Rebirth: It turns out that the treasure girl has been waiting for me for 17 years

Chapter 104 We listen to your lectures, but we still have to eat dog food?

Chapter 104 We listen to your lectures, but we still have to eat dog food? (The first change, ask for a monthly ticket, a recommended ticket~)

Thinking of asking Luo Yuntian to substitute for the class.

Wang Nianqi only felt that he was very smart.

There is quite a feeling of crouching dragon and phoenix chick.

If you let your own Britney student take over the class, there will be no problem!

Let your own Britney students take over instead of other teachers.

Wang Nianqi will no longer feel awkward.

Besides, he didn't plan to talk about anything else in this class.

I only intend to talk about the papers for this final exam.

Luo Yuntian just got a full score in the final one-model math test.

Luo Yuntian might not be able to talk about anything else.

But with this math paper, it is definitely possible to talk about it.

Let Luo Yuntian talk about the math papers in the afternoon first.

Wait until tomorrow when I recover, and then talk about other things.

Isn't it perfect~
"Well, perfect is perfect."

"But I need to inform my Britney student first."

Wang Nianqi didn't know that Luo Yuntian and Chu Jinxi had mobile phones with them.

What's more, the mobile phones of the two of them.

Especially Chu Jinxi's mobile phone, which was always turned off during school.

Wang Nianqi couldn't get through even if he wanted to.

And Wang Nianqi was here at this time.

I can't help but think of someone~
Wang Nian activated his mobile phone.

He dialed a number.


Duan Xiaoming just finished eating in the cafeteria and was about to go to the classroom.

Unexpectedly, at this time, his mobile phone vibrated suddenly.

Pick it up and take a look.

Still an unknown number.

Duan Xiaoming felt a little strange.

However, not many people know his mobile phone number, so it is estimated that someone really has something to do with him.

After thinking about it, he picked it up.


"Duan Xiaoming, I'm your head teacher, Teacher Wang."

Wang Nianqi felt a little proud.

Sure enough, Duan Xiaoming brought his mobile phone.

And now, the phone is picked up!
Wang Nianqi's mobile phone is a dual-card dual-standby mobile phone.

He also had exactly two cards inserted.

If he used his original mobile phone number to call, Wang Nianqi thought that Duan Xiaoming might have saved his number long ago.

Then it won't be accepted.

Changed this other card to make a call, and this kid really answered~
But Duan Xiaoming just felt a little confused at this moment.

Class... class teacher?

Where is the head teacher's mobile phone number? Could it be that he borrowed someone else's mobile phone to call him?
It's just a trick!

"Ah... ah, I am Duan Xiaoming's elder brother, Duan Daming."

"You're looking for Xiaoming, right? Then you made a mistake."

Wang Nianqi: "..."

Duan Daming?
I believe you a ghost!
"Okay, Duan Xiaoming, stop pretending."

"The teacher knows it's you."

Duan Xiaoming felt like he was about to cry.

Sure enough, his acting skills are too bad.

The phone will definitely be confiscated now.

"Duan Xiaoming, the teacher doesn't punish you, the main reason is that you have something to convey."

"The teacher is now... a little injured."

"I can't go to the math class in the afternoon, so you can ask classmate Luo Yuntian to substitute."

"Just talk about the math papers in class."

Duan Xiaoming was a little dazed.

Wang Laoban is for this matter?
Just this thing, of course no problem.

Moreover, Wang Laoban also said that he would not be punished.

Definitely don't pursue the matter of him bringing his mobile phone.

After hanging up the phone.

Duan Xiaoming was going to talk to Luo Yuntian after returning to work.

At the same time, he, who was curious in his heart, couldn't help thinking.

What kind of injury did Wang Laoban suffer?
Curious in his heart, he tried to inquire about it.

See if you can find out.

After Wang Nianqi told Duan Xiaoming to convey this matter.

I feel more proud.

"Sure enough, I'm really smart~"

Now Wang Nianqi only thinks that Luo Yuntian's test papers are okay.

Most of the lectures don't work.

But he doesn't know yet.

If Luo Yuntian is asked to give lectures in the future...

Simply, nothing happened to him!


Luo Yuntian and Chu Jinxi were in the classroom.

It is still full of dog food after eating.

Now Chu Jinxi's little face was even redder.

Especially thinking that now Lin Zhengjian has become her and Luo Yuntian's love supporter.

And let the two of them boldly fall in love...

This reminded the little girl that her face turned red.

It just feels like the whole world is promoting her to fall in love with Luo Yuntian...

And after Luo Yuntian had lunch with the little white rabbit.

