LOL: it's a game of luck

Chapter 105 This is Repression

Chapter 105 This is Repression

The reason why he chose the troll was actually thought of by Chen Ge.

When I was looking at the list of heroes, I found that the hero troll was quite pleasing to the eye.

And he hasn't played this hero for a while, so he chose it.

I didn't think so much about other things.

As a result, as soon as the game started, his teammates started to blow him up.

I saw Taobao Quan said: "I didn't figure it out at first, why I took the troll in this match."

"It turned out that the opponent actually chose Titan. You must have predicted it in advance. The opponent chose this move."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Chen Ge was stunned after hearing this. He didn't hear what Taobao Quan wanted to express.

Seeing this, Taobao Quan continued:
"Stop pretending, I know your BP is very powerful, and you have seen through the other side's thinking."

"Teach me next time too."

After hearing this, Wei Shen joked: "You can't just hand in this kind of thing, it depends on your performance."

"If this makes others feel comfortable playing, then you can think about it."

After Taobao Quan heard this, he quickly said: "That's for sure. I will focus on the top road to catch this game, and make sure that the top road is comfortable, haha."

Taobao Quan chatted happily with Wei Shen, but Chen Ge was still in a dazed state.

He seemed to feel that these two people were talking about him.

But he, the client, did not understand the meaning of the two people's words.

What about predicting the opponent's BP, this kind of thing, I never thought about whether it would be good or not.

However, Chen Ge couldn't care less about it.

The first wave of pawns came to the line soon, and the line began to line up normally on the road.

Maybe it's because almost no one plays trolls in this version, so the director put the camera on the road.

Want to know if there is anything to say about this top lane troll.

However, the laning situation on the road was quite different from what they had imagined.

After Chen Ge went online, he chose to hide in the bushes and wait for the blood left by the soldiers.

He was not in a hurry to go up to push the pawn line, but chose to just hide.

This is done to control the pawn line back, generally in the silver segment, as long as he does not appear.

The opposite side will start to push the pawn line, so that the pawn line can be controlled in front of the defensive tower.

To his surprise, Titan didn't show up for a long time.

It's like being disconnected.

"What is this person doing?" Chen Ge muttered.

At this time, the three melee soldiers have already lost their blood, and it is time to make up the knife.

Chen Ge could only choose to walk out of the grass and get close to the pawn line to make up for the knife.

As a result, as soon as he came out of the grass, the Titan appeared!

And Tai Tan's operation was exactly the same as his, he also walked out of the grass and went straight to the line of soldiers, as if he wanted to make up for the knife.

But the difference is that when Titan saw the troll, he chose to take the initiative to retreat and gave up these three last hits.

"Did he do it on purpose? He deliberately waited until this time to come out! Did he know what I was thinking?" However, such a routine operation caused an uproar in Zi Zi's heart.

In his opinion, the troll walked out of the grass almost at the same time as him, this operation is not easy!

It shows that Chen Ge has completely seen through his thoughts!
He hid in the grass because he couldn't fight in the lane, and he was beaten if he walked up.

But what reason does the troll have to hide in the grass?There is no such reason at all, at least the posture can't think of it.

Therefore, the only reasonable explanation is that this wave of Chen Ge is using the same actions to ridicule!
As if to say, "I already know all your thoughts, and you're sure to do it."

It made the pose feel stressful!

"So strong!" Before the fight, the palms of the gestures were already sweating!What oppression is this!
The suppression of many players is achieved through specific operations.

For example, the card is used to consume the gap between the flat A, such as the consumption of the predictive movement skill.

However, this is the first time that posture has encountered such a situation.

The opponent does not need to go through specific operations, nor does it need to consume your blood volume, to achieve the effect of suppression!
Therefore, the posture can only choose to be more cautious to avoid being caught by Chen Ge.

Going up and laning became Chen Ge's last-dash practice.

Because the Titans didn't dare to come up to make up the knife at all, so fighting and consuming these things would not exist.

Soon, Chen Ge reached the third level.

Everything didn't develop according to his expectation. He originally wanted to control the pawn line on his side.

But unexpectedly, the pawn line was pushed past instead.

It's not that his level of line control is bad, on the contrary, Chen Ge's line control level is much better than his other levels.

But no matter how good your line control is, you can't compare to someone who can make up all the damage.

At this time, the number of hits of Titan is still zero, but because there is a large wave of soldiers to enter the tower.

The situation is not so bad.

Seeing this, Wawa explained: "The oppressive force of the troll on the road came a bit fast. It's only been more than three minutes. Titan has been suppressed to the point where he can't take care of himself."

Miller: "The main thing is to look at people. In my impression, at least before the sixth level, the troll's laning ability is just like that."

"The ability to achieve this suppressive effect is mainly a human problem."

While the two were talking, the situation suddenly changed a little.

At this time, kakao's widow is going on the road, preparing for a wave of GANK to go on the road.

After Tai Tan accepted the minions under the tower, his level was increasing little by little.

Soon came to the third level, the position of the line of soldiers is very good now, just suitable for GANK.

Moreover, Chen Ge didn't seem to have a vision in this scene, and all of this was under Kakao's observation.

When he came to the grass in the river on the road, he gave Gesture a signal:
"Go up and fight, I'm here to gank."

Trolls still have certain means of life-saving. The E skill is a magical skill that can create terrain and has a significant deceleration effect.

At the same time, the speed boosting effect of the W skill is very good.

Therefore, this wave of kakao intends to let the titan fool the troll's skills first.

Then go up again so the troll has nowhere to go.

"No! There is a problem with this wave!" However, Gesture refused without thinking about it.

"Problem? What's the problem?" Kakao was stunned, he didn't see any problem with this wave.

No way to look at it from any angle, the success rate of this wave of catching the road is quite high.

"He chose to push the pawn line over now, I guess it was discussed with the jungler."

"Maybe the jungler is already squatting back." Gesture gave his reason.

In his opinion, there must be something wrong with Chen Ge pushing the line of troops so abruptly without going to the river for vision.

If Chen Ge was so easy to catch, he wouldn't have the current results!
"Don't think too much, listen to me, this wave is absolutely fine."

Kakao chose not to believe in the idea of ​​gesture this time.

Not only did he not believe it, he even wanted to prove it to Zi Zi.

In the last match, they suffered a lot because of all kinds of doubts about their posture. How could they fall twice in the same place?
(End of this chapter)

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