Chapter 57

"Name: Wang Shisan

Fist strength: 10100kg (the power of an elephant)
Status: Normal (In the state of luxury, the pain is reduced by 80%)

Lifespan: 93 years (long life)

Intelligence: 61"

"We are about to travel around the world, the destination, the TV series "No. [-] in the World", and we can return after the plot is over."

The script of Under One Person has been completed for the time being. After the whole plot, although Wang Shisan only received four rewards, the quality is very good.

The source of life, high-level martial arts talent, intermediate-level spiritual power, and an eternal youth, and he has also mastered many moves from the alien world, such as the golden light curse, thunder method, and so on.

After Wang Shisan returned to the real world and rested for a month, he embarked on a journey across the world again.

"No. [-] in the World" is a well-reviewed martial arts drama in the real world. The action design and plot in it are of a high standard. Some netizens even commented that it is the last domestic martial arts drama.

The background of the plot is the mid-Ming Dynasty, and the reigning emperor is Zhu Houzhao, the emperor of Zhengde, who is the stupid king who likes to play all kinds of things.

In the early stage of the play, it mainly tells the open and secret struggle between the four secret agents led by the god of iron gall, Zhu Wushi, and the great eunuch Cao Zhengchun.

Of course, the content has nothing to do with his Wang Shisan, but the force value inside is very good, especially Hou Zhu, the God of Iron Braves, ignores it, and he can grab a small mountain with the power-absorbing method.

Wang Shisan now has the cosmic energy that devours the starry sky in his body, as well as the qi in one person, and the spiritual power, so there is still less internal energy for research and study.

Although the world of The Deer and Ding Ji also has internal force, but the level is too low, he doesn't even bother to learn it, but there are many things in this world that he wants to learn.

Inside the palace, the rules are cumbersome, and there are countless etiquettes. No one dares to act recklessly here, but now there is a little eunuch running wildly.

But what was strange was that the patrolling Ouchi guards were indifferent, as if they didn't see the little eunuch.

But the little eunuch tried his best to run to a palace, and shouted out of breath, "My lord, the emperor called you over, and he is already waiting for you in the leopard room." gone."

The voice came in, but there was no response from inside.

The little eunuch didn't get a response for a long time, his legs were already trembling, and the cold sweat couldn't help but started to flow down. Just when he was about to shout again, the gate of the palace slowly opened.

"What's the matter?" Wang Shisan came out from inside stretching his waist.

Seeing the Lord come out, the little eunuch said happily, "Lord Wang, the Emperor has been waiting for you in the Leopard Room for a while, please come over."

"Okay, I see." Wang Shisan waved his hand, and walked towards the Leopard Room with a wobble.

The Leopard House was built by Emperor Zhengde for pleasure. More than 200 rooms were built here, and many beasts were kept in captivity. However, this place is not purely a place for pleasure. It is more used by Zhu Houzhao to deal with government affairs and rest. The place.

Zhu Houzhao in the world No. [-] in the world is better than the one in history, at least so far he hasn't done anything too outrageous.

When Wang Shisan came to the Leopard Room, it happened to be lunch time.

"Refer to the emperor." After seeing Emperor Zhengde who was reviewing the documents, Wang Shisan did not salute, but just said something lightly.

When Emperor Zhengde saw that it was Wang Shisan, he quickly put down the pen in his hand, and said enthusiastically, "There is no one else here, master, you don't have to be so polite, just ask me to be generous."

Looking at the familiar young man in front of him, Wang Shisan couldn't help recalling what happened when he first came to this world.

He was directly placed in the imperial palace by the system, which also made him regarded as an assassin in the first place, but Cao Zhengchun, the number one expert in the imperial palace, was defeated by him in three moves, and even the [-] forbidden troops were all assembled They got up to encircle and suppress Wang Shisan, but in the end, one person beat all the ten thousand forbidden troops to the ground.

Later, the world's number one master Tiedan God Hou Zhu ignored and led the secret agents of Hulong Villa to arrest Wang Shisan. The battle between the two can be said to be earth-shattering, and many buildings in the palace were destroyed by the aftermath of the battle.

Wang Shisan used only pure strength to drive Zhu Wushi, the world's number one master, into danger, but it can also be seen that Zhu Wushi's strength is indeed strong, and the power carried by his punches and kicks is also close to Reached 10000kg.

After getting acquainted with the fighting methods of this world, the qi in Wang Shisan's body began to surge towards the kidneys, and streaks of black thunder wrapped around his hands in an instant.

Trigger the power of thunder?This scene has surpassed the scope of martial arts, right?
Zhu ignored it and was not calm anymore. He had already felt a breath of death from these black thunders. He didn't dare to be careless at the moment. The internal force of his whole body was condensed, forming a protective shield around his body, and he planned to defend with all his strength.

After a burst of dazzling light, everyone found that Zhu Wushi was already lying on the ground and convulsed, obviously seriously injured, but fortunately, he still seemed to be breathing.

Then Wang Shisan glanced across the audience, and after a cold snort, he flew up. If it wasn't for the subsequent plot, he was ready to kill.

"Admiral, please stay, please stay." Zhu Houzhao was afraid to die at first, but the scene just now was too shocking. Seeing that the other party was not here to assassinate him at all, he suddenly shouted out.

Wang Shisan stopped in mid-air, looked directly at Zhu Houzhao, and wanted to see what he could say.

Zhu Houzhao's scalp was a little numb from Wang Shisan's eyes, but at the moment he could only bite the bullet and say, "It was all a misunderstanding just now, sir, please don't take it to heart. In order to make amends, I asked them to prepare a banquet , How about a drink with my husband?"

Emperor Zhengde is very sincere, and he always uses me when he speaks.

"Okay." Wang Shisan thought for a while, and then agreed. Emperor Zhengde Zhu Houzhao obviously planned to recruit him. Anyway, he just came to this world, and with Zhu Houzhao's help, many things would be easy to handle.

"Hahaha, sir, please hurry up and let the imperial doctor come to treat Eunuch Cao and Uncle Huang." After Zhu Houzhao finished speaking, he took the initiative to walk forward with Wang Shisan.

At the subsequent banquet, after Zhu Houzhao confirmed that Wang Shisan had come to the palace by accident, he sincerely wooed him, and even worshiped under his sect.

Of course he disagreed. Wang Shisan just wanted to make things easier, but he didn't want to be a master.

"As long as the master can accept me as an apprentice, then the master will have countless gold and silver treasures, silk and satin, and all kinds of rare beauties." Zhu Houzhao laughed.

"Money is dung, and beauty is like a skeleton." Wang Shisan snorted coldly, "Appreciate a teacher."

(End of this chapter)

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