I go to the heavens to find eternal life

Chapter 7 For Huo Yuanjia's sake

Chapter 7 For Huo Yuanjia's sake

"Old man Li Shuwen!" The rich voice reached Wang Shisan's ears.

Wang Shisan was stunned for a second when he heard the name, and then he exclaimed, "There is no second punch in the fist, Li Shuwen the sharp gun!"

The old man nodded.

"Junior Jingwumen disciple Wang Shisan, pay respects to Senior Li!" Wang Shisan bowed and saluted with great respect.

That's Li Shuwen, can you disrespect him? With his superb skills and pure kung fu, he suppresses evil, defends against foreign aggression, and shows off his power with martial arts. He is a modern martial arts myth that is well-known at home and abroad. His marksmanship and boxing skills are unparalleled in the world.

This is a living martial arts myth, a big cow that even Huo Yuanjia can't compare to.

"It turned out to be the disciple of Huo boy's family. It's a pity for Huo boy. Well, the old man is leaving." After Li Shuwen sighed, he planned to leave. By that time, he had fainted from fright.

"Senior, please stop. This junior has something to ask." How could Wang Shisan let Li Shuwen go so simply.

Li Shuwen turned his head with some doubts, "What's the matter?"

"The junior's martial arts practice has reached a bottleneck, and he has been unable to improve. I also hope that the senior can give the junior some advice." Wang Shisan said hastily, licking his face.

Li Shuwen shook his head, "You are a disciple of Fist of Fury, I won't teach you." After speaking, he wanted to leave again.

According to the normal rules, Li Shuwen, as a great master of martial arts, had already refused. As a junior, let alone his disciple, he had no choice but to leave reluctantly for the sake of face.

But who is Wang Shisan? In front of his life span, bah, his face is considered a ball, so he just gave up. With a big stride, he came to Li Shuwen, and said with a sincere face, "The younger generation admires the senior already." For a long time, senior can give me some pointers."

It was the first time Li Shuwen saw such a shameless famous disciple, he refused and even licked a big face, he couldn't help but want to slap his mouth.

"The old man has something else to do." Li Shuwen put a little force on his hands, intending to push Wang Shisan away, and he planned to teach this shameless boy a lesson.

But he underestimated Wang Shisan's power, [-]% of his power could not shake Wang Shisan at all.

"Hey, senior wants to give me a test before teaching me!" Wang Shisan said excitedly.

Li Shuwen: "???"

Is this an insult to his invincibility?Li Shuwen with a gloomy face immediately increased the output of his strength. As Li Shuwen's strength became stronger and stronger, it had reached [-]% of his whole body strength.

"Senior, you can continue to increase your strength, I'm fine." Wang Shisan still had the strength to speak.

Now Li Shuwen couldn't hold back his face anymore, was he mocked by a junior?It's unbearable.

"Drink!" Li Shuwen let out a low cry, burst out with all his strength, stepped on his right foot, and suddenly a small hole appeared under his foot, and punched Wang Shisan's chest.

After this punch, Li Shuwen regretted it. Originally, he only planned to teach a small lesson, but now he might directly kill him.

"Bang." After a muffled sound, Wang Shisan took three steps back, rubbed his chest, and said grinningly, "Senior is really powerful. It's the first time I've been punched so far, but please use a little more force. I can't take it anymore."

"My mother!" Now it was Li Shuwen's turn to be stunned. Although he didn't use a long spear, it was a real punch with all his strength. Not to mention a disciple of Fist of Fury, even his master Huo Yuanjia might not be able to do it.

Wang Shisan licked it up again, and kept saying good things in his mouth, wanting Li Shuwen to give him advice.

"Boy, if you can keep up with me, the old man will guide you." Li Shuwen was also curious about the situation of the little bitch in front of him, but he had to put on a show for his own face.

"The senior should slow down. The junior is weaker and may run slower." Wang Shisan smiled shyly, he was still very humble.

Li Shuwen took a deep look at this bitch, and rushed towards the outskirts of Shanghai with a single stride.

At the beginning, Li Shuwen used six points of strength to tease Wang Shisan, but when he turned his head and found that Wang Shisan hadn't followed, he finally had a smile on his face.

"This kid still wants to fight the old man, it's far away."

Li Shuwen, who was about to slow down, saw Wang Shisan rushing towards him.

"Senior, wait for me, I just went to buy some supper." By the way, he lifted up the greased paper in his hand.

Li Shuwen's nose was so angry that he started to speed up instantly, [-]%, [-]%, [-]%!
Fuck, can't shake it off!
One dashes ahead, and the other chases after.

The old man in front started to pant a little, while the young man behind him was full of energy.

Not long after, the two came to the ruined temple in the suburbs one after the other.

"Senior is really powerful, I can't catch up with the speed at all." Wang Shisan admired him sincerely.

Li Shuwen was so tired and out of breath at the moment, he wanted to scold but couldn't, so he could only give Wang Shisan a bitter look.

After resting for a while, Li Shuwen said: "Little bitch, for the sake of being Huo Yuanjia's disciple, your talent can barely be considered to be able to practice martial arts, so I will reluctantly guide you."

Wang Shisan was overjoyed when he heard the words, but he was so excited, "The junior suffers from not having a suitable internal boxing method, which has resulted in the lack of improvement in strength (boxing), so please teach me senior."

"Oh? Come, attack me with your strongest strength." Li Shuwen also wanted to test how strong Wang Shisan's fist was.

Wang Shisan hesitated, "It's not easy to handle, the younger generation is naturally stronger, just in case..."

"Haha, don't worry, you can't hurt me." Li Shuwen carried his hands on his back, looking like a great master of martial arts.

"Then I won't be polite, drink!" Wang Shisan put all his strength into his right fist, and punched out like a cannonball, hitting Li Shuwen directly.

Li Shuwen, who was still calm at the beginning, changed his face now. If he punched Wang Shisan back two steps in the alley, it may be because Wang Shisan practiced a horizontal exercise similar to the golden bell cover. .

But even Li Shuwen felt a sense of danger from the attacking punch.Li Shuwen is worthy of being a great master of martial arts. In a very short period of time, the muscles of his whole body tensed up instantly, and he raised his arms to block Wang Shisan's fist.

"Bang." With a heavy blow, all the dust on the roof of the ruined temple was shaken off.

"Senior is really powerful." Wang Shisan admired Li Shuwen to the extreme at this moment. His blow, if it were Chen Zhen, would at least be a serious injury, but Li Shuwen didn't move at all.

Li Shuwen didn't speak, turned around and walked outside. After walking outside, he secretly spit the blood from his mouth on the ground, his face was distorted.

"This little bastard is so strong that he almost gave up."

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(End of this chapter)

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