Xiuxian is a dead end!

Chapter 183 New stage, new challenge! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Chapter 183 New stage, new challenge! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Meng Jian was rescued.

Here it is.

Meng Nan, Meng Jian and his son couldn't just leave at this time. Meng Nan had previously promised Xia Yangjiu to worship the Immortal Sect of All Living Beings to practice, so naturally he had to turn around with Fu Xingyun and others at this time.

Come in a hurry, go in a hurry.

A world-class battle in the wind rises, and it comes and goes quickly.

This place is remote, with few people.

It may take a long time for the details of the war to spread gradually, and it is difficult to tell the truth from the truth.

Meng Nan ignored these.

He took Meng Jian, Fu Xingyun and others to return to the Immortal Sect of All Living Beings on the immortal boat.

the other side.

Three years later.

Nie Longyu and his group finally arrived at the Hoangsha Islands.


Hoang Sa Islands.

In the Bidan realm, there is a crowd.

Meng Nan is the leader, Zhao Xiaoshuang is on the left, and Qian Yu is on the right.

Huang Shixiong, Xue Zimeng, Chen Pu, Zhang Xinghe, Su Bomin, Wei Du, Shi Liang, Hu Yingying, Tang Zhengming, Yu Fei, Tang Zongwang, Cen Ji, Lei Shengda and other 34 disciples were all listed.

The immortals are bright and shining.

Looking at it, Meng Nan felt emotional for a moment.

In the "Evil Dragon Secret Realm", starting from the No.11th life, in the next life, his disciples practiced more and more Qi, and became more and more prosperous.

From 'Evil Dragon Mystery' to 'Evil Dragon Realm'.

Then from the 'Nielong domain' to the 'Rongzhen domain'.

At this time, dozens of people gathered in the Chongyuan Pavilion of Bidanjing, and each of them was familiar with the faces. The image and demeanor of the tenth generation overlapped in Meng Nan's eyes and heart.

I only feel proud and dry, and my heart is agitated——

This is a small step in the future time and space, but it is the result of his painstaking efforts in the past [-] generations.

Not just the dozens of people in front of me.

In the future, before the catastrophe of the 'Evil Dragon Secret Realm' comes, he will send people and even go back in person to bring out more disciples and relatives from his lineage.

Even if the catastrophe is irresistible and you don't care about the world, you must always take good care of the people around you.


"This is this world."

"In the next life, in reality, I still have more than 100 years to go, and I may not be able to find a way to deal with this 'evil dragon turn over' and protect the world."

Mengnan never gave up.


Gather the crowd, and after speaking.

The others dispersed, and Meng Nan left Huang Shixiong and Xue Zimeng behind.


Huang and Xue stood in front of Meng Nan with shame on their faces.

Together with Meng Jian and Qian Yu, they came to Huangsha Islands from Nielongyu, but Meng Jian was captured, and the three of them fled in a hurry and scattered in all directions.

Follow up.

Qian Yu rushed to Bidan Realm first, while Huang Shixiong and Xue Zimeng were a little behind, having just arrived not long ago.

Both of them are fine, except that they find it difficult to face Meng Nan.

"It doesn't have to be."

"What kind of person is 'Yilong Sanren'? The Huangsha Islands ranks third in the "Earth Demon Ranking", and they are all first-class and strong in the Dao Foundation Overhaul."

"Although the two of you have reached the threshold of the Dao Foundation, you are still practicing Qi after all. How can you compete with it?"

Meng Nan shook his head to dispel the strange feeling between the two of them, and then stopped discussing the matter, and asked instead: "Speaking of building foundations, your skills are ready, and you have mana and Taoism. The basic carrier can be solved by being a teacher. But you also know that in this world of cultivating immortals, the "fake Taoist foundation" has a mediocre future, and the "Tongfa Daoist foundation" is the upper class. It's just that the former is easy and the latter is difficult. It's early Do you want to achieve some 'Fake Daoist Foundations', or go through it a little longer, and gain a 'Tongfa Daoist Foundation', do you have any ideas?"

Fake foundation.

Pass method road base.

