Rebirth: It turns out that the treasure girl has been waiting for me for 17 years

Chapter 106 Confirm the supermarket!Wang Nianqi: I'm about to lose my job?

Chapter 106 Confirm the supermarket!Wang Nianqi: I'm about to lose my job? (The first change, ask for a monthly ticket, a recommended ticket~)

Luo Yuntian motioned for Empress Dowager Shen and the Supreme Emperor to enter the room with him.

The two of them didn't know what tricks their precious son played.

Empress Dowager Shen hasn't finished her work in the kitchen yet.

Hearing what my precious son said, I took the frying pan in my hand first.

Together with the Supreme Emperor, Luo Yuntian walked into the house.

Luo Yuntian turned on the TV and tuned it to the corresponding CCTV channel.

The ad hasn't started yet.

Empress Dowager Shen was at a loss when she watched the TV program.

"Son, what are you showing me and your dad?"

As for the Supreme Emperor, he was at a loss.

In the eyes, there is also obvious resentment.

This is TV!

It's been a long time since he had no chance to watch it!

Look at the resentful expression of the Supreme Emperor.

Luo Yuntian is clear.

It's time to buy a new TV straight for the home, and it has to be a new LCD TV.

"No hurry, Dad, Mom."


When the current program ends and an advertisement is inserted.

Soon, advertisements about Yunxi Browser and Yunxi Community were broadcast.

Brother Hu in the picture.

That's a bit biased towards brother Xiaoyao's outfit in Immortal Sword.

Undoubtedly very eye-catching.

"Well, this young man is quite handsome."

The Supreme Emperor made a comment.

He hasn't watched TV for too long, and he doesn't even know.

There is such a new advertisement in this channel.

Thinking of this, the Supreme Emperor only felt more resentful!

"Well, it's really handsome."

"But compared to my son, it's still a bit worse."

Luo Yuntian was delighted when he heard it.

It really deserves to be a mother-child connection.

Empress Dowager Shen has vision!

Wait until after this ad is over.

Soon after, it was another advertisement.

The Taishang Huang didn't pay attention to the other advertisements.

There are only so many advertisements on this channel back and forth.

He has almost memorized many lines.

In addition to seeing such a new advertisement.

Basically nothing new.

Wait until the next ad is up.

The Supreme Emperor still didn't understand what Luo Yuntian wanted him to see.

"Stinky boy, what are you showing Dad?"

"Isn't it because Dad didn't watch TV on purpose and used TV to stimulate Dad?"

Luo Jianjun thought of this.

There is a feeling of wanting to untie the belt of the seven wolves.

"Old Luo, did you notice just now?"

"The browser and community in the advertisement are all Yunxi."

"It's the same as the prefix name of the store opened by my son!"

Luo Jianjun froze for a moment.

"Have it?"

The Taishanghuang's reaction was, after all, half a beat slower.

"Of course there is, and it's obvious."

Empress Dowager Shen said.

Luo Yuntian smiled.

"Yes, Mom was right."

"The Yunxi browser and Yunxi community in this TV commercial are the same as my Yunxi school supplies store."

"Users who have downloaded the Yunxi browser and Yunxi community can see the location advertisements in the store."

"I also opened some branches in Tianhai. With the blessing of advertising, I can earn a lot of income every day."

Luo Yuntian acted to reassure the elders.

"I asked my parents to prepare the idea of ​​​​opening a supermarket."

"It's not without the support of reality!"

The Supreme Emperor was extremely shocked.

Was this ad posted by your son?
So why is Yunxi browser and Yunxi community really the same shop as his son?

After Empress Dowager Shen looked Luo Yuntian up and down.

"Son, is what you said true?"

"of course it's true."

"Since you say so, son, of course mom believes it."

Luo Yuntian hadn't had time to be happy.

Empress Dowager Shen had a half-smile.

"But son, where did you get the money?"

"Advertising on TV and opening a branch again?"

Empress Dowager Shen raised the pan in her hand.

It looks like it's going to show its strength.

Luo Yuntian glanced at the frying pan in the hands of Empress Dowager Shen.


This thing should be said or not, it is really an artifact!
Empress Dowager Shen muttered subconsciously.

"Or, after fainting with a frying pan."

"He and Lao Luo take their son to surrender..."

Luo Yuntian: "..."

"Mom, listen to me first!"

Luo Yuntian spoke hastily.

"It's like this..."

Luo Yuntian told the reason to the little white rabbit.

He also told the Empress Dowager Shen and the Supreme Emperor.

Of course, the lottery winning and starting a company are also selectively omitted.

