LOL: it's a game of luck

Chapter 113 Let's Operate One!

Chapter 113 Let's Operate!
Hirano Ling also nodded, and then echoed: "Yes, we believe in your ability, so we will show you a manipulator hero and show it off, it's pretty good."

Chen Ge muttered after hearing this, isn't it the best to win this game?
Why don't you choose a better and more stable hero, and what operation hero should you choose?
Seeing that Chen Ge seemed reluctant, Brother Feng had no choice but to explain:
"It takes hard work for you. In fact, these are the requests of fans."

"They want to see better heroes."

"Of course, it's not that you didn't play well before."

After Brother Feng said this, Chen Ge understood.

To put it bluntly, this is to make Chen Ge improve the enjoyment of the game.

For the team, the most important thing is to make money, including the performance itself, which is also for making money.

And an important way to make money is to attract fans.

The more and more loyal followers you have, the more ways you can make money.

But now, it is obvious that Chen Ge wants to improve the viewing experience of the game and increase the number of fans.

This is also a method.

However, this is not a good thing for Chen Ge. Heroes with strong appreciation are basically heroes with high difficulty in operation.

For example, Yasuo, Jian Ji, Raven, etc., how well you operate.

How strong is this hero.

But in terms of operation... Chen Ge knew it well, he was a handicapped person.

Although luck is added to the body, but this luck also has an angle.

Seeing Chen Ge's troubled expression, Brother Feng suddenly leaned over, approached Chen Ge's ear, and said in a low voice, "If the effect is good... there will be a reward."

"Deal!" Hearing this, Chen Ge agreed without thinking.

At this point, BP has entered the final stage.

Chen Ge looked opposite, this time, Snake actually chose the top laner Jess!
Most people would not dare to use this hero as a top laner.

Jess' top order is to walk a tightrope again, if he doesn't have enough online advantage.

This hero fight is a piece of trash.

Therefore, choosing Jess requires considerable confidence.

After the Holy Gun chose Jess, the fans of Snake were all excited.

What they were most worried about was actually problems on the road. Now that Jess has been selected, it is naturally no problem.

At this time, Snake's side.

Seeing that Jess was selected for the top lane, the others also breathed a sigh of relief, proving that Brother Holy Gun should have no guilt in his heart.

I saw Brother Crystal said: "This time the jungler is mainly going to help the road. Jess is one-on-one and one-on-one. It must be no problem."

"But I guess the opponent's jungler must target the top lane. As long as the anti-squatting is successful in two waves, this will probably be there."

However, before the jungler could reply, Brother Saint Gun rushed to talk:
"Don't come on the road, don't come by anyone! It's useless, you can't catch him."

"Just let me resist the pressure alone, don't come here."

Hearing this, everyone in Snake was dumbfounded.

The co-author Jess was selected to resist pressure?
They thought that when Jess was chosen for this round, Brother Holy Gun was planning to perform well, why did he suddenly reverse it?

But think about it carefully, the hero Jess has quite long hands, which seems to be used to resist pressure.

It is easy to be jumped over the tower.

As for LGD, everyone in LGD, including Brother Feng, naturally didn't know what Brother Holy Gun really thought.

Seeing that Jess was chosen in this move, Wei Shen said: "How dare you use Jess, this time you have to teach him a lesson."

Taobao Quan echoed: "That must be to teach him a lesson, let him know who is the number one domestic order!"

In contrast, Chen Ge was not so optimistic.

Instead, he became worried because the previous game went so smoothly.

In addition to good luck, being afraid of him is also an important factor.

But now Holy Gun took Jess first, with a lot of momentum.

Chen Ge will lose his psychological advantage, and this time he has to use flashy heroes, which is a bit unstable.

Chen Ge was thinking about it, when Brother Feng's voice came: "Have you considered it? What hero do you want to choose?"

"I think Raven is pretty good, and Sword Fairy is fine too, why don't you promise me?"

When Brother Feng opened his mouth, they were all flashy heroes.

Chen Ge felt his scalp tingle when he heard it. These heroes are short-handed and could easily be kited by Jess.

Brother Holy Gun's Jess is not the handicapped Jess of Baiyin. With the surge of Storm Rider, it is really hard to touch for ordinary melee heroes.

As for Jess in the silver division, A can walk up to other people's faces and get beaten by himself. Can it be the same thing?
"Give me that... EZ, yes, just EZ." Chen Ge made a choice.

As soon as he said this, everyone was stunned.

"EZ?" Brother Feng thought he heard it wrong, and wanted to ask Chen Ge for research.

"Yes, it's EZ." Chen Ge affirmed.

He chose EZ because he naturally thought that this hero is very resistant to pressure.

The hands are long and have displacement, and at the same time, the big move can also clear the line of soldiers from a long distance.

It's a perfect anti-stress hero, if I can't beat you, can't I hide?

"EZ... that's fine too." Seeing Chen Ge's insistence, Brother Feng chose to respect Chen Ge's choice in the end.

Because EZ can be regarded as a fancy hero.

Moreover, he has a unique advantage.

Compared to Jianji and Ruiwen, EZ didn't appear on the road.

Therefore, this kind of hero brought out for the first time will give people a bright feeling.

Leaving aside whether he played well or not, the topic has already come out.

From this point of view, EZ seems to be a good choice.

Therefore, LGD helped Chen Ge lock EZ on the fifth floor.

In this way, the lineups of both sides are completely determined.

"LGD blue side:
Top Lane Casual: Explorer - Ezreal
Jungle TBQ: Prince Jarvan IV of Demacia
Mid laner GODV: A Clockwork Demon - Orianna
Bot lane Imp: Goddess of War - Sivir

Auxiliary PYL: Warden of Soul Lock - Thresh
Snake red side:
Top laner Flandre: Future Guardian - Jess
Jungle Beast: Blind Monk-Li Qing
Mid laner Baka: Mechanical Pioneer - Victor

Bot Lane KEYST4L: Heroic Bomber - Corki
Auxiliary Ella: Nautilus, the Titan of the Deep Sea. "

Seeing the lineups of these two sides, Colonel Guan analyzed:
"LGD actually took out the top laner EZ in this game, what is the meaning of this?"

"In my impression, EZ is the first time to go on the road. Is it a new routine developed by LGD?"

Miller: "I don't know much about this, but the only thing that is certain is that this road trip will be very exciting!"

"Jace and EZ, both are long-handed heroes, and this kind of top road confrontation should be very rare."

"I haven't seen this kind of laning before, so it's hard to comment. It depends on whose skills are more accurate."

At this time, the audience at the scene was already excited, and no one expected it.

As soon as the BO5 came up, the two sides began to throw big moves.

Such weird matchups can happen.

The key is that these two heroes are quite good to watch.

It's much more exciting than watching two tanks on the road, you and me.

(End of this chapter)

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