Chapter 103 Lin Zhengjian: Hurry up and fall in love! (Second update, ask for a monthly ticket, recommended ticket~)

Wang Nianqi took steps that his relatives did not recognize along the way.

Came to class.

Wang Nianqi was excited along the way, if his body didn't allow it.

Almost want to do a few backflips!
And when you come outside the classroom.

Wang Nianqi coughed.

Forced himself to calm down for a while.

Put on a serious look.

Walked into the class.

The students saw Wang Nianqi walk in.

They all quieted down.

Quietly waiting for Wang Nianqi to announce the test results in the class.

"This final exam, the overall class test is not bad."

The students breathed a sigh of relief.

That's fine.

"However, it should be noted that there are two classmates..."

Wang Nianqi obviously didn't finish his sentence.

Hearing this, many students became nervous again.

It seems that there are two students who failed the exam.

The students were all thinking nervously.

I hope these two students are not myself.

Wang Nianqi looked around at the students in the class.

Then, he suddenly burst out laughing.

"There are two students."

"The test is very good!"


Teacher, can you stop panting so much when you speak.

Let's play inversion here!

But I heard Wang Nianqi say that the other two exams were very good.

It means that the class as a whole did well in the exam.

The students are also relieved.

But in their hearts, they were even more curious about it.

Who will be the two people who do well in the exam?
One of them must be Chu Jinxi.

The other one, could it be...

Many people's minds are involuntary.

I thought of a person.

Especially Lin Zhengjian was deeply thinking of Luo Yuntian.

In addition, he also thought of so many 2Bs who died in battle...

Finally Wang Nianqi couldn't bear it any longer and burst out laughing.


"These two students are Luo Yuntian and Chu Jinxi from the class!"

"Luo Yuntian and Chu Jinxi, one got the first grade in the exam, and the other got the second grade!"

"The test is not generally good!"

Wang Nianqi's voice fell.

The whole class was in an instant uproar.

One grade first, one grade second.

This is too strong.

It is simply the final exam of both dominating the rankings.

Husband and wife duo ah!

When Duan Xiaoming heard the news.

Eyes are about to straighten instantly.

If there was anyone who knew Luo Yuntian's achievements best in the past, it was undoubtedly him.

Now Luo Yuntian actually managed to get the first place in the grade?

Is the power of love so great?
Lin Zhengjian was at this time.

Thinking of Luo Yuntian's grades and his dead 2B pencil in his mind.

Even more deeply puzzled.

"Could it be that falling in love can really promote learning?"

"Can you still promote learning to this level?"

Such a problem.

It was too difficult for Lin Zhengjian to figure it out.

Zhao Qingwan's eyes were even brighter at this moment.

Unexpectedly, when Luo Yuntian fell in love with Chu Jinxi.

You can really make yourself so good.

It may even be Luo Yuntian's excellence.

It was early, when many people in the class didn't notice.

Rise silently.

"It seems that his reminder to me is really waking me up."

"His study is so good, his vision must be quite different."

"I must review my mathematics well and ask him more..."

And Wang Nianqi is a heavier bomb.

Still behind.

"Especially classmate Luo Yuntian, except for some subjective points such as composition deducted a little bit."

"The other points are not deducted at all."

"The result is completely close to the perfect score!"

"If the college entrance examination can still maintain this level, it will definitely be the level of the provincial champion!"

Wang Nianqi's voice fell.

After get off work, it's even more exciting!

Provincial champion!

With so many students in the entire province, if they can reach the provincial champion.

It is unimaginable how many people have surpassed!

"There is also student Chu Jinxi, although his score is not as good as that of student Luo Yuntian."

"But it also broke the mock exam record of our Tianhai No. [-] Middle School."

"If Chu Jinxi can maintain this level in the college entrance examination."

"If Chu Jinxi and Luo Yuntian didn't have to take the college entrance examination in the same year."

"Our Tianhai No. [-] Middle School will produce two provincial champions!"

Wang Nianqi wanted to let go of all the joy in his heart.

All said the same.

The class is now completely boiling.

Duan Xiaoming and the others waited for a few classmates who were familiar with Luo Yuntian.

More and more shocked.

And Lin Zhengjian was in such an atmosphere.

After thinking hard for a long time, I finally came to a conclusion.

"Dating in love does not necessarily promote learning."

"But the two of them falling in love will definitely greatly promote learning!"

If only because Luo Yuntian likes Chu Jinxi.

In other words, she and Chu Jinxi liked each other, and her grades improved greatly.

