LOL: it's a game of luck

Chapter 114 What is the routine of the top laner EZ?

Chapter 114 What is the routine of the top laner EZ?
And at this time, on the playing field, Snake's side.

After seeing this hand of EZ, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

When they usually play training games, they have more or less understood LGD's tactics and system.

Include some champion picks that might be called hidden ults.

But I have never heard that there is a top laner EZ.

This EZ is very abrupt when taken out, without any foreshadowing.

Let everyone in Snake be at a loss.

Among all the people, the one with the most pressure right now is Brother Holy Gun.

He originally thought about taking Jess on the road to resist the pressure.

In his opinion, Chen Ge would most likely choose a warrior hero and fight against him.

This way he has the advantage of long hands.

But once this EZ is selected, his hand length advantage will be completely gone.

The most important thing is that he never fought against EZ.

So I don't know how to play this line.

Although, EZ is a hero, everyone knows his skills.

But you know his skills, and you know how to lane against him are two different things.

The latter requires a long period of training to master.

But now, it's useless to panic. The lineup has been selected, so we can only bite the bullet and fight.

Entering the official game screen, Chen Ge went straight to the road.

However, on Snake's side, their first-tier group has arrangements.

I saw Guan Zeyuan explaining: "This time up, Snake chose five people to hold a group and go down the road."

"Could it be that they want to invade at the first level? Their route is obviously for the invasion."

At this time, on the screen, the five of Snake are walking in the direction of the triangle grass on the lower road.

As for LGD, it seems that they didn't notice it at all.

The station position is relatively loose, and the next road stands at the entrance of the blue BUFF to stand guard.

However, from their position, they couldn't see the situation on the other side of the grass on the lower road.

Snake was obviously prepared, and they chose to walk close to the wall.

Walk in from the bottom of the grass so you won't be spotted.

After entering the grass, everyone in Snake didn't move.

The top laner Jess chose to return to the same place. Their idea in this wave is that the five of them will act together.

If you meet someone from LGD, you can take advantage of the numbers to fight a wave.

If you don't encounter it, go back on the road first, and the others will continue to invade.

However, you need to wait for the wild monsters to refresh before invading, so you can use the advantage of numbers to force Taobao away and take over the BUFF.

Taobao Quan's jungle rhythm is bound to be greatly affected.

Soon, this Jess went on the road after returning.

Ready to start laning.

And Snake and the other four were still squatting in the grass on the lower road.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the first round of wild monsters was refreshed!

The four of Snake walked towards the blue BUFF on the red side together in a group.

At this time, the LGD bot lane team is helping open the field.

As a result, the BUFF still had more than half of its HP, and suddenly four figures appeared below it!

"The opposite side is invading!" Hirano Aya reacted quickly, notifying her teammates as soon as possible, and retreated at the same time.

There are four people on the opposite side, and there are only three people on their side.

Moreover, the first round of skills on my side has been used to fight wild monsters.

If they fought, they would not be the opposite opponent at all.

In this wave of LGD, everyone can only choose to retreat.

"I am coming!"

However, this wave of accidents happened!

The moment everyone in LGD retreated, Chen Ge's voice came from their earphones!
Immediately afterwards, a TP fell on the prince's chess piece!
The first level of this wave of princes is the E skill, the purpose is to increase the attack speed of teammates.

It will be faster when playing BUFF like this.

And TP can be given a flag, Chen Ge also knows this.

He also admired his wit when he gave TP to the flag.

The teammates were all shocked.

"This TP..." Taobao Quan didn't know what to say anymore.

At this time, the line of soldiers has reached the line.

When TP comes over at this time, won't it cost a lot of soldiers?
This is not worth the candle.

The invasion from the opposite side is to disrupt the rhythm of the jungler.

The ultimate goal of disrupting the rhythm of the jungler is to make your own lane feel better.

But now, as soon as this TP is handed in, the advantage of top road holy gun brother comes out.

This goal has been achieved, and it is no problem for the opposite side to withdraw directly at this time.

When EZ returns to the line, it must not be right.

Once there is a level gap in the single-player line, the line-up is over.

After this wave of Chen Ge's TP was given to the wild area, both Guan Zeyuan and Miller were shocked.

I saw Guan Zeyuan exclaimed: "What does this TP mean?"

"Shouldn't the BUFF be released directly in this wave? There's no need to grab it."

Miller also shook his head when he saw this: "I can't understand it either. I feel that the start of this game has become strange."

At this time, on the playing field.

Once Chen Ge's TP is handed over, the four of Snake can't be dealt with.

It's not the first time they have played the first-level invasion routine, but it is the first time that the opponent's top laner TP supports the situation.

Since it is the first time, it is normal to feel overwhelmed.

Now whether to continue grabbing the BUFF or go directly, everyone in Snake was at a loss, and the command was also in confusion.

If we leave now, this wave of invasion will be considered a failure, and it will take a lot of time to go wild by ourselves.

It is no longer possible to help the jungler open the jungle in the bottom lane, and the blind monk must open it by himself.

But if you stay and play, there is a great risk.

Because Wei Shen has already rushed over from the middle road, he will return soon.

At that time, it would be four against five, which turned into a numerical disadvantage for Snake.

As for LGD, Chen Ge's fighting spirit was very high.

I saw him directing: "Hit, go, I'm here."

From Chen Ge's point of view, this wave of TP is normal. If teammates want to fight, the top laner must be TP.

Seeing that Chen Ge was so persistent, his teammates had no choice but to follow.

This wave of Aya Hirano took advantage of the chaotic position on the opposite side, and shot a hook with a backhand.

In order to deal with various situations that may be discovered, he has no skills at the first level.

It was originally planned to decide what to learn according to the situation after going online.

But now, it is obviously more useful to learn hooks.

This wave of Thresh's hook accurately hit the supporting Titan on the opposite side.

Team battles are imminent.

This wave of pressure came to Snake, if he left now, the Titan might have to be sold.

But if you fight, you may not be able to beat it.

As a result, they were still hesitating, and the voice of Brother Saint Gun came:

"This wave can be fought, you go directly!"

"Give me a look, I'm coming."

In order to prevent his teammates from having accidents, Brother Holy Gun also wanted to come to support him.

So Brother Crystal cast an eye on the spot, and the blue side's TP fell into this eye position.

Now it's lively, originally it was just a wave of invasion.

Snake also just wanted to take this BUFF and disrupt the rhythm of Taobao Quan.

The result is now a five-on-five large-scale team battle!

Soon, Chen Ge's TP landed.

At this time, the blood volume of the blue buff is not much, and it is about to enter the killing line of punishment.

Because it is decided to fight, this blue BUFF is very important for both sides.

(End of this chapter)

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