To this day, Meng Nan has long known that when he traded with Zhu Wenjin from Dongweitian in the 'Devil Temple', what this person said was probably not true.

Zhu Wen entered and exited from the great heaven, and practiced prosperously. The "Tongfa Taoist Foundation" must be the mainstream, and the "Fake Object Taoist Foundation" cannot be put on the table.

But he said in the past that he would take the path of "fake foundation", and the foundation carrier has been found.

I'm afraid it's just nonsense, deliberately hiding my clumsiness, and worrying that Meng Nanshi will open his mouth.

Meng Nan didn't know it at the time, but now it's clear.

But this is the past and it doesn't matter anymore.

After going through numerous hurdles in cultivation and qi training, disciples like Meng Nan are now faced with the choice of how to build a foundation.

Such as Ding Yuhe.

Such as Huang Shixiong.

Such as Xue Zimeng.

"The disciple is dull, but he also wants to try the 'Tongfa Daoji'."

Huang Shixiong didn't hesitate much.

Before he walked out of the 'Evil Dragon Secret Realm', the Dao foundations were all fakes. If he had the skills and conditions at this time, he might hesitate.

But after leaving the country, I saw Meng Jian and Jin Tan promoted to the "Tongfa Daoji" successively, and then encountered a catastrophe in the Huangsha Islands, and met Yulong Sanren, the top Daoji of Tongfa.

Later, along the way, I heard that there was a gap between the 'fake Taoist foundation' and the 'Tongfa Taoist foundation'.

Subtle, mentality changes.

Huang Shixiong is only in his early 200s now, even if he doesn't follow the path of 'wind disaster training', he still has [-] years left.

Fully qualified to rush for a 'Tongfa Daoji'!

Unlike Huang Shixiong, Xue Zimeng knows that he has limited talent in the art of magic, and he is also very handy in the practice of "The Secret Record of the Five Refinements of the Dead" and enjoys it.

He is not greedy for "Tongfa Daoji", and he does not want to waste time. He only wants to have a quick Daoji, and pursue the Dao all the way by "refining corpses".

"Familiar with the foundation of the law, there is no need to force it."

Xue Zimeng has a clear understanding.


Meng Nan didn't interfere with Huang Shixiong's and Xue Zimeng's choices.

Pass method road base.

Fake foundation.

Both approaches have pros and cons.

Of course, if all of them are successfully promoted to Daoji, most of the time, the "Tongfa Daoji" is far beyond the "Fake Daoji".

But this is the case when the promotion is successful.


Before the last moment, who can guarantee that he will become a Daoist?

When hitting the road base, it is much easier to use the 'fake road base' than the 'pass method road base'.

For example, Huang Shixiong, he should be [-]% to [-]% sure to be promoted to 'Fake Object Daoji' at this time.

But if you change to "Tongfa Daoji", you will have to major in a thaumaturgy at this time. Although it is not starting from scratch, it is unknown whether you will be able to practice a double-level Tongfa in 200 or even 400 years, let alone a follow-up formal impact .

The probability of success may be only one to two percent.

It's a big gamble.

Once it fails, it can also be converted into a 'fake foundation'.

But the period will be delayed by at least 200 years, and as many as 400 years.

Originally, the hundred-year-old fake Taoist foundation was expected to be real, but if it was a three- to five-hundred-year-old fake Taoist foundation, then the daylily would be cold.

Therefore, choice is important.


Meng Nan's lineage has been working hard to promote Qi training since the time of "Nielong Secret Realm".


The pursuit of each top disciple has turned into whether to follow the path of "false object Dao foundation" or "Tongfa Dao foundation" to build a foundation.

Practice Qi.

road base.

Meng Nan is improving step by step, and his disciples are also rising steadily.

"Practice Qi like a cloud."

"Daoji is like rain."

That day doesn't seem so far away.

Everything is going in the right direction.

A thriving party.

To arrange a group of disciples, Zhao Xiaoshuang and Qian Yu, Meng Nan knew that his own practice was the key.


After everything settled down, Meng Nan and Zhao Xiaoshuang went to 'Luoshan Islands' and returned to 'Duyouzhen Mansion'.


