Xiuxian is a dead end!

Chapter 133: Husband Gang Difficult to Vibrate!But it smells so good! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Chapter 133: Husband Gang Difficult to Vibrate!But it smells so good! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

seeing is believing.

Following Jueming Sanren's personal visit to [Longji Mountain], he was soon persuaded by Meng Nan to join in the great cause of building a "treasure raft to cross the world" and deal with the "heaven and earth catastrophe".

With its leadership, I think the construction process of Baoraft can be further accelerated.

Gathering the material and manpower of the world, there is hope to finish the second half of the journey in the next 18 years.

Meng Nan is looking forward to the day when the "Shishi Treasure Raft" will be completed——

It is to avoid living in the fairy city.

Or retreat into the sky.

It depends on whether the treasure raft can be built before the [-]th year of the Xianli calendar.


The construction of the treasure raft is in full swing step by step.

this side.

Another day.

Meng Nan called Erlang Meng Jian and said, "Go to Ruyi Immortal Palace and borrow the 'Suoying Mirror'."

In the battle ten years ago, Meng Nan used the prophet to lead many Daoji into [Wuyang Mountain] to compete for the 'God Ember Cauldron'.

Judging from the face of No.14, Jiyi and Shoushan, Meng Nan had no intention of harming them, and never tried to cheat them.

However, the foundations of the Wuyang Mountains are gathered together, and the Patriarch Zhaixing is the key object of Mengnan's care. He tried every means to attract him, and this one has no time to cover up the movement here.

Therefore, the news of the birth of the 'Shenjin Ding' was detected by Jiyi and Shoushan.

The two Taoist patriarchs were excited and impatient, a 'Zhou Tian Da Nio' ran over, thinking they would join in the fun, but ended up ruining their lives.

The magic weapons on their bodies also fell into the Flame Mountain, and were picked up by Meng Nan and Meng Santan who came to pick peaches.

That battle.

Meng Nan not only took away the 'God Ash Cauldron', but also took away all 26 or [-] magic weapons from the [-] Daoji of the Six Sects and Four Extremes.

Some left by themselves.

For example, the magic weapon of the four-pole monster.

It further strengthened the foundation of Nine Lights Sect.

Some sent back six sects, such as the 'Star Picking Hand', 'Seven Star Sword', 'Si Fan', etc. of the Star Picking School to show friendship and unity.

Among them is the "Suoying Mirror" of Ruyi Immortal Palace.

With this method of double fate, it is easy for Meng Nan to borrow the 'Suoying Mirror' at this time.


"Father forgot, the mirror of Ruyi Immortal Palace was borrowed by Third Sister a long time ago, and it should not be returned by this time."

Meng Jian laughed.

"Three altars—"

Meng Nan was startled.

He really didn't know that.

He lost his memory!

In the 'Diary' there is only the record of returning the 'Suoying Mirror', but it is not detailed enough to borrow this crop again from the Three Altars.

"Then ask Santan to take the 'Suoying Mirror', and then turn around to find your mother and come back together."

Meng Nan immediately said again.

"it is good."

Hearing the words, Meng Jian responded, then patted his waist, and a magic talisman flew out, and he went looking for Meng Santan.



After a lifetime, seeing Zhao Xiaoshuang again, standing in front of him 'alively' with the sword box on his back, Meng Nan felt as if he had passed away for a while.

Fourteenth century

This is the fifteenth century.

After fourteen hardships——

Take big medicine!
Ingenuity Pill!
Until this life, Zhao Xiaoshuang finally succeeded in being promoted to become an immortal master for the first time, relying on the middle-grade spiritual machine pill and the double cultivation method "Gu Qi Huan Shen Xiao Si Jiu Qiong Dan Fetal Jing Ji Jie Shi Yu Jing Bao Jue".

All the hardships come!

It's finally all going well!

"Little Shuang."

Meng Nan looked at Zhao Xiaoshuang, whose appearance was not much different from when he was young, but his temperament had changed a lot, but he was more or less similar to the previous fourteenth generation.

Zhao Xiaoshuang in Qi training period!
This was the first time Meng Nan met, and for a while, he almost didn't know how to speak or get along with each other.

Flashing back to the scenes of life and death between the 22th life and Zhao Xiaoshuang in the past, Meng Nan pursed his lips and began to perform after thinking about the embarrassment of the first life: "Probably because he went crazy and burned his brain." , I can only remember things before the age of [-], until you were pregnant with the third altar for about five or six months. Before that, it was very clear and vivid. I don't remember any of it."

