Xiuxian is a dead end!

Chapter 184 After 2 years, investigate real people! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Chapter 184 Two years later, investigate real people! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

[Three Heads] There is nothing complicated and profound in the early stage, but all kinds of moods need to be tempered.

Dividing the state of mind practice into seven layers is for——

Concentration, tranquility, tranquility, severance, clarity, enlightenment, and emptiness.

"Only by repairing to the third level can the foundation of the [Three Heads] be constructed."

"Cultivated to the fourth level, [Three Heads] can be regarded as the initial completion, the initial power, showing the extraordinary real skills, surpassing thaumaturgy."

The third layer is 'An'.

What is 'an'?
The savings are thick and powerful, and they are as stable as a mountain.

Only when you reach this level can you really start to build the visualization map, pouring mana and spiritual energy into it, and accumulating it day and night.

Only in this state can the visualization map be stabilized and regarded as the foundation of true skills.

The fourth layer is 'broken'.

What is 'off'?
Destroy the old and establish the new, self-innovate and look around.

At this level, one must have great wisdom, great awareness, and great courage to break out of the realm of "an" and open up a new world.

Turn everything into a fairy.

The real art begins.

"If I want to reach the level of 'safety' and 'break', I must first master 'steadiness' and 'quietness'."

Stop rough thinking, enter into fine thinking to calm the mind.

Hitch the Italian horse, and it will be quiet over time.

"Heart ape."


Meng Nan systematically sorted out the [Three Heads] true art from the front to the back, and after having a certain understanding from the macro level, he started to practice from the beginning.

Since then, the cultivation of the mind has begun, and gradually enlightened.


time flies.

Flash forward two years.

On this day, in the Zhenfu, Meng Nan opened his eyes, his face was calm, and there was joy in his eyes.

"'Ding' is forcible suppression, and we must be vigilant at all times."

"'Quiet' means that the nature does not move, and the state of mind is improved."

Two years of mental state practice was a systematic sorting out for Meng Nan.

From past life to present life.

From mundane to Daoist.

Along the way, from life to life, all kinds of experiences and insights were sorted out during this period.

The more experience, the more complex thoughts.

Until one day I completely see it away, and my mood has changed a lot since then.

Meng Nan went through all kinds of things, and was guided by the "seven characters of cultivating the mind" in "Three Heads", so he won't be "greatly enlightened", but it is not difficult to initially tie the "heart and mind".

"The next step is 'Ann'."

Once a person is 'quiet', over time, with thick savings, he will be as stable as Mount Tai.

There is no rush in this situation.

Must accumulate.

Be patient.

How much time will it take to truly reach the state of 'an'——

do not know.

Not sure.

It varies from person to person.

Maybe ten years or eight years, maybe tens of hundreds of years, maybe three to five hundred years.

There is never a set number.

This is also one of the difficulties in the practice of the [Three Heads] true technique.

Daoji Daxiu's lifespan is eight hundred, if it takes tens or hundreds of years to reach the first step of the official practice of "Three Heads", it is really embarrassing.

Let alone three 500 years.

[Three Heads] This technique cannot be practiced without the arrogance of heaven!

Of course, Meng Nan is not a proud man.

But he--

"I have 'future time and space', life after life, the most important thing is to temper the state of mind."

Therefore, it only took two years to truly cultivate the mind, and Meng Nan was able to overcome the two states of 'settling' and 'quietness'.

not only that--

"I still have [Attachment] to help me realize my epiphany. After carefully sorting out the experience of the 21st life, and then doing attunement, all kinds of insights come to my heart, and maybe it can directly push me to the state of 'break' and 'brightness'."

The more he practiced [Three Heads], the more Meng Nan looked forward to the next [Attachment].

And that day is not far away.


Located in the east of 'Rongzhenyu', not far from 'Hoangsha Islands' and 'Roshan Islands', there is a 'Baozhao Islands'.

Different from the situation in the 'Huangsha Islands' and 'Luoshan Islands' where the groups stand side by side, in the 'Baozhao Islands', the 'Guigengzong' family dominates, occupying half of the essence of the entire archipelago.

Great fortune!

There are too many Jade Stele Sects and Xiaoji Palaces beyond the 'Huangsha Islands'.

Even in the 'Luoshan Islands', the 'Zhenji Lingmen', which has a thousand foundations, cannot be compared with the 'Guigengzong'.

this day.

In Guigengzong, the suzerain 'Wei Gu' gathered together with eleven elders.

The division of power in this case is quite simple and crude——

The road foundation of the four realms.

Master at least one triple thaumaturgy.

As long as these two conditions are met at the same time, you can serve as the elder of Guigengzong Taishang.

Among them, the one recognized as the strongest is the master of one sect.

In other words, any one of Gui Gengzong's Supreme Elders can be ranked in the top twenty or so in other archipelagos.

And such strong men, counting suzerain 'Wei Gu', during this period, there were twelve Guigengzong!
It can be seen that it is strong.

Weigu Xeon.

