Rebirth: It turns out that the treasure girl has been waiting for me for 17 years

Chapter 101 Both dominating the final exam?Will it be too loud...

Chapter 101 Both dominating the final exam?Will it be too high-profile... (Second update, please vote~)

one afternoon.

Luo Yuntian and Chu Jinxi have almost got many questions correct.

Especially those big questions with standard answers.

It is undoubtedly very fast.

If it weren't for the embarrassing incident that happened before...wasting some time.

An afternoon for the two of them.

I'm afraid it can be completely correct.


If they didn't waste time from the beginning, the two of them would just agree on the answer.

One afternoon is indeed enough.

But the little girl is not just answering questions.

Encounter a question with a different answer from Luo Yuntian's, even if this happens rarely.

Chu Jinxi had to do the calculations by herself.

She knew that it was different from Luo Yuntian's answer.

It must have been her own fault.

But the little girl naturally wanted to know where she went wrong.

After the calculation was over, the little girl understood everything thoroughly.

And this calculation process also wastes some time.

I couldn't finish the question in this afternoon.

But half a day is enough.

"My Jinxi, then let's do the quiz again tomorrow afternoon."

"Today, let's go here first."

Today's time is relatively late.

The two should also go to the store for a while.

At the same time, it is time for Luo Yuntian to send the little white rabbit home.

"Okay... okay."

"Then let's continue to check the questions tomorrow afternoon..."

Quiz is over.

After coming out of this state of learning.

Thinking of the intimate scene with Luo Yuntian before.

Chu Jinxi's small face felt hot for a while.

But thinking of being able to stay alone with Luo Yuntian again tomorrow afternoon.

The little girl couldn't help jumping for joy in her heart.


Luo Yuntian was going to send Chu Jinxi away first.

Tomorrow afternoon, you can be alone with the little white rabbit again~
As for why it is tomorrow afternoon.

It is mainly for two people to check the questions, and half a day is enough.

The little girl has a thin skin and can't find any other reason to stay with him all day tomorrow.

Besides, Luo Yuntian happened to have other things to do tomorrow morning.


Now the actors for the ad have been decided.

About slogans.

During the time of the final exam, Luo Yuntian had already thought about it.

When he separated from Lin Nianxue before, he had already asked Lin Nianxue to contact Xiaobawang Tianhai Branch.

Briefly talk about the shooting of the ad.

The commercial can start shooting tomorrow.

When the commercial shooting started in the morning, he had to go and stare at it briefly.

At the same time, the decoration and purchase of the branch have been dealt with.

A batch of new employees, Lin Nianxue has already passed a brief assessment.

He will go to the simple side tomorrow.

To do the training of new employees, the basic time is almost the same.

He still needs to be in charge of recruiting new employees.

Lin Nianxue might not be able to handle it by herself.

Besides, Lin Nianxue is still not very clear about the sales model of Yunxi School Supplies Store.

It is more appropriate for the employee training to be done by himself, the boss.


The two walked out of the room.

When Empress Dowager Shen heard that Chu Jinxi was leaving.

"Xiao Chu, are you leaving now?"

"Let's stay and have dinner before leaving, the time is almost here."

Empress Dowager Shen really wanted to keep Chu Jinxi here for dinner.

"No, Aunt Shen..."

"I...I want to go back early."

"And we still need to save a little time, go to the store first..."

If you count all these times.

Some are not enough.

Besides... in Chu Jinxi's perception.

Aunt Shen is so enthusiastic.

If you stay here for dinner tonight.

She was afraid that she would have to hold on until she couldn't walk for a while...

Empress Dowager Shen thought for a while, then looked at Luo Yuntian again.

Thinking of his precious son, Xiao Chu must have been 'bullied' before.

He was also bumped into such an embarrassing scene by himself.

Xiao Chu must be embarrassed to stay now.

"Okay, then let this kid take you back, Xiao Chu first."

"Next time, I must stay with Auntie for dinner again."

The two bid farewell to the Empress Dowager Shen and the Empress Dowager Taishang.

Especially Luo Yuntian, facing the double eyes of the Empress Dowager Shen and the Supreme Emperor.

Under the eyes of the two, they led Chu Jinxi out of the room.


The two went to the store and finished the store's sales for tonight.

At the same time, Chu Jincai also reviewed the daytime accounts every day.

Record it clearly on the ledger.

Luo Yuntian gave her Chu Jinxi's share again.

After eating with the little white rabbit, I sent her back home.