It is concluded that falling in love can promote learning.

It is undoubtedly a bit biased.

It can't be generalized like this.

But now, the truth is also obvious.

How others are not sure.

The example of Luo Yuntian and Chu Jinxi is before him, they are in love.

It is definitely conducive to learning!
In Lin Zhengjian's mind, a certain idea gradually came into being...


The atmosphere in the class is so warm.

Wang Nianqi didn't bother either.

Wait until the atmosphere calms down a bit.

He also focused on the results of other students.

Just like Zhao Qingwan and Lin Zhengjian, their results this time are also very good.

It's just under the halo of Luo Yuntian and Chu Jinxi.

It looks a little bleak.

Wang Nianqi did not criticize other students who did not do well in the exam.

Instead, it gave encouragement.

In the last moment of the third year of high school, especially when the mock exams are over.

For the students, there should be no criticism at all.

At this time, they should be encouraged even more.

In this morning class, Wang Nianqi did not give a lecture.

Mainly to make the students in the class happy.

Carnival had a carnival.

Anyway, there was still a mathematics class in the afternoon, and he planned to talk about the questions on the paper at that time.

Especially when I heard the atmosphere of the second class next door was full of silence.

Yang Daben, the head teacher of the second class, even after yelling and criticizing.


Wang Nianqi almost laughed out loud.

Laughing more comfortably and happily at the last carnival moment in the class!


After the last class in the morning.

Wang Nianqi was proud of the spring breeze.

He walked out of the office with a step that his relatives did not recognize.

Many students are excited.

Those who should eat have also eaten.

Luo Yuntian naturally took his love lunch.

I came directly to find the little white rabbit.

But Lin Zhengjian didn't go to eat.

When Luo Yuntian was looking for Chu Jinxi, he came in front of the two of them.

When Luo Yuntian saw Lin Zhengjian, he couldn't help but smile.

"Vice monitor, here is our agreement."

"It's completely accomplished."

Luo Yuntian's words.

Hearing that, Chu Jinxi felt a little confused.

Has he made any agreement with the deputy squad leader?

"Of course, you did so well in the final exam."

"Of course our agreement has been reached."

Lin Zhengjian said with a straight face.

"According to our agreement, as long as Luo Yuntian, you are in the top ten of your grade."

"Some intimate behaviors between the two of you in the class in the future."

"As long as it doesn't affect other students, I won't let the class teacher know."

"Student Luo Yuntian, you are the first in your grade."

"Of course I won't let the class teacher know."

Luo Yuntian was a little helpless.

This deputy squad leader is really a bit strict.

At this time, the agreement between the two will be renewed.

Say it directly.


Chu Jinxi let out a soft cry.

It was completely unexpected that Luo Yuntian and Lin Zhengjian did it.

It turned out to be such an agreement.

This... this bad guy.

How can I make an agreement with the deputy squad leader on such a thing!

Luo Yuntian smiled at this moment.

"Okay, I see, deputy squad leader."

"The deputy squad leader really kept his promise."

At this moment, Lin Zhengjian asked seriously.

"You two haven't fallen in love yet, have you?"

Luo Yuntian smiled and nodded.

"not yet."

Chu Jinxi also spoke weakly.

"Vice monitor, don't worry..."

"We will never fall in love before the college entrance examination..."

After Chu Jinxi finished speaking.

Lin Zhengjian spoke almost without thinking.

"Don't fall in love before the college entrance examination?"

"How about that!"


The little girl felt a little confused.

Isn't what you said wrong?
Luo Yuntian was also a little surprised.

What happened to Lin Zhengjian?
Lin Zhengjian said.

"Classmate Luo Yuntian, classmate Chu Jinxi."

"What I mean is, how can you two not fall in love before the college entrance examination."

"It's better to talk about love now!"

Lin Zhengjian's words.

Chu Jinxi was even more stunned.

This is the deputy squad leader, have you been stimulated by something...

"Look, you two haven't fallen in love yet."

"Just because we like each other, we got the first place in one grade and the second place in the other."

"They also broke records."

"If the two of you fall in love, you won't both get full marks!"

"This will definitely produce two provincial champions, which will be good for the class and the school."

Lin Zhengjian followed his previous conclusions.

At this time, he became an enthusiastic supporter of Luo Yuntian and Chu Jinxi's love affair.

"So you better hurry up and fall in love."

"Talk about it boldly."

"As long as it doesn't go too far, I will never tell the class teacher."

