Chapter 102 How to escape during the winter vacation? (First change, asking for a monthly ticket, recommended ticket)
Luo Yuntian and Chu Jinxi finished the question in the afternoon.

When eating in the evening, because Chu Jinxi had promised Queen Mother Shen to stay here for dinner.

During the meal, the little girl stayed here.

The Empress Dowager Shen was undoubtedly extremely enthusiastic, and brought food for the little girl.

And Chu Jinxi's frugality from childhood to adulthood made her reluctant to waste food.

Shen Lan picked food for her.

Of course it's not good for her to put it back.

In the end, the little girl had no choice but to eat them all.

In the end, it was almost a little bit full again.

Luo Yuntian looked at it with warm heart, and also looked a little bit distressed.

But this time, Little White Rabbit is much better than at noon before.

Luo Yuntian had already instructed Queen Mother Shen in advance.

Let the Empress Dowager Shen serve Chu Jinxi less food, and eat more food when serving food.

That way, it won't be too overwhelming.

Besides, the little girl is a carnivore, so it's just like the little girl~

Considering that Luo Yuntian and Chu Jinxi still have to go to the store.

Empress Dowager Shen also cooked a little earlier today.

After the two finished their meal.

We went to the store together.

When I came to the store, this time.

Chu Jincai and Chen Dakui had undoubtedly left.

On the counter, there is still an account book.

Luo Yuntian casually flipped through the pages.

Seeing the clearly recorded accounts, he couldn't help but smile.

"Jinxi, we are going to do a quiz this weekend."

"Otherwise, it's not bad for us to drop by the store during the day to have a look at the store~"

"It's just right for you to meet that old brother Chu."

"By the way, when we are here, Brother Chu doesn't have to come here during the day, and he can go home and take good care of his family."

Luo Yuntian said with a smile.

This weekend, the main reason is that the two of them will spend a day to check the questions together.

Plus other chores such as shooting advertisements and branch servers.

It's pretty busy all together.

Empress Dowager Shen also enthusiastically wanted to keep the little white rabbit at home for dinner.

Otherwise, it would be good for the two of you to come and have a look at the store.

It just so happened that Chen Dakui had already met Chu Jinxi.

Chu Jincai never saw the little proprietress.

Also, let Chu Jincai meet the little proprietress in this shop~
Chu Jinxi's heart skipped a beat.

" Dad?"

If it is true what Luo Yuntian said.

She came to the store to see Chu Jincai's words.

How would she explain it then...

The little girl is simply unimaginable.

What kind of expression will my father see when he sees him...

Fortunately, this weekend, both of them have business to do.

Didn't really come here in the store.


"But what about the next winter vacation..."

Now the final exam is over.

It will be winter vacation soon.

On weekends, maybe she doesn't have to worry so much.

But for the next whole winter vacation, how can I escape!
It's impossible for the two of them to not come to the store once during the day during the winter vacation.

That's not realistic at all.

And once it comes over.

I am sure that I will meet my father...

Think about it all.

The little girl just felt that her little head was a little swollen.

"Well, yes... yes you can..."

"But we are usually busy on weekends..."

"You can also do business first..."

The little girl spoke weakly.

"Then my Jin Xi thinks, what is the business~"

Chu Jinxi couldn't think of a suitable one for a moment.

Can only speak subconsciously.

"For example, this time the question..."

The corners of Luo Yuntian's mouth curled up slightly.

"Yeah, this time the question matching is indeed a serious matter."

"It's okay to do more questions like this~"

The little girl was slightly stunned.

Then her little face turned red in an instant.

It seemed to recall the embarrassing scene before.

It made her little face feel hot.

" think beautifully..."

The little girl said with a flushed face.

Luo Yuntian pretended to be surprised.

"Jin Xi, I mean this afternoon."

"The picture of us opening the door and having a warm discussion."

"My Jinxi, where did you understand~"

The little girl's face turned even redder.

She knew what Luo Yuntian was referring to at the beginning.

Certainly not this matter.

But Luo Yuntian said so, she has nothing to do with Luo Yuntian.

Anyway, she couldn't speak against Luo Yuntian.

"I... I won't tell you..."

Think of the previous picture.

The little girl was so shy that even her earlobes were stained pink.

It fell into Luo Yuntian's eyes.

It just feels so cute~
Under the cuteness of the little white rabbit.

