Chapter 105 Advertising ferments, I have a showdown! (Second update, ask for a monthly ticket, recommended ticket~)

Luo Yuntian finished the class.

Wait until the afternoon class is over.

Together with Chu Jinxi, they came to the shop.

And tonight.

Even if some guests have been assigned during the day, it will not be so busy at night.

Tonight, there are many more guests than usual.

As soon as many regular customers came in, they couldn't help talking.

"Boss, I saw an advertisement for the Yunxi browser Yunxi community on TV today."

"Then what is the Yunxi browser, does it belong to your family?"

"That's right, my son downloaded the Java installation package on his mobile phone, and said that there are advertisements for your store on the Yunxi browser."

"Even if it's not one family, the small boss has at least opened many branches, right?"

"What I'm talking about is that the advertisements on the Yunxi browser are not limited to this store!"


Many aunts spoke enthusiastically.

Hearing that, Chu Jinxi was taken aback for a while.

Cloud browser?
Yunxi Community?

what is this...

And their Yunxi School Supplies Store...opened a branch?
On the Yunxi browser, there are still many advertisements about their stores and branches?

Luo Yuntian smiled.

He knew in his heart that the effect of the advertisement had already begun to ferment.

In this era of relatively scarce mobile entertainment.

Television is definitely the entertainment pastime for most people.

Even if Brother Hu's current popularity is far from being as popular as after the explosion of Legend of Sword and Fairy.

But as long as this advertisement is placed on CCTV, there will already be a lot of traffic.

And wait until the TV series "Legend of Sword and Fairy" explodes.

Advertisement traffic, ushered in a big explosion!
"That's right, both the Yunxi browser and the Yunxi community belong to us."

"Our Yunxi school supplies store has opened many branches in Tianhai."

"If you need it in the future, those who are closer to the branch can go directly to the branch."

"Customers who are farther away don't have to come here anymore."

After Luo Yuntian said this.

Those aunts were even more excited.

"The little boss has really opened a branch? It's too capable!"

"With so many branches, the small boss is getting bigger and bigger now, young and promising!"

"If my children can keep up with half of the little boss in the future, I don't have to worry about it."

"Although I don't know what Yunxi browser is, my son always praises that Yunxi browser is easy to use."

"My son, too, said it was the best browser he's ever used!"

The words of the guests.

This made Chu Jinxi's small head even more confused.

Luo Yuntian saw the cute look of the little white rabbit.

There was no explanation for a while.

After all the busy work is over and the guests have left.

Luo Yuntian couldn't help scratching the little white rabbit's nose.

"My Jin Xi, you have heard it all."

"The Yunxi browser and the Yunxi community were indeed developed by me."

"The advertisement about this has already been broadcast on TV, and it will also be of great help to the sales of our Yunxi school supplies store."

"And now, I have directly opened many branches to sell~"

Chu Jinxi only felt overwhelmed by this series of news.

It was a little dizzy.

After a while, I subconsciously asked one.

She also felt very concerned about the problem in her heart.

"Cloud... Yunxi browser and Yunxi community."

"What are they..."

Luo Yuntian smiled.

"What I said to my Jinxi, I'm afraid it will not be easy for you to understand for a while."

"I'll download it on your phone for you, Jinxi, you'll understand their functions after a while~"

Luo Yuntian downloaded these two softwares to Chu Jinxi's mobile phone.

Chu Jinxi's mobile phone is the same as his.

All of them are the best smartphones of this era.

The installation speed is also very fast.

After experiencing the Yunxi browser, although the little girl has never used a browser before.

But it can also be felt naturally that the loading speed is really fast.

Especially the little girl noticed.

Open the cloud browser.

Advertisements about Yunxi School Supplies Store's top store locations appeared there.

In addition, there are advertisements about the Xiaobawang learning machine.

But this is mainly to fulfill the contract.

And the little girl doesn't know yet.

Luo Yuntian owns the agency and monopoly rights of Xiaobawang Learning Machine in Tianhai.

Even this advertisement for Xiaobawang is equivalent to greatly increasing the sales of Xiaobawang in the store~
And after experiencing the Yunxi community.

The little girl was immediately attracted.

"How about it, my Jin Xi."

"It feels interesting~"

"This Yunxi community, as long as you add friends, you can share albums and updates with each other."

