Zhiwei.

"It's only natural to avenge your loved ones!" After saying such a sentence, he left, leaving Zhang Zhiwei with clenched fists standing in place.

The next day, all nine second-generation disciples of Tianshi Mansion gathered in front of Zhang Zhiwei's room.

"Master Shisan." The nine people saluted Wang Shisan respectfully when they saw Wang Shisan.

Zhang Zhiwei has ten apprentices, the third one unfortunately passed away a few years ago, and the rest, except for the tenth Zhang Lingyu and the old Jiurongshan, are all outside as the masters of the first view.

"Gan He, Dong Ying, Huan Jin, you go in." Wang Shisan said.

The three people whose names were called looked at each other and sighed softly. They all knew that Tian Jinzhong's death would completely anger Zhang Zhiwei, and even cause a big battle in the entire alien world.

After the three of them went in, Wang Shisan said, "Your master will bring Huanjin down the mountain, and I will follow along with Lingyu. As for you, stay on the mountain to prevent accidents."

"Yes, Master Thirteen." The six people responded, and at the same time gave a sigh of relief. Although they were very confident in Zhang Zhiwei's force, Longhushan would definitely be sanctioned by the company in the end, but now there is this master here , with his background, he will be able to avoid many unnecessary troubles.

At the same time, the company also called the "Ten Guys" except Zhang Zhiwei for a meeting.

"Old Heavenly Master has gathered nine disciples, and it seems that he is ready to attack Quanxing." The company's fat old man Mr. Zhao said with a worried face. Breaking, if it affects ordinary people, it will be a big trouble.

Lu Ci sneered when he heard this, and said, "I killed the Grand Master Uncle of the Tianshi Mansion completely. Such a big enmity, let alone summoning the nine disciples, so what if they come out with all their strength?"

"Mr. Zhao, we can't help with this. Seeking revenge in the alien world is a common occurrence. Now that the old heavenly master is looking for all-round troubles, it doesn't matter. If those juniors, we can still rely on them." This old face is trying to make peace, but the heavenly master..." Wang Ai also echoed, but no one knew what he was planning.

"Besides, do you think we are the only ones who can stop the old celestial master who is under the rage?" Lu Ci said disdainfully, "Besides, if the Thirteenth Lord makes a move, hehe..."

Mr. Zhao's embarrassment is because of this matter. If it's just that the celestial master went down the mountain to avenge and killed a few main murderers, it might not have any impact on the face of the company, but now that Wang Shisan is by his side, He couldn't fight again and again, and he didn't care about the backing. It was difficult, but no matter what, as a senior executive of the company, he couldn't just let it go, and said to everyone in a serious tone,
"I know everyone's difficulties. Today we are discussing here. It is not so much to stop the celestial masters as it is to protect the celestial masters. The company has been maintaining the balance of the alien world for so many years, but this time the celestial masters really want to kill them all. , Quan Xing naturally had to fight back, and what is even more worrying is that if the Celestial Master has any troubles, it will trigger a full-scale war in the alien world."

"I don't believe anything can happen to the Celestial Master, and the Thirteenth Master is also planning to make a move. Maybe we can take this opportunity to wipe out all the monsters." Chen Jinkui said.

Zhao finally saw that these old guys were obviously making love, so he could only turn his head to look at Lu Jin in desperation, "Old Lu, you have the best relationship with the old Tianshi here, go and state the pros and cons to him. , Let the old master focus on the overall situation."

"I can't do it. Brother Shisan asked me to tell you that none of you should interfere with the matter of the Celestial Master, otherwise don't blame him for being ruthless." If the old Celestial Master went down the mountain by himself, he would stop him, but now Wang Shisan With him, he is naturally happy to watch the show.

As soon as Lu Ci heard the order from Wang Shisan, he hurriedly said, "Then what else do we have to say, let the Celestial Master handle it by himself, and we will also go to watch the battle when the time comes, and if something happens, we can also Help control it."

Everyone nodded quickly in agreement.

Seeing the resentment on his face, Mr. Zhao waved his hands weakly, and compromised, "Then it's settled. We'll all go there by then. I hope the situation won't escalate."

Lao Tianshi and Zhao Huanjin left Longhu Mountain first, planning to find the trace of Quan Xing, and set off in the afternoon.And Wang Shisan took Zhang Lingyu to follow behind to support the old master.

"Lingyu, tell your little daughter-in-law to find a place to hide quickly. Don't come to participate in this event foolishly. As long as there are people with all sexes, everyone can survive." Wang Shisan said.

Zhang Lingyu nodded, "Don't worry, Thirteenth Master, I have notified Xia He before, and she has found a place to hide for the time being."

"Bah, you scum of Longhu Mountain, you are so shameless that you even contacted privately after returning to the mountain." Wang Shisan looked contemptuous, "It's useless for your master to train you as the next celestial master, not only did you fail to win Luo Tian Dajiao, now it’s still for the sake of the children’s personal relationship..."

Zhang Lingyu: "???"

Didn't you ask me to contact Xia He?And you were the one who made me deliberately lose to Zhang Chulan before?Now turn around and say that I am a traitor, and you are a real dog.

"Are you scolding me in your heart now?" Wang Shisan had an inexplicable smile on his face.

Zhang Lingyu quickly shook her head like a rattle, who would dare to admit this?Even Zhang Zhiwei's Yangming Large Intestine Meridian was blocked for several days without looking at it?His little arms and legs couldn't bear it at once.

Just when he was about to explain, a phone call came,
"Master Thirteen, the old heavenly master has made an open appointment to fight against Quanxing. The place is in the Xilin Grassland. Quanxing will dispatch fourteen top experts to fight against it. The ten guys and the company's people have also gone." After finishing speaking, The phone hung up.

Wang Shisan stretched his waist and said to Zhang Lingyu, "Let's go, your master is preparing to start in the Xilin Grassland, we will go to support the scene, and you will also go to gain experience. There are so many masters fighting, and you can't usually see it. "

(End of this chapter)

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