If you tell the second elder about winning the lottery.

Knowing the current lottery winning funds, he still has words left in his hand.

The second elder, I'm afraid they are about to confiscate them!

Although the Empress Dowager Shen and the Supreme Emperor received it, they would not spend it indiscriminately.

Instead, he will choose to store it in the bank, just like his wife Ben.

But in this day and age, there are banks.

Do not invest this money.

It is no different from losing money!
Wait until later to run out the capital chain of the operation.

Then tell the old man, it doesn't matter at all~

Empress Dowager Shen was still a little skeptical.

"Of course it's true, Jin Xi can testify for me."

All this was originally what he told the little white rabbit.

Now he said that the little white rabbit could testify for him.

Well, I am a nesting doll!
Hearing that the future daughter-in-law can help to testify.

Empress Dowager Shen felt relieved.

That way, it's completely fine.

"Old Luo, I just said that."

"Our son is capable!"

Luo Yuntian: Mom, that's not what you said just now.

It seems that you are the one who wants to take me to surrender, right?

"Dad, Mom, so you believe it now."

"I now have a lot of money in my account every day."

"It's no problem to open a supermarket."

Empress Dowager Shen thought about it.

"Son, can you make a lot of money every day?"

"of course."

"Then why open a supermarket, just deposit the money directly."

"Isn't it good to be your wife?"

Luo Yuntian was a little helpless.

The concept of the older generation is mostly to save money.

This notion.

It's really ingrained.

"Mom, if you and Dad open a supermarket."

"It will be a lot easier every day, and I don't have to be so tired."

"Damn, mom is still young now, why are you so tired after going to work?"

"Lao Luo, this supermarket still can't be opened, we two can go to work normally, don't you think so?"

The Supreme Emperor also nodded.

"That's right, my bones are also tough."

"There is no need to open any supermarket at all."

Luo Yuntian spoke again.

"Mom, Dad, if you open a supermarket."

"It will make us a lot of money."

"Mom, don't you want to save me more money for my wife? Opening a supermarket will definitely help me a lot."

Luo Yuntian knew what Empress Dowager Shen cared about most.

Directly use this to convince Queen Mother Shen.

As for the Supreme Emperor, as long as the Queen Mother Shen is persuaded.

If the Supreme Emperor refuses to agree, he has to agree?

Empress Dowager Shen's eyes really lit up.

But the next moment, he hesitated again.

"Son, don't fool me."

"How much does it cost to open a big supermarket?"

"At that time, it's almost enough to spend all of your wife's capital, so why make a lot of money?"

Luo Yuntian smiled.

"Mom, as the saying goes, you must be willing to invest before you can make big money."

"You are like me, if you don't spend the cost to open a store and buy goods."

"Can the daily physical store still provide me with so much income?"

"If I don't invest in renting a car, will it be so easy to negotiate the business with Xiaobawang?"

"Even if we talk about it, it is very likely that someone will press certain conditions."

"Some necessary investments cannot be saved, and the return on these investments is thousands of times."

About the origin of that BMW car.

What Luo Yuntian and the second elder said undoubtedly still use the method of renting a car.

Empress Dowager Shen was even more hesitant.

"Son, what about investing in a big supermarket?"

"Can you really make a lot of money?"

"Of course, the canteens and small supermarkets on Tianhai's side can no longer meet the shopping needs of many people."

"Now Tianhai is in urgent need of a large general supermarket."

"It's an opportunity before some of the big supermarket chains come in."

"Once you miss it, it will be too late."

What Luo Yuntian said was also the truth.

Like the previous life, about two years later.

There are large supermarkets eyeing the business opportunities in Tianhai.

The large supermarket chains have been opened here.

The hot scene was almost crowded with people.

Let the Empress Dowager Shen and the Supreme Emperor open the supermarket now.

It's a great opportunity.

Empress Dowager Shen's hesitant gaze slowly became firmer.

Since the son said that it is good for saving a wife in the future.

Then go!

We can't let the son's wife be less.

The Supreme Emperor is still implementing the previous policy of the Empress Dowager Shen.

"Stinky boy, didn't your mother say that?"

"This supermarket still can't be opened, you should stop thinking about it."

"Old Luo, who said that I said this supermarket can't be opened?"


The emperor was stunned for a moment.

How can my wife turn her face faster than turning a book.

"Honey, didn't you just say..."

"Lao Luo, what I said just now is that the supermarket is still open, as long as the two of us can't go to work normally, don't you think so?"

The Supreme Emperor was even more confused.

