I go to the heavens to find eternal life

Chapter 85 The end of the trial

Chapter 85 The end of the trial
"Grandpa Delin, do you know this magic circle?" Linley asked after being shocked.

Dorin Cowart shook his head and said, "This magic circle is very powerful. Its power definitely exceeds that of taboo magic. I have never seen such a complicated and mysterious magic circle in my life. Such a powerful magic circle has more power. Use a strange sword to assist, don't you think this magic circle is not powerful enough?"

"It's no wonder that the density of elements here is hundreds of times stronger than that outside. It turns out that this magic circle constantly exudes the elements of heaven and earth." Linley used the power of elements to sense the magic circle.

Dorin Cowart said, "Lei, this purple long sword is definitely a super treasure, and it may even be a product of hell among the four highest planes, so you must take it."

(As for the situation of the four highest planes, I won’t go into details one by one. Interested readers can check the information by themselves.)
You must know that under normal circumstances, ordinary warrior weapons are very cheap, and the magic wand is expensive because it is inlaid with spar. The more advanced the magic wand, the more precious materials are required, such as a Sanctuary Demon The magic wand used by the instructor is made of special wood, with the ninth-level magic crystal core or sanctuary magic crystal core as the energy source, supplemented by a complex magic circle carved in it, in order to achieve the best effect.

And Delin Cowart, as the magister of the sanctuary, needless to say, now a long sword can be called a treasure by him.

Since it was a treasure, he naturally couldn't miss it. In order to prevent accidents, Linley circulated the dragon blood fighting energy in his body, and instantly activated the dragon transformation.

"Blood to recognize the Lord." Delin Cowart said.

Linley nodded, then cut his finger and dripped a drop of blood on it.

In an instant, the long sword was like a sponge, easily swallowing the drop of blood. At the same time, the long sword made a sword noise and began to tremble.

The dust that covered its surface was completely blown away.The surface of the entire purple long sword has a strange blood color faintly flowing, as if fresh blood is flowing on the long sword.

"Sure enough, it's an ownerless thing!" Linley was overjoyed, and quickly pulled out his long sword, picked up Beibei, and quickly evacuated.

After Linley left, the magic circle began to tremble, and the black round platform also began to collapse, and finally collapsed with a 'bang' sound.

Where the black round table was located, the space was torn apart like white paper, revealing a big gap.I saw a handsome and seductive young man in a dark golden robe rushing out of the big opening quickly while bowing his waist to protect the three kittens in his arms.

There was a vertical knife mark between the young man's eyebrows.Suddenly the scar opened, revealing an eye with golden pupils. His whole body exuded a terrifying aura, and his strength was absolutely extremely powerful.

"Congratulations, my lord, for returning to the Magnolia Continent." Wang Shisan came to the young man at this time and bowed slightly.

The young man was taken aback when he heard the words, and said in amazement, "Oh? Could it be that you destroyed the magic circle and released me, then I can consider to spare your life."

"My lord, Wang Shisan, is under Lord Beirut's orders to work in the Warcraft Mountains." Wang Shisan said with a smile without any panic.

The young man's complexion changed when he heard Beirut's name, and even the three kittens in his arms showed a look of horror.Even though he is a superpower at the peak of the lower god, he is still far from Beirut, and he can feel fear just by hearing the name.

He was exiled from Beirut to the Yulan Continent for some special reasons back then. Now that he can return to the Yulan Continent, he naturally does not want to return to that prison-like place again.

Even the ant-like human being in front of him, he didn't have the guts to do it. What if he really helped Beirut with important things, so he said politely,

"Master Beirut's business is my business. I don't know if there is anything that needs my help."

Wang Shisan said, "I am in charge of protecting Lord Beirut's grandson Beibei to practice in the Warcraft Mountains. I also hope that the Lord will not interfere. After these few days of experience, we will leave."

As he spoke, he released the images of Linley and Beibei.

"Okay." The young man looked at the video carefully and said, "We will be here for a few days to cultivate, you go back and tell Lord Beirut that I will use the Warcraft Mountains as my home in the future."

"Okay, then I'll leave first." Wang Shisan bowed slightly, showing respect for the strong.

"Remember, my name is Di Lin, thank you for helping me break the seal." The young man took the initiative to say his name.

Wang Shisan smiled slightly, "Lord Dilin misunderstood, it was not me who broke the seal, but the little boy with Beibei, his name is Linley."

After finishing speaking, Wang Shisan stepped away and left.

"Linley?" After Di Linmo said the name once, he looked into the distance, wondering what he was thinking.

After Linley got the artifact, he couldn't wait to start researching it. He carefully looked at the long sword in his hand. The purple long sword was like a soft sword without the blessing of fighting spirit. It was as thin as a cicada's wing. But the weight is still very small, only about five catties.The five catty soft sword was not a burden to Linley at all.

The dragon's blood fighting energy in his body was poured into it, and the soft sword immediately became straight, and with a wave of his hand, he cut off the big tree at the side that needed four or five people to hug him, and it was extremely sharp.

"The two characters on the hilt are purple blood. I have learned the characters of hell before." Delin Cowart said with a smile.

"Purple Blood Soft Sword?" Linley murmured as he stroked the blade of the sword, which was as thin as a cicada's wing. "From today onwards, we will fight together side by side!"

The purple blood soft sword seemed to have heard Lin Lei's words, the blade trembled, and even let out a low hum.

With the artifact in hand, he is confident that if he encounters the situation of being besieged before again, he will definitely not be so embarrassed again.

"Grandpa De Lin, let's go back." Linley felt that this training had been completed, and after so many days of fighting, he also had a new understanding, and now he couldn't wait to go back and practice.

"Okay." After receiving Wang Shisan's voice transmission, Delin Cowart nodded and said, "Go back and digest what you have learned this time, and transform it into your own strength."

Wang Shisan also sent a sound transmission to the two sanctuary monsters, and asked them to arrange a wave of blocking monsters, which could be regarded as the last assessment.

In an instant, under the arrangement of the sacred monsters, all the high-level monsters in the entire Warcraft Mountain range moved one after another, trying their best to block Linley who was about to leave.

Two days later, the blood-stained and ragged Linley held the Purple Blood Soft Sword and looked at the Warcraft Mountains in front of him with a sneer smile, turned around and set foot on the way back to the academy.

(End of this chapter)

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