After Luo Yuntian came home at night.

Undoubtedly faced the 'double torture' of the Empress Dowager Shen and the Supreme Emperor.

It was hard for him to explain all this clearly.

And Empress Dowager Shen recalled the previous details.

The scene in the room at that time, although it seemed that something really happened to the two of them.

But judging from her experience, it seems that nothing really happened.

For example, there is no smell in the room...

In the end, the Empress Dowager Shen and the Supreme Emperor were dubious.

I believed Luo Yuntian's words.


at night.

Luo Yuntian paid attention to the download volume driven by the Yunxi browser in the Yunxi community.

The current download volume of Yunxi Community can be said to have increased significantly!
Go straight to the download volume of Yunxi browser!

But Luo Yuntian is clear about the current download volume of Yunxi Community.

is limited.

Now the publicity of the Yunxi community mainly comes from the sticky advertisements in the Yunxi browser.

Basically, the download volume of Yunxi Community reaches the maximum download volume of Yunxi Browser.

If you want to improve again, you need to wait for the advertising effect to increase.

"How many people have admired your youthful appearance..."

After Luo Yuntian watched all this.

The little white rabbit called.

The corners of Luo Yuntian's mouth were also slightly raised.

"Sure enough, it's a cute and somewhat arrogant little white rabbit~"

When he sent Chu Jinxi home today.

Chu Jinxi said that she would definitely not call him today.

The result is still saying no.

But the body is honest enough to call him~
Talked on the phone with the little white rabbit.

The little girl made another call and the phone ran out of battery.

Only reluctantly let him hang up by himself.

After Luo Yuntian finished talking on the phone with Little White Rabbit.

Lie down and rest and fell asleep.


on the second day.

Luo Yuntian got up in the morning and finished doing military exercises to exercise.

After having breakfast.

Finding a reason, he left the house.

Today is the day for publicity and advertising about Yunxi Browser and Yunxi Community.

No matter what, he has to keep an eye on it.


Facts have proved that Luo Yuntian has nothing to worry about.

Lao Hu's acting skills and business level are quite passable.

As expected, as soon as he debuted, he became the brother Xiaoyao in the minds of many fans.

Luo Yuntian was very satisfied with the effect of the commercial shooting.

Wait until tomorrow Monday.

It can be officially launched.

Luo Yuntian also directly discussed the conditions with Xiaobawang's branch to launch on the CCTV channel.

What is stipulated in the contract is the advertisement placement of the province and Taiwan.

Luo Yuntian is not satisfied with saving Taiwan.

On CCTV, there will be more traffic.


After finalizing all this.

Luo Yuntian asked Lin Nianxue to drive him.

A batch of new employees in the branch were also interviewed.

Product training has also been completed.

Starting this afternoon.

All can work.

The branch store has been renovated long ago, and the branch store decoration.

There are more arrangements for cameras, etc.

Especially the kind where even the sound can be recorded together.

It can be regarded as paying attention to these employees.

In order to avoid making troubles if something happens in the future.

Seeing that Luo Yuntian handles all this with ease.

In Lin Nianxue's heart, she felt more and more admiration for Luo Yuntian.

"Boss, you are really amazing."

"So quickly, everything about the branch has been dealt with."

"In this way, the branches of our company will be able to open soon."

Lin Nianxue simply admired Luo Yuntian.

"Just a little thing."

"The main reason is that Xiaoxue has done a lot of preliminary work, so I don't need to worry too much."

While saying so.

Luo Yuntian still said with a smile.

"Besides, if you don't have two brushes."

"How can I be your boss Xiaoxue~"

Lin Nianxue pouted slightly.

But she also knew that what Luo Yuntian said was the truth.

What did she think of at this moment.

"Boss, you bought the gift for the boss lady yesterday."

"Does the lady boss still like it?"

"Cough cough!"

It's better not to mention this girl.

As soon as Luo Yuntian was mentioned, he almost couldn't hold back anymore.

That scene yesterday.

Really, a happy trouble...

And all of this really has something to do with Lin Nianxue.

If it wasn't for Lin Nianxue following her vision.

He also misinterpreted what he meant, and said that he would choose underwear for the little white rabbit.

He wasn't so lucky yesterday.

At that time, the little girl was under the quilt, because Queen Mother Shen knocked on the door.

Randomly took one to change.

It happened to be the one Lin Nianxue picked, the very sexy one~
He really had a lot of fun yesterday.

"Yes, of course she does."