Just now Luo Yuntian mentioned the meeting between Chu Jincai and Chu Jinxi in the future.

It was also hidden inadvertently.

After a guest came to the door, Luo Yuntian did not intentionally tease the little girl again.

After finishing today's business.

Luo Yuntian sent Chu Jinxi back.

Then, as usual, park the car in a parking lot near home.

Ready to go home.

"Next, it's time to gradually show the cards to the parents and the little white rabbit."

"In this way, many plans in the future will be more convenient to implement."

Luo Yuntian was making plans in his heart.

Now he has some capital in his hands.

It is indeed time to slowly show the cards to Queen Mother Shen and the Supreme Emperor.

There is also a showdown like the little white rabbit.

Like he is still driving the little white rabbit home.

Although Chu Jinxi didn't ask any more questions now, he just felt that he might be the Empress Dowager Shen after she was discharged from the hospital.

Haven't returned the car yet.

But if he gave the little white rabbit like this every day in the future.

The little girl must still feel something is wrong.

At that time, I still can't hide it.

Besides, wait until the advertisements of Yunxi Browser and Yunxi Community are launched tomorrow.

In addition, Tianhai now has dozens of branches of Yunxi School Supplies Store.

This kind of thing can't be hidden no matter what.

It's better to explain to Queen Mother Shen and the others directly.

Now the Empress Dowager Shen and the Supreme Emperor should have a certain amount of psychological endurance.

Knowing in advance that he came over after opening the store, he shouldn't be too excited directly.

"Wait until I let my parents know about these things."

"After letting them know the capital I have now."

"The matter of opening a supermarket can be completely put on the agenda~"

During this period of time, it was about opening a supermarket.

Luo Yuntian mainly didn't spare time.

Cooperation with Xiaobawang and various advertising branch matters.

Also in time for the final exam.

There is really no more time.

In addition, Empress Dowager Shen has just been discharged from the hospital, and her body still needs to recover.

Luo Yuntian didn't even mention the first step of opening a supermarket.

Now, opening a supermarket can be put on the agenda.

Empress Dowager Shen's body has almost recovered now.

In all respects, it is a good time.


Thinking about it all.

Luo Yuntian returned home.

After telling the Empress Dowager Shen and the Supreme Emperor, Chu Jinxi arrived home safely.

Go back to the room.

Just waiting, the advertisements of Yunxi Browser and Yunxi Community will be launched tomorrow!

Besides, there is one more thing tomorrow.

Even the results of the final exam will be released!

However, compared to the advertisements of Yunxi Browser and Yunxi Community.

In Luo Yuntian's eyes, the final exam results were just a trivial matter.

Anyway, it must be No.1, so what is there to pay attention to~
Like the little white rabbit was a little worried, high-profile?
He is not afraid of being high-profile at all!
It's just that Luo Yuntian thinks that the final exam results are just a trivial matter.

Some people don't think so~

Wang Nianqi's home.

Wang Nianqi, Luo Yuntian and Chu Jinxi's class teacher, was wearing big underpants.

Enjoy the warmth of the heater.

Eating apples beautifully.

"Ring Ling~"

His cell phone rang suddenly.

After taking a look, it turned out to be a call from another head teacher.

Wang Nianqi was a little surprised.

"Mr. Song, what's the matter?"

"Teacher Wang, great news, congratulations."


Wang Nianqi was a little confused.

Great news, congratulations?

Could it be that his wife has another one?
But I don't know, how did Mr. Song know.

Old Song next door?

But Mr. Song is far away from his home!
"Teacher Song... what happy event?"

"Mr. Wang doesn't know yet, this final exam."

"Two students in Mr. Wang's class, one got the first grade and the other got the second grade."

"It's simply incredible."

Wang Nianqi was even more confused.

The hand holding the apple was almost trembling.

"Teacher Song, really...really?"

This kind of marking is cross-checking.

Before marking the papers, it was impossible for Wang Nianqi to know whose papers he was grading.

After reading the papers, he didn't pay attention any more.

Is it now...

"of course it's true."

"Furthermore, Mr. Wang and these two students have both broken the record for the highest score in our Tianhai No. [-] Middle School mock exam."

"It's really amazing!"

Wang Nianqi finally couldn't hold Apple's hand at all.

The big apple that hasn't been eaten much yet.

