Xiuxian is a dead end!

Chapter 107 Ambiguous!Ding Yuhe! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Chapter 107 Ambiguous!Ding Yuhe! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

"It's all villains who are afraid of chaos in the world. It's a good thing. There's no doom."

"Where did the big devil come from?"

"Why did the natural disaster come?"

"The abyss, the nations, and the monsters are all out of bounds!"

"The six sects collectively ascended to immortality? Haha!"

"There is no basis, there is no reason, it is made up, it is really unbelievable."

Yin Bozhi argued one by one, and couldn't help laughing at the end, with a very sincere attitude.

Ordinary people might be fooled by him. After all, there is no definite evidence for all speculations and speculations, even the "heaven and earth catastrophe" mentioned by the "Suffering Society".

But Mannan was different.

In his previous life, he had personally heard some news about the great catastrophe from several Dao Ji mouths, and he also knew the specific whereabouts of eight of the many "tribulation-crossing fairy cities" secretly built by six sects.

In this life, on the basis of the previous life, three more were discovered by scanning and listening.

All of these can basically prove that what the 'Rescue the Sufferers' said is true.

After three lifetimes, Meng Nan was basically sure that there would indeed be a catastrophe in this lifetime.

It is not easy for Yin Bozhi to lie to him.

"Fellow Daoist deceived me."

Hearing this, Meng Nan shook his head and smiled.

Seeing this, Yin Bozhi smiled wryly and said, "I really can't argue with the nonsense."

Still pretending.

In this life, Mengnan, Qingleshan, and the Giant Spirit Banquet are more powerful and powerful, so the attitude of the first chief of the Star Picking Sect is different from when he came to the Giant Spirit Banquet in the previous life. It's a lot lower, so it won't be humble, but at least it can talk on an equal footing.

Comparing the two lives before and after, Meng Nan's feeling is the most obvious, and he feels some hope from it.


He was also thinking about deeper issues.

Since the No.11th life, the two Zhaxing and Zhenyue sects will set foot in the southern border and manage the mountains in each life.If it is for the resources of the southern border, in fact, in the previous life, he could use and entrust Meng Nan and the giant spirit banquet to mine more than [-] mountain resources.

With the size of the Star Reaching Sect, it is not difficult to replace the required resources.

But they didn't. It seems that they only want peace, and their resources are all self-sufficient and self-employed.

Then to this life.

Meng Nan managed the mountains as early as possible. When Zhaixingzong arrived, more than a hundred mountains were under control, so the direction and route of Zhaixingzong's entry into the southern border had to be shifted to the west to avoid the edge.

In fact, with the background of Zhaixingzong, why is this so?

There may be aspects that Meng Nan didn't expect or consider.

But taking the opportunity to obtain more information about the Great Tribulation, and even asking for a Tribulation-Crossing Immortal City, is always a good thing, and it is a real gain.

This life started from the [-]th of the fairy calendar, and Meng Nan had more time to play with them.

So Meng Nan chuckled and stopped talking to Yin Bozhi.

He wants to see what Yin Bozhi or Zhai Xingzong's plan is to enter the southern border.

Instead of blindly pursuing it, it is better to sit like a clock, let Yin Bozhi get anxious first, and wait and see what happens.

"hold on!"

"As long as I can come out early this time and give me a certain amount of time to arrange the trip to the world of the Demon God Order, I hope that the situation in Middle Earth and the four poles will be greatly changed, and the forces of all parties will be reshuffled."

"If the six sects decline, or if one or two of the immortal sects weaken, maybe we can break the situation and get more information I want."

Meng Nan had cleared his mind a long time ago, and after talking with Yin Bozhi at this time, he became more and more clear: "It's a pity that [Heavenly Demon Magic] is still not ready, if not, if Yin Bozhi or the other chiefs of the six sects are taken down, you won't have to worry about knowing the root cause." .”

Six Chiefs.

Meng Nan looked at Yin Bozhi, and Ding Yuhe, who was ranked seventh among his disciples, flashed through his mind, and a plan loomed in his mind.

There is no rush.

For now, the conversation continues.

Yin Bozhi denied and perfunctory.

Meng Nan didn't ask questions, but he never talked about more in-depth matters, not talking about his own attitude towards Qingle Mountain and Giant Spirit Banquet towards Star Picking Sect's setting foot in southern Xinjiang.

It's all blurry.

They are all ambiguous.

This seems to be what Yin Bozhi wanted——

Just don't be an enemy.

Seek steady growth.

