Xiuxian is a dead end!

Chapter 114 The 3nd world is over! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Chapter 114 No.13 World Ends! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

After a whirlwind.

The Demon Temple is shattered.

The future is shattered.

Reality returns.

Mannan returned to reality.



"Waste a lifetime."

Meng Nan opened his eyes and shook his head.

This time, he didn't even stay in the No. 13th life for a full year, and he achieved nothing in the first life.

It was a waste of two thousand catties of spiritual sand and 20 years of mana.

And the next time you turn on——

[Open progress——]

[Level: Qi training]

【Mana: 0/400】【Required】

【Spiritual sand: 0/4000】【Choose one of the two】

[Sacrifice: 0/1] [Choose one of the two]


"40 years of mana."

"Four thousand catties of spiritual sand."

Meng Nan pursed his lips and shook his head.

double the demand.

Spiritual sand is hard to earn, and mana is hard to cultivate.

Meng Nan previously earned two thousand catties of spiritual sand, mostly by mining spiritual sand veins, but before his network was established, he only dared to spread his investment in mining small and inconspicuous mines, and the income was mediocre——

After a year, there are only two thousand catties.

Four thousand catties is two years.

Eight thousand catties is four years.

The further you go, the longer it will take, so it is necessary to speed up the speed of earning spiritual sand and enrich the means of earning spiritual sand.

On the premise of safety, earn more spiritual sand faster.

As for mana—

Treasures like 'Wu Ling Yu Lian' and 'Wu Ling Pill' are not easy to get, and they have their definite number.Even if Meng Nan keeps inquiring about it in later generations, there are only a few who can inquire about it and intercept it in advance.

These precious medicines and great pills for increasing mana, Meng Nan had to practice himself, and had to reserve some for his wife and children.

Nothing is too much!

Nothing is enough!


"We have to go in the future."

"Just be more careful."

Meng Nan thought to himself, and then habitually sorted out the harvest of this life.

This life is said to be nothing, but in fact there are still some.

For example, in terms of cultivation.

In this life, Meng Nan finally completed the first layer of Dan Yuantu, successfully promoted to the first level of Qi training, and took the first step in mana.

This is one of them.


The experience of No.13's future hunk, Meng Nan has read it carefully after passing, and recorded all of them, adding a lot of capital and background to him.

There is also a message about the strategy of the 'God Ash Cauldron', letting Meng Nan know that the investigation is dangerous, and he will be more calm next time.

the rest.

For example, cultivation experience.

Although Meng Nan, the No. 13th, is still at the second level of Dao Xing, after all, he has practiced for more than a hundred years, and his experience is also helpful.In terms of mana, he cultivated to the sixth floor and constructed the six-layer Danyuan map. Many experiences, mistakes, lessons, etc., are extremely precious treasures for Meng Nan.

The first life of Meng Nan practiced faster than the first life, a small part of which was due to various natural materials and treasures, but most of it was due to the detailed and suitable cultivation experience and experience of this life after life.

This is treasure.

Even if there is only these, 20 years of mana and two thousand catties of spiritual sand are not in vain.

It's just that Meng Nan's appetite has been spoiled by the previous lives, and the plan to conquer the "Shenjin Ding" in this life has died, and the plan to obtain the "Spiritual Pill" in the "Demon Temple" has also been shattered, so it is hard to hide his disappointment.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with it.

Cultivation is a breakthrough.

The trajectory of the whole life, including the experience of cultivation.

This is twofold.

There are still some sporadic ones, such as the message that the "Devil Temple" will eventually be broken. I don't know what it is useful for now, but it is known in advance. At least if future generations enter the Demon Temple again, they can avoid this approximate time point and avoid Suffer again.

After Meng Nan summed it up, he felt much better.

Once again, Zhao Xiaoshuang was still there, full of vigor and never entered the banner, let alone disappeared with him in the Demon God's Temple.

"very nice."

Sensing it, Meng Nan flipped his hands over to take out the 'Bi Hun Ointment', looked at it, and smiled.

Then say no more.

Not in a hurry to practice.

He stood up, went to lie down next to Zhao Xiaoshuang, and looked at Zhao Xiaoshuang who was smiling like in a dream, and the gloom was swept away in his heart.

Close your eyes and fall asleep too.


Early the next morning.

Zhao Xiaoshuang woke up, and when she turned her head, she saw Meng Nan sleeping beside her, and was pleasantly surprised for a moment.

