I go to the heavens to find eternal life

Chapter 6 King 3's Chance

Chapter 6 Wang Shisan's Chance
The entire Fist of Fury story is halfway through so far, and the only main character left is Fumio Funakoshi, who is known as the number one master in Japan. But no matter how you say it, Fumio Funakoshi is not the protagonist. The value is definitely not higher than that of Chen Zhen, so it is simply impossible to simply count on the main characters in the plot to obtain a punching force of more than 500kg.

You can't expect to go to the next world. Although he will return to the real world after the plot is over, he is not sure when he will start to travel next time. What if he doesn't make it through while waiting and just hangs up? manage.

For his own life, Brother Thirteen can also go all out.

"Name: Wang Shisan

Fist strength: 346kg (I would call you the strongest trash)
Status: Pseudo-weakness (Luxurious property)
Lifespan: 353 days (life is short)”

"Huh? I remember that my boxing strength was 345kg two days ago?" Wang Shisan was a little puzzled, "It stands to reason that I am already at this level, and I should not increase my boxing strength with ordinary weight-bearing exercises."

"Could it be?" Wang Shisan understood a little bit.

Huojiaquan is an internal boxing, which focuses on the inside out, which is obviously different from ordinary external training. It is a pity that Wang Shisan is now learning the ordinary Huojiaquan that everyone in Jingwumen can learn. Rather than the most core Huojia Mizongquan, it seems that in order to improve the strength of the fist and gain longevity, it is inevitable to practice Neijiaquan.

But how to get the Mizong Fist that is not rumored?You must know that Mizong Quan is passed on internally but not externally. Under normal circumstances, people from the Jingwu Sect are not qualified to practice Mizong Quan, including Chen Zhen.

In the end, Huo Tingen was afraid that his death would lead to the loss of Mizong Fist, so he made an exception and taught it to Chen Zhen. He is the youngest who has just started, even if he is the strongest in Jingwu Sect, he may not be able to get it.

While Wang Shisan was planning how to obtain (steal) the Mizong Quan, Akutagawa Ryuichi also gave his head to Fujita Tsuyoshi as he wished.

Soon, under the instigation of Fujita Takeshi, the little devil from Hongkou Dojo came to Jingwumen to take revenge. At this time, Chen Zhen had not returned from morning exercises, and Wang Shisan was not there.

"Ask Chen Zhen and Wang Shisan to come out. You Chinese are really despicable and shameless. The two teamed up to attack us and even assassinated the owner of our Akutagawa Hall. If you don't hand them over to our Great Japanese Empire today, I will crush you Jingwu door." The little head named Watanabe said angrily.

Huo Tingen, the master of Jingwumen, stood up, "You Japanese will sue the villains first, and we haven't settled the account of the despicable means of poisoning my father. How dare you come to trouble us?"

"Don't talk so much nonsense, if you don't hand over these two people today, none of you will get out alive!" Huo Tingen exposed the truth, became angry from shame, and drew out the Taidao threat.

"Do you really think our Jingwumen is a soft persimmon? Close the door, even a Japanese don't want to run away today!" Huo Tingen gave an order, and the whole Jingwumen took up weapons and prepared to fight the little devil.

Several young karate masters headed by Watanabe immediately wrestled with Huo Tingen.

Huo Tingen is worthy of being the big brother of Jingwumen. Holding a long stick, facing the siege of five or six people, he did not lose the wind in the slightest. He even had spare energy to help other Jingwumen disciples.

But the other disciples of the Fist of Fury are relatively hip, not to mention one-on-one, even two disciples of the Fist of Fury can barely draw with a little Japan.

At this moment, Huo Tingen also has more than enough heart but not enough energy. Five or six small Japanese masters found that even the siege was at a disadvantage, and immediately called a few others to help. Facing the attack of ten people, even Huo Tingen was at a disadvantage for a while .

Just when Jingwumen couldn't hold on anymore, the police from the British Concession also came to the scene. Almost at the same time, Chen Zhen also finished his morning training and returned to Jingwumen.

The police in the concession captured Chen Zhen, and only then forced the Japanese to retreat.

As for Wang Shisan, people from the police and Jingwumen went to the hotel where he was staying to look for him, but there was no sign of him.

At the same time, in a deserted temple on the outskirts of Shanghai, Wang Shisan was lying on the ground profusely sweating, and beside him was a thin, withered old man who was cursing mercilessly,

"You are such a waste. Bai Xia is born with supernatural power. I think that with this amount of training back then, I would not be tired all day long."

At this moment, Wang Shisan was too tired to stand up. Facing the old man's scolding, he replied weakly: "Not everyone is as old as you. I have only practiced martial arts for a few days."

When the old man was refuted, he was so angry that he lifted his foot and kicked over. Immediately, Wang Shisan turned into a beautiful parabola and flew five or six meters away.

After a while, Wang Shisan stood up unsteadily and continued to train.

Although the old man didn't talk about it, he was quite satisfied in his heart. It's nothing to be talented. As the saying goes, proficiency in industry is industrious and industrious. Practicing martial arts is not something that happens overnight.

"This child really looks like when I was young." The old man thought to himself.

When the old man was young, he was gifted and intelligent, his strength was astonishing, and he was willing to study hard and practice hard. Only then did he become a master of a generation, and he was one of the top martial arts masters in the entire era. Even Huo Yuanjia was far behind him .

"Thirteen, only when this training method reaches the standard can you practice the Bajiquan you want to learn, so you must not slack off." The old man said.

As soon as Wang Shisan heard about Bajiquan, Wang Shisan immediately regained his energy. The Bajiquan mentioned by the old man is the authentic inner family Bajiquan. Punch power is a huge help.

Wang Shisan couldn't help recalling what happened the day before.

At that time, Wang Shisan had finished his training in Fist of Fury and was about to go out for a midnight snack. When he was walking on the road, he found a little devil dragging a woman into an alley.

He couldn't bear it, so Wang Shisan rushed over immediately, but when he walked into the alley, he saw a scene that shocked him.

An old man held a large iron gun and directly penetrated the little devil's body, picked him up in the air, and then threw the dead Japanese aside like throwing garbage.

"Gudu." Wang Shisan swallowed his saliva when he encountered such a scene. He was not used to the murder scene, but there are so many TV scenes in modern times, it is not enough to vomit when seeing the murder scene. Yes, but such a brutal way of death really left him dumbfounded and even panicked.

And just with that hand, he found that the strength of the old man was definitely stronger than him. The big gun in his hand was extremely heavy just by looking at it, and there was an adult man hanging on it. A master, a super master.

"Dare to ask senior's name."

Wang Shisan knew that his chance had come, a chance to increase his lifespan!

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(End of this chapter)

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