Xiuxian is a dead end!

Chapter 132 Poor 1 World: The Treasure Raft to Save the World! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Chapter 132 Poor One Day: A Raft to Save the World! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】


Meng Nan looked at the death scene a year later and was stunned.

Then he quickly reached into the storage bag and read the life of this life. He was surprised and happy for a while, but he was still confused.

"In this life, I am no longer what I used to be. I have a lot of understanding and mastery of the powerful people in this world, even if they are casual cultivators or hermits."

"But a year later—"

Meng Nan recalled the death scene, and then looked at the [cause of death] column——

"Corpse refining raid?"

"Who manipulated the corpse to harm me?"

Meng Nan recalled that among the Taoist figures who were good at refining corpses, after thinking about it, there seemed to be no ancestor-level figures who were proficient in this way in this world.

On the contrary, it is 'Jiu Yaozong'.

It is named after [Jiuyao], one of the five thaumaturgies acquired in the No. 14th world. There are eleven chapters in the door, and one of them is called "The Secret Record of the Great Destruction of the Five Refined Living Corpses", which records five kinds of The method of refining corpses is the best in the world.

Outside of this, there is no hearing.

"Who is hurting me?"

"It's all possible!"

With only a little bit of information, Meng Nan couldn't locate the suspect. This was the first time he died inexplicably, and even the replay of the death didn't show the name.

I can only wait while investigating.

"To be able to refine such a corpse, there must be something extraordinary behind the scenes, presumably it was a hidden casual cultivator who made the move."

"But I don't know what the appeal is."

Meng Nan sorted out the information and thought about it.

Since killing him, it must be the enemy.

But the motivation behind it remains to be clarified.

Meng Nan's main strategy in this life is——

Win over everything you can.

Unite with all that can be united.

Crack down on everything that is firmly opposed to it.

To integrate the middle earth and the four poles from a state of scattered sand into a single force and a rope, and then make several preparations based on the premise that 'the [-]rd year of the fairy calendar is the day of the catastrophe'——

The first is to continue in-depth investigations, use various methods, and even invite Daoist figures to investigate this world carefully and in-depth, and find out the crux and cause of the catastrophe.

This is fundamental.

Get to the bottom of it.

But in the process of investigation, we can't just sit and wait, and we can't just sit and wait for death.


Another two-handed response——

First, still headed by the Six Sects, with the help of the Nine Lights Sect, to find out the geomantic omen in the Middle Earth and the Four Extremes, set acupuncture points, build a series of "Crossing Tribulation Immortal Cities", and finally connect hundreds of thousands of fairy cities into one. In the big formation, one is to suppress the Fengshui dragon and the spirit veins of heaven and earth, and the other is to make the fairy city strong and unbreakable, so maybe you can hide in it to avoid disaster and catastrophe.

But Mannan is skeptical.

"In my last life, I went through a series of accidents, perhaps a catastrophe. At that time, Xingzhe and I were in the 'God Ember Cauldron', but we couldn't stop the catastrophe, and we couldn't escape death."

"Crossing the Tribulation Immortal City can avoid it?"

Meng Nan didn't quite believe it.

It's a pity that although he had specific information about the several fairy cities supervised by Fairy Yuhe back then, he was escaping from the pursuit of the Patriarch Zhaixing at that time, and the calamity came so suddenly that he didn't have time to escape in, so he couldn't verify the truth of the "Crossing Tribulation Fairy City" Is there any effect.

"In this life, we can find out."

Meng Nan thought to himself.

But on 'Future Mengnan', he only has one life, so he dare not place all his hopes on 'Crossing Tribulation Immortal City', which he himself extremely doubts whether it will be useful.

Therefore, in addition to this, through the 'Devil God Order' and 'Devil God Temple', he also obtained a super magic weapon refining method from the outside world. The name of this treasure is——

"Treasure raft to save the world!"


"This treasure raft cannot be made by one person and one family."

"Meng has been preparing for it since 120 years ago. After the establishment of the Nine Lights Sect, he recruited more refiners and accelerated this pace."