I wanted to leave school.

Anyway, now that the bet is completed, he can ask Mr. Wang to make up the leave afterwards.

It's just that he hasn't waited for him to leave.

Duan Xiaoming walked into the classroom.

"Brother Tian, ​​brother Tian."

"Old class Wang suffered a slight injury, so he won't be able to come to the math class in the afternoon."

"I want you to substitute for the class, just talk about the math papers."

Duan Xiaoming's voice fell.

At this time, there are students in the classroom who come back from eating or buy food.

Among them was Lin Zhengjian who had just returned.

They were all a little surprised.

Mr. Wang, actually asked Luo Yuntian to take algebra math?
Luo Yuntian was also a little surprised, but thought about it.

Finally, he nodded with a smile.

"Okay, that's all right."

"At that time, I will watch and explain it to everyone in class."

Luo Yuntian originally wanted to leave school to take care of his own affairs.

But this afternoon.

Basically nothing to do.

The ad is all done, and the ad is now live.

Advertising fermentation also takes time.

Other branch matters have also been dealt with.

Before him was the matter of opening a supermarket.

This is not something that can be solved overnight.

Afterwards, there will be times when Wang Nianqi is needed, such as issuing a leave of absence.

If you take a class, just take a class.

"But monkey, you said Mr. Wang was injured?"

"What's wrong with Mr. Wang?"

Luo Yuntian was also a little curious about this.

Chu Jinxi also looked over.

In addition to being curious, I also felt a little nervous.

I don't know if the head teacher was really seriously injured.

Duan Xiaoming whispered.

"Brother Tian, ​​I inquired but didn't find out."

"But I heard two teachers talking about it."

"It seems that Wang Laoban wanted to go out of school to have a good meal at noon, and he was too embarrassed to watch the way."

"The front manhole cover was stolen by Wang Laoban, who didn't see it, and fell into it directly."

Luo Yuntian: "???"


It's an 'honour' for Wang Laoban to be injured.

Luo Yuntian smiled.

"That seems to be no big deal."

Duan Xiaoming nodded.

"It's nothing serious. I heard from the two teachers that I will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow."

Luo Yuntian heard it clearly in his heart.

In this case, it means that he needs to take over this class this afternoon.

It didn't waste his time at all.

Besides, he left school before, and it was no big deal to find Wang Nianqi to make up the leave.

Mainly because he was not very noticeable before.

Now he got such a high score in the test.

I still got a high score with the little white rabbit.

Perhaps other classes would come over to see his record-breaking top scorer in the mock exam.

It's better not to leave early this afternoon.

"Okay, wait until the time for class in the afternoon."

"I'll go and talk."

Duan Xiaoming brought this matter up again.

I went to talk to monitor Zhao Qingwan.

Since it was Wang Laoban's intention, Zhao Qingwan naturally agreed.

I saw the little white rabbit on the side.

The corners of Luo Yuntian's mouth curled up slightly.

"My Jinxi, then I will substitute for the class in the afternoon."

"But it's your little teacher~"

Chu Jinxi's face was a little red.

Open weakly.

"Well, you were my half teacher before..."

Supplementary lessons for two people.

Except for the first day.

Afterwards, she almost always asked Luo Yuntian for advice.

Even if it is not a teacher, it is not too much.

Luo Yuntian thought of something.

The corners of the mouth are raised even more.

"My Jinxi, after we get together in the future."

"The relationship between us seems to be quite unusual~"


The little girl's face was a little hot.

Her attention was subconsciously focused on what Luo Yuntian said.

After the two are together.

It was the first time for Luo Yuntian to say all this so bluntly.

It's like saying that the two will definitely be together in the future.

This made Chu Jinxi's little face obviously a little red.

And then, she realized something.

He realized that there seemed to be something in Luo Yuntian's words.

The little girl's star pupils widened slightly.

Then the little face became hotter.

"This... this bad guy."

"What are you thinking..."

The little girl was so ashamed that she didn't dare to think about it.

Seeing the shy look of the little white rabbit.

In addition, it is almost time for class in the afternoon.

Luo Yuntian didn't continue teasing the little girl.

Back to his seat.


The first class in the afternoon is not mathematics, and the second class is mathematics.

And the break after the first class in the afternoon.

Indeed, there were quite a few faces from other classes gathered outside the classroom.

I want to see what this mock exam is like.

If I leave early this afternoon, the follow-up may not be easy to explain.

But it will be fine after this afternoon.

The heat will eventually subside.

One afternoon is almost enough.

Except for the curiosity in the hearts of the students.