It fell directly on his big underpants.

Hit the bullseye!

But Wang Nianqi still didn't realize it.

Shocked by such great news, the whole person couldn't recover.

Wang Nianqi didn't know in the end.

How did he hang up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Nianqi was completely excited.

"Haha, a student in the first grade and a student in the second grade!"

"Both of them have broken the record of Tianhai No. [-] Middle School mock exam!"

"Yang is very capable, now let's see how you can fight me~"

Thinking that I have completely surpassed Yang Benshi, the head teacher of the second class.

Wang Nianqi felt extremely excited in his heart.

And it wasn't until then that he realized something belatedly.

The face is a little green.


"It hurts!"

Wang Nianqi's screams of pain and joy filled the surroundings.


The next morning, Luo Yuntian and Chu Jinxi.

Of course I went to school normally.

Wang Nianqi will definitely come to class this morning to announce the results of the final exam.

Although in Luo Yuntian's eyes, this is already a certainty.

But this is related to his two bets with Lin Zhengjian and Wang Nianqi.

when the results are announced.

I still have to come and listen.

By the way, let these two bets be fulfilled perfectly~
And before Wang Nianqi came to school this morning.

It's like standing in front of a mirror.

Comb your hair like a successful person.

Put on a handsome suit.

Came to the office early.

The last class this morning is his math class.

This morning time.

Wang Nianqi had plenty of time to show off.

Especially after seeing Yang Benshi, the head teacher of the second class, come in.

Wang Nianqi's ostentatious tone rose instantly.

"Hey, look at my little sweet student, not only did he do so well in the math test."

"Even this final exam is so good."

"It feels like my teacher didn't teach anything. The students are smart, but there is nothing they can do."

The few teachers in the office are silent now.

Especially Yang Benshi, the head teacher of the second class.

It was completely silent.

Just yell!
If the student does well in the exam, you will be embarrassed!
But Yang Benshi couldn't say a word.

Who made Wang Nianqi's class do so well in the exam?

Especially No.1 and No.2, it's too scary!

"Oh, and there is also my student who is a top student who has played steadily as before."

"This time, I have made great strides forward. In the whole grade, I am second only to my Britney Spears student."

"Students are so good, what can I do as a teacher~"

Yang Benshi felt more in his heart.

He was stabbed deeply!

Wang Nianqi is still deliberately provoking Yang Benshi.

Who told Yang Benshi to stimulate him like this before.

And even worse than him.

"Oh, you said my two students."

"It doesn't count if you take the first and second grades in the exam."

"This score is almost on the way to full marks."

Wang Nianqi almost grinned from ear to ear.

"It is said that the results are exactly the same, infinitely close to the results of the college entrance examination."

"Doesn't that mean that my two students have to get close to full marks in the college entrance examination~"

"If it didn't happen in the same year, I'm afraid there will be two provincial champions."

"Hey, the students are so good, it turned out to be a kind of trouble~"

Yang Benshi's veins were almost bursting.

But also completely helpless.


There has always been an old saying that a model score basically represents the score of the college entrance examination.

After that, the second model and the third model.

In fact, the reference value is not particularly great.

The time for a model varies from province to city.

It varies from high school to high school.

Some high schools will arrange the time of the model in March of the next year.

Some arrangements were made years ago.

For example, in Tianhai No. [-] Middle School, the first model was arranged before the year.

The unified examination of this final exam.

Executed in full accordance with the standard of a model test.

What it represents is really close to the students' college entrance examination scores!
Until it's time for class.

Wang Nianqi left the office.

"It's time for class, I should go and see my little sweet student."

"And my top student~"

Many teachers in the office felt goosebumps.

But Luo Yuntian did so well in the exam.

It seems that this Britney student will definitely always be a Britney student.

I will no longer become a student of Mrs. Niu.

Yang Benshi almost roared in his heart.

If you have the ability to get rid of these two students of yours, shall we compete again?

In Yang Benshi's eyes, Chu Jinxi has been playing steadily and getting good grades.

That is the same existence as Lu Bu!
He has been greedy for such a good student for a long time.

And he thought that Lu Bu was already invincible in the world, but he didn't expect someone to be braver than Lu Bu.

Whose minister is that?

However, they are all Wang Nianqi's generals!

When Yang Benshi thought of this, he felt more and more hopeless!
(End of this chapter)

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