He presided over today's meeting, took out a list, handed it to everyone present, and said: "This is the list sent by the 'You Xianhui'. There are a total of fourteen archipelagos in the left and right, with a total of 860 and 14 Daoists. [-] peak-level qi practitioners, about the same number as the last 'turbid qi tide'."

Dirty tides.

This is a natural disaster that "Baozhao Islands" will usher in every few decades or more than a hundred years.

But the scourge is not ordinary islands, not fairy islands and spirit islands, but a secret place located in the 'Baozhao Islands'.

When disaster strikes—

The turbid air rioted, and the evil spirit rolled.

The world suddenly changed in the secret realm, and thousands of fierce beasts manifested from it, harming the whole realm.

This is a catastrophe.

If these ferocious beasts could not be killed in time, a secret realm would soon be reduced to a desperate situation, and it would be difficult for immortal cultivators to set foot.

Because of this, the development of the 'Baozhao Islands' is far more difficult than other archipelagos, and the secret places everywhere are harsh, and few large groups are willing to waste here.

Only Guigengzong, occupying the right time, place and people, is the dominant family.

But in the face of the "turbidity tide", Gui Gengzong is also alone. Every time, he has to issue tasks in the "Youxianhui" and invite monks from all over the world to come to help.

In each round, more than a thousand dao foundations and more than a hundred thousand peak qi trainings arrive.


But these foundations are not in vain.

Gui Gengzong would bleed heavily every time, and almost half of the family property accumulated over the years was used here.

Many people have guessed that Guigengzong is sticking to the 'Baozhao Islands', and there must be some secrets in it.

But how many years have passed, how many "turbid air tides" have invaded, and no one has discovered the secret so far.


Gui Gengzong's Tenth Grand Priest 'Zhang Qu' held the list in his hand and looked at it quickly.

The people present were the first to finish watching, and then smiled at Weigu: "The number of people is about the same, but the overall level has improved a lot. I remember that during the last 'Tide of Turbid Qi', there were 18 people in the Taishang Daoji, and this time the number increased. to 23 people."

Too advanced Daoji.

That is to say, the top person who has mastered the fourth level of Taoism and mastered the third level of thaumaturgy.

This is based on Gui Gengzong's standard as the Supreme Elder, and the first level is self-defined by the sect, and it is only for the convenience of title and distinction.

For such a character, an archipelago islets, there are more than thirty or fifty, and less are only single digits.

For example, in the 'Hoang Sand Islands', there are less than 30 strong players at this level.

And this time.

Guigengzong actually gathered 23 such characters, almost equivalent to the Supreme Daoji of the entire 'Huangsha Islands'.

Plus Guigengzong's own twelve.

This time, it is necessary to gather 35 such strong men.

What a rare event.

Gui Gengzong's Eighth Grand Priest 'Mo Liancheng' also read the list at this time, and looked at the top 23 senior Dao Ji emphatically, and said with a slight frown: "There is a person called 'Meng Nan', who is actually The True Inheritance of the Immortal Sect of All Beings."

The Immortal Sect of All Beings.

This is one of the four real-level powers in the 'Rongzhen Domain'.

Although Gui Gengzong is strong, compared with such a force, it is not as good.

On the other hand.

As the true disciples of real-level forces, there are countless secret realms, strange places, resources, and opportunities in the Immortal Sect of All Beings, and they can be cultivated systematically.

Generally speaking, don't ask for anything.

Even though these true disciples have to go out to practice alone, Zhongsheng Xianzong is in the west of "Rongzhen Domain", and "Guigengzong" is in the east of "Rongzhen Domain".

Rarely will come to the 'Baozhao Islands'.

Gui Gengzong has been dealing with the "turbidity tide" for many years, but this is the first time he has encountered the true biography of the immortal sect of sentient beings.

It is strange.

"This person has been in the Huangsha Islands before, and he was ranked tenth in the "Earth Demon Ranking" of the Huangsha Islands. Although I don't know how to worship the Immortal Sect of All Living Beings and become a true biography, but since I was in the Huangsha Islands, it is very important for me to return to the Gengzong. It is not surprising that there is a certain understanding of the situation.”

"It just happened to catch up, come and have a look, maybe I also want to take a chance and explore the secret of my Guigengzong."

Wei Gu looked at the list, and said with a smile: "I know this person before, and his fighting power is not bad. The danger of the 'Mountain Spirit Secret Realm' is better every time. If there is more of him, there should be a lot of confidence. As for my sect's secret , even if the real people Xianzong Jinxiu and Yang Jiu came in person, they might not be able to discover anything, so don't worry about it."

Although Gui Gengzong is not a real-level force, its upper limit is far inferior to the Xianzong of All Beings.

But it can gain a foothold in the world and almost monopolize an archipelago, which has its own ability and heritage.

The Immortal Sect of All Beings?

Really fearless!


Wei Gu and others discussed the list for a while.

At this time, all the monks on the list had already received their answers, and they all gathered in the 'Baozhao Islands' and gathered in the 'Guigengzong'.

two months later.

Group repairs gather.

"A lot of people!"