"You can leave a message to the other party, it is a very good social tool~"

Chu Jinxi nodded subconsciously.

express approval.

Then, the little face turned red and opened.

"Then the two of us, let's be friends, okay..."

The corners of Luo Yuntian's mouth curled up slightly.

"My Jin Xi hasn't noticed yet."

"The only friend in Yunxi's community now is me~"

Chu Jinxi was slightly dumbfounded.

After a closer look, I found that it was indeed the case.

Her only friend in the Yunxi community.

Looking at the name, it is clear that it is Luo Yuntian...

"In other words, everything we share in this Yunxi community..."

"Can you...can see each other?"

"Of course~"

The little girl's eyes were shining brightly.

"Then, will they be kept here forever..."

"As long as my Jinxi doesn't delete them in the future."

"Then they will exist forever~"

"I'm not willing to delete it..."

The little girl subconsciously said something.

And after she finished speaking.

Facing Luo Yuntian's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

The little face felt a little hotter.

"I... I mean, I'm not going to delete..."

Seeing the little girl, she was a little arrogant.

There was no direct acknowledgment.

Luo Yuntian's mood couldn't help getting better~
Except for the Yunxi browser.

There are also those few advertisements hanging in the Yunxi community.

It is enough to imagine how big the traffic promotion between each other is.

"Student Yuntian, this Yunxi browser and Yunxi community..."

"Is... all developed by you?"

"Of course, if it's fake~"

Luo Yuntian spoke.

The little girl's eyes were full of admiration.

He didn't doubt Luo Yuntian's words at all.

" are really amazing..."

"Of course, I don't even look at who it is in the future~"

What Luo Yuntian said.

It was like praising Chu Jinxi.

Hearing this, the little girl's face became even hotter.

But she couldn't open her mouth to refute.

After all, Luo Yuntian didn't say that he will be her man in the future.

She has no way to refute it...


The little girl experienced Yunxi browser and Yunxi community.

I know it's a little late.

Did not continue to stay.

Luo Yuntian sent her back.

When getting off the car, the little girl realized a problem.

"Student Yuntian, advertise and open a branch."

"It should cost a lot of money..."

"You... where did you get the money..."

Luo Yuntian said.

"It was easy, and I made a lot of money doing hoops and running a school supply store in the beginning."

"Little Bawang's life is not easy now, the wind and rain are precarious, and I will discuss the cooperation with Xiaobawang."

"The cost of advertising is all borne by Xiaobawang. I don't need to spend any money, I only need to bear the cost of the actors."

"As for opening a branch, the temporary expenses are relatively high, and I can make a lot of money soon~"

"With the promotion of Yunxi Browser and Yunxi Community, the sales in the store will further increase~"

Luo Yuntian can say that he is not lying.

These are also true.

Xiaobawang's life is indeed difficult now, and the advertising expenses are indeed mainly borne by Xiaobawang.

It's just about winning the lottery, including starting a company.

The optional look-ahead is omitted.

Otherwise, the little white rabbit would know everything about it.

It is estimated that it is really going to be quite shocking.

Even so, the little girl was too shocked to recover.

It took a while before I managed to regain my senses.

Seeing Luo Yuntian was looking at her with a half-smile.

The little girl finally escaped upstairs.

After ensuring that the little white rabbit got home safely, Luo Yuncai returned home.


Chu Jinxi returned home.

A small heart still feels like beating hard.

Finally, he managed to calm down.

As soon as Chu Jincai saw Chu Jinxi coming back, he couldn't help asking.

"Baby, have you got your grades in the final exam this time?"

"How was the test...?"

Chu Jincai's heart was filled with anticipation.

There is still a trace of apprehension.

"Dad, I did well in the exam."

"I got the second grade in the exam..."

Chu Jincai heard that his daughter got such a high score in the test.

Nature is full of joy.

And after Chu Jinxi said the specific score.

Chu Jincai just felt dumbfounded.

"Baby, with such a high score, is she still the second in grade?"

"That is, the student in the first grade, who is higher than you in the exam?"


Chu Jinxi hummed lightly.

Chu Jincai was concerned about the child who was the first in the grade.

I really feel that this kid is too smart.

But he is still proud of his daughter.