The school leaders of Tianhai No. [-] Middle School couldn't sit still anymore.

Luo Yuntian and Chu Jinxi are the first in one grade and the second in the other.

And both of them broke the record of the mock exam.

This is completely, a sensational behavior in the whole school!

"This time in the final exam of the third year of high school, the first and second grades are still in the same class?"

"They all got such high scores in the exam, it's a new record!"

The school leaders looked at the results of Luo Yuntian and Chu Jinxi.

I feel excited in my heart.

"Before the winter vacation, we must arrange a mobilization meeting ceremony."

"Let these two students come up and give a good speech."

"Tell me how they got such high grades in the exam."

"It must be a great encouragement to other students!"

After the school leaders thought of this.

A meeting was called soon to discuss the matter.


After the afternoon math class starts.

Luo Yuntian stepped onto the podium.

Zhao Qingwan had notified the students in the class before.

Said that this class will be given by Luo Yuntian.

The students in the class were not too surprised when they saw Luo Yuntian walk up to the podium.

But in my heart, each of them was really curious.

I don't know how Luo Yuntian will give a lecture.

At this time, many of them have already become interested.

Luo Yuntian hasn't started talking yet.

Compared to Wang Nianqi's lecture, their lecture to Luo Yuntian.

I feel more interested!
"Okay, let me tell you about the math papers in this class."

"Actually, mathematics is really a very simple subject."

"Every question has its answer, and if you solve it, you will get full marks."

The whole class felt the opening crit!
You can get full marks if you solve it.

But the problem is, you have to solve it first!

If it weren't for this era, there would be no concept of Versailles.

They must think that this is a Versailles boss!
"First, let's look at the first question."

Luo Yuntian explained the first question.

The process of explaining aroused the interest of many students.

It was only because Luo Yuntian was giving lectures.

It captures the essence of the topic with just one blow.

Not only is the efficiency of the lectures extremely high, but it also allows many of them with poor foundations to understand.

Compared with what Wang Laoban said, it feels much better!

Luo Yuntian quickly finished explaining the previous topic.

When it comes to the relatively difficult seventh question.

After Luo Yuntian simply clicked on the core.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Okay, let's move on to the questioning session."

"Jin Xi, get up and answer."

The little girl was taken aback.

Subconsciously stood up.

And there was booing in the class.

It made Chu Jinxi's face a little red.

"Jin Xi, let me ask you."

"What is the next solution to this problem?"

He met Luo Yuntian's eyes.

Thinking that Luo Yuntian is giving a lecture now.

I can't hold him back.

The little girl summoned up her courage.

"The next question is to..."

"Well, that's a good answer."

"Jin Xi, sit down~"

The little girl thought it would be all right.

However, after that, Luo Yuntian's style of teaching changed somewhat.

Except that he sometimes asks questions and asks Chu Jinxi to answer them.

Luo Yuntian is in the next few questions.

Ask students who don't understand in the class to ask questions.

But the person who answered this question was not him.

"Jin Xi, get up and answer~"

"Jin Xi, get up and answer again~"

"Jin Xi, you~"

The little girl answered these questions again and again.

All answered well.

It's just the envious and jealous eyes of the students in the class.

It made her face even redder.

"Mr. Luo, I have a new question to ask."

There are girls after a question ends.

Half jokingly and half earnestly, he called Teacher Luo and raised his hand to ask questions.

"What's the problem, tell me."

The girl's voice was a little narrow.

"May I ask Mr. Luo why he appointed someone to answer the question?"

"I just ask Classmate Chu to get up and answer the questions~"

After the girl's voice fell.

The people in the class are also more interested.

Chu Jinxi's little face turned redder and redder.

Luo Yuntian smiled.

"Of course it's because Jin Xi knows everything about these topics."

"I asked Jinxi to get up, so I can guarantee 100% correct answers, and I will give you some answers~"

Luo Yuntian, this can be regarded as a reason.

It's just that the girl said something ambiguously.

"Really, why do I feel that, Mr. Luo, you keep asking Student Chu to get up and answer questions."

"It's entirely because Jin Xi didn't shout enough, so he deliberately kept asking Student Chu to answer questions~"

Luo Yuntian spoke in an instant, "correcting his words".

"No way, I'm a decent person, how could I have such an idea."

"I'm just thinking about everyone's studies~"

The class was booed again in an instant.

Many people's hearts are even more sour.

Listening to Luo Yuntian's lecture, you still have to eat his and Chu Jinxi's dog food!

But they had to admit it.

They also learned a lot from Luo Yuntian's relaxed and pleasant way of lecturing.

(End of this chapter)

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