Xiuxian is a dead end!

Chapter 106: Giant Spirit Banquet, Unprecedented Grand Event! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Chapter 106: Giant Spirit Banquet, Unprecedented Grand Event! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

The past.

cause and effect.

Meng Nan supplemented Zhao Xiaoshuang's narration through "his own" records, and took some time to figure it out.

What Meng Nan has to face now is the time conflict between the third trip to the world of Demon God Ling three years later and the birth of the Tiancheng magic weapon 'Shenjin Ding' five years later.

How to solve it perfectly is a problem.

"The Demon God Order is strong this time."

"There is no way not to go in, but to get out as soon as possible."

The best situation is that it only takes two years to break out of this Demon God Order world.

However, according to the previous two situations, it may not be easy to break through in just two years.

"But there is no need to wait until three years later to enter."

"Three years later is the deadline, I can go in immediately, so there will be three more years."

Meng Nan thought, and made up his mind.

But before the Demon God Token is activated, he has to host the 'Giant Spirit Banquet' this time.


Xianli 1960, [-], golden autumn and September.

In Qingle Mountain, all the sages have arrived.

All the immortals in this mountain, such as the five chiefs who are away all the year round, Fairy Yuhe and Meng Jian have all arrived.

Among the five chiefs of Qingle Mountain, only Meng Nan's eldest son, the 'Shixian' Meng Xingzhe, traveled alone to the East China Sea a few years ago and has not yet returned.

But even so, the four chief-level figures are enough to make Qingle Mountain firmly sit at the top of more than a hundred mountains in a corner of southern Xinjiang, and its dominance is unshakable.

In addition to this, there are also four chief-level casual cultivators, 'Flying Locust Locust' Hong Jiang, 'Red Flood Demon' Cui Li, 'Tuota King Kong' Cheng Yuanzhi, and [Baitou Mountain] Red Rain Fairy.

a time.

Qingle Mountain is very lively.

Waiting for Yin Bozhi, the first chief of the Zhaixingzong, to lead ten peak Qi practitioners under his command to appear, it pushed the atmosphere in the mountain to its climax.

in this way.

The auspicious day has arrived, and the banquet officially begins.


After Meng Nan cleared his mind, he walked out of the cave and greeted the guests.

Compared with the "Giant Spirit Banquet" that was only held twice in the initial stage of the previous life, in this life, Mengnan's ambitions were only slightly revealed after a hundred years of preparation in the future. With more than a hundred mountains in one corner as the foundation, the vast territory and thousands of immortal masters were all gathered under the influence of the "Giant Spirit Banquet", and the atmosphere has been great since then.

Now it is the third session after the reform and expansion of the "Giant Spirit Banquet". More and more casual practitioners joined in, making the banquet unprecedentedly grand.

"One thousand and seventy Qi practitioners."

"45 peak Qi training."

"Four chief immortal masters."

At the banquet, Meng Nan occupies the main position among the mountains. There are no good or bad mountains, but there are inside and outside, showing the status and strength.While pushing cups and changing cups, Meng Nan saw more than a thousand immortal masters around him, and couldn't help but feel emotional.

In the "Giant Spirit Banquet" in the previous life, only Meng Nan was a chief Qi trainer, Meng Jian could only be counted as half, and there were only a handful of peak Qi trainers.

But in this life, not counting the attendees of the Star Picking Zong Yin Bozhi and his entourage, and not counting the qi training of the Qingle Mountain lineage, there are already 45 peaks and four chiefs in other qi training participating in the event.

Comparing before and after, although the total number of participants has only increased by three or four times, the quality of the participating immortal masters has increased by more than ten times!
Not just for banquets.

Meng Nan himself is also different from his previous life.

In his previous life, Meng Nan still needed to win over Yuan Han, Chang Yangzi, Taoist Zipeng, Huang Shixiong, Gu Xun and others to occupy the main seat. He had to rely on the reputation of these people to host the banquet and be convincing.

But in this life, Meng Nan no longer needs to rely on others, he has enough strength and prestige.

Giant Spirit Banquet!

This time, Meng Nan is the absolute master.

The banquet goes on.

