LOL: it's a game of luck

Chapter 116 You Can Shake People?

Chapter 116 You Can Shake People?
After going online, Chen Ge found that Jess was gone and had never appeared on the line.

At first, Chen Ge was quite cautious.

After all, even Jess was selected on the opposite side, which shows that he has Carrie's heart.

It doesn't appear now, I guess there is some idea.

It wasn't until the little soldier was left with blood that he shot Jess from the side.

And this shot was not aimed at Chen Ge, but at the soldiers.

After this shot was fired, there was silence again.

This Jess refused to show his face as if he was not on the road.

"Is it so obscene? Hehe." Seeing the scene, Chen Ge laughed out loud.

He didn't expect this person to be so wretched after he chose Jess.

Well now, he can play as he pleases in the top lane.

So Chen Ge began to push the line to develop.

Under normal circumstances, he only controls the development of the line when he feels dangerous.

If you find that the opponent is particularly wretched, you are especially afraid of him, and your own hero is not easy to be caught.

He can play on the line.

The difference between line pressing and line control is quite obvious.

For line control, it is mainly for safety, but it is not very convenient to make up the knife and so on.

Because it is easy for the opponent to push the pawn line into the defensive tower, and it is necessary to replenish the tower knife at that time.

Pushing the line is different. It is much simpler to push the line to make up the knife. At the same time, you can also find opportunities to consume the opponent.

Force the opponent to miss the knife and so on.

Pushing the line can make the online advantage faster.

But in Saint Gun's view, this wave is not so simple.

"Why did he come up so fast? Is there some trick?" Brother Holy Gun murmured.

According to Chen Ge's game he studied.

Most of the time, Chen Ge adopts a line-controlling style of play, especially at the beginning of the laning.

If you get a relatively large advantage later, you will change to push the line.

And this time, it was a line push from the start.

This is obviously a problem!
Brother Holy Gun became cautious, he chose to retreat under the defensive tower, and then came to the blue side to hit the triangle grass.

Then the partition wall put an eye on the grass in the river, so that if the jungler came over, he would have to jump over the tower or something.

He can know immediately.

After making all the preparations, Brother Saint Gun returned to the line.

Then he started pushing the pawn line against Chen Ge!
In his opinion, there must be some conspiracy behind Chen Ge's push for troops.

Although I don't know what it is, the best way now is to prevent the soldiers from entering the tower.

Nothing like this.

As for LGD, Chen Ge saw that Jess suddenly played differently, and he just came out to push the line, so he immediately became alert.

"What on earth does this person want to do? Are they coming in the jungle?" Chen Ge muttered.

Chen Ge thought, since you shake people, then I will shake people too.

"The jungler is here to hit the road, there is a situation!" Chen Ge chose to call Taobao Quan up.

"No problem, I'll be right here." Taobao Quan must be happy.

He is now thinking about letting Chen Ge teach him about BP.

But, if you keep helping on the road, Chen Ge doesn't say anything, and you can't help it.

Chen Ge can be said that you have to catch the road yourself, this is normal game behavior.

However, now that Chen Ge took the initiative to call, it was completely different.

Taobao Quan itself is a route from the lower half of the field to the top, and it happens to come directly to the road to help.

However, Taobao Quan immediately discovered the problem.

Because he has been pushing the pawn line on the road, the pawn line is pressing towards Jess.

And Chen Ge is playing with EZ, without control, not even deceleration.

And his prince, although he has an EQ second company, but the pawn line is not good for him to go first, there is no chance at all.

It is impossible for the opponent to let him go to the distance where he can reach him with EQ.

And EZ can't play the first move, how can we GANK?

Not only did Taobao Quan find something was wrong, but the commentary was on the table.

Guan Zeyuan explained: "This time Taobao chooses to swipe from the bottom up, but the top lane is not good."

"Could it be that there was no communication in advance? I feel that there is no chance to do it."

Miller: "Maybe it's because I don't have any ideas about going on the road. Now EZ is fat enough."

"So there's no need to do anything to Shanglu."

"However, now on Snake's side, the blind monk is also going up the road."

"Judging from the situation of the pawn line, Snake has a better chance of catching the road."

"This EZ is so fat, if it is terminated, LGD will lose a lot."

Just as the two were analyzing, the situation suddenly changed a little.

Originally, the director had moved the camera from the top lane to the middle lane.

After all, the top lane seems to be just pushing each other's pawn line, which seems to be nothing to watch.

But the director keenly captured that Jess' blood volume had already dropped to half!

So I immediately put the lens back on the road.

Looking at it, it really is.

At this time, Jess knocked out the shopping, but the blood volume is still about half.

As for Chen Ge's EZ, it's still full of blood!

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked, they couldn't understand how it was done.

Although the hero EZ has long hands, his Q skill will be blocked by minions.

Especially the EZ in the single-player line, the line-up is actually quite embarrassing.

As long as you hide behind the soldiers on the opposite side, you have nothing to do.

If it is a two-player lane, the support can still put pressure, and it is not good for the opponent to hide all the time, so EZ has a bit of a chance to consume.

In fact, Chen Ge himself didn't understand what this Jess was doing.

His Q skill was originally used for the Q pawn line.

As a result, a few rounds of Q skills were thrown a little crookedly.

Either when it was thrown, the opposite minion moved away, passed by the minion and hit Jess.

Either it was thrown too late, and they obviously wanted to make up the knife, but they didn't grasp the timing well.

Before the Q skill flew, the minion was hit by one of his own minions, so the Q fell on Jess.

In addition, the angle of the Q skill itself is wrong, a little bit short, passing by the minion, and then hitting Jess.

At first, Chen Ge thought that maybe this Jess was not careful.

But slowly discovered that his Q hit rate is surprisingly high.

In addition, he himself had three heads at the beginning, and he came online with Yaoguang.

This has just reached the third level, and Jess has been exhausted by him.

"Brother, your positioning is not very good." Chen Ge muttered, saying that he didn't do it on purpose, and can only say that Jess's positioning is really problematic.

But from Saint Gun's perspective, it's not that simple.

At this time, Brother Holy Gun is already ready to fight, paying [-]% attention to staring at Chen Ge's every move.

As long as Chen Ge makes a Q move, he will immediately move in various positions.

The mouse clicked and clicked, and it was only 2 minutes in line.

He already felt that his wrist was sore, and on the screen, the character Jess was already shaking.

It produces this violent jitter that requires you to click very fast with the mouse.

Before the character has finished the first step, you issue a movement command in other directions.

(End of this chapter)

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