"That's my No. 13 'Sui Chang Taoist' in the Canary Islands' Di Sha Bang", and that's the seventh 'Fairy Feixiu'."

"And that one, that's the tenth 'Old Devil Bidan' in the "Disha List" of the Huangsha Islands."

in the crowd.

The two base stations are in one place.

One is called 'Zhou Tong' and the other is called 'Ji Yun'.

Ji Yun looked at the front of the crowd. There was admiration in the eyes of the 23 people who were warmly received by the senior officials of Gui Gengzong.

To be ranked in the top [-] of the "Earth Demon List", each of them is remarkable.

Although his Daoji of Tongfa is good in the 'Feiting Realm' and 'Burdwind Island', it is nothing when looking at the entire 'Canary Islands'.

Not to mention the entire 'Rongzhen Domain'.

It's too far away.

"Peak Dao Foundation."

"Even Gui Gengzong must be taken seriously."

'Zhou Tong' was beside him, also feeling emotional.

of course.

Ji Yun didn't know that this "fellow townsman" he was not familiar with before was actually not himself at all.

But -

Mengnan changes!

"I have become famous in recent years, and I have received too much attention."

"It's not appropriate to take any actions to come to Guigengzong in my apparent identity."

"Especially in contact with this person, it is even more low-key."

Looking at Ji Yun, Meng Nan thought to himself.

Ji Yun.

Zhou Tong.

Both of them were born in the "Fei Pavilion" in the "Canary Islands".

It's just that the two of them don't have much contact, they just hear about each other.

But when they came to Guigengzong, in this Baozhao Islands, the two were naturally close.

Meng Nan incarnated as 'Zhou Tong' and chose 'Feiting Jing', not a random choice.

One is to keep a low profile, and the other is to allow both avatars to enter, with double protection.


And the most important point is for Ji Yun in front of him.

In later generations, when it comes to 'Ji Yun', few people know about it, and its reputation is limited to the 'Feitingjing' in the 'Canary Islands'.

But if it mentions another name after it became famous, it can shake the "Rongzhen Domain" and become famous in the surrounding sea areas.

Ji Yun.

Ji Yun.

According to the original trajectory, this is the "Rage Sword Master" who should rise strongly in Guigengzong's response to the "turbidity tide" disaster.

This fashion is Daoist, relatively speaking, it is still in its infancy.

He even looked up to Meng Nan at this time.

But now it is a hundred years in the Immortal Calendar, after this battle, under the original trajectory, only 35 years later, in the first three or five years of the Immortal Calendar, Ji Yun will be able to prove the true realm.

This is the real seed of reality.

How could Meng Nan not be interested?

Before this contact, he had already inquired about Ji Yun's past deeds.

300 years ago, Ji Yun was born in Ji's family, one of the three surnames on "Kufeng Island" in "Feiting Jing".

Its status in the Ji family is not high, it is just a collateral of the collateral, a collateral of the collateral.

You even have to fight for the qualification to practice.

His family was poor, so he had no chance to practice.

But it just so happened that there was a Jianghu sect in the county where it was located at that time, enshrining a monk of true essence, who was good at refining medicine, and recruited boys to fan fire to pound medicine.

Ji Yun was lucky enough to be spotted and was able to go up the mountain.

Since then, he has stepped into the path of practice.

Afterwards, the True Essence cultivator passed away, and Ji Yun inherited his alchemy skills, and has made a fortune ever since.

It has been growing continuously for more than a hundred years.


Practice Qi.

120 years ago, Ji Yun had already cultivated to the peak of Qi training.

It can be considered a certain status in the Ji family.

Afterwards, they entered a secret realm jointly controlled by the three surnames of Dry Wind Island, and competed for the foundation-building treasure 'Blood Yang Stone', which could carry the Dao foundation, and successfully snatched it.

There is a villain in the Naihe clan who robbed Ji Yun's Taoist carrier.

Dao Ji in the family also ignored it.

In a fit of anger, Ji Yun left Ji's house and went out to wander.

20 years later.

He actually cultivated the 'Tongfa Taoist foundation', came back strong, took over the Ji family, and cleared up the family tradition.

Flash forward a hundred years.

Today's Ji family is thriving, and Ji Yun is striving to practice with the resources of the family, making great strides forward.

On Kufeng Island.

In Feiting.

Ji Yun felt that no matter how difficult it would be to make further progress.

So I joined the 'Youxianhui', accepted the task entrustment, constantly sharpened myself, and also earned more cultivation resources.

This time.

Gui Gengzong's entrustment offers a very generous reward, so Ji Yun wanted to give it a try.

"This person can become a reality, and he has a bit of luck."

"If I go in alone and act alone, it's hard to say what I will gain."

"But following Ji Yun, at least the legendary 'Tianchi Sword' and the supernatural power [Rage Sword] obtained by the legendary 'Rage Sword Master' in the Guigengzong's "Shanling Secret Realm" are expected to be obtained."

"By the way, I can get in touch with him closely, take a look at this person's character and quality, and then think about whether to recruit or make friends in the future."

Meng Nan thought a lot and thought carefully.


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(End of this chapter)

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