Meng Nan was at the head, and Huang Shixiong, Fairy Yuhe, Chen Pu, and Meng Jian were helping. The mountain was bustling and orderly, following the established procedure.

After eating and drinking, it is time for the immortal masters to communicate and trade freely.

Many immortal masters also talked in twos and threes.

Until then, Meng Nan had no time to receive Yin Bozhi and others.


"The mountains are crude and the hospitality is not good. Please forgive me, Fellow Daoist Yin and fellow Daoists."

After eating and drinking, Meng Nan invited all the eleven qi training masters of the Zhaixingzong to Yunyi Peak, and also invited Hong Jiang from the Locust Scattered, Cui Li from the Red Flood Dragon, and Cheng Yuanzhi from the Tota King Kong. As well as Fairy Hongyu, the four chief figures from Zhushan were invited to show that the "Giant Spirit Banquet" is not just one word.

But on the Qingle Mountain side, Huang Shixiong, Fairy Yuhe, Chen Pu, and Meng Jian were also on the list, and together with Meng Nan himself, they still dominated.

Gathering like this—

Count Mannan.

Count Yin Bozhi.

There are [-] qi practitioners on Yunyi Peak, ten of them, including Ge Yunxian and Pan Xuehong brought by Yin Bozhi, are all peak qi practitioners, and the remaining ten are even more senior level, which can be called a gathering of heroes.

Meng Nan exchanged greetings.

Yin Bozhi laughed loudly and said: "Fellow Daoist is too modest. I have long heard that there is a feast once every 15 years in Qingle Mountain. I have been fascinated by it for many years. Seeing it today is even more famous."

The two talked.

Everyone has seen it.

After three or two sentences, Meng Nan got to the point first: "Eight years ago, the 'Rescue Society' headed by 'Flipping Cloud Hand' Taoist Remnant Cloud, 'Green Bamboo Sword' Han Yuan Layman and others suddenly appeared, followed by ' The Tongmenghui, "Xunxianhui", "Kaitianhui", "Compassionate", and "White Lotus Sect" appeared one after another, and the situation was chaotic. At the same time, news of the catastrophe of heaven and earth spread, such as "The Birth of the Great Demon" and "Natural Disasters" It is difficult for us casual cultivators to tell the truth about news such as "Advent", "Diyuan Riot", "National Rebellion", "Monster Rise", "Patriarch Ascension", "Six Sects Collective Ascension to Immortals" and so on. You are the number one head of the Star Picking Sect, do you know if you can teach me?"

In the previous life, Runzhu Sanren, known as "Qinghuolei" in the "Rescue the Suffering Society", once came to Qingle Mountain to make trouble at the "Giant Spirit Banquet".

Afterwards, Meng Nan took advantage of his identity as a 'Bai Lian Taoist' to find out who he followed in the 'Rescue Meeting'.

Immediately, in this life, Meng Nan took the lead. When the 'Runzhu Sanren' had just obtained the 'Green Fire Thunder Inheritance', he found and killed him, and took the inheritance away. Chen Pu, who has the highest talent in Lei Fa under his family, is quite stable, and has been a disciple for two lifetimes.

Chen Pu was also upbeat, and he had mastered the "Green Fire and Thunder Method" in a short period of time. He surpassed Meng Nan in this way and became a chief-level figure step by step. Often walk on behalf of the teacher outside.

For example, this time, he personally delivered the invitations to the famous and promising peak Qi training among the mountains.

Among them are Yin Bozhi et al.

Back to the 'Salvation Society'.

Although 'Qinghuolei' Runzhu Sanren was killed by Meng Nan and replaced by Chen Pu, there are still other people in the 'Rescue Society', who are still active at different times and at the same event node in this life, spreading the message of catastrophe With the teachings of the Salvation Society, and Meng Nan's secret promotion, it caused an uproar in a short period of time.

Afterwards, the news spread all over the sky, including what Meng Nan said.

But all the people present have been in southern Xinjiang for these years, so they naturally know which of them are true and which are false.

Meng Nan looked at Yin Bozhi.

Huang Shixiong and the others also looked at it.

Cheng Yuanzhi and Fairy Hongyu also looked at it.

The atmosphere froze for a moment.


(End of this chapter)

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