"But as of today, the construction progress of this 'Shishi Treasure Raft' is only halfway through, and it is still unable to move, and it is impossible to fly, let alone escape from the disaster."

this day.

Jueming Sanren, Daoji's craftsman, led the twelve craftsmen under his sect to [Longji Mountain]. Meng Nan was overjoyed, and received him personally, and took the craftsman to the site where the 'Dushi Baoraft' was built. He is also introducing the progress of "Bao Raft" to Jueming Sanren.

one word -

Very unhappy!

"According to my guess, the catastrophe will come in at least 18 years. Fellow Daoist, it can be said that the rain is just in time, and it is just in time!"

Meng Nan held Jueming Sanren's hand with extreme enthusiasm.

"Year 18?"

"The catastrophe is coming?"

Jueming Sanren was attracted by Meng Nan's words, so he didn't care about his hands. He was surprised and suspicious, looked at Meng Nan and couldn't help but ask, "Do you have any basis for this speculation, Fellow Daoist Meng?"

Everyone said that the catastrophe was approaching, but no one could tell the exact time.

How could Meng Nan accurately predict the coming time of the catastrophe to single digits?

What kind of endurance is this?
Jueming Sanren cheered up and prepared to listen.




"Just a hunch."

Of course, Meng Nan couldn't tell, let alone that he suspected that he had experienced it in his previous life, so he could only talk about it.


But the more the hob meat is like this, the Jueming Sanren finds it somewhat believable.

Thinking about Meng Nan's actions in this life, it seems that all of them are far-reaching and targeted.

Even more than a hundred years ago, the construction of this "treasure raft" was started to prepare for the "big catastrophe" that had not yet been preached at that time.

This person walks one step and sees ten steps, which makes people have to believe it.


"The world is limited in this area, so many outstanding people have not been able to break out through the ages. What is the origin of this 'Walking the World Raft'? Fellow Daoist Meng is so confident that once it is completed, it will definitely come out?"

Jueming Sanren himself is the Daoist foundation, just like all the Daoist foundations in the world, they have explored the four poles of the world after becoming enlightened, hoping to transcend the world and enjoy freedom.

But nothing worked, nothing came of it.

And at this time, Meng Nan actually dared to say that once this 'treasure raft for crossing the world' is built, it will surely break through the world?

"Meng got it by chance. This is a blueprint. Brother Dao, let's take a look."

Meng Nan smiled and took out a mountain of construction drawings, not afraid of leaking them at all.

The construction of this treasure raft is extremely difficult. Meng Nan has exhausted the financial, material and manpower resources of the 'Nine Radiance Sect', and the progress is still slow. It is unknown whether it can be completed in the end.

Not to mention one person and one effort.

It can be said.

Apart from him, no one or force can refine the 'Treasure Raft' that he exchanged from the 'Devil God's Temple'.

None other than him.

Jueming Sanren just flipped through the drawings like this, asking questions and amazed from time to time.

Before I knew it, I had arrived at the construction site of the 'Walking World Treasure Raft'.


Only then did Jueming Sanren raise his head from the pile of papers, and took a look, but saw the mountains like a construction site, with fairy masters flying and weapon masters coming and going.

Living on the clouds, looking down, about [-] miles around are in full swing.

All the mountains and waters were snares, which seemed to be part of the treasure raft.

This is to make treasures from the earth, mountains and rivers together.



And at the bottom.

There is also a treasured tripod that emits raging flames, stands on the ground, and leads to various places through guidance.

in this way.

Nearly a thousand immortal masters, hundreds of refiners, and tens of thousands of true essence practitioners acted as coolies——

People are like bees, coming in and out, cooperating with each other.

The embryonic form of the huge "Wu Shi Treasure Raft" that stretches thousands of miles is in front of you.

"What a treasure raft!"

When Jueming Sanren saw it, his eyes immediately brightened!


 The three holy mothers in the world gave birth to Chen Xiang and lived with her father!It is not easy to go to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures, and it takes tens of thousands of miles to travel!oh oh oh oh oh oh~
(End of this chapter)

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