"'Duyouzhen Mansion' has [-] stone chambers, each of which can be called a blessed place, comparable to a high-grade fairy mountain, and can be used for Daoist cultivation."

"One thousand two hundred rooms can accommodate one thousand two hundred foundations."

"This is the future foundation of 'Chongyuan Pavilion'."

Meng Nan led Zhao Xiaoshuang to visit the 'Duyouzhen Mansion' and introduced them one by one.

"Real people."

"True Mansion."

Listening to Meng Nan's narration, Zhao Xiaoshuang was a little amazed, and also sighed with emotion: "When I was in Yinlian Village, I felt that Zhenqi and Zhenyuan were already heaven-like figures, and the Qi-training Immortal Master was even more lofty, like a fairy. Later, I also cultivated to practice qi, but there is still a Dao foundation above. Now that I am out of the country, there is a real realm above the Dao foundation."

Mountain by mountain!
The way is endless!

Zhao Xiaoshuang was amazed and moved, but her face was full of spirits and her eyes were full of fighting spirit.

'Nielong Secret Realm' is too small, it is a fish pond.

This place is the sea, the real world of cultivating immortals.

Originally, he was only on a small island in the 'Nielong Domain', and he already had a preliminary taste of the elegance of this world.Now that I have really arrived in the South China Sea, I only feel that this place is infinitely exciting, and Zhao Xiaoshuang is looking forward to it.


"Practice Qi."


"True Realm."

Meng Nan also sighed.

A mountain is higher than a mountain.

On his way of cultivating immortality, it can be said that he is walking on thin ice, and every step is arduous.

Climb up step by step, and finally have today's weather.

Not just him.

Including Zhao Xiaoshuang, it seems that in this life, he has been steadily promoted to practice Qi in just a few decades, and his cultivation base has steadily increased.

But who knows, in the future time and space, how much effort Meng Nan has made for this, and how many cycles of life and death Zhao Xiaoshuang has gone through!


Pay is rewarded.

As Zhao Xiaoshuang was promoted to Qi training, the first path of cultivating immortals finally passed.

Nine layers of mana.

Dao travels all over the world.

There are ways to follow.

With Meng Nan's continued support, and even with Zhao Xiaoshuang's drive to cultivate immortals, the future can be expected to be a foundation and a real world.


"Take you around again."

Looking back on the past and looking forward to the future, Meng Nan was in a good mood, and together with Zhao Xiaoshuang, wandered around in the 'Duyouzhen Mansion'.

say something.


He is also introducing more secrets of the world of cultivating immortals through "Duyou Zhenfu", introducing "Huangsha Islands", "Luoshan Islands", "All Living Immortals" and some changes of himself.

blah blah, blah, blah.


Until nightfall, fish and dragons dance all night.



Spiritual practice.

There are still two years before the secret realm of 'Gui Geng Zong' is opened.

While Meng Nan fished in the Immortal Sect of All Beings, he practiced in Duyouzhen Mansion at the same time.

In terms of spells, the major of enlightenment is still 【Chong Yuan】.

The third level [Chongyuan] is getting more and more difficult to study, and there is no progress at all.Every time I get enlightened, I seem to get something, but after careful exploration, it is nothing.

Too hard too hard.

But perseverance is the most important thing in practice, and Meng Nan will set aside time every day to study 【Chongyuan】.

Accumulate slowly.

Waiting for the next [Attachment].

In addition to [Chong Yuan], Meng Nan is also practicing and comprehending [Various Changes], [Two Qi Rings] and [Golden Light Cave Illusory Technique]. Currently, it is mainly [Golden Light Cave Illusory Technique].

These three skills are all obtained from [Deprivation], and their attainments are profound.

Meng Nan first analyzed the method of practice, and then took [褫拍] as a teacher, practiced carefully, and advanced quickly.

He has two talents——

One is 【椫褫】.

The second is [Attachment].

Among them [Tip Hua], a moment of practice can be worth a hundred, a thousand years and ten thousand years of hard work.

But it needs enough "one wonderful energy" to display it, and the faster it is, the faster it is, and the limitation is also great.