If my daughter's grades can be maintained until the college entrance examination.

It will definitely be no problem to break the previous record!

"Baby, let me tell you."

"Today, when Dad was showing the store to the little boss, many people came to him in the afternoon."

"It was only after I saw what browser was recommended by the ad that I learned about the store from inside."

"So I found it in the store."

Chu Jincai said excitedly.

"Then what kind of browser and what kind of Yunxi community, they must all belong to the small boss."

"The little boss's shop has also opened many branches, and it really is getting bigger and bigger."

"It's the first time for Dad to see such an outstanding kid as Little Boss!"

Chu Jinxi nodded subconsciously.

It was also the first time for her to see someone as outstanding as Luo Yuntian...

"That's right, doll."

"The male classmate who treated you very well, how did he do in the exam?"

Chu Jincai thought of all this at this moment.

Asked Chu Jinxi.

"He... is the number one in that grade."

Chu Jincai was slightly taken aback.

I didn't expect it to be so.

"It turns out that this is the case, this child is also a very good child."

Chu Jincai felt a little proud.

As expected of her own daughter.

Boys who like their daughters are so outstanding.

But there was still some pity in his heart.

In this way, own daughter and little boss.

There is definitely no possibility.

Especially the little boss, who still likes the little boss lady he has never seen before.

Unless his daughter happened to be that little proprietress.

But how could such a thing be possible?
"Baby, let me tell you the good news first."

"Tell your mother to go!"

Chu Jincai excitedly prepared to report Chu Jinxi's test results this time.

Go tell your wife.

Chu Jinxi nodded slightly.

And after his father left.

She couldn't help thinking wildly in her heart.

My father still doesn't know about these two outstanding children in his mouth.

In fact, they are all alone...

If one day I really know.

What will happen then...


Luo Yuntian returned home.

When Empress Dowager Shen saw her baby son come back, she asked her the first sentence.

"Did Xiao Chu get home safely?"

"Well, of course we're home."

Luo Yuntian saw that the Empress Dowager Shen and the Supreme Emperor were both there.

After thinking about it, I opened my mouth.

"Mom, Dad, I told you before."

"How about opening a supermarket?"

"Son, are you still thinking about your canteen?"

Empress Dowager Shen teased slightly.

"Okay, let's save money."

"Run your little shop well first, and save more money for your wife."

"The most important thing is to marry Xiao Chu back to me as soon as possible."

The Supreme Emperor also said.

"Yes, listen to your mother."

"Your small shop is doing well now, but the scale is still too small."

"Besides, once your competitors come out in the future, your business will be difficult to do."

"Run your store well first, don't think about tossing about other things."

When Luo Yuntian heard what the two elders said.

I heard the problem.

"Dad, mom."

"You didn't watch TV today?"

As long as the two elders watched TV today.

See the advertisements of Yunxi Browser and Yunxi Community.

Shouldn't be difficult.

Even if the Empress Dowager Shen and the Supreme Emperor don't know anything about Yunxi browser and Yunxi community.

But this name is exactly the same as the Yunxi School Supplies Store that he and Little White Rabbit owned.

Empress Dowager Shen and the Supreme Emperor must be able to think of something in their hearts, right?

And when the Supreme Emperor mentioned this, he felt a little resentful.

"Stinky boy, dad is usually busy at work, don't tell me."

"Besides, didn't the TV at home move to your house a long time ago?"

"Even the antenna was pulled over."

"Dad still has the nerve to go to your room to watch TV when you're not around?"

have to.

Also forget about this.

The TV at home is indeed kept in his room all the time, mainly used when he and the little white rabbit tried Xiaobawang.

Then there is the lottery draw, when you need to watch the TV channel to know the result.

Empress Dowager Shen also spoke.

"Don't say the TV is moved to your son's house."

"It's just in the living room. Mom is so busy, how can she have time to watch TV?"

Luo Yuntian calculated in his mind, the current time.

It's almost time for the corresponding advertisement on the channel.

"Dad, Mom, come to my room."

"Look at it, and you'll understand everything."

 4000-word chapters, ask for a monthly ticket, book friends who have a monthly ticket, please vote for the monthly ticket~
  Book friends who don’t have a monthly ticket can vote for recommendation, thank you for your support~
(End of this chapter)

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