"But my wife, you obviously didn't say that just now..."

"Old Luo, you heard wrong."


"I said Lao Luo, you got it wrong, you just got it wrong."


The Supreme Emperor was speechless for a moment.

Now that the Empress Dowager Shen, who is the highest in the family, has spoken, let's do it.

In fact, Luo Jianjun was unwilling to work for others all the time.

If you can start a career on your own, think about it carefully...

It's really good!

The decision was made, but Queen Mother Shen was still a little worried.

"Son, the cost of opening a big supermarket is not low."

"Do you have that much money in your hand now?"

Luo Yuntian smiled.

"Mom, don't worry, I have enough money in my hand."

"Besides, my store can help me make money continuously, and opening a supermarket is not something that happens overnight."

"You and my dad will go to the site selection first and choose a good location."

"And at the same time as the decoration, all kinds of certificates have to be taken down."

"A lot of this time will pass in a flash. Even if I don't have enough funds in my hand now, the funds provided by the store are definitely enough."

I want to open a large supermarket.

It really can't be done overnight.

All kinds of certificates are more troublesome than opening a small school supplies store.

Fire, tax, sanitation.

Various permits and registration certificates must be obtained.

To open a supermarket, you have to sell tobacco and alcohol, and you have to get a tobacco retail license.

After all the miscellaneous certificates come down, it can't even be completed in a month or two.

Of course, Luo Yuntian wouldn't just go through the process normally all the time.

Has its own company registered capital first.

Many things can be expedited.


After finalizing the matter of the supermarket.

Empress Dowager Shen and the Supreme Emperor also left Luo Yuntian's room excitedly.

Luo Yuntian vaguely heard the two elders discussing where to choose a site.

To open a big supermarket.

Excited to study.

Luo Yuntian couldn't help but smile.

Such a scene was naturally what he wanted to see.

After talking on the phone with Little White Rabbit for a while.

Pay attention to the download data increase of Yunxi browser and Yunxi community.

Luo Yuntian fell asleep.


After the routine the next morning.

Luo Yuntian is ready to go out.

At this time, the Empress Dowager Shen and the Supreme Emperor looked at their status, and it seemed that they didn't sleep much yesterday.

I guess I'm still working on the supermarket.

After Luo Yuntian went out with the insulated lunch box, he didn't go to school this morning.

Ready to get busy with other things.

But this morning, Wang Nianqi's minor injury has recovered.

Lectures in high spirits.


Luo Yuntian finished the math papers for the class yesterday.

After he briefly explained a few more points, he gave the students in the class a general review of the knowledge points.

Now the final exam is over, and the winter vacation is not far away.

I have passed all the mock exams in the third year of high school, and there is nothing new to say.

In the past few days, Wang Nianqi is going to sort out all this.

When the time comes, it's time for a vacation.

It's just that Wang Nianqi discovered that the students in the class.

At this time, they all looked listless.

"It's strange, all the students in the class are okay in the exam."

"Even if someone doesn't do well in the exam, it won't be like this."

"What's going on here?"

Wang Nianqi felt a little strange.

In this class final exam, the class as a whole performed well.

Especially top students such as Luo Yuntian and Chu Jinxi stand out.

Wang Nianqi didn't know why there was such an atmosphere in the class.

And among the many listless students, it's not that they didn't do well in the exam.

Obviously this time, he did well in the exam.

"Could it be that I didn't come yesterday afternoon, and the students didn't see me."

"In your heart, do you miss me?"

"Seeing me now, haven't you slowed down?"

Wang Nianqi thought so in his heart.

I just feel more and more kind in my heart.

These students are so sensible!

After thinking about it, Wang Nianqi was giving a lecture.

Picked up a student.

"Student Jiang Shihua, the teacher sees that you look a little listless today."

"What's the matter, didn't you sleep well last night?"

Jiang Shihua hesitated for a moment.

Finally he spoke.

"Teacher, I want to tell the truth."

"Don't be unhappy."

"Don't worry, the teacher won't be unhappy."

Wang Nianqi felt more kind in his heart.

They are all good students, and they obviously missed themselves before saying it.

Now I still can't speak.

While Wang Nianqi was thinking about it with some complacency.

Just listen to Jiang Shihua speak.

"Teacher, I think what you not as good as classmate Luo Yuntian."

"That's why I'm listless."

Wang Nianqi: "???"

 4000-word chapters, ask for a monthly ticket, book friends who have a monthly ticket, please vote for the monthly ticket~
  Book friends who don’t have a monthly ticket can vote for recommendation, thank you for your support~
(End of this chapter)

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