"How could she not like what I gave~"

Luo Yuntian spoke confidently.

Then think of that scene.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"On this matter, Xiaoxue, I also have to thank you very much~"

Lin Nianxue felt a little weird.

At that time, she recommended Luo Yuntian to buy underwear for Chu Jinxi.

Luo Yuntian said that he should thank her, which is of course reasonable.

Just why she feels.

Luo Yuntian's thank you always seems to have more than superficial meaning.

In fact, Lin Nianxue was right.

After all, if there is no her, Luo Yuntian will not be able to satisfy his previous feast~

After the matter of the branch is also dealt with.

Luo Yuntian bought another batch of servers.

He knows, starting tomorrow.

The advertisements of Yunxi Browser and Yunxi Community will be officially launched.

At that time, even if the TV series "Legend of Sword and Fairy" has not exploded.

But the advertisements on CCTV can bring a lot of traffic to Yunxi browser and Yunxi community.

After all, in this era.

Most people's entertainment is watching TV.

So many advertisements appeared relatively early.

People will memorize all the advertising words in later generations.

When watching TV every day, while waiting for the advertisement, it will be played repeatedly.

No doubt it's hard not to remember.

Starting tomorrow, the downloads of Yunxi Browser and Yunxi Community will start a rapid increase mode.

The server must hold up.

And wait until the Legend of Sword and Fairy goes online and explodes.

At that time, it was the time when the traffic completely exploded!

At noon, because Chu Jinxi agreed yesterday.

I had dinner at Luo Yuntian's house this afternoon.

He knew that he was going to have dinner at Luo Yuntian's house tonight.

The little girl found an excuse and said she was coming later.

I won't have lunch at Luo Yuntian's house anymore.

Luo Yuntian laughed when he received the call from Little White Rabbit.

I know that the little girl is because of embarrassment.

Another estimate is that I am afraid that after eating these two meals, I will not be able to walk when I go home~

I saw that the little white rabbit didn't come home for dinner at noon.

Luo Yuntian also called his family and said that he would not go home for lunch for the time being.

Lin Nianxue has been busy all morning with her.

Luo Yuntian also had lunch with her.

But in fact... Lin Nianxue really had the feeling that she would rather eat by herself.

Others are fine.

It is also very comfortable to eat with the junior boss.

But the main thing is my own boss, he is so talented!
Every meal, you have to be loved by him and the proprietress from time to time.

Lin Nianxue just wanted to express.

As an employee, I still have to eat dog food from time to time.


In the afternoon, Luo Yuntian went home.

After the little white rabbit came on time, the two continued to discuss questions.

This time, in order to 'prove my innocence'.

In addition, this time, there is really no such private thing as teasing the little white rabbit and asking her to change clothes here.

The two of them were simply preparing for the question.

Luo Yuntian also directly opened the door.

As long as Queen Mother Shen passed by outside, she could see the two people in the room.

Empress Dowager Shen looked at it a few times and found that the two of them really had nothing to do.

As for what Luo Yuntian said yesterday, he also half-believed it.


"Student Yuntian, this question."

"Oh I see……"

Along with the last wrong question, Luo Yuntian made it easier.

After Chu Jinxi fully realized.

The little girl's star pupils couldn't help but sparkle.

Among them, it is obviously full of worship.

"My Jin Xi is so smart, it was just that I was a little bit biased before."

"If I simply remind you, my Jinxi will of course be able to figure it out~"

Luo Yuntian spoke.

The little girl blushed again when she heard that.

And after the two finished matching the questions.

The little girl suddenly realized a problem.

"Yun... Student Yuntian."

"We both have the same answer for the most part."

"And the answers we did differently are all because you did the right thing..."

"Then...then will you really get close to the perfect score except for the kind of questions that may judge the score subjectively..."

After correcting the questions, Chu Jinxi realized that Luo Yuntian was not wrong at all.

Now, isn't it really going to be full marks as he said before...

"Of course, at least it's close to full marks~"

"Or, maybe it's really full marks~"

"Would that be...too high-profile..."

Luo Yuntian thought that Chu Jinxi was talking about whether the score would be too high-profile.

But what Chu Jinxi thought in his heart was, if both of them passed the exam so high.

Even if the rankings of the two are lined up together.

Will the relationship between the two attract more attention...

thought here.

Chu Jinxi's little face turned redder...

 4000-word chapters, ask for a monthly ticket, book friends who have a monthly ticket, please vote for the monthly ticket~
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(End of this chapter)

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