As for Meng Nan, he knew that the heat was still not enough.

He is waiting, waiting five years later.


The banquet continued.

After enjoying the spirit fruit spirit wine, it is time for the immortal masters to communicate and trade freely, and then there is a small, trial auction session held in Qingleshan. The treasures that are put up for auction are varied, but the auction is uniformly bid with spirit sand.

Many fairy masters who need spiritual sand will take out treasures that they don't need or can't see, and hand them over to Qingle Mountain for appraisal.After the appraisal, the detailed rules such as the reserve price, appraisal fee, commission ratio, etc. are set, and the auction is finalized.

This year, there is one more detail——

All immortal masters who provide treasures can choose whether to provide them, tell them the specific origin of the treasures, and how to obtain such information.

The reason given by Qingleshan is that this will make the appraisal work easier to complete and the appraisal results more accurate and sufficient.On the other hand, it may be possible to summarize a set of rules from the various environments and feng shui in which many treasures were born, so that they can find more treasures in a targeted manner in the future.

of course.

All of the above is bullshit.

Needless to say, Meng Nan's true thoughts.

Refined materials, precious medicines, and other treasures, for practitioners, the more the better, the less is not too much.

Through the giant spirit banquet and the auction, Meng Nan can collect more information about the treasures, and when he returns to reality, he can make an advance move, which greatly increases his assets.

In short.

After Meng Nan arrived, most of his actions and plans had to serve the reality.

I have many thoughts.

Various arrangements.

The auction is in full swing.

This link is a new phenomenon that emerged from the previous banquet. The response of the previous two banquets was not bad, and the scene of this session has become more grand and lively.

Even Yin Bozhi and others made several moves and won many treasures.

Everyone enjoyed themselves.

The banquet lasted for many days and gradually came to an end.

Until the end of October in 1960, the banquet finally came to an end.The immortal masters left one after another, and Qingle Mountain was suddenly quiet.


The guests leave.

In Qingle Mountain.

Meng Nan called Huang Shixiong, Ding Yuhe, Chen Pu and Meng Jian.

"Teacher, I wonder what Yin Bozhi and Zhai Xingzong are talking about?"

As soon as he came over, Ding Yuhe couldn't help asking.

Huang, Ding, and Chen were all recruited by Meng Nan early in the morning, carefully taught, and gradually grew into chief-level peak Qi practitioners in Qingle Mountain, and they were deeply trusted by Meng Nan.

Therefore, before the death of Meng Nan in this life, and before this giant spirit banquet is about to be held, in the future, Meng Nan will communicate with these three people, meaning that he wants to use this banquet to give Yin Bozhi and Zhai Xing Zong exerted pressure and tried his best to build a tribulation-crossing fairy city to ensure the back road of Qingle Mountain.

But this time, Meng Nan didn't mention the matter in front of people.

Ding Yuhe thought that Meng Nan was communicating with Yin Boxi in private, so he couldn't hold back and asked aloud.

"not the right time yet."

Meng Nan shook his head.

"Not the time?"

Ding Yuhe frowned slightly, Huang Shixiong and Chen Pu were also puzzled.

Meng Nan was not in a hurry to explain, he looked at Ding Yuhe, and seeing her dissatisfaction with the boss of the Zhaixingzong, he felt emotional for a moment.

He read the dossier and knew that he had gone to Middle Earth in this life and accepted a total of eight disciples including Ding Yuhe.

Among them, three of them have grown into chief figures after more than 100 years in the Xianli calendar in the later generations of the normal timeline. They may not be the first chief like Yin Bozhi, but their strength, combat power, and potential are not low. They can be called Daoji seed.

For example Ding Yuhe.

In her previous life, just a hundred years after joining the Star Picking Sect, she had grown to a peak Qi training, and even won the chief position of the Star Picking Sect in one fell swoop, ranking sixth.

She and Yin Bozhi are brothers and sisters of the same school.

Although the other two are not disciples of the Zhaixingzong, if they are normal, their achievements are similar to Ding Yuhe's, and they are both chiefs.

It's a pity that the southern orange and the northern trifoliate.

After these three people were accepted as disciples by Meng Nan, they only studied the "Little Thousand Swords Classic" and majored in "Little Thousand Sword Formation" on the surface, but in private they also studied one of the six secret biography of Zhai Xingzong. Ding Yuhe of the Seven Stars] Miaoshu is still strong, step by step, and grows into the chief level as usual.

The remaining two fell behind.

One of them didn't even succeed in Qi training.


(End of this chapter)

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