"No, it's too much... Actually, it's okay!"

Chu Jinxi: "(⊙o⊙)"

Luo Yuntian: "(¬ω¬)"

Chu Jinxi didn't expect it at all.

Lin Zhengjian actually still said these words.

This meticulous deputy monitor.

Instead...instead, she became a supporter of her and Luo Yuntian's love?
Compared to Chu Jinxi.

However, Luo Yuntian understood better why Lin Zhengjian said these words.

It is precisely because of this meticulousness in Lin Zhengjian's character.

Before, Lin Zhengjian felt that their relationship would affect their studies.

So when the two show signs of love that eat or even feed together.

Lin Zhengjian told Wang Nianqi about this.

After that, he also made such an agreement with Luo Yuntian.

But now, Lin Zhengjian feels that the relationship between the two will not only affect their studies.

On the contrary, it will greatly promote learning.

Of course, you will become a loyal supporter of the two in their relationship~
Luo Yuntian smiled.

"Well, deputy monitor."

"We will definitely think about it~"

Seeing Luo Yuntian agreed.

Lin Zhengjian also felt very excited.

"Well, come on."

"I believe in you!"

Chu Jinxi: "..."

Lin Zhengjian's current attitude has undoubtedly completely changed.

If it made him feel a little tangled in his heart.

Undoubtedly, it is to support the two to fall in love, which is considered a violation of school regulations.

But in the end, Lin Zhengjian still felt that the learning of the two was promoted.

Overcome this school rule.

The school stipulates that students are not allowed to fall in love, isn't it just to prevent students from studying.

Then Luo Yuntian and Chu Jinxi's falling in love will not affect their studies.

Of course it doesn't matter.

After Lin Zhengjian left to buy food.

The corners of Luo Yuntian's mouth curled up slightly, and he looked at Chu Jinxi.

"My Jinxi, you can see that the vice squad leader has high hopes for us."

"Then why don't we really, hurry up~"

"No...don't don't."

The little girl's little head was shaking like a rattle.

A small face was even more reddened.

"You have to wait until after the college entrance examination."

After finishing speaking, I was afraid that Luo Yuntian would think it took too long.

At the end, one more sentence was added.

"Anyway, it's not long before our college entrance examination..."

The little girl's face turned even redder.

It can be regarded as admitting that after the college entrance examination, he and Luo Yuntian fell in love.

In the past, she would say proudly that that person might not be Luo Yuntian.

but now……

It seems that no matter how arrogant you are, it's useless...

Seeing that the little white rabbit has changed from a little arrogant to a little frank.

Luo Yuntian is also in a very good mood.

At the moment, he didn't continue to tease the little girl.

And Chu Jinxi's small face is getting hotter and hotter now.

Woo woo woo.

Why does it feel like she is being tested everywhere now?

They are all testing her determination to fall in love with Luo Yuntian after the college entrance examination.

It felt like the whole world was promoting the relationship between her and Luo Yuntian.

And the corners of Luo Yuntian's mouth are slightly raised.

I didn't expect that even Lin Zhengjian could become an assist between the two~

Wang Nianqi left the classroom earlier.

Walking away with a pace that the relatives did not recognize, he left in a hustle and bustle.

Then I thought about talking about the math papers for the exam in the afternoon.

As a result, one didn't pay attention, and extreme joy begets sorrow.

'Glory' was lying in the hospital.

Although it is not serious, he will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow.

But in the afternoon class, I definitely won't be able to go.

"Hey, it seems that the afternoon is boring... Bah, I can't communicate with the students."

"It looks like I have to find a teacher to take over the class."

Wang Nianqi couldn't go by himself.

I can only think about finding other teachers to substitute for the class.

Yang Benshi, the head teacher of the second class, is absolutely impossible for him to consider.

However, other mathematics teachers can be considered.

It's just that Wang Nianqi never asked other teachers to take over the class before.

Other teachers come to teach the students in their own classes.

Nothing though.

However, there was still a little resistance in his heart.

"Or, let them move freely."

"Or change classes with the teacher who has class tomorrow?"

Wang Nianqi was a little tangled in his heart.

Either way, it's not a good look.

While thinking this way, Wang Nianqi suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

"By the way, since it's just about math papers."

"Then why not let my little sweet student tell the story!"

Wang Nianqi was here.

Subconsciously thought of Luo Yuntian!

 4000-word chapters, ask for a monthly ticket, book friends who have a monthly ticket, please vote for the monthly ticket~
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(End of this chapter)

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