Since Meng Nan became a fairy, the husband and wife spent less and less time sharing the same bed. They mostly sat and chatted before going to bed, and had sex. After Zhao Xiaoshuang went to bed, Meng Nan went to meditate and practice mana.

In fact, it is not only the queen of becoming a fairy.

Including in the past, Meng Nan is also very self-disciplined, no matter how tired he is at night, he can always get up and meditate the next morning.

Zhao Xiaoshuang wakes up every morning and the first thing she sees is Meng Nan who is practicing.

In this way, it is rare to sleep next to him in the morning.


Zhao Xiaoshuang stretched out her hand to stroke Meng Nan's eyebrows, as if she wanted to smooth away her frown, and put one hand on her lower abdomen again, with a look of light in her eyes: "When I give birth to my mistress, I will be able to focus on my cultivation."

Originally, after leaving Yinlian Village, the second and third babies don't need to be born again, and they don't have to be bound by the rules of Yinlian Village and Tianlin Cave.

Mannan also mentioned it.

But Zhao Xiaoshuang insisted.

Just like what Zhao Xiaoshuang said in the courtship, the names have been chosen, it would be a pity not to be born.She still remembered Meng Nan excitedly writing out the names of the three children in the future in the bamboo forest of Yinlianzhai and telling her.

She wants to give him three.

She wanted three herself—



Three altars.

He also fantasizes that the family of five in the future can become a couple of gods and their sons and daughters as described by Meng Nan.

Only when the third child is consummated, you can concentrate on practicing.

"A Qi Practitioner Immortal Master!"

"I will definitely make it!"

Zhao Xiaoshuang secretly made up his mind.


The second day of February in the 22nd year of the fairy calendar.

early morning.

Meng Xingzhe, who will be three years old in just over a month, and Meng Jian, who is in his early two years, and five little talisman generals behind him, get up early in the morning, jump up and down, without a moment's rest.

Meng Nan and Zhao Xiaoshuang were in a good mood watching their two sons bouncing around.

He can see the future with his eyes.

In hereafter—

Erlang Meng Jian has been able to steadily promote Qi training, although it is still only Chinese and French, but because of "Ji Youxuan Lingbao Ginseng" and his father Meng Nan's family is well-off, Meng Jian is not slow in cultivation, and once he is promoted to Qi training, he will rely on " Eyes of the Sky', the combat power has improved extremely fast, and can quickly grow to the chief level.

It has stabilized, so don't worry about it for now.

And in the last life, No. 13, Dalang Xingzhe finally succeeded in promoting Qi training, and he was promoted by Shangfa.

It doesn't matter if it's a coincidence or a fluke.

Meng Xingzhe finally became one, and there was another chance.

"Using the 'Nine Orifices Zijin Stone' as the foundation, practice "Thousands of Hammers and Hundreds of Refining the Body", supplemented by the nourishment of 12 kinds of precious medicinal liquids such as 'Baicao Yuye', and live underground to suffer from poisonous fire and evil spirits. It takes [-] years to achieve success. When you practice qi directly, you will have a solid foundation, and you will also have combat power in the subsequent qi training, with your nine orifices open, and your mana is boundless, known as 'Stone Immortal'."

Looking at the eldest son in the distance, Meng Nan recalled the first half of this son's No. 13th life in his heart, and felt emotional for a moment.

Compared with Erlang Meng Jian, the path of cultivation of Meng Xingzhe in this life is more bumpy and dangerous.

Forged by poisonous fire.

The evil spirit washes the pulse.

After 12 years of hard work, he was finally promoted to Qi training.

Although Meng Nan found the "Nine-Aperture Purple Gold Stone" and "Thousands of Hammers and Hundreds of Exercises" for him, but Meng Xingzhe's own efforts and determination are also indispensable.

"When encountering a storm, it will transform into a dragon."

"My son is not bad."

"It's just a chance."

Meng Nan turned his head and looked into Zhao Xiaoshuang's belly.

Both Xingzhe and Erlang have good fortune.


next life.

It is time to plan more for the third son 'Meng Santan' who is still in the womb.

This little daughter has a very ill-fated life. Like her mother, it is difficult to practice Qi in the thirteenth life. Meng Nan originally had several targeted plans in mind, but judging from the results of the No. 13th life, it is still not good enough.

After the No.13 improvement, Mengnan was still not satisfied at this time.

"October pregnant."

"There's still time."

"hold on."

"Wait until you have been to the No.14 world to see."


 Stable update, don't sing bad news, bad luck!

(End of this chapter)

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