LOL: it's a game of luck

Chapter 104 I, Conte, Myself

Chapter 104 I, Conte, Myself
The short break soon passed, and the second game was about to start!

Chen Ge returned to the arena with everyone from LGD.

Wawa: "Okay, the second contest between the two sides is coming soon."

"Judging from the situation in the first match, LGD is still in pretty good shape."

"Now it's up to them to see if they can maintain their form."

Miller: "For IG, the adjustment of mentality is the key."

"In the last game, I could clearly feel that IG was influenced by the top lane in the decision-making of several key points."

"That's something they urgently need to address right now."

While the two were talking, the contestants had already arrived at their positions, and the second match began!

Entering the BP link, this time LGD came to the blue side, while IG was on the red side.

As soon as IG came up, they put Chen Ge's Ryze, Little Murloc and Kenan in the BAN position.

The idea of ​​going on the road has not changed on IG's side.

Entering the hero selection stage, this game is because it is on the blue side.

LGD can grab one, usually the hero with the most OP in the version, to establish an advantage in BP.

Brother Feng chose to give this power to the road:
"We can help you grab what you want for this game on the road."

After hearing this, Chen Ge looked at the list of heroes, and after a hasty glance, he made a choice:

"I'll take a... troll."

As Chen Ge said, he directly locked the troll for himself.

"Troll?" Brother Feng frowned when he saw this hero.

This version of the troll is not strong, in fact, the strong version of the troll is the version of the top tank.

This hero top laner is used to deal with tanks.

The unique mechanism of the troll's ultimate move gives him a great advantage when facing tanks.

He doesn't need to use too much meat equipment, and uses a big move to suck the opposite tank.

You can make yourself very meaty, and at the same time make the opposite tank very crispy.

And now, it's not the version of the top tank, and there are few people playing trolls.

However, this is Chen Ge's choice after all, and Brother Feng didn't say much.

On IG's side, Chen Ge's choice of a troll put a lot of pressure on his posture!
"Troll? What does he think about playing a troll in this version?" Gesture muttered.

The top lane troll is mainly used to play solo, and he is not very strong in team play.

There is no rush distance, it is difficult to touch the back row.

Once you encounter a relatively flexible double C, it is easy to be kited to death, and you can't even touch the opposite side.

But Chen Ge took it out, and it was the blue side's first choice, so there must be some plan, and it is absolutely impossible to pick it out by patting its head.

"Does he want to play single belt? Focus on laning?" Gesture thought of a possibility.

If the top laner wants to single belt, the most important problem is that you must be able to beat the opponent's mid-top in singles.

Only when you have the advantage in heads-up, can you play single belt, otherwise it will be given away.

At the same time, if you want to play single belt, you must have an advantage online.

It's best if neither of the two opponents can beat you alone, so that the threat of a single belt will be greater, and it will be able to contain the entire opponent's team.

Thinking of this, the posture feels scalp numb.

This time Chen Ge chose the troll, and if he wanted to take the initiative to go online, wouldn't he have a head-on collision with Chen Ge?
The Kenan that Chen Ge chose in the last game was mainly for the team.

So there is no such thing as a solo kill on the laning end, but in this match, since it is going to be a solo kill, it must be a solo kill.

Gesture's hands began to shake, and there were not no heroes online who were good at fighting trolls.

However, the more powerful heroes are singled out, the more useless it is to fight in groups.

So, once you take out the hero who is the main laner, there is no way out.

Once you haven't played in laning, you may not be in this game.

His attitude was lost. He didn't know if it was because he was fighting with Chen Ge, or because he admitted that he was afraid and just chose a teamfight hero to mix it up.

Time passed by, and it was Gesture's turn to make a choice.

Wawa: "This IG game is the same as the last LGD game, leaving Kang Te to the top lane."

"It depends on what posture chooses to use to deal with this top lane troll."

Miller: "If it's just laning, I feel that there are still quite a few heroes who are good at fighting trolls."

"The key depends on whether you dare to show your posture."

Everyone's eyes were focused on Gesture, and they all wanted to know what Gesture was thinking now.

On the IG side, everyone is also waiting to make a choice.

For Broiler, what he most hopes to see is to choose a hero for playing lane.

Matching up with Chen Ge, this at least shows that the posture has been adjusted psychologically.

I didn't start to get scared when I saw Chen Ge's ID.

After some hesitation, Gesture made a choice:

"Give me... take a big tree."

"Ah? Big tree?" Broiler was startled when he heard that, and he took the initiative to choose the tank hero. Isn't this a free gift to the opposite Conte?

"Careful, it's okay to be careful." His posture changed quickly.

"Isn't this the same?" Broiler asked, this Shen and Dashu are not the same as bastards?
"If it doesn't work, let's go to Titan." Gesture continued.

However, what he said were all the top laners of the bastard tanks, the kind that were overcome by the blood of the trolls.

Now the broiler is speechless, and his posture is empty in his heart, but he doesn't want to be too obvious.

Hence the performance.

No way, Broiler knew that he was forced to choose a fighter, so he probably wouldn't dare to fight in lane.

In this case, you can only go with him.

In the end, IG helped Chen Ge choose a Titan top laner.

The lineups of both sides are determined.

"LGD blue side:
Top Lane Casual: King of Trolls - Trundle
Jungle TBQ: Time Assassin-Ike
Mid laner GODV: A Clockwork Demon - Orianna
Bottom Imp: Heroic Bomber - Corki
Support PYL: Heart of the Freljord - Braum
IG blue side:
Top laner stance: Nautilus, Titan of the Deep
Jungle Kakao: Widowmaker - Evelyn

Mid Laner Rookie: Embrace of the Snake-Snake Girl
Bot lane kid: Goddess of War - Sivir

Auxiliary San: Wrath of the Storm - Janna. "

After the lineup was determined, the baby analyzed:

"I didn't expect that the fifth floor of IG would take out a Titan. Didn't it hit the gun directly?"

"Trolls are most restrained by tank heroes. As a result, you choose a tank to fight trolls. I don't understand."

Miller: "It feels like... IG has other plans, but it's quite weird to choose a hero who was defeated by Conte on the fifth floor."

"But the lineup is only one aspect, the key still depends on the performance of the players."

The two were talking, and the game had officially started.

This time Chen Ge chose Dolan Jian to go out and headed straight to the road.

He didn't expect that there would be a troll top laner on the opposite side.

This made his laning a lot easier, and it was quite easy for the troll to fight a titan.

(End of this chapter)

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