As Meng Nan spoke, he tapped his temple lightly with his hand in distress, as if he had lost his memory.


Zhao Xiaoshuang returned happily, hearing this and seeing this, she was silent for a while, the next moment——

The sword box on the back was opened wide, and one hundred and four flying swords of the upper and lower ranks came out, clanging and clanging, and locked Meng Nan on.

In this life, she didn't believe it? !


"Is it really amnesia?"

"Can you still lose your memory like this?"

With a sharp sword hanging from his head and a light on his back, Meng Nan honestly explained the problem, and told Zhao Xiaoshuang everything that happened before and including the age of 22.

He also used his diary writing to confirm and corroborate.

Only then was Zhao Xiaoshuang doubtful, put away a box full of scary flying swords, and looked Meng Nan up and down, seeing Meng Nan Qiao standing in place and daring not to move, he couldn't help but burst out laughing: "Then I'm not talking to you right now. Dolls in their early twenties talk? The me in your memory should be 22 years old. I was just pregnant with Santan that year. I was still young and tender. Looking at me now, I am like this, like an old woman , are you disappointed?"

"Are you scared?"

"What does it feel like, tell me."

Zhao Xiaoshuang is still Zhao Xiaoshuang.

Meng Nan couldn't help laughing when he heard the familiar words of Yan Guilai who seemed to have known him before, and the sweetness in his heart became more and more sweet. He didn't show his face, but shook his head and said: "You have changed."


Zhao Xiaoshuang looked at Meng Nan.

Meng Nan said with emotion: "When you called out, your husband would blush for several days, now—"



Zhao Xiaoshuang was neither ashamed nor annoyed, she just laughed and said: "Now you can only look at the old things that are old and rotten."

Years apart, husband and wife talk.

Don't have a taste.


With Zhao Xiaoshuang's return, Meng Nan is in a good mood.

this life.

All is well.

Only Mannan was going backwards.

In the 14th life before him, his predecessors had already practiced the "Xiaoqianjianjing" and reached the ninth level of Qi training.

But in this life, I switched to the double cultivation method "Gu Qi Huan Shen Xiao Si Jiu Qiong Dan Embryo Essence Notes and Interpretation of the Jade Sutra Treasures of Action", many experiences could not be followed. Meng Nan practiced for a longer time, but he only practiced to practice Qi Six floors.

The original experience is not available, and the speed of Qi training will inevitably slow down.

Before the husband and wife were promoted to Qi training, and even before the three realms of Taoism, Meng Nan took the initiative to master the rhythm during the double cultivation, and led Zhao Xiaoshuang to practice.

But when Zhao Xiaoshuang was promoted to Qi training, it was like a dragon entering the sea, out of control.

He majored in "Xing Shi Bao Jue" and concurrently studied "Da Tong Jian Jing". He often went out to practice, and his cultivation and Taoism progressed extremely rapidly.

In this life, when Meng Nan died, he only practiced Qi at the sixth level, but Zhao Xiaoshuang was already at the ninth level at this time, which was much higher.

During the double cultivation, Zhao Xiaoshuang had already taken the initiative, and Meng Nan accepted it.

Not just cultivation.

The "Datong Sword Classic" in the eleventh method is quite similar to the "Xiaoqianjianjing". Zhao Xiaoshuang also practiced this method, sacrificed a box of flying swords, and tempered the "Datong Sword Formation". .

When Meng Nan arrived, Zhao Xiaoshuang, the Second Empress of the Nine Glorious Sect, known as the 'Three Holy Mother', was training outside.

I can't work harder than Mengnan.

This life is hopeful Daoji.

"It's a good thing."

After Meng Nan read the record and chatted with Zhao Xiaoshuang, he became more and more happy.

On the one hand, he was delighted that Zhao Xiaoshuang once broke through the shackles, and since then, he has a bright future in the sky.

On the other hand -

"My cultivation is 'regressive', and now I am no longer able to practice the "Treasure of Acting", and my cultivation is only at the second level of Qi training."

"Original penance, it took a long time."

"But if you double cultivate with your wife, the progress will definitely be rapid."

Thinking of the beauty, Meng Nan's eyes lit up.


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(End of this chapter)

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