I go to the heavens to find eternal life

Chapter 56 "One person, one servant"

Chapter 56 "One person at a time"

In Xilin Grassland, the 'Ten Guys' have been waiting here for a long time.

"Are you all here trying to stop me?" Zhang Zhiwei looked at the person in front of him, and there was no emotion in what he said.

Mr. Zhao of the company shook his head, and said, "Don't worry, neither the company nor anyone else will interfere in this battle, but I hope that the old master can solve this matter here thoroughly, and don't let it spread." , You have killed quite a few full-sex members along the way."

Lu Jin also followed suit and said, "Brother Shisan has already said that no one is allowed to interfere in this matter. It is up to you, Master Tianshi, to decide."

Zhang Zhiwei nodded, and said blankly, "Anyone who appears here this time will not leave alive. After that, I will return to the Tianshi Mansion, and I will never step out of Longhu Mountain for the rest of my life." .”

"That's good." Saying that, Mr. Zhao walked to the side, making way for him.

The old heavenly master went down this time not only for revenge, but also to completely guard the secret that Tian Jinzhong possessed. Since Gong Qing has obtained this secret, he must die.

And if there are still people who know this secret in the future, Zhang Zhiwei will still kill those who know, and let this guarded secret disappear forever in the long river of history.

At this time, fourteen masters of all natures also came hand in hand.

The two leaders are Ding Zhuan and Tu Junfang.

Ding Zhang'an, the strongest person in the world at this stage, one of the "two heroes", has mastered all kinds of arts, and has been studying hard for fighting all his life. His character is not bad. In order to be able to fight more masters, He just joined Quanxing, and has a deep friendship with Na Ruhu, one of the 'Ten Guys'. The two have played against each other for more than ten years and they still can't tell the difference. They are typical martial arts idiot players.

Tu Junfang, the 'Corpse Demon', is a descendant of the Three Demons School, a top master of all natures, and is good at controlling the 'Three Corpses'. The Three Corpses refer to the three original sins "greed, anger, and ignorance" that people are born with. It can also be simple The explanation is that he can control a person's demons.Needless to say, how much influence the inner demon has on the practitioner.

Quanxing sent fourteen masters mainly these two to face Zhang Zhiwei this time, and it can be regarded as taking out more than half of their strength. This is enough to show that they attach importance to Zhang Zhiwei, and this is Quanxing's acting head. All the forces that Gong Qing can assign.

"Ding Zhang'an, you're here too." Zhang Zhiwei said lightly.

"How can I miss it if I can fight against the Tiandao people." As a martial idiot, Ding Zhang'an also volunteered to come this time.

"Where's Gong Qing?" Even Ding Zhang'an, Zhang Zhiwei didn't pay attention.

Tu Junfang took a step forward and said: "It doesn't matter if he is here or not. This time we are here to find you, the Celestial Master, to get rid of benevolence and righteousness, and the virtues of the world have begun to be the same. Today, 14 of us are dedicated to you." Let's challenge your master!"

The fourteen masters who talked about completeness clasped their fists at Zhang Zhiwei one after another.

"Let you live a little longer. Someone is coming to watch the battle. He is on his way now. When he arrives, it will be your time of death." Zhang Zhiwei closed his eyes after finishing speaking.

Ding Zhang'an nodded, he also knew who Zhang Zhiwei was talking about, "Since Lord Thirteen is coming to watch the battle, we will naturally wait here."

After the time for a cup of tea, everyone suddenly felt a powerful aura coming from a distance.

"Let's get started." Zhang Zhiwei's originally closed eyes suddenly opened, and a ray of light shot out, and the words fell off.

All 14 people also rushed to Lao Tianshi at the first time. This battle is of great importance, and both Ding Zhangan and others will use their full strength.

Immediately, the entire Xilin Grassland was filled with golden light and thunder, and the powerful qi kept sweeping around.

"The 14 people in Quanxing are not easy. If it were me, I'm afraid this life would be lost here." Lu Jin watched the battle between the two sides and sighed.

"That Ding Zhangan is worthy of being the 'two heroes'. Various martial arts emerge in endlessly. Although they are all ordinary moves, he can always use them in the most suitable places, so that these ordinary moves can also have great power."

The 'Ten Guys' who were watching the battle watched the battle attentively. It can be said that this kind of battle has not happened for many years.

"After the battle is over, what should we do?" Chen Jinkui raised his own question.

Everyone was taken aback, and looked at Wang Shisan one after another.

"Is it necessary for the full-sex members present to be alive?"

The faint words made these bosses tremble, and they could clearly feel that Wang Shisan was not joking.

The battle lasted for a very short time. At this moment, only the dying 'corpse demon' Tu Junfang and Ding Zhangan, who was pinched by Zhang Zhiwei's neck and lost the ability to resist, were all left. The rest of the people were breathless.

This script is not only called "Under One Man" but also "Under One Man".

"Gong Qing, the generation head of Quanxing, pay homage to the old heavenly master." A short figure spoke when Ding Zhang'an was about to die.

Zhang Zhiwei threw Ding Zhang'an out and came to Gong Qing, "Everything is over, you should know what you are going to do."

Gong Qing nodded, "Take my life for Ding Zhang'an and Tu Junfang."

"You are not afraid of death." At this time, Wang Shisan also came over.

"Master Thirteen is joking, everyone is afraid of death, but as Quan Xing's acting head, I will naturally bear the responsibility for the failure of this operation, and I have to explain to Master." Gong Qing said this There was always a smile on his face.

Wang Shisan looked at Gong Qing with interest and said, "What if I insist on their death?"

"Then there's nothing I can do. Anyway, I'm going to die today." Gong Qing spread his hands.

"Okay, you die, they live, kill yourself." Zhang Zhiwei agreed, there is no need to kill a martial idiot like Ding Zhang'an.

The smile on Gong Qing's face became even brighter. After cupping his hands towards Zhang Zhiwei and Wang Shisan, the qi in his whole body condensed instantly, directly detonating his heart, and then fell to the ground without breath.

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at Gong Qing's body silently, and left the grassland without looking back.

"Let's go, let's go back too." Wang Shisan suddenly felt a little dull, and called Zhang Lingyu together, planning to leave here.

Mr. Zhao of the company hurriedly stopped the two of them at this time,

"Master Thirteen, the Heavenly Master is no longer a 'Ten Guy', how about you fill in the vacant position?"

"I don't want to be your 'Ten Guys'. I have meetings when I have nothing to do, and I am still being supervised every day. Bye, Lao Lu will come to me for a drink when I have time." After speaking, Wang Shisan pulled Zhang Lingyu into the sky and quickly disappeared. In the eyes of everyone.

The rest of the people were relatively speechless, smiled helplessly, and left here together, leaving only the seriously injured Ding Zhang'an and Tu Junfang and the corpse at that place, indicating that there had been a big battle here.

(End of this chapter)

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