I go to the heavens to find eternal life

Chapter 84 A Stupid Velociraptor

Chapter 84 A Stupid Velociraptor
This velociraptor, who was bent on revenge, was about to move at the moment, its eyes the size of copper bells were fixed on the battle situation on the field, as long as Linley had an opening, it would definitely rush over without hesitation.

At this moment, Linley felt that the vindictive energy and magic power in his body were gradually being exhausted under the high-intensity battle, so he put all his heart and energy on these nine-level monsters in front of him, not daring to be careless in the slightest. The operation is looking for a route to break through.

But after all, he was only a 13-year-old kid, and his combat experience had only been accumulated in the outskirts of the Warcraft Mountains. As the saying goes, after a long battle, mistakes are inevitable, and Linley staggered and almost got hit.

At this moment, the velociraptor roared, and rushed over in an instant. Taking advantage of Linley's unsteady figure, he drew his tail. The strongest dragons like velociraptors are not sharp points such as teeth and claws, but rather The tail is the most powerful attack.

The dragon's tail, like a steel whip, was drawn towards Linley as if piercing through space. If he hit him, judging from Linley's current state, even if he survived, he would definitely end up seriously injured.

The sudden attack of the velociraptor stunned the ninth-level monsters on the field. They had been ordered before they came. They must not kill this human being. It is okay to suffer a little injury. If anyone strikes hard, they will definitely It's ugly to die, so these level nine monsters even practiced in advance, but they didn't expect a stupid velociraptor to rush out?But the distance is too close, not only Linley, but also these ninth-level monsters can't react. Thinking of the sad expressions on their faces.

"Oh." Just when the dragon tail was about to draw Linley, a little shadow mouse turned into an afterimage and appeared in front of Linley instantly, blocking the heavy blow for him.

"Bang." With a muffled sound, the little Shadowmouse flew upside down, spurting out a mouthful of blood in mid-air, and complained by the way, "Made, this dragon tail is really amazing."

Originally, Linley was furious when he saw Beibei block the blow, but after hearing Beibei's sarcasm, he was relieved and turned his head to cast all his anger on the velociraptor.

Elbows, sharp claws, spikes, dragon tails, all available attack methods were given to the Velociraptor. Even if he is not in peak form now, after a set of combos, the Velociraptor will be dismembered.

The Velociraptor didn't understand until the end of his life, why those level [-] monsters watched it being beaten to death, and even looked at it with hatred on their faces.

After finishing off the velociraptor, Linley was out of breath. He had just released all his fighting spirit under the rage, and his physical strength had been severely exhausted. With difficulty, he came to Beibei lying on the ground to check its injuries. .

"Boss, I'm fine. I don't care about a mere level eight velociraptor, ahem." Beibei's comprehensive strength has now reached the level of an eighth level monster, but the blow just now was the full blow of the velociraptor , even if it was defensively strong, it suffered serious injuries, but it was not life-threatening.

Linley breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, but then he became nervous again. He basically didn't have much combat power now, and there were still five level [-] monsters on the field. I'm afraid he might really die here today.

"Hiss, hiss." A giant snake among the ninth-level monsters spat out something, as if to say something, and then took the initiative to get out of the way.

"Boss, it just said that the behavior of that velociraptor is a disgrace to the Warcraft Mountains, let us live today." Beibei spoke to Linley with a happy face.

Linley was taken aback for a moment, and looked over in disbelief. Sure enough, all the monsters started to evacuate.

"Don't worry about Boss, let's go quickly." Beibei urged, both it and Linley were seriously injured, and they had to find a place to recuperate.

Linley nodded, temporarily put aside the doubts in his heart, and left the scene with Beibei vigilantly.

"Phew." As soon as Linley left, Wang Shisan in the dark and the two sanctuary monsters in the distance let out a sigh of relief. They really frightened the three of them just now.

Wang Shisan almost made a move. Fortunately, he saw Beibei rushing out. If something happened to Linley, he would definitely be able to bloodbath the Warcraft Mountain Range.

The two sanctuary monsters were even more fortunate. They had only issued orders to the ninth-level monsters before, and they never expected that there would be such a fool among the eighth-level monsters. Fortunately, the last giant snake performed very well, perfectly finding it with language art. He gave Linley a reasonable reason to let him leave, otherwise he would be exposed.

"Hmph." A cold snort came directly to the ears of the two of them, and they were startled immediately, and they said repeatedly that this situation would never happen again, so they reluctantly fooled it.So in order to avoid this kind of deadly behavior from happening again, the two beasts held an emergency combat meeting overnight, summoning all the monsters above level [-] in the monster mountain range, reiterated the mission again, and specially asked This is a major event related to the life and death of all the monsters in the Warcraft Mountains.

While all the monsters were having a meeting, Linley took Beibei to the misty valley. Under Wang Shisan's intentional guidance, he came to the cave of the Thorny-backed Iron Armored Dragon and began to cultivate.

"Old man Delin, have you seen the huge black round platform at the top? After Linley has recovered, let him break it. There is a treasure suitable for Linley inside." Wang Shisan secretly talked with Delin Kewo Special voice channel.

"Huh?" Delin Cowart looked up when he heard the words, and his expression changed immediately, "This is a magic circle, how is it possible?"

Wang Shisan said, "Put away your curiosity first. When Linley recovers from his injury, you are still studying. Remember, you must keep an eye on him. This magic circle is not easy."

After a night of recuperation, Linley's battle qi and mana that he had previously consumed had returned to their best condition, and his injuries were almost healed with the help of the healing potion provided by Wang Shisan.

"Linley, look up." Dorin Cowart was already impatient, and when he saw that Linley was almost recuperating, he quickly said.

Linley raised his head suspiciously and looked up. He stared at him and stammered, "This...what is this?"

At the top of the cave, a huge black round platform was exposed. This black round platform was inlaid on the roof, and at this moment, the surface of this huge round platform was partially covered by stones.

Linley wasn't surprised by the black round platform alone. What surprised him was that there were all kinds of complicated magic patterns on the black round platform. The various patterns were extremely complicated.Obviously, there was a magic circle arranged on the black round platform. Linley had never seen such a complicated magic circle.

In particular, in the center of this black round platform, there is actually a purple long sword stuck upside down.

(End of this chapter)

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