As for the spells obtained from practicing [Deprivation], although it cannot be accomplished overnight, but persevering in practicing is ten times and a hundred times as hard as self-cultivation.

Victory lies in stability.

For example, triple [two air rings].

It may take five or six hundred years to complete the second-level and fourth-level cultivation of the general Taoist foundation.

Only people like "Xiangnan Layman" can practice to the third level in the Taoist stage.

But Meng Nan is practicing at this time, and it is estimated that he will be able to reach the second level and fourth level in 20 years.

At most a hundred years, triple success can be achieved.

It seems that the time is longer, and the difficulty of practice is far more than [Attachment].

But [Deprivation] has no restrictions.

A century-old triple technique.

Meng Nan only needs three or five lifetimes to actually master three or five triple thaumaturgy.

"As time goes by, the spells I master will become stronger and more comprehensive."

"Use [Attachment] alone."

"Use [Deprivation] alone."

"This can make my combat power increase rapidly."

"And if I use [attraction] to practice the spell obtained by [deprivation], a wisp of 'one wonderful energy' can help me master a triple thaumaturgy!"

Meng Nan delved into the [Golden Light Cave Illusion Technique]. Thinking of this, he was looking forward to it for a while.

Two years.

In another two years, in the secret realm of 'Gui Geng Zong', it is possible to get another 'One Wonderful Treasure'.

Until then--

"[Various Changes], [Two Qi Rings], and [Golden Light Cave Illusory Art] can be achieved in an instant, and they have become something I can truly grasp."

"The three spell slots of [Deprivation] can be vacated again, and then look for three spells again."

Three techniques and three techniques.

Triple and triple.

With five, six, seven, eight and three layers of thaumaturgy, this is truly invincible!

[Chongyuan] Difficult to repair.

[Golden Light Hole Illusion Technique] Too easy.

Meng Nan didn't spend much thought on these two techniques.

His main energy is still on the true art inherited from the 'Duyou Zhenfu'.

"True technique—"

"[Three heads]!"

This is the first time that Meng Nan has come into contact with a true technique independently. Unlike using [Deprivation] to learn [Various Changes], Meng Nan can obviously feel the difficulty when he comprehends [Three Heads].

It is far more difficult to make the triple [Chong Yuan] diligent than at this time.




Meng Nan has acquired [Three Heads] for a few years, and he has studied it every day, but he has not yet started it, which is outrageous.

Three heads!

Three heads!

"Once this true art is cultivated, each of the three heads will dominate a dimension, and they can kill enemies from three dimensions at the same time, making it impossible for people to guard against."

"The three heads also represent the three paths, and they can practice the three martial arts systems together, regardless of priority."

As Meng Nan came into contact with two real techniques, he finally had a certain understanding of the magic of super-level techniques.

Super class!

True art!

This is by no means an exaggeration.


【three heads】.

Both true techniques can be called mysterious, and their power and beauty are unimaginable and shocking.

For example 【variety】.

This technique can change others, deeply understand other people's Dao heart, perceive other people's Dao rhyme, and substitute other people's practice thinking, so as to make oneself improve quickly.

In the past, the "Various Reality" relied on this method to ascend to the real world powerfully and become a real person instantly.

The hidden dangers of this technique are indeed not small, so that the "Various Reality" had to sit to the death to resolve it in the later stage, and finally failed.

But if one can cultivate to the 'true realm', who would care about some problems and hidden dangers behind the real realm?

More than 【Various Changes】.

[Three heads] are also strong.

In terms of attack——

Three-dimensional triple strike, if there is no corresponding countermeasure, the opponent can only be beaten passively.Various other blessings can even increase the combat power of practitioners by several levels.

It's called three heads, but it's actually fighting!
In terms of practice——

The three-headed practitioners have three sets of exercises, the progress is faster, the mana is powerful, and the Tao and deeds complement each other. This is no less helpful for becoming an immortal and attaining the Tao.

True art!

True art!

"Really extraordinary!"

The more Meng Nan practiced, the more frightened he became, and the more he cultivated, the more delighted he became.


It also became more and more difficult.


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(End of this chapter)

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